The following is the general idea, as to the composition of the differential geometry of a given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate -- that is here to be of the essence of the activity of a Noether-related flow:
Initially I would like to work to begin to describe the general idea, behind such an inferred geometrical construction. Let's say that one were to consider here, that the forward-holomorphic direction is to be considered to be going towards the relative "left." Consequently -- the norm-to-forward-holomorphic direction is here to be at the relative "top," and the norm-to-reverse-holomorphic direction is here to be at the relative "bottom." One is here to have a Chi-like-shape of a component of such a Trace, that is here to have two different ellipses inscribed at the region, that is Poincare to being just external to the center of such a said Chi-like shape of a component of such a Trace, -- to where one of such ellipses, is here to act as being inter-woven upon the region, that is here to be at just "above" and to the center of the said Chi-like shape, and the other of such ellipses, is here to act as being inter-woven upon the region, that is here to be at just "below" and to the center of the said Chi-like shape. Next, for reasons that you may soon understand as to why -- let's arbitrarily take the mapping of a Laplacian-based Wilson Line, and trace this mappable line across the inferred relative "top" of this trace; as well as arbitrarily taking a mappable Laplacian-based line, and tracing this line across the inferred relative "bottom" of this trace. (These two just mentioned "lines" are not actually part of the inferred Fadeev-Popov-Trace, yet are here to act solely as a means of helping with my description of the implied Trace of such a case, as you soon shall see.) Next -- map-out a Wilson-based line, from the relative "top" mapped-out line to the relative "bottom" mapped-out line. This distance will here be of the general scalar magnitude of about 10^(-43) of a meter in length. The general Chi-like shape of a Trace, will be constructed as two intersecting trace-like curves. This Trace will here work to bear the equivalence of two intersecting curves, that are to dually be of the nature of acting on the order, as being similar to {y = x^3, y = -x^3}, except, that at the four implied corners of the overall Chi-like portion of such a Trace, the inferred appendages of the implied partial components of this said Trace, when at a level that is here to be Poincare to the topology of this inferred part of the composition of such a Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, is here to mildly change in its concavity in a Nijenhuis-related manner, over a relatively brief translation of space, in so as to work to complete the Chi-like component of such an eluded-to individually taken eigenstate. Next -- the two earlier mentioned oval-like shapes, that are here to be inscribed at those relative positionings, that are here to be inter-woven at both just above and just below the intersecting center of those curvatures, that are here to be of the earlier inferred Chi-like partial component of the general genus of such a Trace, whose differential geometry I am working to describe, are here, to work to bear a scalar magnitude, of a maximum "length," that is here to be on the order of about 5*10^(-44) of a meter in spatial translation; as well working to bear a scalar magnitude, of a maximum "width," that is here to be on the order of about 2.5*10(-44) of a meter in spatial translation. Both of such inferred "oval-like-shapes," are here to reach their respective norm-to-forward-holomorphic end, and, their respective norm-to-reverse-holomorphic end, -- at the general proximal local region, at which one had here to have mapped-out the respective Laplacian-related Wilson Lines at those implied extremes, that I had earlier indicated, in so as to get a better idea as to the gist of what I am working to convey here.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Some Stuff As To The Geometry Of The Fadeev-Popov-Trace Eigenstate
Posted by
9:49 AM
scalar magnitude,
Wilson-based line

Friday, November 29, 2019
More About Cotangential Flow
The general cotangential flow of mini-stringular segmentation, that is here to converge upon those first-order point particles that work to comprise superstrings, during the Polyakov Action -- tends to work to bear a higher scalar amplitude of a hyperbolic approach, -- than the general cotangential flow of such mini-stringular segmentation, that is here to converge upon these same first-order point particles -- during the course of the rest of the process of BRST. To Be Continued! Samuel Roach.
Posted by
11:02 AM
cotangential flow,
first-order point particles,
mini-stringular segmentation,
Polyakov Action,
scalar amplitude

Tuesday, November 26, 2019
In General -- How Chern-Simons Invariants Are Embedded
Here is, in general, how Chern-Simons Invariants are embedded upon the basic forces of nature:
An orbifold eigenset has a tendency of "wanting" to move in its intrinsic holomorphic direction, over any one given arbitrary respective evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric. Those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise any one given arbitrary set orbifold eigenset, will tend to work to have the same intrinsic holomorphic tendency as the said respective orbifold eigenset, that such said superstrings are here to work to form. Since the said respective strings are to tend to exist in a delineation, that is here to be placed, in general, at the external outer shell of such a said given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, -- even if the said orbifold eigenset is to be moving in a manner that is completely hermitian, and thus of a De Rham cohomology-related nature, -- the said strings will tend to not to be able to move in as much of a hermitian-related manner, in as these would intrinsically "want" to be moving in, over the earlier inferred given arbitrary respective evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric. This will then consequently result in the condition, that these said superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that are here to work to comprise the said directly corresponding orbifold eigenset of such a case, will then tend to work to consistently bear, what may here be thought of as the correlative presence of Chern-Simons singularities. This will then work to result in what may logically be thought of, as the proximal local presence, of what may be termed of as being Chern-Simons Invariants. As the said composite strings are here to help to work to form the proximal local presence of cohomological eigenstates, over time, this will then work to result in the formation of the earlier inferred Chern-Simons Invariants, that work to be formed by the motion of the said strings upon their directly corresponding Hamiltonian operand -- via the tense of the presence of either their Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities and/or the tense of the presence of their metric-based Chern-Simons singularities, to work to act upon the directly corresponding Rarita Structure eigenstates. This will consequently result in the action of the presence of such Chern-Simons Invariants, to work to bear a multiplicit Yukawa Coupling upon those Schwinger-Indices, that work to act -- in so as to help in working to form the basic forces of nature. Such said respective Schwinger-Indices are formed by the "plucking," like a harp, of the multiplicit gauge-boson eigenstates, upon their correlative second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates. This effect of the action of the proximal local presence of the inferred Chern-Simons Invariants, upon those Schwinger-Indices that work to help in forming the basic forces of nature, are consequently to act in a multiplicit manner, in general, as an embedding-related operation, upon the inferred basic forces of nature, -- in so as to work in a multiplicit manner, in so as to form the seven basic influences of physical nature. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Hello Genesis House.
An orbifold eigenset has a tendency of "wanting" to move in its intrinsic holomorphic direction, over any one given arbitrary respective evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric. Those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise any one given arbitrary set orbifold eigenset, will tend to work to have the same intrinsic holomorphic tendency as the said respective orbifold eigenset, that such said superstrings are here to work to form. Since the said respective strings are to tend to exist in a delineation, that is here to be placed, in general, at the external outer shell of such a said given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, -- even if the said orbifold eigenset is to be moving in a manner that is completely hermitian, and thus of a De Rham cohomology-related nature, -- the said strings will tend to not to be able to move in as much of a hermitian-related manner, in as these would intrinsically "want" to be moving in, over the earlier inferred given arbitrary respective evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric. This will then consequently result in the condition, that these said superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that are here to work to comprise the said directly corresponding orbifold eigenset of such a case, will then tend to work to consistently bear, what may here be thought of as the correlative presence of Chern-Simons singularities. This will then work to result in what may logically be thought of, as the proximal local presence, of what may be termed of as being Chern-Simons Invariants. As the said composite strings are here to help to work to form the proximal local presence of cohomological eigenstates, over time, this will then work to result in the formation of the earlier inferred Chern-Simons Invariants, that work to be formed by the motion of the said strings upon their directly corresponding Hamiltonian operand -- via the tense of the presence of either their Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities and/or the tense of the presence of their metric-based Chern-Simons singularities, to work to act upon the directly corresponding Rarita Structure eigenstates. This will consequently result in the action of the presence of such Chern-Simons Invariants, to work to bear a multiplicit Yukawa Coupling upon those Schwinger-Indices, that work to act -- in so as to help in working to form the basic forces of nature. Such said respective Schwinger-Indices are formed by the "plucking," like a harp, of the multiplicit gauge-boson eigenstates, upon their correlative second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates. This effect of the action of the proximal local presence of the inferred Chern-Simons Invariants, upon those Schwinger-Indices that work to help in forming the basic forces of nature, are consequently to act in a multiplicit manner, in general, as an embedding-related operation, upon the inferred basic forces of nature, -- in so as to work in a multiplicit manner, in so as to form the seven basic influences of physical nature. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Hello Genesis House.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Symplectic Floer Cohomology
That general type of a symplectic cohomology, that is here to have the ability of exhibiting the activity of either being able to work to generate more cohomology than it is here to work to degenerate, or being able to work to generate just as much cohomology than it is here to work to degenerate, or being able to work to generate less cohomology than it is here to work to degenerate -- in each case, over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, -- is said to be exhibiting, what may here be called a symplectic Floer cohomology. Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Cotangential Flow Of Mini-Stringular Segmentation Towards First-Order Point Particles, Part Two
That general cotangential flow of mini-stringular segmenation, that works to converge upon those first-order point particles, that work to form the myriad Ward-Cauchy-related physical entities that act as norm-state-projections, tends to be of more of a euclidean nature, -- than that general cotangential flow of mini-stringular segmentation, that works to converge upon those first-order point particles, that work to form superstrings. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
2:54 PM
cotangential flow,
first-order point particles,
mini-stringular segmentation,
physical entities,

Thursday, November 21, 2019
Cotangential Flow Towards First-Order Point Particles
That general cotangential flow of mini-stringular segmentation, that works to converge upon those first-order point particles, that work to form superstrings -- tends to be of more of a hyperbolic nature, than that general cotangential flow of mini-stringular segmentation, that works to converge upon those first-order point particles, that work to form the myriad Ward-Cauchy-related physical entities, that act as norm-state-projections. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Samuel Roach.
Posted by
7:04 AM
cotangential flow,
mini-stringular segmentation,
point particles

Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Relatively Stagnant Cohomology-Related Generation/Degeneration
In the substringular -- when there is to be both a group-attractor and a ghost-based inhibitor of the same scalar amplitude of wave-tug, that are here to be acting upon a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, at relatively opposite sides of the said orbifold eigenset, via a Ward-Supplemental directorial, over time, -- then, this will consequently tend to result in a relative stagnation of the directly corresponding cohomology-related generation/degeneration -- that is here of such a respective case. Sam Roach.
Yes Marshall Hill of Garden City, this is your friend Sam Roach's blog!
By the way -- my brothers are John Anthony Roach and Robert Joseph Roach.
My mom is Idella May Roach. My dad was Lee Anthony Roach. My sister is Linda Rausch. (PHS1989).
Yes Marshall Hill of Garden City, this is your friend Sam Roach's blog!
By the way -- my brothers are John Anthony Roach and Robert Joseph Roach.
My mom is Idella May Roach. My dad was Lee Anthony Roach. My sister is Linda Rausch. (PHS1989).
Posted by
2:39 PM
ghost-based inhibitor,

Why Nijenhuis Fringes Are Called "Nijenhuis"
With a superstring of discrete energy permittivity that would theoretically be of a two-dimensional spatial nature -- those partition-based discrepancies that work to exist along the topological contour of such a given arbitrary respective string, -- from the relative "0 degree" position toward the relative "360 degree" position (in the process of working to bear a Laplacian-related mappable-tracing, along the entire circulation of such a said theoretical string), are to be delineated in the following general type of inferred Laplacian-based back-and-forth manner: the first mappable partition-based discrepancy is to be delineated at a combined position, that is both to be placed at roughly the diameter of a first-order point particle into the relative norm-to-forward-holomorphic locus in relation to the flow of the topological contour of such a said respective string, as well as simultaneously being equally placed at roughly the diameter of a first-order point particle into the relative forward-holomorphic locus in relation to the flow of the topological contour of such a said respective string; Consequently -- the second of such mappable partition-based discrepancies along such an inferred general contour, is then to be delineated at a combined position, that is both to be placed at roughly the diameter of a first-order point particle into the relative norm-to-reverse-holomorphic locus in relation to the flow of the topological contour of such a said respective string, as well as being equally placed at roughly the diameter of a first-order point particle into the relative reverse-holomorphic locus in relation to the flow of the topological contour of such a said respective string, and so on. Yet -- with a superstring of discrete energy permittivity that would, instead, to theoretically be of a three-dimensional spatial nature -- such earlier said partition-based discrepancies, are to work to bear an added tensor of a relative flow of going back-and-forth, from initially working to bear a relative forward-holomorphic-related delineation to working to equally bear a relative reverse-holomorphic-related delineation, that is here to work to bear three partial components of spatial delineation, and so on.. -- in order to be able to map-out the relative Laplacian-based positioning of the resultant partition-based discrepancies, along the topological contour of such a said string -- from the relative "0 degree" positioning of the said respective string toward the relative "360 degree" positioning of the said respective string, -- along the entire circulation of such a said theoretical string. The more spatial dimensions of such a said respective superstring of discrete energy permittivity, the more of such tensors that are here to exist of such an inferred Nijenhuis-related nature. Since most actual closed-looped strings of such, in the real world, are to be comprised of at least four spatial dimensions plus time -- the proximal locus that is Poincare to the core-field-density of the partition-based discrepancies of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to tend to work to bear a higher scalar amplitude of a convergent webbing of mini-stringular segmentation, that is to be eminent in its Gliosis-based contact upon those first-order point particles of partition-based discrepancy, that are here to be placed just outside of the Laplacian-based flow of the general topological contour of such a said respective string, are consequently to bear a degree of a Nijenhuis nature, to their correlative Laplacian-based delineation. The just inferred relatively high scalar amplitude of such a convergent webbing that I have mentioned just earlier, works to explain to a degree, why the delineation of such partition-based discrepancies, is here to work to form "fringes." Thence, particularly with Calabi-Yau manifolds, as well as with manifolds that may potentially be of more of a Nijenhuis nature -- the multiplicit proximal locus of partition-based discrepancies, may here be described of as working to bear the general spatial attribute, of acting as phenomenology, that are here to be called "Nijenhuis fringes." Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Yes John Roach, this has always been my blog! (PHS class of 1989).
Yes John Roach, this has always been my blog! (PHS class of 1989).
Posted by
8:58 AM
Nijenhuis fringes,

Monday, November 18, 2019
Nijenhuis Fringes
Those Nijenhuis fringes of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to form a tense of a conformal repulsion locality, relating to such said respective strings, -- works to help to reverse-fractal-out to form those respective Nijenhuis fringes of their directly corresponding orbifold eigensets, that are here, as well, to work to form a tense of a conformal repulsion locality, relating to such said respective orbifold eigensets -- the latter of which is here to be at a relatively less microscopic Ward-Cauchy-related scene. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
12:20 PM
conformal repulsion,
discrete energy permittivity,
Nijenhuis fringes,
orbifold eigensets,

Friday, November 15, 2019
Physical Pretense
So, what's on the other side of a dimensional entity that has no physical pretense at that general localization? :
Let's take into consideration a two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity (as an oversimplification), that propagates the presence of the holonomic substrate of a three-dimensional world-sheet. Since the correlative string is only two-dimensional, it needs the local presence of positive-neutral-ground-states -- to act as entities, that are here to work to help form partial dimensional slits -- that are here to interact with those directly corresponding point commutators, -- in order to work to form a tense of a three-dimensional-related conformal invariance, that is to act "on both sides" of the correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity that has been eluded-to here. The corresponding Nijenhuis "fringes" of the directly pertinent partition-based discrepancies, are what may be thought of here as a fractal of a "Van-Der-Waals force", that is here to work to form a tense of a field, of what may be termed of here as being a general type of a conformal-repulsion-locality. As a Laplacian Transform, as to what may be mapped-out in-between the earlier said Nijenhuis "fringes" and the immediately adjacent superstrings, -- there is the eminent presence of the directly pertinent anti-differentiable cohomology-related globalizations -- whose Ward-Cauchy-based behavior may be defined in part, by the extrapolation of those correlative substringular entities, that are to here to display the correlative behavior that act as arc-hyperbolic-trigonometric functions, whose side-bearing couplings, will then consequently orientate the respective correlative mers of norm-based projections, in such a manner, in so as to help to guide what is here to be the present relationship between the associated Real-based entities and the directly corresponding Nijenhuis entities. This happens, in order to help to work-out the Ward-Cauchy interdependence -- that is here to exist between discrete energy and its resultant physical memory. This just stated orientation is to happen, via the commutation of a discrete world-sheet that is quantized, in part, into the overall world-sheet of its directly corresponding orbifold eigenset. This said overall world-sheet, when in relation to the topology of a substringular membrane that is of a mass-bearing nature -- will often in reality, tend to instead to be of such a metric, that is here to be of a Calabi-Yau nature. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Let's take into consideration a two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity (as an oversimplification), that propagates the presence of the holonomic substrate of a three-dimensional world-sheet. Since the correlative string is only two-dimensional, it needs the local presence of positive-neutral-ground-states -- to act as entities, that are here to work to help form partial dimensional slits -- that are here to interact with those directly corresponding point commutators, -- in order to work to form a tense of a three-dimensional-related conformal invariance, that is to act "on both sides" of the correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity that has been eluded-to here. The corresponding Nijenhuis "fringes" of the directly pertinent partition-based discrepancies, are what may be thought of here as a fractal of a "Van-Der-Waals force", that is here to work to form a tense of a field, of what may be termed of here as being a general type of a conformal-repulsion-locality. As a Laplacian Transform, as to what may be mapped-out in-between the earlier said Nijenhuis "fringes" and the immediately adjacent superstrings, -- there is the eminent presence of the directly pertinent anti-differentiable cohomology-related globalizations -- whose Ward-Cauchy-based behavior may be defined in part, by the extrapolation of those correlative substringular entities, that are to here to display the correlative behavior that act as arc-hyperbolic-trigonometric functions, whose side-bearing couplings, will then consequently orientate the respective correlative mers of norm-based projections, in such a manner, in so as to help to guide what is here to be the present relationship between the associated Real-based entities and the directly corresponding Nijenhuis entities. This happens, in order to help to work-out the Ward-Cauchy interdependence -- that is here to exist between discrete energy and its resultant physical memory. This just stated orientation is to happen, via the commutation of a discrete world-sheet that is quantized, in part, into the overall world-sheet of its directly corresponding orbifold eigenset. This said overall world-sheet, when in relation to the topology of a substringular membrane that is of a mass-bearing nature -- will often in reality, tend to instead to be of such a metric, that is here to be of a Calabi-Yau nature. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Holomorphic Direction And Space-Time-Fabric
Let's initially consider a closed-looped superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to be traveling via a d-field. The said superstring is here to be traveling in the relative forward-holmorphic direction, over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric. Let's consider the space-time-fabric that is here to be at the relative interior of the core-field-density of the string, to be relatively void of first-order point particles that are of the same universal setting as the initially inferred superstring of discrete energy permittvity. Let's next surmise that the holonomic substrate that works to comprise the topology of the said string, to be made-up of a torsional Virtual Bead of first-order point particles (which is here to be as such a bead, with the exception of its partition-based discrepancies), that have here to have come together to work to form the actual entity of the said string of discrete energy permittivity. One may then work to describe the thus inferred holonomic substrate of the topology of the said string, as a torsional compactifited "dimensional slit," that is here to be constantly vibrating -- in one manner or another. If the motion of the said string, that is here to be moving in the respective relative holomorphic direction, when at the vantage-point of its inferred "void," is here to be considered to be of a Real Reimmanian nature, -- then, the Lagrangian of the self-same string, at the Poincare level to the holonomic substrate of its topological stratum, may be considered to be of an Imaginary nature. This is part of why one may often label the relative holomorphic direction of a superstring (which is to the relative "left"), to be in the relative "i" direction. Consequently, the tying of knotted phenomenology -- that is here to come into any sort of a Gliosis-related contact with the said topological-related holonomic substrate of such a said superstring, may be considered to be appertaining to a relationship, that is here to be associated with the nature of (A Constant)*(PI)*(i); -- where "i" is the square root of a negative one.
Sam Roach.
Sam Roach.
The "Truth" Tachyon, And Knotted Phenomenology
As a general symbolic representation -- when one is here to be dealing with the activity of the tying of knotted substringular phenomenology, one is here to be dealing with the eminent mathematical expression of "(i)!" -- to work at helping to represent the exhibition of what is to be going on here. Furthermore -- when one is here to be dealing with the activity of the untying of knotted substringular phenomenology, one is here to be dealing with the eminent mathematical expression of "(-i)!" -- to work at helping to represent the exhibition of what is to be going on here. Next -- when one is here to be symbolically dealing with the generic Coupling of these two said general courses of activity, -- a coupling between the activity of the tying of knotted substringular phenomenology, with the activity of the untying of knotted substringular phenomenology, -- then, one is here to simply be dealing with the presence of a negative scalar magnitude or amplitude of mathematical expression ((-1), as an oversimplification). The general idea as to this, works to represent the concept of a reversal of time -- for any one set vantage-point that is to experience such a change in the direction of the respective arrow of time. This general idea, works to symbolically represent, that general genus of tachyonic flow -- that is here to work to involve, what may be named of as being the "truth" tachyon.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Example Of Superconformal Invariance
Here's an example -- as to how a phenomenology may be superconformally invariant at an internal reference-frame, even though it may be kinetic in motion at an external reference-frame.:
A tree that is rooted in the ground tends to be relatively stationary at an internal reference-frame, from an observing person on earth. Yet, since the earth is constantly moving around the sun in outer space -- at the vantage point of our planet earth, the tree is then to be consequently moving at a relatively more significant manner at an external reference-frame.
Likewise, -- mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, are superconformally invariant at an internal reference-frame, -- even though such said mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, are here to be kinetic at an external reference-frame.
It is the open strings that are of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, that are here to work to move those particular closed strings -- that are here of discrete mass-bearing energy permittivity.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
A tree that is rooted in the ground tends to be relatively stationary at an internal reference-frame, from an observing person on earth. Yet, since the earth is constantly moving around the sun in outer space -- at the vantage point of our planet earth, the tree is then to be consequently moving at a relatively more significant manner at an external reference-frame.
Likewise, -- mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, are superconformally invariant at an internal reference-frame, -- even though such said mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, are here to be kinetic at an external reference-frame.
It is the open strings that are of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, that are here to work to move those particular closed strings -- that are here of discrete mass-bearing energy permittivity.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:49 PM
discrete energy,
internal reference-frame,
superconformal invariance

Partial Proof Of Centralized Knotting Equation
To Prove: (-i)! = (i/PI) & (i)! = i*PI;
Proof: If (-i)! = (i/PI), Then, (i/i)*(i/PI) = (-1)/(i*PI) = (-i)!;
If (-i)! = (-1)/(i*PI), &, (i)! = i*PI; then, -- ((-i)!)/(i*PI) = -1 & ((i)!/(i*PI) = 1;
If e^(i*PI) = e^((i)!) = (((i)!)/(i*PI))*(((-i)!)/(i*PI)) = 1*(-1) = -1;
Consequently, -- ((-i)!/(i*PI) MUST = -1 & ((i)!/(i*PI) = 1;
So -- If ((-i)! = ((-1)/(i*PI), Then,
((-i)!/(i*PI)) = (((-1/(i*PI)/(i*PI) = (-i*PI)/(i*PI) = -1; & ;
(((i)!/(i*PI)) = ((i*PI)/(i*PI)) = 1.
Therefore, -- (-i)! = (i/(PI)), &, (i)! = i*PI.
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Proof: If (-i)! = (i/PI), Then, (i/i)*(i/PI) = (-1)/(i*PI) = (-i)!;
If (-i)! = (-1)/(i*PI), &, (i)! = i*PI; then, -- ((-i)!)/(i*PI) = -1 & ((i)!/(i*PI) = 1;
If e^(i*PI) = e^((i)!) = (((i)!)/(i*PI))*(((-i)!)/(i*PI)) = 1*(-1) = -1;
Consequently, -- ((-i)!/(i*PI) MUST = -1 & ((i)!/(i*PI) = 1;
So -- If ((-i)! = ((-1)/(i*PI), Then,
((-i)!/(i*PI)) = (((-1/(i*PI)/(i*PI) = (-i*PI)/(i*PI) = -1; & ;
(((i)!/(i*PI)) = ((i*PI)/(i*PI)) = 1.
Therefore, -- (-i)! = (i/(PI)), &, (i)! = i*PI.
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Unified Centralized Knotting Of Field, Part Two
The following post is a hunch that I have. Please let me know if this makes adequate sense. Initially as a heads up -- in dealing with the equation that I had mentioned last time, when one is here to be thinking in terms of phenomenology that is being tied into a centralized knotted cotangent bundle, then, one is consequently to be dealing with the mathematical expression, "(i)!", at the beginning of the just inferred equation. However, again as a heads up -- in dealing with the equation that I had mentioned last post, when one is here to be thinking in terms of phenomenology that is being untied out of an initially formed centralized knotted cotangent bundle, then, one is consequently to be dealing with the mathematical expression, "(-i)!", at the beginning of the just inferred equation.
Incidentally, {"(i)!" = i*PI; and "(-i)!" = (i/(PI))}, if I recall!?
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Incidentally, {"(i)!" = i*PI; and "(-i)!" = (i/(PI))}, if I recall!?
To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
1:59 AM
knotted bundle,

Monday, November 11, 2019
Unified Centralized Knotting Of Field
Just A Thought: I'm not entirely sure of this, but I thought that I would run it past you. ;
The following is a potentially decent equation that crossed my mind, for a unified centralized knotting of field, that works in helping to correlate Real-Based Spaces with Li-Based Spaces.
((((+i Or -i)!/(2^.5))X(Nijenhuis Function Intrinsic To Given Case(ihat+jhat+khat...)))/(96PI(Rho,Theta,Phi))X(J))))
(Divided By)
((((Nijenhuis Function Intrinsic To Given Case(ihat+jhat+khat...))/(96PI(Rho,Theta,Phi)))^(32Prime)X((2*The Fourier Of The Hamiltonian Operator)^(Single Prime))X(The Hodge Index Of Time, In Terms Of Discrete Planck Instants))).
To Where "J" is S+L (the overall momentum), The Hamiltonian Operator is the overall energy of the system, the "hats" represent directorals, and "i" is the square root of negative one. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach. P.S.: "Nijenhuis Function Intrinsic To Given Case" is here to be that given arbitrary respective Nijenhuis mathematically-based function, that is here to directly correspond to the motion of the said Hamiltonian Operator -- that is here to be exhibiting the action that is correlative to the said centralized knotting of the respective field, of any one such given arbitrary cases.
The following is a potentially decent equation that crossed my mind, for a unified centralized knotting of field, that works in helping to correlate Real-Based Spaces with Li-Based Spaces.
((((+i Or -i)!/(2^.5))X(Nijenhuis Function Intrinsic To Given Case(ihat+jhat+khat...)))/(96PI(Rho,Theta,Phi))X(J))))
(Divided By)
((((Nijenhuis Function Intrinsic To Given Case(ihat+jhat+khat...))/(96PI(Rho,Theta,Phi)))^(32Prime)X((2*The Fourier Of The Hamiltonian Operator)^(Single Prime))X(The Hodge Index Of Time, In Terms Of Discrete Planck Instants))).
To Where "J" is S+L (the overall momentum), The Hamiltonian Operator is the overall energy of the system, the "hats" represent directorals, and "i" is the square root of negative one. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach. P.S.: "Nijenhuis Function Intrinsic To Given Case" is here to be that given arbitrary respective Nijenhuis mathematically-based function, that is here to directly correspond to the motion of the said Hamiltonian Operator -- that is here to be exhibiting the action that is correlative to the said centralized knotting of the respective field, of any one such given arbitrary cases.
Posted by
11:55 AM
Li-Based Spaces,
Nijenhuis Function,
Real-Based Spaces,

Saturday, November 9, 2019
Scattering And Cotangent Bundle
When Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenology are to scatter -- in so as to work to converge upon a substringular cotangent bundle of some given arbitrary spatial dimensionality, -- then, this is one general genus of a Reimman Scattering; Whereas, -- when Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenology are to scatter -- in so as to work to diverge from a substringular cotangent bundle of some given arbitrary spatial dimensionality, -- then, this is one general genus of a Rayleigh Scattering. Samuel Roach.
Posted by
2:20 PM
cotangent bundle,
spatial dimensionality,

Friday, November 8, 2019
A Certain Tense Of An Inverse Curl
Let's say that one were to consider (e^(Ricci Flow)) to arbitrarily be denoted by a given arbitrary cartesian function, that we will, for simplicity, term of here as being called "u." (In meters^2/seconds^2, in one tense or another of a directoral). The inverse curl of (e^(del(the Ricci Flow))) is then to be congruent in symmetrical effect, to the inverse secant of
(e^(the Ricci Flow)). I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
(e^(the Ricci Flow)). I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:07 AM
inverse curl,
inverse secant,
Ricci Flow,
symmetrical effect

Reaction Involving Antiholomorphic Kahler Conditions
As it has been said in physics many times before, -- for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction -- that is here to be acting in the opposite direction. Consequently -- often when a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset is here to bear a Ward-Supplemental reverberation in its transversal flow of Lagrangian-based motion over time, such a said reverberation will consequently tend to work to form a situation, that is here to involve the state of a set of antiholomorphic Kahler conditions, -- of which is here to tend to work to cause the reaction of a set of one or more space-related eigenstates, to result in a Lagrangian-related motion -- that is here to move in a manner that is relatively Nijenhuis yet parallel to the reverberation-related motion of the initially stated orbifold eigenset, that is to be reverberating in a manner that is here to be Ward-Supplemental to its initial motion. This tends to happen in such a general implied manner, when the inferred orbifold eigenset is in need of reattaining its fractals of discrete energy that it is in need of, in order to remain as a set of discrete energy quanta. Such a process is necessary, because although discrete energy is very efficient, -- it is not literally completely efficient. Such an inferred general process consequently happens, in so as to work to refurbish the efficiency of discrete energy quanta over time. To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
Posted by
9:27 AM
orbifold eigenset,

Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Scattering As Just One General Genus Of Perturbation
The difference between a Wess-Zumino interaction and a Reimman interaction (as in a Reimman scattering), is that the general idea as to what a Wess-Zumino interaction is, is that it may be any one given arbitrary general type of a Ward-Cauchy-related harmonic perturbation; whereas -- a Reimman interaction (again, as in a Reimman scattering), is the general idea as to what a Ward-Cauchy-related harmonic scattering is to be. Furthermore, -- the difference between a Cevita interaction and a Rayleigh interaction (as in a Rayleigh scattering), is that the general idea as to what a Cevita interaction is, is that it may be any one given arbitrary general type of a Ward-Cauchy-related anharmonic perturbation; whereas -- a Rayleigh interaction (again, as in a Rayleigh scattering), is the general idea as to what a Ward-Cauchy-related anharmonic scattering is to be. A Ward-Caucy-related scattering, is only one general genus of a Ward-Cauchy-related perturbation. To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
Posted by
7:00 AM
Wess-Zumino interaction

Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Altering Rate Of i*PI(del) Action
When a given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to be altering in its acceleration, when this is here to be taken in its relationship to the velocity of electromagnetic energy -- then, the correlative i*PI(del) action that is here to be directly corresponding to the said respective given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, will consequently tend to be altering in its rate. Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:37 AM
electromagnetic energy,
i*Pi(del) Action,
orbifold eigenset,

Sound And Heat
Sound tends to basically be formed by the harmonic vibration of molecules, whereas heat tends to basically be formed by the anharmonic vibration of molecules. Therefore -- the nature of the formation of sound, is more affiliated with the activity of a tense of Wess-Zumino interactions; whereas -- the nature of the formation of heat, is more affliated with the activity of a tense of Cevita interactions. Sam Roach.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Mass-Bearing Discrete Energy -- Gliosis To The Kahler-Metric
When mass-bearing orbifold eigensets are Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric, this general genus of activity works, in part, to make those composite superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to comprise such said orbifold eigensets -- to become more efficient at subsequently to be able to interact with physical norm-state-projections in such a manner, to where those correlative multifarious abelian groupings may be able to "latch-on" to that core-field-density that is proximal local to these said strings, in an indistinguishably different manner with relatively minimal slippage, -- in so as to work to allow for both the continued persistence and existence of cohomological generation, -- so that discrete energy permittivity and thus discrete energy, may then continue to both persist and exist as well. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:54 PM
orbifold eigenset,
proximal local

Point On A Paraboloid
Let us say that one were to have a physical point at a position, that is here to be stationed on the outer surface of a paraboloid. This said physical point at a position, is here to be stationary -- at an internal reference-frame. Let's next consider that the said paraboloid, is to initially be stationary as well -- at its own internal reference-frame. The said paraboloid has a position, since it has a shape. Anything that has a position has an angle, that is here to be directly associated with its respective shape. Now -- let's say that the paraboloid mentioned here, is, subsequent to the initial conditions inferred here, to roll off of a table. Its angle of position, at each increment of motion along the table, works to define its coexistence with its environment, -- when including its eminent association with the table, that the said paraboloid is here to be rolling off of. The rolling of the object is like a spin. The change of the object's norm conditions, as it is here to be rolling off of the table, is the physical Action of the Object, that is here to bring it to a new resultant set of positions, -- which is here to create the object's Motion. The driving force of the object, in whatever direction that it is pressured into moving through, also works to cause Motion, by helping to allow for a positional drive of the object. So, -- change in norm conditions, over time -- in both radial translation & in transversal positional drive, works together, to form the basic building blocks, of what may here be thought of as being regular kinematic motion. Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
9:52 AM

Guidance Into Holonomic Substrate Of Klein Bottle Eigenstate
Over the course of an iteration of instanton, -- when any one given arbitrary Noether-based orbifold eigenset is here to be Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric -- what is here to mainly work to guide those composite discrete quanta of energy, that are here of such a respective orbifold eigenset, to go into the process of being delineated into consequently becoming briefly "riveted" into the relative norm-to-holomorphic positioning of the directly corresponding eigenstate of the holonomic substrate of the Klein Bottle, is a set of certain Ward-Cauchy-related aspects of the inter-relationships that are here to exist among both the correlative respective Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate and the correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstate, when this is here to be taken in its interdependent relationship with both the directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity and its correlative counter string. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
5:55 AM
Klein Bottle,

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