Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Compleltion Of The Rarita Structure -- Forces

Do you remember me mentioning to you on this blog, something to the effect of (but not specifically this exactly, though) -- that the multiplicit light-cone-gauge eigenstate acts as the 'opening phenomenology' of the Rarita Structure, and that the multiplicit gauge-bosons act as the 'closing phenomenology' of the Rarita Structure?  Furthermore, it is those vibrational oscillations that are formed, by the plucking action of the multiplicit gauge-bosons upon the correlative multiplicit second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates (which is here to form the here correlative Schwinger-Indices) -- that work to behave, in so as to work to form the exhibition of the four general forces of nature (these of which are -- the strong force, the electromotive force, the gravitational force, and the weak force).  This said plucking activity by the so-eluded-to E(6)XE(6) strings (these just mentioned strings of which act as the said gauge-bosons), works, as well, to help at making what would otherwise be a maxed-out Minkowski or holographic space (flat space), to instead, be a Hilbert or volume-based space.  (This would then work to help at making a 26 spatial dimensional world, instead, be a 32 spatial dimensional world -- for each of the three individually taken sets of parallel universes, that are here to exist in time and space.)  So -- it is the very nature, as to what helps to work to make a maxed-out flat-based space behave, instead, as a maxed-out volumed space, -- that works to form those vibrational oscillations, that are here to ripple along the Rarita Structure -- in so as to work to influence, as to what the correlative exhibitions are to be, as to the corresponding display of the four physical forces of space and time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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