Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Why Nijenhuis Fringes Are Called "Nijenhuis"

With a superstring of discrete energy permittivity that would theoretically be of a two-dimensional spatial nature -- those partition-based discrepancies that work to exist along the topological contour of such a given arbitrary respective string,  -- from the relative "0 degree" position toward the relative "360 degree" position (in the process of working to bear a Laplacian-related mappable-tracing, along the entire circulation of such a said theoretical string), are to be delineated in the following general type of inferred Laplacian-based back-and-forth manner:  the first mappable partition-based discrepancy is to be delineated at a combined position, that is both to be placed at roughly the diameter of a first-order point particle into the relative norm-to-forward-holomorphic locus in relation to the flow of the topological contour of such a said respective string, as well as simultaneously being equally placed at roughly the diameter of a first-order point particle into the relative forward-holomorphic locus in relation to the flow of the topological contour of such a said respective string;  Consequently -- the second of such mappable partition-based discrepancies along such an inferred general contour, is then to be delineated at a combined position, that is both to be placed at roughly the diameter of a first-order point particle into the relative norm-to-reverse-holomorphic locus in relation to the flow of the topological contour of such a said respective string, as well as being equally placed at roughly the diameter of a first-order point particle into the relative reverse-holomorphic locus in relation to the flow of the topological contour of such a said respective string, and so on. Yet -- with a superstring of discrete energy permittivity that would, instead, to theoretically be of a three-dimensional spatial nature -- such earlier said partition-based discrepancies, are to work to bear an added tensor of a relative flow of going back-and-forth, from initially working to bear a relative forward-holomorphic-related delineation to working to equally bear a relative reverse-holomorphic-related delineation, that is here to work to bear three partial components of spatial delineation, and so on.. -- in order to be able to map-out the relative Laplacian-based positioning of the resultant partition-based discrepancies, along the topological contour of such a said string -- from the relative "0 degree" positioning of the said respective string toward the relative "360 degree" positioning of the said respective string, -- along the entire circulation of such a said theoretical string.  The more spatial dimensions of such a said respective superstring of discrete energy permittivity, the more of such tensors that are here to exist of such an inferred Nijenhuis-related nature.  Since most actual closed-looped strings of such, in the real world, are to be comprised of at least four spatial dimensions plus time -- the proximal locus that is Poincare to the core-field-density of the partition-based discrepancies of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to tend to work to bear a higher scalar amplitude of a convergent webbing of mini-stringular segmentation, that is to be eminent in its Gliosis-based contact upon those first-order point particles of partition-based discrepancy, that are here to be placed just outside of the Laplacian-based flow of the general topological contour of such a said respective string, are consequently to bear a degree of a Nijenhuis nature, to their correlative Laplacian-based delineation.  The just inferred relatively high scalar amplitude of such a convergent webbing that I have mentioned just earlier, works to explain to a degree, why the delineation of such partition-based discrepancies, is here to work to form "fringes."  Thence, particularly with Calabi-Yau manifolds, as well as with manifolds that may potentially be of more of a Nijenhuis nature -- the multiplicit proximal locus of partition-based discrepancies, may here be described of as working to bear the general spatial attribute, of acting as phenomenology, that are here to be called "Nijenhuis fringes."  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Yes John Roach, this has always been my blog!  (PHS class of 1989).

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