Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Why I Think Light Goes In The Direction Of Least Time

 If one were theoretically to be able to couple both velocity, idea, and the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, one would get mass. Mass-Bearing super strings that are of a Noether-related nature, are super strings that are of a Yau-Exact nature. The quicker that a Noether-related mass is to travel, in its relationship to electromagnetic energy, the quicker those strings that work to comprise such a mass, -- will perform the piecewise continuous activity, of remaining of a Yau-Exact nature. Also; the quicker that a Noether-related mass is to travel in its relationship to electromagnetic energy, the less time that such a said mass will tend to observe, at an internal-reference frame. Mass tends to be the resultant, as nodes of that metric-gauge-related pulsation, that is here to be of a super-conformally invariant nature, at an internal reference-frame.  The stronger that the metric-gauge-related pulsation is to be displayed, at the internal reference-frame of a respective given arbitrary cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, -- as such a said set of discrete energy quanta, is here to be spatially transferred by the topological substrate of a Legendre homology, the more rapidly that the Yau-Exact nature, that is of those super strings that work to help in forming such a said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will be displayed, in a piecewise continuous manner. At the general proximal local region, at which a super-conformally invariant tense of metric-gauge pulsation, as taken at an internal reference-frame to its topological stratum, is to be exhibited in a Noether-related manner, there tends to be a greater ability for electromagnetic energy to work to bear a tense of a recycling mode. This, in tact, works to help at allowing for a greater potential, of the refurbishment in such said electromagnetic energy; since the strengthening of the tendency of homotopic residue, tends to increase the tendency of the general activity of Cassimer Invariance. Thereby; since light, or, for that matter, electromagnetic energy, tends to move in the direction at which it is most easily propagated through, -- consequently, -- electromagnetic energy tends to move in the direction at which it is most readily refurbished at. Therefore; I believe this is part of the reason, why light tends to move in the direction of least time. Please leave a comment, as to what you think of this post! I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach. (1989).

The Light-Cone-Gauge And The Forces Of Nature

 The reductional forces of nature exist, primarily due to both the existence and the activity of the light-cone-gauge. The Rarita Structure acts, as that overall inter-connective medium of mini-stringular segmentation, that vibrates, in order to tend to allow for the propagation of force. The E(8)XE(8) string-related oscillation-related mode works -- in order for the light-cone-gauge to be able to work to tend to bear that general genus, of both a fractal and of an elastic modulus, in order for the light-cone-gauge to be able to both exist and persist. The thought force works, to allow for that needed inverse of distance to be able to exist, in order for the general Polyakov Action to be able to tend to mitigate, via that general tense of the hyperbolic arcing of the light-cone-gauge during instanton, to where this works to allow for the needed general tense of relativity, to be able to both exist and persist, -- so that the Yau-Exact behavior of Noether-Related mass-bearing strings, may be able to allow for the continued conservation of homotopic residue. (Which is necessary, so that super string-related fields may be able to tend to bear an eminent inter-connective interdependence.) The force of pressurized vacuum exists, in so as to work to form the necessary medium of space-related topological substrate, to be able to exist, in order for there to be an operand to be present, via which those Schwinger-Indices that are the resultant vibration, that is here to be formed by the plucking of gauge-bosons upon second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, to then consequently tend to be able to bear a tense, by which such inferred force-causing vibrations, may then have the ability to propagate outward along the Rarita Structure, in order to allow for the formation of the reductional forces of nature. The point-commutative force exists, as a physical substrate that is able to both work to form the general entity of cohomology, (of which tends to work to reverse-fractal into a kinematic inter-play, which tends to work to form a basis for the general physical attraction, that is to exist among cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta), as well as working to act as a substrate, that works to help in directing the operations of those vibrations, that are here to occur along the Rarita Structure. The strong force tends to act, as the nodal basis of those centralized eigenstates of the Rarita Structure. The electromotive force exists, due in part to the tendency of the interaction of electromagnetic energy with the externalized core-field-density of the light-cone-gauge. The gravitational force acts, as a panoply of individually taken sets of such herein mentioned Schwinger-Indices, that are here to move in a manner, that is both transversal and perpendicular. The thought force acts, as a panoply of individually taken sets of such herein mentioned Schwinger-Indices, that are here to move in a manner, that is both transversal and supplemental. The weak force tends to act, in so as to work to allow for just enough of a disorder in the propagation of such mentioned Schwinger-Indices to exist, so that the needed general ordered future flow of such Schwinger-Indices may then be able to re-organize, so that the flow of the reductional forces of nature may thence remain as being of a kinematic nature (so that such a kinematic flow may be able to tend to allow for the existence of energy, and thus reality.) To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Vibrational Source Of The Forces Of Nature

 Just as the light-cone-gauge is the vibrational source of the reductional forces of nature, the multiplicity of the countless individually taken gauge-bosons, are the particle-related source of the reductional forces of nature. Gauge-Bosons work to "pluck" their directly corresponding second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, in so as to work to form a tense of Schwinger-Indices. This just mentioned general genus of Schwinger-Indices, in turn, propagate outward, in so as to convey those vibrational states, that operate in so as to work to allow for both the existence and the perpetuity of these herein inferred general forces of nature. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach. (1989).

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Covariant Ricci Flow Between Two Loci

 The stronger that the covariant Ricci Flow is to be, between the locus of the"point of origin" of a given arbitrary spatially transferred cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, And, that directly corresponding locus, that is here to be of the destination that such a said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is to subsequently reach, the greater that the wave-tug will tend to be, of which is here to facilitate the spatial translation of the kinematic transfer, of the said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, from one given arbitrary location to another given arbitrary location. SAM. 

Ricci Flow Of Thought Waves

 The greater that the correlative scalar magnitude of the Ricci Flow of a thought wave happens to be, the more intense that the directly corresponding thought wave will tend to be. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel Roach.(1989).

My Perception, As To A Particular Case Of A Metaphorical Radial Propagation Of Solitons

 Let us initially consider two different propagating intersecting fields. One of such fields, is appertaining to a given arbitrary radial propagation of thought waves.  The other of such fields, is here to be appertaining to a given arbitrary radial propagation of gravitational waves. Let us next say, that these just two implied radial fields, are here to propagate in such a manner, to where the ulterior field in both comparative cases, is to work to bear neither any overt net wave cancellation nor any overt net wave reinforcement, -- from the other of the two said radial propagating fields. One may potentially view this, as a metaphorical orthogonal intersection of two propagating solitons, -- in which, when perceived from both the individually taken "perspective" of the field of the propagating thought waves, as well as when perceived from the individually taken "perspective" of the field of the propagating gravitational waves, that the ulterior covariant field in either way you "look" at it, is here to work to bear neither any cancellation of nodal eigenstates, Nor any reinforcement of nodal eigenstates, from the other of the two respective radial propagated fields. Yet; if one were somehow to be able to polarize, such an inferred intersecting gauged action-related Yukawa Coupling of wave-related field construct, Then, there would consequently tend to be a significantly greater chance of having these two fields, to work to either attenuate and/or to amplify, the wave-related characteristics, of such an initially taken radial propagation of an orthogonal dual-state, that was here to be of an intersecting set of thought wave/gravitational wave related eigenstates, that were here to be kinematically drawn outward, as a tense of a set of quantized Schwinger-like indices, as this is hereby to bear a mappable-tracing, as taken along the directly associated proximal local region of the Rarita Structure. Sam Roach.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Electromagnetic Radiation/Thought Waves, Direction Of Least Time

 Electromagnetic radiation tends to move into the direction of least time. I believe that thought waves are capable of making a Yukawa Coupling with waves of electromagnetic radiation. So; when thought waves make a Yukawa Coupling with electromagnetic radiation, these thought waves, as well, will consequently tend to be drawn into the direction of  least time. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Contorting Trivially Isometric Lagrangian-Based Planes

 Let us initially say, that one is here to be considering the Lagrangian-based planes, that are to be directly appertaining, to the topological stratum of two different respective Hamiltonian Operators. Let us say, that the directly associated Lagrangian-based planes, that are here to be of these two different inferred sets of discrete energy quanta, are to work to bear the geometric condition of a covariant trivially isometric nature, when this is here to be taken in a respective relationship to one another. Let us next say, in this particular given arbitrary respective case, that these two different mentioned Lagrangian-based planes, are able to contort, with basically no probability of withstanding a viable geometric perturbation in their morphological permeability. These will thereby consequently tend to work to bear a higher probability of either colliding, Or, at least interfering with each other's core-field-density, than if the two different inferred Lagrangian-based paths, that are here to be of the motion of the two different said respective  Hamiltonian Operators, were, instead, to bear a covariant non trivially isometric nature, when this is here to be taken in a respective relationship  to one another. Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

Monomial Operation Of Group Action

 When the kinematic activity of a given arbitrary cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to work to bear a unitary group action, -- its directly corresponding respective net gauged-metric, will consequently tend to work to bear, what I term of here, as being a "monomial group operation." Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Metric-Gauge That Is Of A Yau-Exact Nature

 A cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is said to be mass-bearing, -- when it is here to be comprised of, by certain superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, -- that work to bear a metric-gauge, that is of a Yau-Exact nature. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Interdependent Tense Of Group Action

 Superstrings that work to bear an interdependence, that is here to be displayed by a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, -- that work to form a De Rham cohomology; -- tend to work to bear a greater scalar amplitude of group action, Than that superstring-related interdependence, that is here to be displayed by a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that, instead, work to form a Dolbeault cohomology. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Evenly-Applied Torque

 The more evenly-applied torque, that is here to occur, upon the topological stratum of an isotropically stable mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, the more likely that such a said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will then consequently tend to bear a De Rham cohomology. SAM.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Assimilation/Dissimilation Of A Knotted Region

 The general process of the convergence of mini-string-related segmentation, upon a given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-related region, tends to imply the action of a general tense of an assimilation of a knotted region, in the general arena of time and space; whereas, the general process of the divergence of mini-string-related segmentation, upon a given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-related region, tends to imply the action of a general tense of a dissimilation of a knotted region, in the general arena of time and space.  Superstrings, in a way, act as "nodes," at which such a general convergence of mini-string-related segmentation, is to occur -- as taken along the general topological manifold of the Rarita Structure. Where such an inferred knotting process is most "central," is where we tend to detect the presence of a denser array of mass-bearing discrete energy quanta. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Spatial Translation Of Mini-Stringular Segmentation

 The more rapidly that mini-stringular segmentation is to be spatially translated, in the process of propagating towards a given arbitrary physical holonomic substrate in the substringular realm, the more that such an inferred convergence of phenomenology, will tend to bear a greater scalar attribute, of working to form the general phenomenology of Ward-Cauchy-related "knots." I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Co-Tangential And Tangential Flow

Let us initially consider here, in this case scenario, that a given arbitrary physical phenomenon, of a given arbitrary tense of a holonomic substrate, -- is to be spatially translated into the relative forward-holomorphic direction.  IF such a set phenomenology is to be in the process of a tense of physical "scattering," then it follows, that; A Co-Tangential Flow tends to be more associated with a Riemann Scattering; Whereas, a Tangential Flow tends to be more associated with a Rayleigh Scattering. SAM.

What I Perceive, In Consideration Of When The Ricci Flow Equals The Natural Log Of "U"

 If one were to assign the scalar of the value of the Ricci Flow, to the expression, "the natural log of 'u',"

One is thereby able to consequently, under this inferred initially given condition, to go about at determining the following math, When In Consideration Of A Respective Cartesian Designation:

Also; This Is In Consideration Of A Convergent Designation Of Such A Flow:

1)  e^(the Ricci Flow) = "u."

2a) e^(the del of the Ricci Flow) = The Derivative Of The Inverse Secant Of "u." 

Next; When In Consideration Of A Divergent Designation Of Such A Flow:

2b) e^(the del of the Ricci Flow) = The Derivative Of The Inverse Cosecant Of "u."

Now; let us determine -- When In Consideration Of A Convergent Designation Of Such A Flow, Via A Respective Hyperbolic Designation:

2c) e^(the del of the Ricci Flow) = The Derivative Of The Inverse Hyperbolic Secant Of "u."

Next; let us consider, When In Consideration Of A Divergent Designation Of Such  A Flow, Via A Respective Hyperbolic Designation:

2d) e^(the del of the Ricci Flow) = The Derivative Of The Inverse Hyperbolic Cosecant Of "u."

I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

i*PI(Del) Action And Shifting In Geometric Grobner Basis

 When an accelerating mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to exhibit a smoothly translated i*PI(del) Action, the directly corresponding shifting in the multiplicity of its net geometric Grobner Basis -- that is here to be correlative to the optimum geometric fitting, of that net set of cohomology-related eigenstates, that may consequently be displayed, in so as to work to allow for the herein inferred accelerating mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, to be able to function in the way that it needs to -- is to consequently to tend to work to bear a directly corresponding homogeneous distribution-related delineation, of its correlative Calabi-Yau eigenstates, -- of which may be thought of, as a spatially translated arrangement of kinematic eigenstates, that are here to behave interdependently, in a manner that is thence to be exhibited in a relatively homeomorphic manner, over the span of a sequential series of group-related instantons. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Isotropic Stability, Delineation Of Charge, And Smooth i*PI(del) Action

 When an accelerating cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is here to be isotropically stable, it will consequently tend to work to bear, both a relatively more direct association with a homogeneous delineation of charge, when this is here to be taken at an external reference-frame, as well as also tending to bear a smoother tense of a correlative i*PI(del) Action, -- than if such a said accelerating cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, were instead, to be of an isotropically unstable nature. Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

The i*PI(del) Action And The Delineation Of Charge

 The smoother that the i*PI(del) Action is to be, for a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, -- the more homogeneous in delineation, that the action of its directly corresponding charge will consequently tend to be, when this is here to be taken at an external reference-frame. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

A Vacuum In Time And Space

 When one is to take into consideration -- what we would normally depict of as being a vacuum in time and space -- and impart upon such a said given arbitrary vacuum, a dark energy source, that is here to work to bear a Rayleigh scattering of phenomenology, upon the general holonomic substrate of such a said respective dark energy source, -- this may often tend to work to help in causing the said vacuum in time and space, to ensue, in so as to work to result in consequently exhibiting a tense of heterogeneity, in the distribution-related delineation of those composite physical norm-state-projections, that work to comprise such an earlier mentioned respective given arbitrary vacuum in time and space. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Isotropic Stability And Smooth i*PI(del) Action

 When an accelerating mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to bear an isotropically stable nature, -- it will tend to work to bear a smoother i*PI(del) Action, -- than if the said accelerating mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to bear an isotropically unstable nature. SAM.

Iso-Symmetry Of Correlative Field

 When the field that a Noether-based superstring of discrete energy permittivity is to be propagated through, is to work to bear a tense of iso-symmetry in its delineation, the said superstring of discrete energy permittivity is consequently more likely to remain of a Noether-based flow, -- than if the field that the inferred string is to be traveling through, instead, isn't to work to bear a tense of iso-symmetry in its delineation. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Diffeomorphic Distribution Of Physical Norm-State-Projections

 Let us initially consider a Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, as this said cohesive set is here to be taken, over a given arbitrary Fourier Transformation, of which is consequently to be happening  during its spatial translation through the fabric of space and time.  In my given model of string theory, -- the vacuum-related Hamiltonian Operand, that such a set of discrete energy quanta is generally to be typified, as to be in the process of being spatially translated through, over a discrete quanta of Planck Instants, is here to act as a given arbitrary set, of what I have inferred to in the past, as being a physical exhibition of norm-state-projections. The more diffeomorphic that the distribution-related delineation is to be, as to the general lay-out, of the particular Laplacian-related placement of such physical norm-state-projections, -- the higher that the expectation value will consequently tend to be, that the propagation of the said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, through the here mentioned respective Hamiltonian Operand, will continue to remain, as being of a Noether-Based flow. Consequently; the less diffeomorphic that the distribution-related delineation is to be, as to the general lay-out, of the particular Laplacian-related placement of such physical norm-state-projections, -- the lower that the expectation value will consequently tend to be, as to whether or not that the propagation of the said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, through the here mentioned respective Hamiltonian Operand, will continue to remain, as being of a Noether-Based flow. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Homogeneity Of Flow Becoming Spurious

 When there is a given arbitrary case scenario -- to where the initial homogeneity that is here to exist, between the covariant flow of a discrete set of hyperbolic Ward-Cauchy-related spaces, when in conjunction with a discrete set of cartesian Ward-Cauchy-related spaces, to where such a respective tense of a homogeneity is then spontaneously to become relatively more spurious in its general Chern-Simons-related attribute, then, this will often work to influence, the nature of the directly correlative superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to be most directly involved with such a given arbitrary respective case scenario, to thereby end-up working to bear a general physical condition, to where both the correlative Bette Action eigenstates and/or the correlative Regge Action eigenstates, are to consequently to bear an increased expectation value, of working to become non orientable. When superstrings are to become non orientable, in both the Bette Action and in the respective directly corresponding ensuing Regge Action, -- when this is here to be taken into consideration in its multiplicity, at the general loci of instanton, then, this will thereby tend to work to make such directly corresponding respective given arbitrary superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, to consequently ensue, in so as to then to become of a tachyonic nature. Therefore; when the homogeneity that is to exist, between a given arbitrary covariant flow of a discrete set of hyperbolic Ward-Cauchy-related spaces, when in conjunction with a discrete set of cartesian Ward-Cauchy-related spaces, is to act in so as to spontaneously become relatively more spurious in its general Chern-Simons attribute, this will consequently tend to increase the chances of the directly correlative respective superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to be involved in such a given arbitrary general genus of a case scenario, to consequently be more likely to become of a tachyonic nature. SAM ROACH.

Homogeneity Caused By String-Related Motion

 The general propagation of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, through the multiplicity of their correlative motion over time -- helps to work to form the general homogeneity that is here to exist, amongst the general hyperbolic approach of mini-string-related segmentation -- towards the general multiplicity of the cotangent bundle of energy-related holonomy, With the general cartesian approach of mini-string-related segmentation -- towards the general multiplicity of the presence of those general phenomenology of physical norm-state-projections -- that operate in so as to act as that general Ward-Cauchy-related stratum, of which helps to assist at working to cause the commute or propagation of discrete energy, through the process of Ultimon Flow. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Please Tell Me If This Makes Sense


The following work; involves a "proof," as to my hypothesis, -- that the Bessel Function is "0," when the Zeta Number is (-i*e^2).

(The hyperbolic sine of (((i*PI)/4))^2 + (The hyperbolic cosine of (((i*PI)4))^2 = 0; 

Since, (The hyperbolic sine of (((i*PI)/4))^2 = -2, And, (The hyperbolic cosine of (((i*PI)/4))^2 = 2.

Thereupon; (The Absolute Value of The hyperbolic sine of (((i*PI)/4))^2) = 2 -- 

And; (The Absolute Value of the hyperbolic cosine of (((i*PI)/4))^2) = 2.

Consequently; (Please Bear With Me):

(((e^((i*PI)/4))*2)^2)*(((i*(the sine of (PI/4))/(The cosine of (PI/4)))*((((e^((The sine of (PI/4))*2))^2 = 


To my perception; this seems to work to elude to the condition, that when the Zeta Number is (-i*e^2), that the consequential Bessel Function that is thence to exist, is to result in the value of "0." SAM ROACH.

Friday, September 18, 2020

As To Gliosis-Related Contact Of Electromagnetic Energy

 Often when a beam of electromagnetic energy is to make a Gliosis-related contact, upon the core-field-density of a given arbitrary electron, the action of the inferred contact, is often going to tend to work to alter the initial tense of the inertia -- that the stated electron was to initially be exhibiting.  Let's say, for instance: A beam of light is to come into a direct contact, with the direct field of an electron.  Consequently; for a relatively very brief period of time, the respective given arbitrary electron of such a case, will be brought out of the initial tense of its general inertia, that it had been exhibiting, directly prior to the activity of the direct contact of the earlier mentioned light, upon the holonomic substrate of the said electron.  Immediately after the tense of the inertia, that the said electron had initially been displaying, is altered out of its initial state of an internal reference-frame of conformal invariance, the said electron is then to tend to be tugged out of its shell, in so as to often tend to consequently jump back-and-forth an energy level, -- in so as to resultantly release its spare energy that it had just previously absorbed, in the form of a discrete quantum of electromagnetic energy, of which is called a photon. SAM ROACH.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Decrease Of Direct Interdependence Of Composite Mass-Bearing Superstrings

 Let us consider a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. The less of a tense of a direct motion-related interdependence that is to be exhibited, among the contingent inter-play of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- that work to comprise the directly corresponding mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that these said strings are to work to make up, -- the less isotropically stable that such a said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta will tend to be.  The less isotropically stable that a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta will tend to be, the more likely that such a said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will consequently tend to reverse-fractal into a decrease in the scalar amplitude of the magnetic field that it is overtly to be exhibiting. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

As To The Topic Of Transversal And Radial Motion

 Whenever there is to be any sort of a general net delineation-related re-distribution of some sort of a center-state of any set  phenomenology, then, the said phenomenon will have thereby just tended to have exhibited a transversal translation of its overall spatial entity. Furthermore; whenever there is to be any sort of a general net twisting of such a general net delineation-related re-distribution of some sort of a center-state of any set phenomenology, then, the said phenomenon will have thereby just tended to have exhibited a radial translation of its overall spatial entity.  To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Isotropic Stability And Resonant Vibration

A mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is isotropically stable, will consequently tend to  work to bear a higher scalar amplitude of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, than a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is not isotropically stable.  A mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy discrete quanta, that is to work to bear a relatively high scalar amplitude of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, will tend to work to bear a relatively high scalar amplitude of magnetism.  A mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy discrete quanta, that is to work to bear a relatively high scalar amplitude of magnetism, will tend to work to bear a relatively high scalar amplitude of a tense of a resonant vibration. Therefore; a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is to be isotropically stable, will consequently tend to work to bear a strong tense of a resonant vibration. SAM.

Topological Manifold Of External Shell Of Cohesive Set Of Energy

 Let us initially consider a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. It is here, in this particular given arbitrary case, to be both isotropically stable, to also reverse-fractal into working to display a high tense of magnetism, as well as it is here to bear a relatively high scalar amplitude of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode.  Those multiple spin-orbital tensors that such a said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta are to work to display, are consequently to tend to continuously shift in their spatial delineation, -- to where the external shell of the said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is here to slide through those inferred respective radial directional shifts, that are of their directly corresponding tense of a Calabi-Yau Manifold, in such a general manner -- to where the resultant kinematic activity, that is of the continual multi-varied rotational displacement, that is here to be appertaining to the inferred general motion which is to happen, in order for the earlier stated spin-orbital tensors to be exhibited via a correlative Fourier Transform, -- will consequently tend to happen, via a tense of group action, that is here to be working to involve the continual multi-varied delineation of a single unique topological manifold. To Be Contiued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Some Ideas As To Cayley's theorem

 The more that any given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to obey Cayley's theorem (when this is here to be taking into consideration, the correlative relationship between the stated set of discrete energy quanta, With those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- that work to make this up), -- the more that such a said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will tend to behave -- in a manner that is isotropically stable in its directly corresponding group action. SAMUEL ROACH.

Appearance Of Inter-Mingling Of Solitons And Mapped-Out Bessel Function

 Let's consider the following picture in your mind:

Let us consider an intersecting contour of a planar set of solitons, that is here to be taken into consideration -- via a "snapshot" in time, -- to where the perception and/or the observation of such a set of intersecting planar solitons, is here to be taken into consideration, via a directly corresponding Laplacian Transformation.  This said "planar set," is here to be of a flat Stoke's-based topological manifold -- that is to be smoothly mapped-out at that outer periphery, that is here to be closest to any given arbitrary observer, that may be viewing such a said intersecting contour, of a planar set of solitons. In this particular given arbitrary case scenario, basically none of these solitons are to act as eigenstates of a reverse-nodal nature, and, such a general genus of an intersecting contour of a planar set of solitons, is here to work to bear a set of circular/elliptical wave-like patterns, that are not purely of the same isometrical nature of delineation. 

At this point in consideration, if you were to map-out the multiplicity of a resultant conjunction of the Bessel Function, this may often have a similar appearance to such a general genus, of the herein described phenomenology, of a set of such earlier described wave-packets. Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

i*PI(del) Action, And Paritcular Gliosis-Related Genus

 The general occurrence of the i*PI(del) Action, -- is a particular genus of the Gliosis-related kinematic interaction, that is here to be happening, between the translation of the eminent altering radial delineation of those partition-based discrepancies, that are here to be delineated in a manner that is basically adjutant to the topological surface of the contour of a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, (and to the topological surface of the contour of its directly corresponding counter string of discrete energy permittivity), as this is here to be taken in a reductional manner, with the transversal spatial translation of the said string (and counter string), through the interplay of the fabric of space and time. SAM ROACH.

Certain Inter-Relationship Between Real And Imaginary Numbers

 Let us consider the mathematical condition -- to where one is to have a Real Riemannian Number, -- as taken to the power of the sum of a Real Number Plus An Imaginary Number. What this often tends to be physically indicative of, is a relationship between a radial translation and a transversal translation -- that is of a Yukawa Nature, but Not of a Gliosis Nature.  However; when one is to have a Real Riemannian Number, -- as taken to the power of a "use-full" product of an Irrational Real Number Times An Imaginary Number -- what this often tends to be physically indicative of, is a relationship between a radial translation and a transversal translation -- that is definitively of a Gliosis-based Nature. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Isotropically Stable Energy Quanta And Hermitian Transversal Path

 Let us initially consider two different mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta. Both of such said cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, are to have the same basic reductional make-up. Also, both of such inferred sets of discrete energy quanta, are here to be behaving in basically the exact same manner, -- except that one of such inferred individually taken sets of discrete energy quanta is to be isotropically stable, and the other of such inferred individually taken sets of discrete energy quanta is to not be isotropically stable.  The one of the two said cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be of an isotropically stable nature, -- will consequently tend to work to bear a more hermitian  translation of its transversal motion, than the other of the two said individually taken cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Smoothly Delineated Partition-Based Discrepancies

 Let us initially consider those partition-based discrepancies -- that are here to be of a Noether-related mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity (that is here to work to bear two or more of such earlier mentioned partition-based discrepancies), that are here to be delineated, at instanton, in the general manner that such a delineation is to tend to be exhibited as, to where such said partition-based discrepancies are then to be distributed, in a placement that is to be basically adjutant to the proximal local topological surface of such an inferred string of discrete energy permittivity, -- to where there is here to be no lack in that general reverse-fractal of activity, of which would here appertain to a genus in the case of the conservation of homotopic residue.  In so long as the said superstring of discrete energy permittivity of such a said case, is to be of an orientable nature, there will consequently tend to be the general Ward-Cauchy-related conditions; to where, when one is to map-out, what is most likely here to be a best-fit-curve, to the curvature of the topological surface of such an inferred minimal Hamiltonian Operator of such a case, of which is here to be appertaining to the said superstring of discrete energy holonomy, -- this will thereby suffice, to where the earlier mentioned partition-based discrepancies, are then to consequently to tend to result in basically being diffeomorphic in their delineation, at a reference-frame that is Poincare to those composite first-order point particles, that work to form the actual holonomy, that is of the topology of such a discussed superstring, as this is here to be taken along the said or inferred best-fit curvature of topological surface, which is, again, to be occurring during such an inferred iteration of instanton, to where this is aside from the general reductional physical condition, that partition-based discrepancies are to actually, as inferred before, to be delineated in a manner that is basically adjutant to the Laplacian-related topological flow, that is of the mapped-out surface of such an inferred superstring of such a general type of a case. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Ideas And The Number Of Souls -- An Editorial

 Those physical units that may be represented for Ideas, are here to be directly associated with the inverse of distance. Therefore; those physical units that may be correlative to the concept of infinite ideas, may consequently be represented as the inverse of infinite distance. Souls tend to have the tendency, of ending-up traveling beyond our general tense of physical time and space. Soul energy tends to be eternal. Therefore; the total number of souls that are able to exist at any given arbitrary time period, may consequently tend to be divisible, by the inverse of negatively infinite distance. (The number of souls that are able to exist, at any given arbitrary (respective) time period, may consequently tend to be divisible by "12.") Furthermore; there are a trillion (10^12) general plateaus of reality, among the overall net Hilbert-related "plane" -- of the  physical space-time fabric of the Ultimon. I will continue with the suspense later! Yours Truly; Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Grobner Bases Versus Grobner Basis

 One may often consider what can be construed of, as to what the necessary differential geometrical configuration of those cohomology-related eigenstates, that work to comprise the overall cohomology of a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- in order for this inferred string to behave in a proscribed respective given arbitrary manner -- as a geometric Grobner Basis, -- to where the resultant needed differential configuration of the cohomology-related eigenstates, that are here to be of the individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to come together, in so as to appertain to the integrable net sum whole of all of those composite superstrings, that are to work to be comprising the self-same directly corresponding cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, to where this will tend to consequently be appertaining, to what may be thought of, as being a geometric Grobner Bases. However; if one is here to consider, quite simply, just the net overall necessary geometrical configuration of those cohomology-related eigenstates, that is necessary, in order for the given arbitrary respective cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, to behave in the earlier inferred proscribed manner, then, one may often construe such a consequently proscribed delineation of eigenstates, as taken along the topological surface of the external shell of such a said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, to tend to be deemed of as being a geometric genus of a Grobner Basis. A geometric Grobner Basis (Bases), has more to do with determining a means of how cohomology-related eigenstates are to be delineated, in so as to be able to be fitted-into a space -- to where a set of discrete energy quanta may be able to function as it is needed to; whereas, a Cox Ring has more to do with determining the mapped-out chain, that is appertaining to the delineation of the cohomology-related eigenstates, that are of a set of discrete energy quanta. To Be Continued! Sincerely,, SAM ROACH.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Compactification, And Alteration Of Grobner Basis

 When a given arbitrary cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is either to compactify or to decompactify in its correlative spatial dimensionality, then, such a said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will consequently tend to alter in both the Grobner Basis -- as to how cohomology-related eigenstates are then to be able to properly suffice, in order to fit upon the topological surface of the said set of energy quanta of such a case, as well as to also tend to alter the differential geometry of those Cox Rings, that work to act as individually taken "chains" of cohomology-related eigenstates, that work here to comprise the cohomology-related structure, that is here to be of a given arbitrary cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

Ebbing Of Pressurized Vacuum-Related Eigenstates

The multiplicity of the general existence, that is here to involve the flow of the overall set of those disturbances of space-time-fabric, that are here to work to form the existence of discrete energy quanta -- are assisted in formation, by the continual wave-tug related ebbing (when this is here to be related, as a general tense of "push" and "pull") that is of the kinematically differentiating "eigenstates" of pressurized vacuum potentials, that are brought into the condition, of acting as nodes of motion-related holonomic substrate, -- by the covariant, co-differentiable, and the co-determinable interdependent associations, that appertain to the continual inextricable Logos-involved inter-relationship, that is of the multiplicity of the general interaction between metric-gauge and gauge-metric phenomenology, as such gauging is here to help to allow for the sustainable continuation of such overall pressurized vacuum "eigenstates," to be propagated in an iterative manner, along the general course of the Hamiltonian Operand of Ultimon Flow. I will continue with the suspense later! 

To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach. 

Consistence Of Holomorphic Direction And Transference Of Mass-Bearing Energy

 The more consistently that a given arbitrary Legendre homology, is to be continuously and kinetically propagated through the same tense of a relatively forward-holomorphic direction -- over a viable span of time; in so as to work to transfer, a correlative given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, over a transversal span of space, -- the quicker that such an indicated mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will consequently tend to be moved along at an external reference-frame, through the fabric of space and time, via the kinematic facilitation of the kinetic tense of the earlier mentioned Legendre homology; which will consequently, as well, work to allow for such an inferred mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, to tend to bear a greater Lorentz-Four-Contraction, And thereby, to tend to also bear a lower Polyakov Action, over the inferred span of time, in which such a greater rate of a velocity, is here to thereby tend to be consequently achieved. To Be Continued! SAMUEL ROACH.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Homeomorphic Cohesive Set Of Discrete Energy Quanta And Magnetism

 The more that a given arbitrary Noether-based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to behave in a homeomorphic manner, the more that it will consequently tend to bear a greater tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode; which will thereby tend to work to allow for such a just mentioned Noether-based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, to consequently tend to work to bear a greater scalar magnitude of conductivity. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Homeomorphic Field Of Composite Super Strings

 Let us initially consider a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. The more homeomorphic that the respective motion is to be, that is here to be appertaining to the wholistic interaction, that is here to be taken amongst the interdependent individually taken composite super strings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to work to comprise such a said set of discrete energy quanta, then it consequently follows, -- that there will thereby tend to be a state of a set of physical conditions, by which the correlative Ward-Cauchy-related environment, will consequently tend to work to allow for the earlier stated mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, to tend to work to bear both a higher scalar amplitude of a tense of group action -- as well as also allowing for a greater tendency of such a said set of discrete energy quanta, to consequently tend to work to bear a higher scalar amplitude of a tense of isotropic stability. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! SAM ROACH.

Gravitational Pull And Cotangent Bundle

 The stronger that the gravitational pull, that is here to be drawn upon a given arbitrary region in time and space, -- the greater that the directly corresponding density of mini-string-related segmentation, that will consequently tend to be drawn, towards the Ward-Cauchy-related eigenstates of cotangent bundle, that are here to be present from within the said respective given arbitrary region in time and space. Sam Roach.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Nijenhuis Eigenstates, Separated By "Space-Time-Divergence"

 When one is to have two different cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, that behave as acting like the same type of an encodement of an eigenstate, -- except for the physical condition of being separated, by what I have recently termed of as being a tense, of what may be called the general state of "space-time-divergence," -- then, one may consequently tend to be able to describe one of such said "eigenstates," as being a Nijenhuis "mirroring" of the other of such mentioned "eigenstates" -- and vice-versa.  One may consequently, as well, tend to be able to describe one of such said "eigenstates," as being a "complex mirroring" of the other of such mentioned "eigenstates" -- and vice-versa. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Discrete Energy Quanta Working In Unison

 The more that the individually taken discrete quanta of energy, that work to comprise a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, are to work in unison, the more likely that such a said set of discrete energy quanta, will tend to behave in a manner -- that may be described of here as being of an isotropically stable nature. This will, as well, tend to allow for such a said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, to work to bear a higher scalar amplitude of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode. Sam Roach.


 When one is to be taking into consideration, the general conditions that are here to exist among different eigenstates that are of the same type of a nature, but, of which are here to be directly associated with  respectively different universal settings, -- let's think of what may often be meant by the general phrase -- "space-time-divergence." What this often may refer to here, is the manner by which the same type of actual "stuff" may be encoded for in the same general manner, -- yet at a different type of a covariant "spot" and/or "positioning" in time and space. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Covariant Attribute Of (1/(e^(Del(Ricci Flow))))

 The greater that the scalar magnitude is to be, as to the interdependent Ward-Cauchy-related attribute of: (1/(e^(del(Ricci Flow)))), -- from among two different interdependent covariant mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, over a discrete increment of time, -- the greater that the relativistic interdependent covariant pulsation will consequently tend to be, in lieu of the interaction that is here to occur, from among these two different stated cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, over such an inferred discrete increment of time. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sam Roach.

Increased Entropy Of The Multiverse

 The increased entropy of the multiverse is directly influenced in part, by the multiplicity of the compounded residual effect -- of the continual scattering of photons in time and space. Sincerely, Sam.

Decrease In Impedance And Acceleration

 When there is to be the general process, -- in which there is to be a continual decrease in the Gliosis-related impedance, that is here to be imparted upon the Lagrangian-based motion of a Noether-based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, over a correlative period of time (particularly, when one is to consider, in such a general inferred case, that the net direction of the motion of such a "team" of energy, is here to be continually aimed in the same manner of a net directoral-related framework), there will then consequently tend to be, a directly corresponding continual increase in the correlative velocity, of such a said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. This will consequently tend to work to allow for both an increased Lorentz-Four-Contraction, as well as a decreased Polyakov Action.  This will thereby tend to be directly associated, in this given arbitrary case, to the viable presence in the Ward-Cauchy-related realm, that is of such a respective scenario, a specific exemplification of the eminent proximal local activity of the i*PI(del) Action. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Static Equilibrium And The Generation Of The Wick Action

 The more that a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to tend to be in the process of working to remain in a state of a kinetic tense of static equilibrium, the more that there will consequently tend to be a continual generation, of a set of the proximal regional presence of both Wick Action eigenstates and the correlative Landau-Gisner Action eigenstates.  I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Antiholomorphic Kahler Conditions And Energy Efficiency

 The more cyclically rapid that a given arbitrary cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to be undergoing the general process of having a set of antiholomorphic Kahler conditions, to be imparted upon its Lagrangian-based motion, over a discrete increment of time, the more likely that such a said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will consequently tend to bear an increased general affinity, of working to bear a Gliosis related association with the Kahler-Metric.  The more likely that such a said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will tend to work to bear the general import of having a Gliosis related association with the Kahler-Metric, the more likely that the herein stated cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will tend to be more efficient at its ability of maintaining its physical condition, of working at continuing to behave as such an inferred set of discrete energy, -- in the long run. Continued! SAM ROACH.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Cyclically Rapid Occurrence Of Antiholomorphic Kahler Conditions

 The more cyclically rapid that the occurrence of antiholomorphic Kahler conditions are to be imparted, upon the proximal local Lagrangian-related motion, that is here to be of a given arbitrary Noether-based cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, over a discrete quantum of a directly corresponding period of time, -- the more likely that such a said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will consequently tend to ensue, in so as to potentially exist under the Ward-Cauchy-related conditions of a tense of static equilibrium. Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Maintenance of Holomorphic Direction, And Greater Relative Velocity

 Let's initially consider two different cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta.  One of such sets is to work to bear a more consistent tense of a holomorphic spatial translation over time, than the other of such inferred cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta.  The more conformally invariant of a directional attribute, that the relative forward-holomorphic direction is to work to bear, for that given arbitrary respective Noether-based cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to work to bear a more consistent tense of a holomorphic flow, the quicker that the velocity by which such an inferred respective set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to bear a more consistent holomorphic spatial translation over time, will then consequently tend to be propagating through space as such. Sincerely, Sam Roach.