Wednesday, September 11, 2019

As To Why Nucleons Tend To Bear A Relatively High Tense Of A Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode

As I have mentioned at one time in my blog -- theoretically, the energy of a Hamiltonian Operator is equal to (-i)*The energy of its directly corresponding Lagrangian.  Yet -- the multiplicit energy of holonomic substrate needs to be equated to the multiplicit energy of motion, --in order for energy to both persist and exist over a prolonged duration of time.  Consequently, at the substringular level -- superstrings, at an internal reference-frame, tend to behave, in so as to be "pulled" into their relative holomorphic direction, via the spatial trajectory of a quaternionic Lagrangian-based path. This is in part due, to that condition, the simplest manner of taking such comparative energies to a power, in so  to work to equate these, is to take into consideration the basic condition, that ((-i)^4) & ((1)^4) are both obviously One;  Therefore, the path integral for most individually taken superstrings, at a level that is Poincare to the overall topology of such a case of so-inferred discrete energy packets, (which is at a fractal of a typical orbifold eigenset) may generally be described of, as working to often bear a minimum of four spatial directorals, over a minimum taken Fourier Transform.  Nucleons exist in what may be thought of as being "f-fields."  F-Fields exist in a minimum of four spatial dimensions plus time.  Since the individually taken Noether-based superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise such said nucleons, often work to bear only as many spatial dimensions as the number of directorals that work to define that multiplicit path integral, which may then consequently help one to be able to determine what the Lagrangian of those individually taken superstrings, that work to comprise such a said nucleon, is then to be  -- when these just mentioned nucleons, are here to be relatively stationary, as to when this is to be compared or contrasted with electrons -- to where this so-eluded-to reverse-fractal, that is then to be referring to the motion of actual nucleons, will often act, in so as to work to encroach the transference of such sub-atomic particles, that are at the relative center of a typical atom, to where such an encroachment that is taken at the internal reference-frame of such nucleons, will then happen to be exhibited, to where such said nucleons are, instead, to be moved from one spot to another at an external reference-frame -- via  the Fourier-related activity of Legendre-related superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  This tendency of the encroachment of the motion of those superstrings that work to comprise nucleons, is in part, why such so-stated superstrings tend to bear such a high scalar amplitude of superconformal invariance.  This is then, to be part of the reason as to why the superstrings that make-up nucleons -- tend to bear a relatively higher tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, than say, the superstrings that make-up an electron happen to have.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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