Friday, October 11, 2019

Orientable Superstrings And The i*PI(del) Action

When the Betti Number of any one given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is demonstrable as being odd -- during both right before an iteration of BRST for that said respective string, as well as during the ensuing correlative respective iteration of the Regge Action for the same said respective string, -- then, such a said superstring will not be orientable during the directly corresponding iteration of instanton.  When such a said superstring is not orientable during instanton, it will tend to not work to bear a field that would otherwise be homeomorphic with its directly corresponding counter string.  When the field that is to exist between any one given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity and its correlative counter string, is to not be homeomorphic during a respective correlative iteration of instanton, then such a general course of activity will tend to cause the directly corresponding i*PI(del) action, that is contingent upon the Lagrangian-related course of such a said string, to go into Not working to bear a homeomorphic delineation.  Consequently -- when the i*PI(del) action is to come into a situation, to where it is then to perturbate into not working to bear a homeomorphic delineation, then, such a said superstring of discrete energy permittivity, will result into then converting from initially working to bear a Noether-related flow, into then working to bear a tachyonic-related flow.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam.

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