Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Kahler-based quotients And Cohomology/Charge

Let us initially consider two different mass-bearing orbifold eigensets.  Both of such orbifold eigensets are here to work to bear both the same relativistic mass, when in relationship to one another; As well as the Ward-based condition -- that both of such orbifold eigensets are here to work to bear the same relativistic velocity, when in relationship to one another.  Let us next, as well, consider that both of such said eigensets of this particular case -- are to work to bear the same general shape and size, -- when this is here to be considered, as given at a Laplacian.  Furthermore -- one of these two said orbifold eigensets, is to bear a greater effectual number of spin/orbital tensors, that may be attributed to its motion, over the directly corresponding Lagrangian that it is here to be traveling through, than the other so-stated given arbitrary orbifold eigensets that has been eluded-to, over the course of this particular given arbitrary case scenario.  That orbifold eigenset -- that is here to bear a greater number of spin/orbital tensors that may be attributed to the behavior of its motion, -- will then tend to generate more cohomology over time, than the other of such eigensets that was mentioned earlier, in this so-stated case scenario.  This will, thereby, work to cause, -- at a reverse-fractal-related condition, that is relatively macroscopic to the sub-atomic level -- the physical condition, to where such a potential interplay of many of such orbifold eigensets, that are then to spin and/or orbit in a higher number of attributable tensors than the other of such eigensets, -- to then act, is so as to consequently tend to generate more charge over time, -- than a potential interplay of many of such orbifold eignesets, that are, instead, to bear a lower number of spin/orbital tensors, that may be directly attributed to its general motion over time.  Consequently -- in this particular case -- that orbifold eigenset, that is here to be generating the most cohomology over time, will here be exhibiting a larger tense of a Kahler-based quotient, -- than the other of the two mentioned orbifold eigensets.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.  (Yes, that's me -- G House of MI.)

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