Monday, November 4, 2019

Point On A Paraboloid

Let us say that one were to have a physical point at a position, that is here to be stationed on the outer surface of a paraboloid.  This said physical point at a position, is here to be stationary -- at an internal reference-frame.  Let's next consider that the said paraboloid, is to initially be stationary as well -- at its own internal reference-frame.  The said paraboloid has a position, since it has a shape.  Anything that has a position has an angle, that is here to be directly associated with its respective shape.  Now -- let's say that the paraboloid mentioned here, is, subsequent to the initial conditions inferred here, to roll off of a table.  Its angle of position, at each increment of motion along the table, works to define its coexistence with its environment, -- when including its eminent association with the table, that the said paraboloid is here to be rolling off of.  The rolling of the object is like a spin.  The change of the object's norm conditions, as it is here to be rolling off of the table, is the physical Action of the Object, that is here to bring it to a new resultant set of positions, -- which is here to create the object's Motion.  The driving force of the object, in whatever direction that it is pressured into moving through, also works to cause Motion, by helping to allow for a positional drive of the object.  So, -- change in norm conditions, over time -- in both radial translation & in transversal positional drive, works together, to form the basic building blocks, of what may here be thought of as being regular kinematic motion.  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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