Friday, October 18, 2019

A Certain Tense Of A Perturbation Series

What type of a perturbation series would propagate, if certain superstrings of covariant traits were to acquire a certain general genus of topological sway -- and how would this work to alter the angular momentum of that homotopy, whose phenomenology is defined, in part, by the interaction of those covariant traits with one another, as such super strings that work to form the inferred traits, -- are here to act in an eigen-related manner, to the inferred directly pertinent differentiable semi-groups, that are correlative to the said covariant traits?  (These semi-groups here, are physical entities that act as norm-state-projections, -- that act as catalysts to the formation of those strings, which work to encode for the mentioned covariant traits.)  As an arbitrary example: A superstring of discrete energy permittivity is reiterated within the same general substringular neighborhood, over a relatively brief evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  Quadrillions of related strings perform such a general tense of a reiteration, at this general superstringular region as well.  A minority of the closed-looped strings that are related here, work to iterate and reiterate side-to-side, on a slightly differentiable coniaxial-related basis.  These strings are here to maintain an even function of polar shift, in order to not get "kicked-out" of their association with the other strings, to where these strings, are to work to help to define the basis of their respective covariant traits. The change in the holomorphic index, thus caused, will consequently work to commute a change of phase, when this is in terms of the nodation of the anharmonic oscillation of these strings, that are here to be altering int their intrinsic directional tendency.  This consequently causes a general change in both the correlative wave-tug and in the correlative wave connection, of both the directly involved superstrings,  as well as with the immediately adjacent Schwinger-Indices.  This phase alteration will then work to reposition the parallax of homotopic differentiation, by setting-up a substringular buffer in the related semi-groups.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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