Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Discrete Energy Quantum Described, By Metaphorically Utilizing A "Horse" As An Allegorical Example

Please allow me to help you, at being able to better understand my model of string theory, when this is in terms of the condition of one discrete quantum of energy, when at the Ward-Cauchy level, -- by utilizing a metaphor, by working to involve the description of a "horse" as an example.  Let us initially imagine a horse that is being ridden by a person.  Let us metaphorically think of this ridden "horse" as one symbolic discrete quantum of energy.  Let us next imagine, over the course of such an analogy, that the "front legs" of this horse -- are here to be symbolic of a counter string of discrete energy permittivity, -- that works to propel this ridden horse into action, after the initial thrust that is here to be caused by the back legs of the said horse, is to be initiated.  (To where the said "front legs," are here to be symbolic -- of what is basically the wave-based nature of discrete energy permittivity.)  Let us next imagine, over the said analogy, that the "back legs" of such a said horse -- are here to act, as the symbolic superstring of discrete energy permittivity, -- since the said back legs, which basically are to be more in control of the actual thrust of the said horse than the front legs are, act, in so as to work to push from the back, upon the general surface that the horse is here to be riding upon, in so as to help facilitate that forward leaping, in which the motion of the front legs of the said horse, is here to be helping to work to allow for. (Symbolic of what is basically the particle-based nature of discrete energy permittivity.)   Let us next allegorically think of those reigns, that work to help in establishing a tense of both control and restraint over the general activity of the horse, are here to be symbolically representing the general first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that is of one discrete quantum of energy (that part of one discrete quantum of energy impedance, that basically acts as the wave-characteristic of such a tense of discrete energy).  Last but not least -- let us metaphorically think of the person, that is here to be riding upon this said "horse," to be symbolic of a Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, -- since the person, of whom is here to be in the process of riding such a horse, is to work to control the earlier mentioned symbolic reigns of the here allegorically ridden horse, in so as to allow for the proper controls that are here to be set into place, in order for the horse of such a symbolically mentioned case, to arrive at the desired symbolic destination.  (In my model of string theory, the earlier mentioned Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, is here to basically act as the particle-based nature of discrete energy impedance).  I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Samuel David Roach.

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