Saturday, September 12, 2020

Smoothly Delineated Partition-Based Discrepancies

 Let us initially consider those partition-based discrepancies -- that are here to be of a Noether-related mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity (that is here to work to bear two or more of such earlier mentioned partition-based discrepancies), that are here to be delineated, at instanton, in the general manner that such a delineation is to tend to be exhibited as, to where such said partition-based discrepancies are then to be distributed, in a placement that is to be basically adjutant to the proximal local topological surface of such an inferred string of discrete energy permittivity, -- to where there is here to be no lack in that general reverse-fractal of activity, of which would here appertain to a genus in the case of the conservation of homotopic residue.  In so long as the said superstring of discrete energy permittivity of such a said case, is to be of an orientable nature, there will consequently tend to be the general Ward-Cauchy-related conditions; to where, when one is to map-out, what is most likely here to be a best-fit-curve, to the curvature of the topological surface of such an inferred minimal Hamiltonian Operator of such a case, of which is here to be appertaining to the said superstring of discrete energy holonomy, -- this will thereby suffice, to where the earlier mentioned partition-based discrepancies, are then to consequently to tend to result in basically being diffeomorphic in their delineation, at a reference-frame that is Poincare to those composite first-order point particles, that work to form the actual holonomy, that is of the topology of such a discussed superstring, as this is here to be taken along the said or inferred best-fit curvature of topological surface, which is, again, to be occurring during such an inferred iteration of instanton, to where this is aside from the general reductional physical condition, that partition-based discrepancies are to actually, as inferred before, to be delineated in a manner that is basically adjutant to the Laplacian-related topological flow, that is of the mapped-out surface of such an inferred superstring of such a general type of a case. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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