Friday, October 5, 2018

As To The "Shimmying" Of Discrete Energy

At each iteration of group-related instant, superstrings are delineated at their correlative proximal loci.  Due to what I term of as being substringular momentum -- a number of things transpire, in order for such a multiplicit delineation of discrete energy to "handle" this condition of a so-eluded-to inertia.  Part of what happens -- in so as to work to counter such said substrinuglar inertia -- is the topological sway that happens to discrete energy, that I call, "The Imaginary Exchange Of Real Residue."  This exchange, -- involves a to-and-fro general genus of "shimmying" or wobbling, that any given discrete quantum of energy is to undergo, -- over the course of any one given arbitrary iteration of BRST.
Also -- as a discrete quantum of mass-bearing energy is to increase in its relative speed, its Lorentz-Four-Contraction goes up as its correlative Polyakov Action eigenstate is to be decreased.  The just inferred process of the Polyakov Action -- works to help to some degree or another -- in so as to assist in helping for discrete quanta of energy to be both aerodynamic, and, to help such quanta of energy to better endure the process of what I term of as "substringular inertia." Such said "inertia" and such said "momentum" are a fractal of what would actually be considered to be viable inertia and momentum.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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