Monday, November 4, 2019

Mass-Bearing Discrete Energy -- Gliosis To The Kahler-Metric

When mass-bearing orbifold eigensets are Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric, this general genus of activity works, in part, to make those composite superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to comprise such said orbifold eigensets -- to become more efficient at subsequently to be able to interact with physical norm-state-projections in such a manner, to where those correlative multifarious abelian groupings may be able to "latch-on" to that core-field-density that is proximal local to these said strings, in an indistinguishably different manner with relatively minimal slippage, -- in so as to work to allow for both the continued persistence and existence of cohomological generation, -- so that discrete energy permittivity and thus discrete energy, may then continue to both persist and exist as well.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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