Saturday, September 7, 2019

Rate Of Conformal Field Transformation

Let's say that one were here to consider two different mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, that are about to undergo a Conformal Field Transformation.  Both of these said mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, are here to work to bear both the same relativistic mass And the same relativistic velocity, to where such a common velocity may be relatively simultaneous, via the vantage-point of a central conipoint  -- over a transient discrete increment of time, to where such a so-inferred duration may as well be described of as acting as an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  Let us next say that both of such orbifold eigensets are here to be undergoing a Conformal Field Transformation, that is here to be of the nature of their spatial dimensionality, -- by going from an initial four spatial dimensional Calabi-Yau entity Into then to be transformed into a consequent six spatial dimensional Calabi-Yau entity.  Let us next stipulate, that both of such said orbifold eigensets, are here to work to bear their soon to be activated  engagement of dimensional expansion, as two different Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenology, that are to embark upon the "trail" of their Hamiltonian operand, through a path that may here be in general described of as being of a tertiary Lagrangian-based path.  Furthermore -- let's now consider that one of the two so-stated mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, is here to convert at a quicker rate, -- from being of an initial f-field that is of a Calabi-Yau space Into then being of a resultant d-field that is of a Calabi-Yau space.  Over the course of discrete time, by which one of the said orbifold eigensets is to convert at a quicker rate than the other orbifold eigensets, into an entity that is here to work to bear more spatial dimensions, -- the so-inferred Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenology that is here, in this particular case, to gain spatial dimensions at a faster rate than the other so-inferred Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenology, -- is then to tend to bear (again, this is simply during the specific given arbitrary respective duration, in which both of such described orbifold eigensets are to be increasing in the number of their spatial dimensions) a higher scalar amplitude of a Kahler-based quotient, than that other orbifold eigenset, that is, instead, to consequently be increasing in the number of spatial dimensions that it is here to be exhibiting, at a slower rate than the other so-stated orbifold eigenset.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam D. Roach.  (Yes, the one from PHS (MI) class of '89.)

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