Monday, September 30, 2019

Temperature And Conductivity

The lower that the temperature is to be, of a conductive medium -- the less infrared photons (heat energy is in the form of infrared photons) that tend to be exhibited, by the physical bounds of such a said conductive medium.  The less infrared photons that tend to be exhibited by the physical bounds of a said conductive medium, the less spurious anharmonic vibrations that tend to be exhibited by the eluded-to conductive medium.  The less spurious anharmonic vibrations that tend to be exhibited by a conductive medium, the higher that the scalar amplitude of Both the superconformal invariance and the tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode will tend to be.  The higher that the scalar amplitude of Both the superconformal invariance and the tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode will tend to be, the greater that the scalar magnitude of the conductivity of the said conductive medium will consequently tend to be, over time.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Degenerative Yukawa-Related Operators

The placement of quantized degenerative Yukawa-related operators is commutative, whereas the quantization itself of degenerative Yukawa-related operators is associative.  Sincerely, Sam Roach!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Special Case Of Placement Of Ghost-Based Inhibitor

Let us initially consider two different given arbitrary orbifold eigensets.  Each of these two said respective orbifold eigensets of such a so-stated case scenario, are to exhibit the same scalar magnitude of overall discrete energy quantum, -- as well as that each of these two said respective orbifold eigensets, are here to be exhibiting the same energy density.  Also -- each of these two said respective eigensets, are here to be working to exhibit the same specific type of wave pattern over time, -- as these are here, in this particular case,  to be moving at the same velocity, -- while; as those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to comprise such a said orbifold eigenset, are, in this given arbitrary case, to bear the same tense of an embedding of Chern-Simons Invariants Upon the holonomic substrate of their stringular field density, over a given arbitrary Fourier-Transform, in a manner that is both diffeomorphic in a metric-related sense, as well being homeomorphic in a Lagrangian-related sense, over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  This is here to be happening in such a manner, -- to where the two respective mentioned orbifold eigensets are here to be working to form a De-Rham cohomology over time, in a manner that is consequently to work to form a wave-pattern that is heuristically hermitian.  Let us next say, that there are here to be two different sets of two ghost-based inhibitors, that are to be working to effect the two different mentioned orbifold eigensets -- to where one of these sets of two ghost-based inhibitors, is here to be Yukawa to one of the said respective orbifold eigensets; while the other set of ghost-based inhibitors, is here to be Yukawa to the other said respective orbifold eigenset.  Let us next stipulate, that each of the individually taken sets of ghost-based inhibitors, is here to bear the same tense of a covariant-related nature -- toward each of the individually taken orbifold eigensets, that these two different respective ghost-based inhibitors are here to be Yukawa towards, over the inferred evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  This is to where, in this given arbitrary case, there is here to be an insinuated cohomology-related degeneration, that is here to ensue upon each of these two said respective orbifold eigensets, over time.  Let us next say, that each set of ghost-based inhibitors, are here to be in such a state of a condition, to where their Yukawa-related effect is here to be quantized.  Consequently, even if one were to theoretically, in a Laplacian-related manner, -- to have the specific proximal local positioning of the two different ghost-based inhibitors to be switched "instantaneously," for both of the two sets of ghost-based inhibitors, (to where, one of these two sets of ghost-based inhibitors is to be acting upon one of the said respective orbifold eigensets of this respective case, while the other set of ghost-based inhibitors is to be acting upon the other said respective orbifold eigenset of this case), the overall effect of the degeneration of cohomology, that is here to be happening to each of the two different orbifold eigensets, when this is here to be taken over the inferred proscribed evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, -- will then tend to bear the same tense of a degenerative effect, over the so-eluded-to Fourier Transform -- in which this case scenario is here to be happening.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Chirality, Parity, And Sets Of Cohomological Eigenstates

The condition of two different covariant sets of cohomological eigenstates, as having the opposite chirality -- will tend to cause a degeneration of their cohomology -- which will consequently reverse-fractal into a tendency, in which there will then be two different charged stratum -- that are then to work to bear a degeneration of charge, the one toward the other.  Whereas;  The condition of two different covariant sets of cohomological eigenstates, as having the opposite parity -- will tend to cause an attraction of one of these two sets of cohomological eigenstates, towards the other, -- which will consequently reverse-fractal into a tendency, in which there will then be two different charges of the opposite chirality.  (A "positively" charged stratum and a "negatively" charged stratum.) 
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tense Of Thought Waves

The following is an EDITORIAL, about my current views -- as to the general composition of Thought.  Thought Waves are those quantized solitons of sets of Schwinger-Indices, (to where, such a tense of these said "Schwinger-Indices" -- are those waves that are propagated outward, by the resultant of the activity of the plucking (like a harp) of second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, by their directly corresponding gauge-boson eigenstates), that are propagated in a manner that is both transversal and supplemental -- that are, for each individually taken thought wave, to taken as to be anywhere from 10^(-22) of a meter to 4*10^(-17) of a meter in wavelength.  The general holonomic substrate of the said Schwinger-Indices, that are of such a so-eluded-to case, are to be comprised of, by what I term of here, as the general substringular entity of norm-state-projections.  What I mean here, in this case, by the general substringular entity of norm-state-projections -- is here to be the holonomic substrate of the general phenomenology of either zero-norm-state-projections, Campbell norm-state-projections, Hausendorf norm-state-projections, or Campbell-Hausendorf norm-state-projections.  Thought waves may tend to be potentially comprised of, by any combination of these various tenses of the holonomic substrate of such said "norm-state-projections," -- when this is here to be in the process in which such so-inferred sets of Schwinger-Indices, are then to be able to thence go into the process of quantizing into those solitons, that are then to be able to form the here implied "thought waves." The presence of the holonomic substrate of the earlier said zero-norm-state-projections, -- from within the Ward-Cauchy bounds of thought waves -- tends to move in the direction of working to form a neutral tense of drive, in a life forms thinking. (Thoughts of a compelling neutral-based nature.)  The presence of the holonomic substrate of the earlier said Campbell norm-state-projections, -- from within the Ward-Cauchy bounds of thought waves, tends to move in the direction of working to form objective thinking, in a life forms thinking. (Thoughts as to "nature," or of the "physical evidence.") The presence of the holonomic substrate of the earlier said Hausendorf norm-state-projections, -- from within the Ward-Cauchy bounds of thought waves, tends to move in the direction of working to form subjective thought and mental "feeling" in a life forms thinking. (Thoughts of "meaning," or of an ascribed tense of thought.) & Lastly but most important, -- the presence of the holonomic substrate of the earlier said Campbell-Hausendorf norm-state-projections, -- tends to move in the direction of working to form attitudinal thoughts and perspectives in a life forms thinking. (Thoughts of "consideration," that are of an overt combination of an objective and a subjective nature.)  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Cohomology And Chirality

When two different sets of proximal local cohomology-related eigenstates are to be of the opposite chirality, when this is taken in respect to one another -- these two different said respective sets of cohomology-related eigenstates, will then tend to work to degenerate each other's cohomology, over time.  Sam Roach.

Conformal Invariance And Noether Current

The More conformally invariant that the kinetic Flow of a tense of cohomology is to be, the Lower that the resultant scalar amplitude is to be, of the correlative Noether Current -- at the general region, in which this is here to be happening at.  Consequently -- the Less conformally invariant that the kinetic Flow of a tense of cohomology is to be, the Higher that the resultant scalar amplitude is to be, of the correlative Noether Current - at the general region, in which this is here to be happening at.  Sam Roach.

Cox Rings And Tense Of Parity

When a given arbitrary Cox Ring -- that is here of one respective ordered grouping of a set of cohomological eigenstates, is to undergo a Wess-Zumino interaction at the Poincare level, -- the said ordered grouping of such an inferred respective set of cohomological eigenstates, will tend to have a higher probability of maintaining its covariant tense of parity.  Consequently -- when a given arbitrary Cox Ring, -- that is here of one respective ordered grouping of a set of cohomological eigenstates, is to undergo a Cevita interaction at the Poincare level, -- the said ordered grouping of such an inferred respective set of cohomological eigenstates, will tend to have more of a probability of reversing its covariant tense of parity.  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

The Flow Of Cohomology & The Motion Of Discrete Energy

The Gliosis-based interaction of point commutators, with the topological stratum of discrete energy quanta -- when this is as taken at the Poincare level -- works to help form, what may be termed of here as being cohomology.  The attraction/repulsion-related characteristics, of the multifarious sets of the ordered groupings of cohomological eigenstates (cohomological eigensets), helps, in the process of working to drive discrete energy into motion -- so that discrete energy may be able to move, so that it may be able to both persist and exist.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Some More Stuff As To The Noether Current

The Noether Current is formed, by the flow of the multiplicit tense of "pressurized vacuum" -- that  the multifarious sets of cohomological eigenstates, tend to bear towards one another.  Sets of cohomological eigenstates that are of the opposite parity, tend to bear an inverted tense of a "pressurized vacuum" towards one another -- that tends to form a "suctioning" effect at the substringular level, -- that will consequently tend to form a tense of an attraction, between such sets of cohomology-related eigenstates, that are here to work to bear the opposite parity.  Whereas -- sets of cohomology-related eigenstates that are of the same parity, tend to bear a non inverted tense of a "pressurized vacuum" towards one another -- that tends to form a "conformal repulsion" effect at the substringular level, -- that will consequently tend to form a tense of a repelling, between such sets of cohomology-related eigenstates, that are here to work to bear the same parity.  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

More As To Cohomology-Related Eigenstates And Parity

When one is to have two different sets of cohomology-related eigenstates, that are of the opposite parity, that are consequently to each bear a respective order of grouping, that is here to bear the nature of being asymmetrically isometric -- the one order of grouping, that is here to be of one set of cohomological eigenstates, towards the other order of grouping, that is here to be of the other set of cohomological eigenstates, -- then, this will tend to work to form the equivalent of an inverted pressurized vacuum, at a substringular level, that will consequently tend to work to form a "suction," that will then tend to work to drive one of  these two said respective given arbitrary sets of cohomology-related eigenstates, towards the other said respective given arbitrary set of cohomology-related eigenstates.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Cohomology-Related Eigenstates Of Opposite Parity

Two different sets of cohomology-related eigenstates are of opposite parity -- when one of these two mentioned sets of cohomological eigenstates is to bear an order of grouping, that is asymmetrically isometric to the order of grouping, -- that the other respective set of cohomological eigenstates is to bear.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Here's Why The Seven Main Influences Are As These Are

Here's why the seven main influences of physical nature upon reality, are as  these are:

1) Ideas, or, Thought -- Works to allow for any semblance of order or reality.

2)  Force-Fields -- Works to allow for any physical interaction.

3) The i*PI(del) action -- Works to allow for the existence of prolonged physical interaction.

4)  The Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- Works to allow for the existence of mass.

5)  Charge -- Works to allow for there to be an attraction between the various masses.

6)   Inertia -- Works to allow for the kinetic motion of attracted mass-bearing phenomenology.

& 7)  Entropy -- Works to allow for enough disorder to occur, so that a re-organization of a multiplicit resultant order may consequently occur.

The Seven Main Influences Of Physical Nature

The general effect of the multiplicit embedding of Chern-Simons Invariants -- that is here to be enacted upon the general phenomenology of physical stratum -- that is here to thence act in a Yukawa manner, upon the seven general forces of nature -- works to help at forming the seven main influences of physical nature upon reality.  These seven main influences that work upon physical nature are:

1) Ideas

2)  Force-Fields

3)  The i*PI(del) action

4)  The Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode

5)  Charge

6)  Inertia


7) Entropy.

Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

More As To The Embedding Of Chern-Simons Invariants

When Chern-Simons Invariants are to be embedded upon the holonomic substrate of the force of pressurized vacuum, -- this tends to work to form force-fields.

When Chern-Simons Invariants are to be embedded upon the holonomic substrate of the point- commutative force, -- this tends to work at helping to form the i*PI(del) Action.

When Chern-Simons Invariants are to be embedded upon the holonomic substrate of the strong force, -- this tends to work to help at forming the multiplicit Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode.

When Chern-Simons Invariants are to be embedded upon the holonomic substrate of the electromotive force, -- this tends to work to help form, what may be generally thought of as being charge.

When Chern-Simons Invariants are to be embedded upon the holonomic substrate of the weak force (spontaneous radioactive decay), -- this tends to help at working to form entropy as a whole.

To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ideas And Inertia

Chern-Simons Invariants that are embedded upon the holonomic substrate of thought waves, work to form ideas.  Furthermore -- Chern-Simons Invariants that are embedded upon the holonomic substrate of gravitational waves, work to form inertia.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Chern-Simons Invariants In R3

Let us consider, as to how one is to work to determine what the Chern-Simons Invariants are to be, -- for a superstring, that is here to be of a cotangent bundle in R3:

Let us consider the Lagrangian-based motion of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, as it is to moving through a Hamiltonian operand in space-time-fabric over time.  Such a superstring, in this particular given arbitrary case, is theoretically to be traveling in only three spatial dimensions, over the course of the dimension of time.  (Time here, -- is to considered as the duration of the directly corresponding sequential series of group-related instantons, that are here to be most correlative to this so-stated superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is of such a respective given arbitrary theoretical case scenario.)  In the process of doing such, this said string is here to form a cohomological mappable-tracing. Such a so-stated cohomological mappable-tracing, is here to form a Lagrangian-based trace.  Such a said "trace," is here to be the product of the unitary trajectory of the directly corresponding superstring -- as it is here to be traveling through its correlative Lagrangian, With the length of its core-field-density.  Next -- consider the sum of the following:  The directly corresponding Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter equation, plus the integral of the directly corresponding Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter equation, plus the double-integral of the directly corresponding Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter equation.  This will then work to help to indicate the matter-based nature of the spurious flow of phenomenology, in three spatial dimensions.  Now, take the directly correlative said Lagrangian-based trace, multiply this by the overall sum of the said directly corresponding  -- Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter equation Plus the integral of the Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter equation Plus the double-integral of the Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter equation -- while then multiplying this whole thing by 2/3 (This is the spatial dimensionality of the correlative Lagrangian-based trace, when this is divided by the number of spatial dimensions that the said superstring is here to be traveling through, in this particular respective case), While Then Dividing This Whole Thing By 4PI (The overall number of degrees that any one given three-dimensional phenomenon is to bear a direct Cauchy relationship with, is 720 degrees. (There are 4PI degrees of freedom in three spatial dimensions.)). -- This will then work to help to determine a pattern, in which such a said theoretical superstring that is here to be traveling along the so-inferred path, will then tend to bear a general spurious flow of a disturbance of space, in its correlative variation of parameters -- when this is taken along the path of its directly corresponding Lagrangian-based trace, -- to where this will then help one to know what the directly correlative Chern-Simons Invariants will then tend to be, in such a theoretical case of such a said superstring, -- that is here to be of a cotangent bundle of R3 (as such a said string is here to be converging upon a path, that is of three spatial dimensions plus time.) Sam Roach.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Cohomology Retention And Slippage

Superstrings that work to bear a symplectic geometry, (of which, as closed-looped phenomenology,  will consequently tend to have abelian groupings instead of non abelian groupings, to attach at a proximal locus to their directly corresponding topology), will tend to be able to be more efficient at working to retain their cohomology-related eigenindices -- since such a general genus of superstringular phenomenology, that is of such a so-eluded-to tense of discrete energy permittivity, will tend to work to bear less slippage, at that substringular level that is Poincare to the topology of such said strings, -- than superstringular phenomenology, that is, instead, of a Khovanov geometry. (A Khovanov geometry is of either an open-looped or of an open-strand-related nature.)  This works to reverse-fractal -- into a case, to where orbifold eigensets that are comprised of by superstrings that are of a symplectic geometry, -- will tend to bear a higher efficiency of working to retain their "charge," due to the Ward-Cauchy-related condition, as to those superstrings that work to comprise such said eigensets, to thence to be of such a nature, in so as to be more efficient at being better able to retain their cohomology-related eigenindices, over time.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David  Roach.

Partition-Based Discrepancies And Relative Length

The faster that the speed of a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is, when this is taken in relationship to the motion of electromagnetic energy, -- the less partition-based discrepancies that those individually taken superstrings, that work to comprise such a said respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, will tend to be exhibited in the process.  (This is in the process of an increased Lorentz-Four-Contraction.)  The less partition-based discrepancies that are thence to be exhibited, by those superstrings that work to comprise any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, over time, -- the less mini-stringular segmentation that will thence tend to be fed-into the Ward-Neumman bounds, of the eminent light-cone-gauge-related field, that is of such a set of so-inferred superstrings, over time.  The less mini-stringular segmentation that is thence to tend to be fed-into the Ward-Neumman bounds, of the eminent light-cone-gauge-related field, that is of those superstrings that work to comprise any one respective said given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, over time, (which is over the course of an increased Lorentz-Four-Contraction) -- the lower the scalar amplitude of the directly corresponding Polyakov Action will then tend to be.  The lower that the scalar amplitude of the directly corresponding Polyakov Action will tend to be, -- the shorter that the relative length of the correlative length of such a set of related superstrings will then tend to appear as -- as would be apparent to a terrestrial observer, that would here be at a relative standstill.  The shorter that the relative terrestrial length of those superstrings, that work to comprise any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, will appear to be to an observer that is standing still, -- the smaller that the directly corresponding length that such a said respective orbifold eigenset, will then tend to appear to have.
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Yau-Exact Nature And Conservation Of Homotopic Residue

In order for a mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, to be able to evenly generate as much cohomology as it is here to degenerate over time, -- it needs to be able to bear a conservation of its homotopic residue.  As any one said mass-bearing orbifold eigenset is to move faster, when in its relationship to electromagnetic energy over time, -- it is then to bear a quicker process, as to its directly corresponding time-wise process of evenly generating as much cohomology as it is here to degenerate.  As the so-eluded-to increased rate, as to the process in which any one given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, is to bear an accelerated tendency of the exhibition of its Yau-Exact nature, is here to happen, (which is as the said respective said orbifold eigenset, is here to be accelerating in its rate of speed -- when this is in its relationship to electromagnetic energy)  -- those individually taken mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise the said orbifold eigenset, will then consequently require less partition-based discrepancies, over the course of the inferred increase in the rate of the velocity of the so-stated eigenset, as such an eigenset is here to be in the process of increasing in its correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction in the meanwhile.  Thereby, in order for such a said orbifold eigenset to then to be in such a "position" -- in so as to be able to maintain a conservation in its homotopic residue, over the course of any of such a respective general course of activity, -- such an orbifold eigenset must then increase in the number of its mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise the so-stated eigenset, in such a proportion to that decrease in the number of partition-based discrepancies, that work to be existent in those respective directly composite strings that work to comprise such a said orbifold eigenset, in order to work to allow for the here needed conservation of homotopic residue to be able to occur, -- from within the Ward-Cauchy-related bounds of the physical constraints of such a said given arbitrary respective set of discrete energy, that works to perform one specific function over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Some Stuff As To The Noether Current

The multiplicit flow of cohomology, that is not of a tachyonic nature -- may be termed of as being called the Noether Current.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Some Stuff As To Conformal Repulsion

The reason -- as to why cohomology-related eigenstates that are adjacent, are to bear an asymmetric geometry in relationship to one another, -- is on account of the condition, that such so-eluded-to adjacent cohomology-related eigenstates, are to bear a covariant tense of conformal repulsion, that is due to that pressurized vacuum that these are to bear in relation to one another.  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Tense Of Symmetry

A diffeomorphic phenomenon is most associated with a field -- that works to bear an isomorphic symmetry, that is to be taken in a Laplacian-related manner.  Whereas -- a homeomorphic  phenomenon is most associated with a field, --  that works to bear an isomorphic symmetry, that is, instead, to be taken in a Fourier-related manner.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam.

Asymmetry Among Adjacent Cohomology-Related Eigenstates

The adjacent cohomology-related eigenstates, -- that are of those individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to be in the process of working to comprise one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, -- tend to bear a tense of asymmetry, in order to act in so as not to infringe upon the space of the inferred adjacent cohomology-related eigenstates.
Those adjacent cohomology-related eigenstates -- that work to be as appertaining to the cohomology of those superstrings, that work to comprise one given arbitrary respective orbifold eigneset, that are here to be appertaining to the workings of a symplectic geometry, -- tend to work to bear a trivially isometric asymmetry.  Whereas, -- those adjacent cohomology-related eigenstates -- that work to be as appertaining to the cohomology of those superstrings, that work to comprise one given arbitrary respective orbifold eigenset, that are here to be  appertaining to the workings of a Khovanov geometry, -- tend to work to bear a non-trivially isometric asymmetry.  To Be Continued!  Sam.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thought Waves & The Ying and the Yang

Thought waves that are to be of a "ying-like" nature -- tend to be transferred from one spot to another, -- via a relatively isotropically stable Legendre homology; whereas -- thought waves that are of a "yang-like" nature -- tend to be transferred from one spot to another, --  via a relatively isotropically unstable Legendre homology.  Sincerely, Sam Roach

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

As To Why Nucleons Tend To Bear A Relatively High Tense Of A Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode

As I have mentioned at one time in my blog -- theoretically, the energy of a Hamiltonian Operator is equal to (-i)*The energy of its directly corresponding Lagrangian.  Yet -- the multiplicit energy of holonomic substrate needs to be equated to the multiplicit energy of motion, --in order for energy to both persist and exist over a prolonged duration of time.  Consequently, at the substringular level -- superstrings, at an internal reference-frame, tend to behave, in so as to be "pulled" into their relative holomorphic direction, via the spatial trajectory of a quaternionic Lagrangian-based path. This is in part due, to that condition, the simplest manner of taking such comparative energies to a power, in so  to work to equate these, is to take into consideration the basic condition, that ((-i)^4) & ((1)^4) are both obviously One;  Therefore, the path integral for most individually taken superstrings, at a level that is Poincare to the overall topology of such a case of so-inferred discrete energy packets, (which is at a fractal of a typical orbifold eigenset) may generally be described of, as working to often bear a minimum of four spatial directorals, over a minimum taken Fourier Transform.  Nucleons exist in what may be thought of as being "f-fields."  F-Fields exist in a minimum of four spatial dimensions plus time.  Since the individually taken Noether-based superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise such said nucleons, often work to bear only as many spatial dimensions as the number of directorals that work to define that multiplicit path integral, which may then consequently help one to be able to determine what the Lagrangian of those individually taken superstrings, that work to comprise such a said nucleon, is then to be  -- when these just mentioned nucleons, are here to be relatively stationary, as to when this is to be compared or contrasted with electrons -- to where this so-eluded-to reverse-fractal, that is then to be referring to the motion of actual nucleons, will often act, in so as to work to encroach the transference of such sub-atomic particles, that are at the relative center of a typical atom, to where such an encroachment that is taken at the internal reference-frame of such nucleons, will then happen to be exhibited, to where such said nucleons are, instead, to be moved from one spot to another at an external reference-frame -- via  the Fourier-related activity of Legendre-related superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  This tendency of the encroachment of the motion of those superstrings that work to comprise nucleons, is in part, why such so-stated superstrings tend to bear such a high scalar amplitude of superconformal invariance.  This is then, to be part of the reason as to why the superstrings that make-up nucleons -- tend to bear a relatively higher tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, than say, the superstrings that make-up an electron happen to have.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Kahler-Based Quotients And Magnetism

Let's say that one were to have two different given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, that are here to be of both of a Noether-related nature, as well as also here to be of the opposite chirality, the one towards the other, -- to where as these are each individually taken, in such a respective case -- under such a so-eluded-to set of Ward-Cauchy-related conditions, in the process by which each of such said mass-bearing orbifold eigensets are then to be acting, in so as to work to bear a relatively high Kahler-based quotient for their relativistic mass in this respective case -- to where this will then work to cause a general genus of substringular conditions, -- by which each of such mentioned orbifold eigensets, that are here to be relatively proximal or near to each other, at a sub-atomic reference-frame in this given arbitrary case scenario, will then consequently -- work to cause these two different respective given arbitrary orbifold eigensets, to then tend to bear an attractive force called Magnetism upon each other, to where such a general set of superstringular conditions will then tend to act, in so as to "pull" these two different orbifold eigensets together, -- in such a manner by which one of such said eigensets works to form a "wave-tug" towards the other of such eigensets, and vice versa.  Sam Roach.  

Dirac Effect Of Group-Attractors Upon Ghost-Based Inhibitors

Let us initially say, that one is here to have a given arbitrary mass-bearing orbifold eigenset, -- that is here to be acted upon, by both a set of group-attractors & a set of ghost-based inhibitors.  The Fourier-related activity of such a so-stated set of group-attractors, is then in this particular case, to tend to work to bear a Dirac effect upon the Fourier-related activity of such a so-stated set of ghost-based inhibitors.  Sam.

Kahler-based quotients And Cohomology/Charge

Let us initially consider two different mass-bearing orbifold eigensets.  Both of such orbifold eigensets are here to work to bear both the same relativistic mass, when in relationship to one another; As well as the Ward-based condition -- that both of such orbifold eigensets are here to work to bear the same relativistic velocity, when in relationship to one another.  Let us next, as well, consider that both of such said eigensets of this particular case -- are to work to bear the same general shape and size, -- when this is here to be considered, as given at a Laplacian.  Furthermore -- one of these two said orbifold eigensets, is to bear a greater effectual number of spin/orbital tensors, that may be attributed to its motion, over the directly corresponding Lagrangian that it is here to be traveling through, than the other so-stated given arbitrary orbifold eigensets that has been eluded-to, over the course of this particular given arbitrary case scenario.  That orbifold eigenset -- that is here to bear a greater number of spin/orbital tensors that may be attributed to the behavior of its motion, -- will then tend to generate more cohomology over time, than the other of such eigensets that was mentioned earlier, in this so-stated case scenario.  This will, thereby, work to cause, -- at a reverse-fractal-related condition, that is relatively macroscopic to the sub-atomic level -- the physical condition, to where such a potential interplay of many of such orbifold eigensets, that are then to spin and/or orbit in a higher number of attributable tensors than the other of such eigensets, -- to then act, is so as to consequently tend to generate more charge over time, -- than a potential interplay of many of such orbifold eignesets, that are, instead, to bear a lower number of spin/orbital tensors, that may be directly attributed to its general motion over time.  Consequently -- in this particular case -- that orbifold eigenset, that is here to be generating the most cohomology over time, will here be exhibiting a larger tense of a Kahler-based quotient, -- than the other of the two mentioned orbifold eigensets.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.  (Yes, that's me -- G House of MI.)

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Unification Of Charge/Scattering Of Charge

The unification of cohomology, is an example of a general genus of a Wess-Zumino Action.
The scattering of cohomology, is an example of a general genus of a Cevita Action.
Consequently -- the unification of charge, is an example of a general genus of a Wess-Zumino Action.  Also, as well, the scattering of charge, is an example of a general genus of a Cevita Action.
Samuel David Roach.

Added Torque Towards Cohomology-Related Generation

Let us consider two different mass-bearing orbifold eigensets -- of which are then to work to bear a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, which is thereby super conformally invariant at an internal reference-frame. Each of these said given arbitrary orbifold eigensets, are here to be in the process of being translated through a Lagrangian, at an external reference-frame,  by a Legendre homology -- at a relatively high rate of speed.  Both of said such orbifold eigensets are here to work to bear both the same relativistic mass, as well as the Ward-Cauchy-related condition -- that both of such said orbifold eigensets are here to work to bear the same relativistic transversal velocity, when this inferred transversal velocity is here to be considered, as relative to the motion of electromagnetic energy.  Next, let's say that both of these respective given arbitrary eigensets, are to be transferred at such a so-eluded-to velocity -- over the same duration of an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, -- in a manner that is simultaneous, via the vantage-point of a central conipoint.  One of these just mentioned mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, is to simply be in the process of being translated in a transversal manner, over the proscribed time that is being implied here; whereas -- the other mentioned mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, is to be in the process of being translated in a manner that is both of a transversal nature and of a radial nature, over the proscribed time that is being implied here.  That orbifold eigenset of the two, that has been discussed in this case, that is here to bear both a radial and a transveral motion -- over the course of its projected trajectory, which is over the same duration of time, -- will then tend to work to bear an added tense of torque, than the other said orbifold eigenset.  This will then work to help at tending to cause this said respective eigenset -- that is here to work to bear a greater tense of torque than the other of the two said respective eigensets, to then act, in so as to work to generate more cohomology over time, than the other orbifold eigenset that is being discussed here.  When one is then to consider a reverse-fractaled-out condition, of the just mentioned cohomology being translated into a tense of charge, -- this will then mean, that this may then elude to the condition, that the said orbifold eigenset of such a respective given arbitrary case, that is here to bear an added tense of torque, than the other of such inferred eigensets, to where this will then tend to potentially work to help at forming a greater scalar magnitude of charge generation over time, at a relatively speaking more macroscopic level than the subatomic level, than the other of the two different said orbifold eigensets.  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Evenly-Spaced Partition-Based Discrepancies

Those partition-based discrepancies of phenomenology, that are here to be of a Noether-related flow, that are of both superstrings of discrete energy permittivity & of their correlative counter strings -- are to tend to be spaced-out evenly, -- along the contour of the topological surface of of both the said respective superstrings & of the said respective counter strings.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sinusoidal Holomorphic Tendency Squared

Let's take into consideration here, an orbifold eigenset -- that is here to heuristically be initially traveling in the relative holomorphic direction, in a sinusoidal manner.  Let's next say, -- that one is here -- in this given arbitrary case -- to call the relative holomorphic direction, to be traveling "straight ahead," to where this said eigenset is to then to be traveling "into the page" (metaphorically), as a cross-product-related tendency, that is here to be initially explicitly exhibited.  Next, -- let's say that there is then to be a spontaneous Yukawa Coupling, that is here to be imparted upon the so-stated orbifold eigenset, -- that is here to act upon the sinusoidal oscillation-related tendency of this eigenset, in so as to square the oscillation-based nature of the flow of that sinusoidal wave pattern, -- that this said orbifold eigenset had initially been exhibiting -- at the onset of its translation along the initially inferred relative forward-holomorphic direction, over the course of a relatively transient sequential series of group-related instantons (that may be considered here, to be occurring, over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.)  Let's next consider here, arbitrarily, that the forward-holomorphic direction in this particular case, is to be described of as being in the "i" direction;  The reverse-holomorphic direction in this particular case, is here to be described of as being in the "-i" direction;  The forward-holomorphic direction (again, in this case, this is in the "straight-forward" direction), is to be in the "positive x" direction;  The reverse-holomorphic direction (in this  case, this is in the direction that is coming "towards you"), is to be in the "negative x" direction;  The norm-to-forward-holomorphic direction (in this case, this is to the relative "top"), is to be in the relative "y" direction;  And the norm-to-reverse-holomorphic direction ( in this case, this is to be at the relative "bottom"), to where this is to be in the relative "-y" direction.)  Let's next consider, that the Nijenhuis-to-forward-holomorphic direction is here to be of the relative "z" direction (this is to be at the relative "left") ; While the Nijenhis-to-reverse-holomorphic direction is here to be of the relative "-z" direction (this is to be at the relative "right")  .Consequently, the initial heuristic sinusoidal nature of the wave-like pattern, that is of that respective orbifold eigenset -- that has here to have just had a Yukawa Coupling imparted upon it, -- to where the exhibition of its sinusoidal tendency of flow is here to have just become squared, -- will occur, in so as to then happen immediately, in this particular case, to behave in so as to bear a perturbative effect, from acting as an eigenfunction that was initially on the order of Appertaining To "i(sin((theta)(x,y)))", to then acting as an eigenfunction -- that is now to be on the order of Appertaining To "-(sin^2((theta)(z,y)))".  Since this particular perturbation of a wave-like pattern is both sudden and orthogonal, it will consequently tend to bear a spurious alteration in the perturbation of its energy-related path, -- since it will here be of a Hamitonian Operation, that will tend to cause a change in more derivatives than the number of spatial dimensions that the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset is here to be traveling through.  This will then tend to work to cause a set of Lagrangian-related Chern-Simons singularities to be formed.  Furthermore -- since this particular perturbation of a wave-like pattern, is to square in its sinusoidal oscillation-based tendency, -- it will tend to most certainly alter in its dimensional-related pulsation.  This will then tend to work to cause a set of metric-related Chern-Simons singularities to be formed.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Rate Of Conformal Field Transformation

Let's say that one were here to consider two different mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, that are about to undergo a Conformal Field Transformation.  Both of these said mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, are here to work to bear both the same relativistic mass And the same relativistic velocity, to where such a common velocity may be relatively simultaneous, via the vantage-point of a central conipoint  -- over a transient discrete increment of time, to where such a so-inferred duration may as well be described of as acting as an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric.  Let us next say that both of such orbifold eigensets are here to be undergoing a Conformal Field Transformation, that is here to be of the nature of their spatial dimensionality, -- by going from an initial four spatial dimensional Calabi-Yau entity Into then to be transformed into a consequent six spatial dimensional Calabi-Yau entity.  Let us next stipulate, that both of such said orbifold eigensets, are here to work to bear their soon to be activated  engagement of dimensional expansion, as two different Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenology, that are to embark upon the "trail" of their Hamiltonian operand, through a path that may here be in general described of as being of a tertiary Lagrangian-based path.  Furthermore -- let's now consider that one of the two so-stated mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, is here to convert at a quicker rate, -- from being of an initial f-field that is of a Calabi-Yau space Into then being of a resultant d-field that is of a Calabi-Yau space.  Over the course of discrete time, by which one of the said orbifold eigensets is to convert at a quicker rate than the other orbifold eigensets, into an entity that is here to work to bear more spatial dimensions, -- the so-inferred Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenology that is here, in this particular case, to gain spatial dimensions at a faster rate than the other so-inferred Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenology, -- is then to tend to bear (again, this is simply during the specific given arbitrary respective duration, in which both of such described orbifold eigensets are to be increasing in the number of their spatial dimensions) a higher scalar amplitude of a Kahler-based quotient, than that other orbifold eigenset, that is, instead, to consequently be increasing in the number of spatial dimensions that it is here to be exhibiting, at a slower rate than the other so-stated orbifold eigenset.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam D. Roach.  (Yes, the one from PHS (MI) class of '89.)

Friday, September 6, 2019

Tense Of Lagrangian And Kahler-Based Quotients

Let us initially consider three different mass-bearing orbifold eigensets, that each work to exhibit the same number of spatial dimensions -- to where each of such said eigensets, is here to both bear the same scalar magnitude of mass, as well as there here to be the Ward-related condition, that each of such said eigensets is to be traveling at the same relativistic velocity, -- from the vantage-point of a central coniaxion.  One of such orbifold eigensets is here to work to bear a unitary Lagrangian, in the course of the process of its motion through its directly corresponding Hamiltonian operand.  Another of such orbifold eigensets is here to work to bear a binary Lagrangian, in the course of the process of its motion through its directly corresponding Hamiltonian operand.  While yet -- the other of such orbifold eigensets is here to work to bear a tertiary Lagrangian, in the course of the process of its motion through its directly corresponding Hamiltonian operand.  Each of these three just mentioned orbifold eigensets, is here to be traveling through a sequential series of group-related instantons, that is here to be of the same scalar magnitude of duration -- to where each of such orbifold eigensets is consequently to then to bear the same scalar magnitude of an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric, -- that is here to be relativistic in similtaniety, via the vantage-point of a central conipoint.  Consequently, in such a given arbitrary case -- that mass-bearing orbifold eigenset in this situation, that is here to work to bear a tertiary Lagrangian, in the process of its motion through space, -- will tend to bear the greatest Kahler-based quotient of the three; That mass-bearing orbifold eigenset in this situation, that is here to work to bear a binary Lagrangian, in the process of its motion through space, -- will tend to bear the next highest Kahler-based quotient of the three;  And Furthermore, that mass-bearing orbifold eigenset in this situation, that is here to work to bear a unitary Lagrangian, in the process of its motion through space, -- will tend to bear the lowest Kahler-based quotient of the three.   To Be Continued! Sam Roach.