Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ward-Parallel Activation

Whenever a Noether-related orbifold eigenset that is moving in a transversal manner, is to work to bear a Lagrangian-based wave-tug that is to push it into a Ward-Supplemental direction, this general tense of an activity -- will consequently tend to work to trigger the Fourier-related sinusoidal propagation-associated Ward-Parallel (parallel, yet, in a Nijenhuis-related manner) Activation, of a relatively thick (at the Poincare level to such a Ward-Cauchy-related perspective), spring-like chord of mini-stringular segmentation, -- that may be thought of as being an arbitrary respective example of a Wick Action eigenstate.  I will continue later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

As To The Wick Action Eigenstate

The multiplicit Wick Action eigenstate exists like a metaphorical superstringular "spring," that moves in a Fourier-related manner, via a sinusoidal oscillating motion, -- in so as to work to contact the relative norm-to-forward-holomorphic end of what may here be called the multiplicitly taken Landau-Gisner Action eigenstate.  The said relative norm-to-forward-holomorphic end, of what may here be called the multiplicitly taken Landau-Gisner Action eigenstate, exists like a metaphorically superstringular "spring."  When the relative holomorphic end of the said Wick Action eigenstate is here to come into contact with the relative norm-to-holomorphic end of the said Landau-Gisner Action eigenstate, there is temporarily a relative Ward-Cauchy-based meshing of these two different types of inferred eigenstates, which works to cause the said Landau-Gisner Action eigenstate to apply a leveraging upon the multiplicit Fischler-Suskind Mechanism, over a relatively brief gauge-metric.  This just said general genus of leveraging, consequently works to apply an abelian wave-tug upon the holonomic substrate of the multiplicit Klein Bottle eigenstate, -- in so as to move the multiplicit Higgs Boson eigenstate into the general Ward-Cauchy-related region, in which there is here to be the proximal local presence of discrete energy that needs to reattain their fractals of discrete energy, -- so that energy may be able to both persist and exist. To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

About A "Buffer" Between Orbifold Eigensets

That general genus of the activity of a phase alteration, from among a set of covariant substringular traits, to where each of such "traits," is here to act as a set of interdependent orbifold eigensets -- that work to re-position the parallax that is here to exist, between those eigenstates that are eminent in their correlation to that directly corresponding  homotopic differentiation, that is here to exist in relation to the proximal local kinematic activity of the general course of the i*PI(del) action -- is here to act indirectly as a "buffer," by working to allow for the efficient interdependent motion of the inferred semi-groups, that are here to phenotypically be exhibited as the earlier inferred sets of orbifold eigensets.  This is because the co-differentiation of the said traits with the said "buffer," would act as a physical "check-and-balance" to the inertial Dirac of the given homotopic condition.  If, after a discrete series accumulation of differential variance, and, if the homotopy that is here to be correlative, has here to have undergone such global kinematics in a viable Fourier-based manner -- to where the said covariant traits are then to gradually move into the "direction" of getting caught-up into a common functional operation that is to consequently "synchronize" into a common general theme of kinematic activity, then, the said series that is here to have been eluded-to, will then tend to  consequently have converged upon a local basis of operational-related function.  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Superstrings Of Discrete Energy Permittivity And Partition-Based Discrepancies

Individually taken mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, tend to bear their partition-based discrepancies in such a manner, to where these are to be subtended by one more parameter of spatial dimensionality -- than the number of spatial dimensions that such said individually taken superstrings are here to exhibit, during the course of any one iteration of BRST.  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Polyakov Action And The i*PI(del) Action

For Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenology, that is here to be of a Noether Flow; -- The Lower the Polyakov Action, the Greater the Lorentz-Four-Contraction is here to be, as to any one respective given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset.  The Greater the respective Lorentz-Four-Contraction is for such a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, the less partition-based discrepancies that those individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise such an inferred set of discrete energy, will consequently tend to have. The less partition-based discrepancies that those individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise the said inferred set of discrete energy will then consequently have -- the more mass-bearing superstrings that the earlier mentioned respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset will consequently tend to have.  This is on account of the condition, that mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that are of a Noether-based flow tend to be Yau-Exact.  Such Yau-Exact superstring are to generate as much cohomology as these are here to degenerate, in a relatively piecewise continuous manner, over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  In order to be Yau-Exact, a superstring is here to be forced into a situation -- to where the faster that these are to travel in relationship to light -- the faster that the earlier mentioned piecewise continuous manner of such a process, in which just as much cohomology is to be generated as is here to be degenerated, is then to cycle into effect.  The faster that such a general cyclical process is to occur, the less partition-based discrepancies that such individually taken said strings are then to have.  Yet, in order for homotopic residue to be conserved -- the overall number of partition-based discrepancies in a mass-bearing orbifold eigneset is to be maintained.  This  works to help to cause the Relativistic condition -- that, as a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to approach the speed of light, it is to work to bear a higher mass.  Furthermore, as the Polyakov Action is decreased (which is as the Lorentz-Four-Contraction is to increase), the superstring is to not only to bear less partition-based discrepancies, yet, it is to be contracted in a manner, that is here to bear a tense of a euclidean proportionality, with the change in the respective number of partition-based discrepancies that are present in these superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise such a said orbifold eigenset.  This general activity, as to the change in the number of partition-based discrepancies, is what I call -- the i*PI(del) Action.To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Tree-Amplitudes And Knotted Phenomenology

The higher that the order of genus of a Tree-Amplitude-related directoral is to be, for any given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-related cotangent bundle of holonomic physical phenomenology, the more knotted that such a said respective Ward-Cauchy-related cotangent bundle of holonomic physical phenomenology will tend to be -- at its respective internal reference-frame.  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

More As To The Noether Current

The multiplicit flow of phenomenology that is here to be traveling at the speed of light or slower, that is to act as the Ward-Cauchy resultant of that general type of interaction --  that is to happen between superstrings and physical norm-state-projections in the substringular, may be viewed of here as being one particular manner of consideration -- as to what the Noether Current is to be.  Sam Roach.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Added Dimension Of Torque To i*PI(del) Action

Let us initially consider a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, that is here to be undergoing a course of a Noether-related flow, that is smoothly changing in its relative motion in its relationship with electromagnetic energy, in both a transversal and in a radial manner -- over time.  This added tensor of an additional change in motion when in relationship to light, will consequently work to cause an added effectual spatial dimension of delineation, to the correlative multiplicit placement of the directly corresponding partition-based discrepancies, per each individually taken superstring of discrete energy permittivity that works to comprise the said orbifold eigenset, that are here to be smoothly delineated -- per said inferred superstring, -- over the mappable-tracing of the contour of the Laplacian-related topological stratum, that works to comprise their holonomic substrate, -- in a slightly different manner per each successive iteration of group-related instanton, over a sequential series of such said respective instantons -- as to where the associated flow of the correlative i*PI(del) Action, will consequently work to bear an added spatial dimension of angular momentum-related torque, over the course of such an inferred binary perturbation in the directly associated Lorentz-Four-Contraction, that is here to be changing in both a transversal and in a radial manner simultaneously -- via the vantage-point of a central coniaxion.  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Homogenous And Spurious i*PI(del) Action

When a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is here to accelerate smoothly in its relationship with electromagnetic energy, its directly correlative i*PI(del) action will then happen in a relatively homogeneous manner -- over the inferred evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, in which such a general genus of a Fourier-related activity is here to be occurring.  Consequently; when a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to accelerate in an uneven manner in its relationship with electromagnetic energy, its directly correlative i*PI(del) action will then happen in a relatively spurious manner -- over the inferred evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, in which such a general genus of a Fourier-related activity is here to be occurring. As an ansantz:  What I mean in this post is in reference to the general idea of rate, which is here to NOT to be confused with delineation, -- to where the latter of which is in reference to the general idea of placement.  (The time-related Rate of a general genus of an activity versus the time-related Placement of a general genus of an activity.  When a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is of a Noether-based flow, the partition-based discrepancies of each individually taken superstring of discrete energy permittivity, which works to comprise the said eigenset, are to be placed evenly along the topological contour of these said strings, per each individually taken succeeding iteration of group-related instanton,-- in which this is here to be occurring, over time.)  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Inhibition Of Noether-Based Flow (Noether Current)

The less inhibited that the Noether-based flow of a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to be, the closer that such a respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset will consequently tend to move toward the speed of light.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Samuel David Roach.

The i*PI(del) Action And Relative Change In Motion

Let's initially consider a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset.  When such an orbifold eigenset is to change in its motion in relationship to electromagnetic energy, -- the respective orbifold eigenset will consequently alter in its correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction.  When this orbifold eigenset is to alter in its correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction, such a said respective eigenset will consequently work to bear an eminent activity in its directly corresponding i*PI(del) action.  When the course of the directly corresponding i*PI(del) action of the respective orbifold eigenset is to become eminent, then, the regional exhibition -- as to the manner by which the homotopic residue is here to be conserved, at the proximal local Ward-Cauchy-related region in which the said eigenset is here to be altering in its motion, when relative to electromagnetic energy, will consequently alter here.  Sam Roach.

Friday, October 18, 2019

More As To A Certain Tense Of A Perturbation Series

The general course of the activity of a superstringular perturbation series -- in which a set of inferred orbifold eigensets are to change in both their tense of interdependent inter-connection, and in their tense of interdependent intrinsic directional tedency -- will often re-localize in a Ward-Supplemental manner, in a Nijenhuis tense, toward the direction of the change in angular homotopy.  This is caused, in part, by the correlative coniaxial-related twists, that are to consequently happen to the directly corresponding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, in the process of such an inferred tense of a perturbation series.  The buffer that is here to work to allow for the relatively smooth translation of such an alteration in the consequently altering interdependent inter-relationhip, that is of such an inferred set of orbifold eignesets, will tend to be produced by the harmonic sway of those wave connections, which were re-localized by the propagation of the directly correlative axions, that are here to be most associated with the shift in the Fourier-related re-positioning of the here mentioned orbifold eigensets -- that are here to have just changed in their tense of operation, over the course of what is here to have occurred over a relatively brief duration of time.  Such axions are here to have been generated by those tensors, that had here worked to cause a euclidean re-positioning, every time that the related superstrings were here to have spontaneously torqued in their directly corresponding holonomic composition.  This general Hamiltonian-based angular momentum tense of an alteration, would consequently, by interacting with the mentioned "buffer," tend to work to diverge the local invariance of the set of interactive traits, yet, it would tend to work to converge the directly associated activity of the said given arbitrary respective set of orbifold eigensets,  into a  kinematic differentiation in the perturbation of their covariant activity.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

A Certain Tense Of A Perturbation Series

What type of a perturbation series would propagate, if certain superstrings of covariant traits were to acquire a certain general genus of topological sway -- and how would this work to alter the angular momentum of that homotopy, whose phenomenology is defined, in part, by the interaction of those covariant traits with one another, as such super strings that work to form the inferred traits, -- are here to act in an eigen-related manner, to the inferred directly pertinent differentiable semi-groups, that are correlative to the said covariant traits?  (These semi-groups here, are physical entities that act as norm-state-projections, -- that act as catalysts to the formation of those strings, which work to encode for the mentioned covariant traits.)  As an arbitrary example: A superstring of discrete energy permittivity is reiterated within the same general substringular neighborhood, over a relatively brief evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  Quadrillions of related strings perform such a general tense of a reiteration, at this general superstringular region as well.  A minority of the closed-looped strings that are related here, work to iterate and reiterate side-to-side, on a slightly differentiable coniaxial-related basis.  These strings are here to maintain an even function of polar shift, in order to not get "kicked-out" of their association with the other strings, to where these strings, are to work to help to define the basis of their respective covariant traits. The change in the holomorphic index, thus caused, will consequently work to commute a change of phase, when this is in terms of the nodation of the anharmonic oscillation of these strings, that are here to be altering int their intrinsic directional tendency.  This consequently causes a general change in both the correlative wave-tug and in the correlative wave connection, of both the directly involved superstrings,  as well as with the immediately adjacent Schwinger-Indices.  This phase alteration will then work to reposition the parallax of homotopic differentiation, by setting-up a substringular buffer in the related semi-groups.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Some Stuff As To The Speed Of Light

You know how electromagnetic energy (light) in a vacuum -- from within the realm of our planet -- travels at a velocity of 2.99792458*10^8 meters per second?  Our planet spins on its axis, and also orbits around our sun in an elliptical manner.  Both our solar system as well as our galaxy, is moving as a unit, -- through the fabric of space and time.  Did it consequently ever occur to people that fundamental electromagnetic energy, in the realm of any given vacuum to be considered here to exist in deep outer space -- may then often actually travel at exactly 3*10^8 meters per second?
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Antiholomorphic Kahler Conditions And Degeneration

Whenever there is to be the proximal local presence of the eminence of a set of one or more antiholomorphic Kahler conditions, in the directly corresponding Ward-Cauchy bounds of a substringular-related phenomenology, that is here to be undergoing a so-eluded-to tense of a set of one or more Chern-Simons singularities, -- there will as well, tend to be a respective proximal local relative increase in the degeneration of the cohomology, that is here to be happening in the inferred general region in which there is to be the said presence of the eminence of a set of one or more antiholomorphic Kahler conditions.  Consequently -- if the earlier stated general Ward-Cauchy-related region is to tend to be of a Yau-Exact nature, there will then be a need for a proportional relative increase in the respective generation of cohomology, -- so that the phenomenology that is of such a said general region, will still be of a general tendency, in so as to here to be in the process of generating as much cohomology as it is degenerating, in at least some sort of a piecewise continuous manner, -- on account of the physical condition, that a Yau-Exact phenomenology is to always tend to generate as much cohomology as it is to degenerate, over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Thought Waves/Gravitational Waves & Singularities

When a thought wave is here to be Ward-Polarized into a gravitational wave or vice versa, in a manner that is here to be of a Nijienhuis nature -- such a general tense of an activity, will tend to work to form a tense of a Ward-Supplemental effect upon the just inferred converted wave.  Such a general genus of a converted wave, will then tend to work to bear a set of antiholomorphic Kahler conditions.  Such a set of antiholomorphic Kahler conditions, will then eminently tend to result in a metric-related Chern-Simons singularity, at the proximal locus of the inferred Nijenhuis tense of activity in which such a  converted wave is here to be Ward-Polarized -- to where this is here to work to bear a tense of a Ward-Supplemental behavior, over an ensuing evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, -- due to the innate physical condition, that such a rebounding effect, will almost indefinitely work to involve a correlative alteration in the dimensional-related pulsation of such a said general genus of a wave-based phenomenology. (A rebounding Ward-Cauchy-related soliton, will basically always work to involve a shift in the dimensional-related pulsation of such a respective given arbitrary soliton.)  Consequently -- since such a general tense of a rebounding wave, is here to be occurring in a manner that is of a Nijenhuis nature over time, the resultant activity of such a Ward-Supplemental shift in the Fourier-related translation, that is of such an inferred propagated wave-packet, will then tend to directly involve a correlative tense of a Lagrangian-related Chern-Simons singularity -- at the proximal locus of the inferred activity in which the said initial wave, is here to be converted from either being a thought wave into being a gravitational wave, or vice versa.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Isotropic Stability And Tense Of Cohomology-Related Degeneration

If the cohomology that is here to be formed, by the motion of a set of one or more mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity-- that are here to be moved along at a relatively external reference-frame, by a set of one or more superstrings that are of a Legendre homology --  is to bear such a condition, --  to where the said contingent set of superstrings of a Legendre homology, that are here to be in the inferred process of "tugging-along" the said set of mass-bearing superstrings, are to work to bear an isotropically unstable (co)homology, then, such a resultant cohomology, that is said here to have been formed by the earlier mentioned motion of the said set of one or more mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are to be operating in so as to perform one inferred common function, are then to tend to bear more of a degeneration of cohomology, than if, instead, the Legendre (co)homology that is here to be "tugging-along" the said mass-bearing set of superstrings, were to otherwise work to bear an isotropically stable condition.  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Orientable Superstrings And The i*PI(del) Action

When the Betti Number of any one given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is demonstrable as being odd -- during both right before an iteration of BRST for that said respective string, as well as during the ensuing correlative respective iteration of the Regge Action for the same said respective string, -- then, such a said superstring will not be orientable during the directly corresponding iteration of instanton.  When such a said superstring is not orientable during instanton, it will tend to not work to bear a field that would otherwise be homeomorphic with its directly corresponding counter string.  When the field that is to exist between any one given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity and its correlative counter string, is to not be homeomorphic during a respective correlative iteration of instanton, then such a general course of activity will tend to cause the directly corresponding i*PI(del) action, that is contingent upon the Lagrangian-related course of such a said string, to go into Not working to bear a homeomorphic delineation.  Consequently -- when the i*PI(del) action is to come into a situation, to where it is then to perturbate into not working to bear a homeomorphic delineation, then, such a said superstring of discrete energy permittivity, will result into then converting from initially working to bear a Noether-related flow, into then working to bear a tachyonic-related flow.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Delineation Of Partition-Based Discrepancies -- "The Force"

In any one mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, -- the composite partition-based discrepancies, that are here to work to allow for the conservation of homotopic residue -- are delineated in such a manner over any evenly-gauged Hamitonian eigenmetric, -- to where that E(8)XE(8) stringular oscillation-based tendency, that is thence to be emitted from such an inferred given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, may be delineated outward from such a so-eluded-to eigenset, in a manner by which its scalar amplitude of metric-gauge-related pulsation is maximized. To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

"Nijenhuis" Perturbations

When an orbifold eigenset is to be brought into a tachyonic flow, -- the multiplicit i*PI(del) Action, that is here to be directly corresponding to the nature, as to what is here to be happening to the partition-based discrepancies of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset, -- is here to perturbate out of a homeomorphic delineation.  This then works to act, like a "Nijenhuis" tense of a Cevita Action.;  However, -- when an orbifold eigenset is to be brought out of a tense of a tachyonic flow, in so as to be brought back into a tense of a Noether Flow, -- the multiplicit i*PI(del) Action, that is here to be directly corresponding to the nature, as to what is here to be happening to the partition-based discrepancies of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset, -- is here to perturbate back into a homeomorphic delineation.  This then works to act, like a "Nijienhuis" tense of a Wess-Zumino Action.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam.Roach.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Spurious Metric-Related Chern-Simons Singularities

The more spurious that a metric-related Chern-Simons singularity is to be -- the more likely that there will consequently be a Lagrangian-related Chern-Simons singularity, at the proximal locus at which the said metric-related Chern-Simons singularity had happened to occur.  Samuel David Roach.

Lagrangian-Based Path And Pulsation

When a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to maintain its metric-gauge-related pulsation, in the process of going from working to bear a unitary Lagrangian-based path into then working to bear a binary Lagrangian-based path, -- consequently, in the process of doing so, such a said mass-bearing orbifold eigneset will tend to work to bear a set of one or more Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities.  Likewise; when a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to maintain its metric-gauge-related pulsation, in the process of going form working to bear a binary Lagrangian-based path into then working to bear a tertiary Lagrangian-based path, -- consequently, in the process of doing so, such a said mass-bearing orbifold eigenset will tend to work to bear a set of one or more Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities. 
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Homeomorphic Delineation Of i*PI(del) Action

When a superstring of discrete energy permittivity is here to be undergoing a tense of Noether Flow, as it is here to be altering in its motion in relation to electromagnetic energy, -- its correlative i*PI(del) Action is to be homeomorphic in its delineation.  However; when a superstring of discrete energy permittivity is here, instead, to be undergoing a tense of a tachyonic flow, as it is here to be altering in its motion in relation to electromagnetic energy, -- its correlative i*PI(del) action is NOT to be homeomorphic in its delineation. I will continue with the suspense later!  Samuel David Roach.

Eminent i*PI(del) Action

When a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to be altering in its transversal velocity, when in its relationship to electromagnetic energy, -- it will thence be altering in its correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction.  When such a said mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, is to be altering in its correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction, -- those mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset -- will consequently bear an exhibition of the i*PI(del) action, that is here to be eminent in a transversal-related manner.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Shift In Grobner Bases

Any sort of viable shift in the Grobner Bases of the correlative Del Pezzo Spaces, that are Poincare to the cohomology-related affinity of the ordered grouping of those abelian-related eigenstates, that are of a set of mass-bearing discrete energy quanta, that are here to operate in order to perform one specific function -- that are here to be proximal local to the topological stratum of those discrete quanta of energy, that are here to work to comprise the here directly corresponding orbifold eigenset, that is here to be exhibiting such a said viable shift in its overall Grobner Basis, -- will consequently tend to result in a perturbation of the directorial-related attribution, that is of the directly corresponding differential geometry of that correlative net gauging, that is here to be of the sequential series of the motion of the directly corresponding multiplicit i*PI(del) action, that is here to happen as a necessity, in order to allow for homotopic residue to be able to be conserved, to where, this is to happen, in spite of such an inferred alteration in the dimensional-related pulsation of the here mentioned orbifold eigenset.  Furthermore, if this is here to result in an alteration in the Noether-related rate of the motion of such a said orbifold eigenset, when this is here to be taken in its relationship to the motion of electromagnetic energy, over time, then, this will then consequently tend to result in an alteration of the Lorentz-Four-Contraction that is of the said orbifold eigenset.  This will consequently tend to work to cause a perturbation in the Hodge-Index, as to the actual number of "partition-based discrepancies" that are of those individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset.  Consequently -- if this latter Ward-Cauchy-related condition is also to occur, -- then, this will tend to result in a change in the number of mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to comprise such a said orbifold eigenset, that is inversely proportional to the change in the number of partition-based discrepancies that the respective inferred composite superstrings are here to have eluded to have altered by, -- in so as to also work to also allow for a conservation of homotopic residue.  This happens, in order to allow for the Noether Current to be intact, -- in so as to help to allow for both the Yau-Exact nature of Calabi-Yau spaces to be maintained, as well as to help in working to allow for the maintained condition of the field-interconnection that works to inter-bind the substringular, in order for it to thence to be able to be kept intact.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Grobner Bases, Cox Rings, Del Pezzo Spaces, And Relative Holomorphic Direction Of Orbifold Eigenset

Whenever there is to be a viable shift in the covariant integrable Grobner Bases, that are of the correlative Cox Rings of a set of cohomology-related eigenstates, that are here to be of any one given arbitrary perturbative orbifold eigenset, that is here to be directly pertinent to the affective ordered grouping of those abelian states, that are here to be continuously recycled -- as if these are to be latched upon the general proximal locus, that is Poincare to those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- that are here to work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset, -- this will then consequently act, to where such a seeming "latching" is here to be exhibited in a relatively indistinguishable manner of replacement, -- then, the directly corresponding Del Pezzo Spaces are thence to be altered in their tense of directorial-related geometric angular momentum, when this is here to be taken in such a manner that is both group-covariant, group-codifferentiable, as well as being in such a manner that is here to be group-codeterminable.  As such a general manner of a shift in the directly pertinent Grobner Bases, that is here to be of the correlative integrable net effect of those individually taken Cox Rings, that are here to be of a shift in the Laplacian-based delineation of the interdependent Ward-Cauchy inter-relationship of those cohomology-related eigenstates, that are here to work to comprise a set of discrete quanta of energy that operate to perform one specific function -- is to occur, when this here is due to an eminent perturbation in the dimensional-related pulsation of such an inferred orbifold eigenset, -- then, there will consequently be a tendency -- to where the correlative mentioned orbifold eigenset will ensue, in so as to more than likely (particularly if such a said orbifold eigenset is here to be undergoing a tense of a Noether-based flow) to then resultantly work to bear a set of one or more metric-related Chern-Simons singularities, -- at the general proximal locus, in which such a said viable shift in the covariant integrable Grobner Bases is thence to occur.  Furthermore, -- when there is here to be such a said general tense, as to the correlative shifting of the so-described Gronber Bases (as there is here, to be an attributable basis to each directly corresponding discrete quantum of energy, that is here to work to comprise the respective mentioned orbifold eigneset), then, this said general genus of a shifting in the cohomology-related metrics of such a quantum of energy, will then consequently tend to work to form a perturbation or alteration in the heuristic holomorphic direction of the Lagrangian-based flow -- that is here to be of the motion of a set of energy quanta, that are here to be doing one specific interdependent group-related task, over a set duration of time.  (That is here, to be over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.)  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

More As To Translational And Radial Symmetry

Orbifold eigensets that are here to be working to form a De Rham cohomology, tend to bear a greater tense of either a translational symmetry and/or of a radial symmetry, than orbifold eigensets that are here, instead, to be working to form a Dolbeault cohomology.  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach

Hermitian Lagrangian-Related Paths And Symmetry

Orbifold eigensets, that are here to be undergoing the process of a Noether-based flow, that are here to be continuous at working to bear a hermitian-related motion, along a parabolic path of delineation -- when this is here to be taken along its directly corresponding respective Lagrangian-related path, -- tend to work to bear a tense of a radial symmetry.  Furthermore, -- orbifold eigensets, that are here to be undergoing the process of a Noether-based flow, that are here to be continuous at working to bear a hermitian-related motion, along a transversal path of delineation -- when this is here to be taken along its directly corresponding respective Lagrangian-related path, -- tend to work to bear a tense of a translational symmetry.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Translational Propagation And Noether Flow

The greater that the scalar amplitude,  that is here to be of the abelian-related translational propagation of a given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset (at a reference-frame, that is here to be external to the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode of the so-stated orbifold eigenset), is to be, over time ( over the course of the delineation-related process, as to the sequential series of group-related instantons, that are of the motion of the directly corresponding respective eigenstates -- that are correlative to such a case), -- to where, such a said mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, is here to be undergoing the general course of a Noether-related flow -- both the faster that those composite superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work here, in so as to help to comprise the here mentioned orbifold eigenset, will tend to vibrate, in their respective Ward-Cauchy-related setting, as well as the condition, in which these said strings will then tend to work to consequently bear a greater relativistic momentum, -- over the so-eluded-to evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, over the course of an inferred duration of time.

To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Discrete Energy Quantum Described, By Metaphorically Utilizing A "Horse" As An Allegorical Example

Please allow me to help you, at being able to better understand my model of string theory, when this is in terms of the condition of one discrete quantum of energy, when at the Ward-Cauchy level, -- by utilizing a metaphor, by working to involve the description of a "horse" as an example.  Let us initially imagine a horse that is being ridden by a person.  Let us metaphorically think of this ridden "horse" as one symbolic discrete quantum of energy.  Let us next imagine, over the course of such an analogy, that the "front legs" of this horse -- are here to be symbolic of a counter string of discrete energy permittivity, -- that works to propel this ridden horse into action, after the initial thrust that is here to be caused by the back legs of the said horse, is to be initiated.  (To where the said "front legs," are here to be symbolic -- of what is basically the wave-based nature of discrete energy permittivity.)  Let us next imagine, over the said analogy, that the "back legs" of such a said horse -- are here to act, as the symbolic superstring of discrete energy permittivity, -- since the said back legs, which basically are to be more in control of the actual thrust of the said horse than the front legs are, act, in so as to work to push from the back, upon the general surface that the horse is here to be riding upon, in so as to help facilitate that forward leaping, in which the motion of the front legs of the said horse, is here to be helping to work to allow for. (Symbolic of what is basically the particle-based nature of discrete energy permittivity.)   Let us next allegorically think of those reigns, that work to help in establishing a tense of both control and restraint over the general activity of the horse, are here to be symbolically representing the general first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that is of one discrete quantum of energy (that part of one discrete quantum of energy impedance, that basically acts as the wave-characteristic of such a tense of discrete energy).  Last but not least -- let us metaphorically think of the person, that is here to be riding upon this said "horse," to be symbolic of a Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, -- since the person, of whom is here to be in the process of riding such a horse, is to work to control the earlier mentioned symbolic reigns of the here allegorically ridden horse, in so as to allow for the proper controls that are here to be set into place, in order for the horse of such a symbolically mentioned case, to arrive at the desired symbolic destination.  (In my model of string theory, the earlier mentioned Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, is here to basically act as the particle-based nature of discrete energy impedance).  I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Samuel David Roach.