Sunday, January 30, 2022

In Relation To Negative Scalar Values For The Ricci Flow

 Let us say, one is here to have a given arbitrary general case scenario, in which the Ricci Flow is to work to bear a Negative Scalar Value, to where, one is here to be situationally considering a respective comparison, that is to be taken between a random number of different individually taken cases, in which the physical attribute of the respective multiplicity of the Ricci Flow, is to be analogously covariant in every other manner, except for what the particular specific scalar value happens to be, in so as to work at helping to determine, the consequential desired equatable scalar magnitude, that is here to be of the given arbitrary different generic variances, that are to be of the respective scalar values of the coherently viable cohomology-related eigenstates, that are here to directly appertain to these particular inferred different individually taken covariant cases, that are again, to be appertaining only to those Laplacian-Based changes, that are here to be of the correlative variances between the respective values of the Ricci Flow. Hereunto; If the Absolute Value of the scalar value, that is here to be of any one of such certain general case-related scenarios, that are here to be related to the physical attribute of the "Ricci Flow," to where this just stated physical quality, is to be of a relatively large scalar magnitude, then, this will often tend to result in such a manner, to where such a respective given arbitrary tense of a case scenario, will thereby work to involve a situation, in which the scalar magnitude of the potentially correlative abelian cohomology-related eigenstate, will consequentially be of a larger scalar value, then the scalar magnitude of a directly comparative analogous potentially considered non abelian cohomology-related eigenstate. Furthermore; If the Absolute Value of the scalar value, that is here to be of any of one of such certain general case-related conditions, that are here to be related to the physical attribute of the "Ricci Flow," is to be of a relatively small scalar magnitude, then, this will often tend to result, in such a respective given arbitrary tense of a case scenario, to work to involve a situation, in which the scalar magnitude of a directly comparative analogous potentially considered non abelian cohomology-related eigenstate, will consequentially be of a larger scalar value, then the scalar magnitude of a directly comparative analogous potentially correlative abelian cohomology-related eigenstate. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM.

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