Thursday, January 9, 2020

As To Spatial Dimensionality And Velocity

Let's initially consider two different orbifold eigensets, that are here to be traveling at two different velocities, that are here to be covariant to one another.  One of these two said orbifold eigensets, is to be comprised of by superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are to bear a higher spatial dimensionality than the other said orbifold eigenset.  The orbifold eigenset that is here to bear a higher spatial dimensionality, is to also be traveling at a greater relativistic velocity than the other said orbifold eigenset.  This will then often cause the here mentioned orbifold eigenset, that is here to both be of a higher spatial dimensionality, as well as to be traveling at a greater scalar mangitude of a rate -- to not only tend to bear a greater pulsation, yet, this will often work to cause the faster orbifold eigenset of the two, to tend to bear a greater torque per metric-gauge that it is here to be applying upon its Hamiltonian operand.  Sam Roach.

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