Sunday, October 7, 2018

Yukawa Versus Gliosis To Kahler-Metric

Any given arbitrary superstring that is not frayed, is always going to be Yukawa to the Kahler-Metric, yet, only when such a so-eluded-to superstring is in the process of working to attain those fractals of discrete energy that these need -- in order to both persist and exist as discrete energy -- will such superstrings actually be Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric.  The metric of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is its dimensional-related pulsation.  Any superstring that is not being frayed, will always work to bear a dimensional-related pulsation over time.  Yet, such an eminent tendency of a superstring to work to bear any of such a tense of a dimensional-related pulsation -- works to bear a general condition, to where, since any given arbitrary respective superstring is not literally 100 percent efficient in the "real world," discrete energy must recurrently, over time, go through a "renovation-like" process of such a prior inferred re-attaing, of those fractals of discrete energy -- to where discrete energy is to thence to be put into such a condition-related "position," to then to be able to reattain the ability to work to bear one manner or another, of a dimensional-related pulsation over time.  This process of such a said "renovation-like" activity, is when discrete energy -- after a set of iterations of the ending segments of the contingent correlative group-related instantons, in which such discrete quanta of energy are to interact directly in a Gliosis-based manner, with a respective tense of an eigenstate of the holonomic substrate of the Klein Bottle, is to happen, in order to both modulate the morphology-related qualities of the said discrete quanta of energy, and also in so as to modulate the wave-tug-related qualities of the same said discrete quanta of energy -- so that the said stringular-like phenomenology that is here to thence to be made Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric, is to both reattain its efficiency and its "stamina," over time.  Furthermore, such a said process -- works to make it easier for abelian groups to latch-on, in an indistinguishably changing manner, to the externalized shell of the multiplicit topological proximal region, -- in so as to work to help at making the functioning of cohomological attainment to be able to be possible, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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