Monday, September 14, 2020

Appearance Of Inter-Mingling Of Solitons And Mapped-Out Bessel Function

 Let's consider the following picture in your mind:

Let us consider an intersecting contour of a planar set of solitons, that is here to be taken into consideration -- via a "snapshot" in time, -- to where the perception and/or the observation of such a set of intersecting planar solitons, is here to be taken into consideration, via a directly corresponding Laplacian Transformation.  This said "planar set," is here to be of a flat Stoke's-based topological manifold -- that is to be smoothly mapped-out at that outer periphery, that is here to be closest to any given arbitrary observer, that may be viewing such a said intersecting contour, of a planar set of solitons. In this particular given arbitrary case scenario, basically none of these solitons are to act as eigenstates of a reverse-nodal nature, and, such a general genus of an intersecting contour of a planar set of solitons, is here to work to bear a set of circular/elliptical wave-like patterns, that are not purely of the same isometrical nature of delineation. 

At this point in consideration, if you were to map-out the multiplicity of a resultant conjunction of the Bessel Function, this may often have a similar appearance to such a general genus, of the herein described phenomenology, of a set of such earlier described wave-packets. Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

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