Friday, January 3, 2020

Energy, Disturbance In Space, And Partition-Based Discrepancies

Energy tends to be produced by a disturbance in space-time-fabric.  Theoretically -- in general, in order for a bundle of discrete energy to exist (particularly, in order for a bundle of a multiplicit quantum of discrete energy permittivity to exist), its entity as an eigenstate of holonomic substrate-related phenomenology, as taken over the course of any one given arbitrary iteration of BRST, must tend to bear a topological surface, that may be mapped-out in a Laplacian-based context, in a manner that is piecewise continuous.  Yet, in order for the multiplicit eigenstate of a holonomic substrate of discrete energy permittivity to be able to move through a Lagrangian-based path, as an entitiy that may here be thought of in the context of being a Hamiltonian Operator that is here to be moving through the fabric of space and time, -- such a "thing" of discrete energy permittivity must consequently tend to be required to bear a tense of a disturbance in space, in order to actually bear the actual "motion" of discrete energy permittivity, -- in so as to work to allow for discrete energy to be able to move, so that it may both exist and persist as energy at all.  Consequently; there must be extremely mild aberrations from the Ward-Cauchy-related norm, of the general conditions of such earlier mentioned piecewise continuity, that is of the Laplacian-based state of a smooth contour, as taken along the topological surface of a superstring of discrete energy permititivty, in order for a superstring, that was initially formed by a disturbance in space and time, -- to then be able to move as a Lagrangian-related operator, so that discrete energy may be capable of actually acting as energy at all.  This is part of the reason, as to why there must be one or more partition-based discrepancies, which act as extremely mild aberrations that may be mapped-out, as taken along the contour of the outer perimeter of the holonomic substrate, that is of the topological surface of any superstring of discrete energy permittivity. Sam Roach.

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