Let's say that an orbifold eigenset is to undergo a change in its path and motion -- that is to here to work to result in bearing a set of antiholomorphic Kahler conditions. The said orbifold eigenset is to here to come into a Gliosis-based contact with a topological surface -- in so as to rebound, in such a manner in so as to work to form a tense of a Ward-Supplemental behavior. Let us next say that the said orbifold eigenset, is to be of a d-field. The so-eluded-to set of discrete quanta of energy of such a case, that are here to operate in so as to work to perform one specific substringular function -- are here to be traveling through a medium of six spatial dimensions plus time -- in the process of working here, in so as to be undergoing the said tense -- that is to involve the state of what are known of as antiholomorphic Kahler conditions. Let's next stipulate, that although the so-eluded-to spontaneous rebounding of the said orbifold eigenset, is to be brought into an antiholomorphic direction from its initial tense of holomorphic flow, if this is here to be considered in two spatial dimensions plus time -- to thereby theoretically be back-tracking at 180 degrees in such a perception, -- yet to where in reality, the physical condition of there to here be a situation, that is here to involve six spatial dimensions instead of two spatial dimensions, will then work to mean, that the said orbifold eigenset will then work to potentially bear four spatial directorals here, that will be rebounding at an angle that is potentially Not of 180 degrees. For instance, one may often have a case, to where a d-field that is to bear a Lagrangian-based path that is six dimensional, that is to bear antiholomorphic Kahler conditions, by being brought into a Ward-Supplemental path, -- will bear its four ulterior directorals that are thereby here to Not be of 180 degrees, to be as subtended as 135 degrees (phi1 hat), 157.5 degrees (theta1 hat), 202.5 degrees (phi2 hat), and 225 degrees (theta2 hat) (To where the "hat" here, is to represent the presence of the individually taken directorals). As the motion of the said orbifold eigenset is to then to bear a set of antiholomorphic Kahler conditions, -- it will here to be definitely be altering in its dimensional-related pulsation, -- and thereby it will definitely work to bear a set of metric-based Chern-Simons singularities. If the said orbifold eigenset is to, as well, to alter in more derivatives of motion than the number of spatial dimensions that it is to be traveling through -- then, it will also here, to be working to form a set of one or more Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities. The functioning of three of the six said ulterior directorals, eludes to the presence of more spatial dimensions than we generally tend to perceive of (a tense of a Calabi-Yau space). This will then tend to work to allow for the presence of complex-roots in the said ulterior directorals, that are here to be involved with the flow of the said potential set of Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities, that are here to potentially be of this given arbitrary case scenario.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
More As To Ward-Suppplemental Behavior
Posted by
11:31 AM
anthihomorphic Kahler conditions,

Monday, October 29, 2018
A Little Bit Of A Reminder From A While Ago
As a little bit of a reminder from a while ago -- every universe from each set of parallel universes, is inter-twined (intermingled) with every other universe of such a said set of parallel universes. There are three sets of parallel universes. These three sets of parallel universes, work to comprise what I term of as the Ultimon. Each set of such universes, exists in two virtual hoops -- the outer external of such virtual hoops exists for forward-time-bearing momentum, and the inner-internal of such virtual hoops exists for backward-time-bearing momentum. These said virtual hoops are virtual, because these work to bear a relatively wide annulus (to where each of such "virtual hoops," is here to exist as two interconnected tubes) -- at the center of their Nijenhuis cross-sectional region. These three set of virtual hoops, exist adjacent and interconnected to one another -- with a relatively small annulus at the center of their Nijenhuis cross-sectional region. There are also spots along the internalized contour of these virtual hoops, where phenomenology may be brought out of these hoops, in less than 1 Nijenhuis Planck Instant -- to help to allow for Ultimon Flow to happen (including in so as to work to allow for an inter-relationship between forward-time-bearing momentum and backward-time-bearing momentum.) This should work to help at explaining what I meant a little earlier.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
3:08 PM
Planck Instant,
Ultimon Flow,

Immediately Adjacent Discrete Quanta Of Energy
Immediately adjacent discrete quanta of energy that are of the same universe, work to bear a covariant wobble relative to one another -- that is to bear both an orthogonal tense of wave-tug, as well as being directed at a relative Poincare-related angle of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees (~1.104735878*10^(-81) degrees back-and-forth.)
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:37 PM
covariant wobble,
discrete quanta of energy,
relative angle,

A Brief Interlude About Math
Math is measurement. Measurement is the result of comparing changes and differences. The consequence of the Overall disturbance of space, is covariant change. Relationships of comparative covariant change, work to form relative differences. Such relative differences that are consequently compared, work to form interdependent inter-relationships -- the extrapolation of such interdependent inter-relationships, of which is measurement.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
11:50 AM
covariant change,
disturbance of space,
interdependent inter-relationships,

Thursday, October 25, 2018
The General Tendency -- Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode
The general tendency with mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- is to bear a superconformal tense of a Noether-based flow, at a level that is Poincare to its internal reference-frame, -- in so as to bear a gauged-action, that is to act in such a manner, in so as to work to display one tense or another of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode. Sorry for over thinking the issue, during the earlier post.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:58 PM
discrete energy,
general tendency,

Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Balance Of Cohomological Generation
A Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode is here to tend to be formed, for any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- when a balance is to be struck, between the respective cohomological generation that is of the said orbifold eigenset, and its respective covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable tense of cohomological degeneration, that the said orbifold eigenset is here to display over time. Such a balance is here to tend to be struck, when there is a tense of superconformal invariance -- in the group-related action, that is here to be displayed at the internal reference-frame, that is of the directly corresponding eigenstates -- that are of the here directly pertinent centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure-related stratum. So, when the strong force is to be superconformally invariant -- at an internal reference-frame -- this will tend to work to form a tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode. In a way, basically whenever you are dealing with the strong force, as it is applied to form any viable tense of physical stability -- you are dealing with some sort of a tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode. The question is, is whether or not one is here to consider a plasma (such as here to have a reverse-fractal, as is with fire and with the stars), to be considered to be as either of a case of superconformal invariance, or of just conformal invariance.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:56 PM
centralized knotting,
internal reference-frame,
Rarita Structure,
superconformal invariance

Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode And Mass
The Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, is a general Ward-Cauchy-related condition, that is here to tend to be directly appertaining to only both mass-bearing superstrings and mass-bearing orbifold eigensets as well. The higher that the tense is, of the directly corresponding Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- that is here to be correlative to any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- the lower that the frequency will tend to be, of the vibrational oscillations of those individually taken superstrings, that are to work to here to comprise such a said orbifold eigenset, over the course of each individually taken successive iteration of group-related instanton. The lower that such a frequency will tend to be, of the vibrational oscillations of those individually taken superstrings, that work to comprise such a said orbifold eigenset, over the course of each individually taken successive iteration of group-related instanton, -- both the higher that the time will tend to be of such vibrational oscillations, as well as the deeper that such vibrational oscillations will tend to be. At a reverse-fractal tense -- as taken from the said orbifold eigenset out to the molecular level -- as both the time and the depth of the vibrational oscillations, of those superstrings that are here to most directly appertain to the mass-bearing condition of orbifold eigensets, that are to here to bear an increase in the scalar amplitude of their directly appertaining Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, is to be occurring per each successive iteration of group-related instanton, -- this will then tend to work to cause a display of an increase in the resonant vibration of such so-eluded-to molecules, -- that are here to be of a reverse-fractal tense from the substringular level.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
11:11 AM
orbifold eigenset,
vibrational oscillation,

Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Compleltion Of The Rarita Structure -- Forces
Do you remember me mentioning to you on this blog, something to the effect of (but not specifically this exactly, though) -- that the multiplicit light-cone-gauge eigenstate acts as the 'opening phenomenology' of the Rarita Structure, and that the multiplicit gauge-bosons act as the 'closing phenomenology' of the Rarita Structure? Furthermore, it is those vibrational oscillations that are formed, by the plucking action of the multiplicit gauge-bosons upon the correlative multiplicit second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates (which is here to form the here correlative Schwinger-Indices) -- that work to behave, in so as to work to form the exhibition of the four general forces of nature (these of which are -- the strong force, the electromotive force, the gravitational force, and the weak force). This said plucking activity by the so-eluded-to E(6)XE(6) strings (these just mentioned strings of which act as the said gauge-bosons), works, as well, to help at making what would otherwise be a maxed-out Minkowski or holographic space (flat space), to instead, be a Hilbert or volume-based space. (This would then work to help at making a 26 spatial dimensional world, instead, be a 32 spatial dimensional world -- for each of the three individually taken sets of parallel universes, that are here to exist in time and space.) So -- it is the very nature, as to what helps to work to make a maxed-out flat-based space behave, instead, as a maxed-out volumed space, -- that works to form those vibrational oscillations, that are here to ripple along the Rarita Structure -- in so as to work to influence, as to what the correlative exhibitions are to be, as to the corresponding display of the four physical forces of space and time.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:32 PM
Rarita Structure,
strong force,
weak force

Gauge-Bosons As Messenger Particles
Gauge-Bosons work to act as messenger particles. These said gauge-bosons act, in so as to work to pluck their correlative second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates like a harp -- in so as to work to form a certain general genus of Schwinger-Indices, -- that are kinematic along the Rarita Structure, in so as to work to form the four general classifications of the physical forces. Gauge-Bosons thus work to form certain given arbitrary vibrational oscillations -- that act upon their Ward-Cauchy-related substringular environment, -- in so as to help at forming these so-stated four basic physical forces of nature. Consequently: Where the multiplicit centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure is at, in a covariant kinematic-related manner -- due in part to the various kinematic activity of those wave-based vibrational oscillations, that are here to physically be those Schwinger-Indices that are formed by the said plucking activity of gauge-bosons -- is the multiplicit region, at which the strong force is to tend to be localized at. Where such a said general genus of Schwinger-Indices, are to be directly associated in part with the activity of both spontaneous cohomology-based generation and/or spontaneous cohomology-based degeneration -- is where there are the multi-various eigenstates of the electromotive force to tend to be localized at. Where such a said general genus of Schwinger-Indices are to come together, in a relatively quantized manner over time -- is where the gravitational force is here to tend to be localized at. And, where such a said general genus of Schwinger-Indices, are to bear a general multiplicit perturbation in their covariant kinematic-based proximal locus, that is affiliated the directly correlative centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure, -- is where the weak force is to tend to be localized at.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
8:50 AM
electromotive force,
messenger particles,
Rarita Structure,
strong force,
weak force

Monday, October 22, 2018
Majorana-Weyl-Invariance And Magnetic Tendency
When one is to have one or more cohesive sets of orbifold eigensets, that are here to work to bear a relatively high tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- to where this so-eluded-to overall set of cohesive orbifolds, are here to be kinetically transferred at a relatively high degree of a scalar amplitude over time, -- this will then tend to work to form a relatively higher tense of a magnetic delineation than this would otherwise tend to display, -- if such a cohesive set of orbifolds were to, in this ulterior case, either to work to bear both a lower tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, and/or if the said cohesive set of orbifolds were to be kinetically transferred at a relatively lower degree of a scalar amplitude -- over the same so-eluded-to proscribed duration of time.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
11:09 AM
orbifold eigensets,
scalar amplitude,

Sunday, October 21, 2018
More As To Frequency Of Gravitational Waves
The slower that the vibrational oscillation of a gravitational wave is to be transferred as such, over time, is to be -- the lower that its relative frequency will tend to be translated as, over that self-same duration of time. This will often work to mean, that there will here be a decrease in the amount of energy -- that is here to be exerted upon the said gravitational wave, over a set evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric -- that works to encompass this said time. Now remember, -- gravitational waves are propagated both transversally and in a perpendicular manner -- at the same time, as Schwinger-Indices. As thus eluded-to by my last post, the lower that the frequency is to be -- of any one given arbitrary gravitational wave, over any one set Fourier Transformation -- the less of a degree of helicity that it will tend to express, when this is as taken over an extrapolated trajectory. This means, that if a gravitational wave is to spontaneously decrease in its given respective frequency -- that it will tend to work to display less of a spiral-like torsioning -- when this is as taken as an extrapolated trajectory, over a set Fourier Transform.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
4:25 PM
Fourier Transformation,
gravitational wave,

Saturday, October 20, 2018
Relative Frequency Of Gravitational Waves
As an initial aside, gravity waves tend to bear a wavelength of anywhere between 5*10^(-22) meters to 4*10^(-18) meters. The higher that the relative frequency is to be, as to the holonomic translation -- of what are to here be the presence of two given arbitrary sets of respective comparitive gravitational waves, to where each individually taken set is here to bear its component waves as to be working together here in unison -- the higher that the scalar amplitude will tend to be, as to the directly corresponding helicity of the directly corresponding phenomenology of the said set of gravitational waves, that are here to bear the so-stated higher frequency. When in terms of a comparison between two different distinct gravitational waves, as is here to be a given example for reference, for instance, say if one given arbitrary gravitational wave were to here to have a higher frequency than another given arbitrary gravitational wave that is to as well to be considered here, -- then, the gravitational wave that is of a higher frequency, will tend to have a higher number of Fourier-related spiral-shaped formations over an extrapolated trajectory, than the other gravitational wave will tend to have, due to that Schwinger-related torsioning, that is here on account of an increased energy that is to applied to the said wave, in so as to work to cause the so-stated increase in frequency that is then to tend to create a higher degree of helicity -- when this respective situation is to be taken along the topological stratum of the actual physical entities, that are of the two said comparative gravitational waves.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
10:37 AM

Friday, October 19, 2018
What Energy Is
Energy is formed by that general genus of a disturbance in space, that has a discrete interdependent relationship between its permittivity and its impedance. A discrete quantum of energy is a node of such energy. The discrete quanta of energy permittivity are the correlative superstrings (and counterstrings) that work to help in comprising the energy of the multiverse, whereas the discrete quanta of energy impedance are the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates (and their correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates) that work to help in comprising the energy of the multiverse. Such superstrings basically appertain to the particle-related nature of discrete energy permittivity, whereas, such counterstrings basically appertain to the wave-related nature of discrete energy permittivity. Such Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates basically appertain to the particle-related nature of discrete energy impedance, whereas, such light-cone-gauge eigenstates basically appertain to the wave-related nature of discrete energy impedance. When going in a Laplacian-related nature Into the multiplicit relative forward-holomorphic direction, discrete quanta of energy are connected in the following general manner: -- there is the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate as connected to the first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate as connected to the superstring of discrete energy permittivity as connected to the counterstring of discrete energy permittivity. The actual motion of such discrete quanta of energy, is the general idea as to what a Lagrangian is.The integrated duration of their delineations is time.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:36 PM
discrete quantum,

What I Mean By Centralized Knotting Of The Rarita Structure
What I mean by the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure eigenstates -- is the presence of kinematic varying nodes of knot-related substringular phenomenology, that are here to exist in the flow of the general gravitational field of space-time-fabric.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
11:18 AM
centralized knotting,
gravitational field,
Rarita Structure,

The Motion Of Mass
Isotropically stable Legendre homology works at making a Yukawa Coupling upon Calabi-Yau spaces, in so as to tug these so-eluded-to mass-bearing spaces along the multi-various mappable-tracing of space and time -- over a sequential series of group-related instantons, -- in so as to work at helping to allow for the kinematic motion of matter over the course of time.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
10:54 AM
sequential series,
Yukawa Coupling

Increasing Relative Velocity And Rarita Structure Eigenstates
Let us initially consider an orbifold eigenset, that is here in this case to consist of at least in part -- the presence of mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity. Let us next say -- that the said orbifold eigenset, is to be accelerating up to nearly the rate of light speed. As the said orbifold eigenset is to be increasing in its relative velocity, over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric -- it is then to bear increasingly more mass, -- even though the overall specific Ward-Neumman constraints of the said eigenset's physical bounds are to if anything decrease. This then works to indicate, that, as the so-eluded-to set of superstrings that are here to operate to perform a specific function, is to move at a relatively increasing rate, when this is in comparison to light that is here to go even faster -- that the density of the mass of the said orbifold eigenset is then to increase as well. This will then work to indicate the physical conditions of an increased density, as to what are here to be the correlative centralized knotting of the proximal local Rarita Structure eigenstates. It is the Rarita Structure, that works to convey both the vibrations of gravity, as well as the multivarious inflections in the conveyance of the ever changing forms of the four main physical forces of nature.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
6:18 AM

Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Mass-Bearing Strings In Motion And Kinetic Energy
Whenever a set of mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, are to bear a tense of kinetic energy -- then, these are to bear an external reference-frame-- that is to be moving through a Lagrangian-based path over time. This is to be the case, even though the motion of the said respective set of mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity in and of itself, is here to be moving under a given arbitrary tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- at a relatively internal reference-frame -- in the meanwhile. Mass-Bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity work to bear a symplectic-related homology, whereas, superstrings of discrete kinetic energy work to bear a Legendre-related homology. So, any set of mass-bearing superstrings, that are here to bear an external motion-related translation of their internally functioning Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-related field, when this is taken as a kinetic sequential series of delineation-related distributions, that are here to be directly appertaining to the resultant kinetic motion of the respective integrative composite set of superstrings, that are to work here to form the so-eluded-to mass-bearing orbifold eigenset over time -- as taken At An External reference-frame that is covariant From its directly corresponding internal reference-frame, that is of the mentioned respective Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- will bear a set of superstrings that each work to bear a relatively isotropically stable tense of Legendre homology over time.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Monday, October 15, 2018
Depth Of Vibration And Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode
The higher that the tense is, that the correlative Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode is to be of -- for any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- the Deeper that the vibrational mode will tend to be (although slower), for those individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise the said respective orbifold eigenset. Consequently -- the lower that the tense is, that the correlative Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode is to be of -- for any one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- the Less Deep that the vibrational mode will tend to be (although faster), of those individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to comprise the said respective orbifold eigenset.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Substringular Vibration And Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode
The higher that the tense of the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode is, for one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric -- the lower that the rate of the vibrational mode will tend to be, per each successive iteration of group-related instanton, for those individually taken superstrings that work to comprise the said respective orbifold eigenset. Consequently -- the lower that the tense of the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode is, for one given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric -- the higher that the rate of the vibrational mode will tend to be, per each successive iteration of group-related instanton, for those individually taken superstrings that work to comprise the said respective orbifold eigenset.
This helps to influence the basic general condition, that the faster that an orbifold eigenset is to approach the behavior of light speed -- the more that such an orbifold eigenset will then tend to effect what it is to strike in a Gliosis-related manner.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
This helps to influence the basic general condition, that the faster that an orbifold eigenset is to approach the behavior of light speed -- the more that such an orbifold eigenset will then tend to effect what it is to strike in a Gliosis-related manner.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
11:20 AM
light speed,

The Fujikawa Coupling And Abelian Nature
Any given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is to be in the process of undergoing the Fujikawa Coupling via the Green Function -- to where one given arbitrary open string is here to bend in a hermitian nature, in so as to convert into a closed string -- will, over the course of such a so-eluded-to process, go from having non abelian geometrical groupings interacting alongside the region that is adjacent to the topological surface of the said string, -- to then going into having abelian geometrical groupings interacting alongside the region that is adjacent to the topological surface of the said string.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
6:04 AM

Saturday, October 13, 2018
Homologies And Norm-State-Projection Strike
A superstring that works to bear a symplectic homology -- tends to form a Yukawa Coupling upon those norm-state-projections that these are to strike in a Gliosis-related manner, that is of more of an orthogonal manner, than the general tense of a Yukawa-based Coupling that a superstring that works to bear a Legendre homology is to bear upon those norm-state-projections that these are to strike in a Gliosis-related manner, -- because superstrings that work to bear a symplectic homology, tend to interact with less topological slippage upon the stratum that these are to work to bear a Yukawa-related coupling upon, than superstrings that are to instead to work to bear a Legendre homology are to tug upon the correlative topological stratum that these are to come into a direct contact with. This is, in part, because, superstrings that are of a symplectic homology, are of a closed-looped nature, that thereby work to interact with the norm-state-projections that these are to interact with, in a manner that is to tend to bear a stronger direct wave-tug-related angular drive in their directly corresponding holomorphic direction, whereas, superstrings that are of a Legendre homology, are of an open-looped nature, that thereby work to bear a stronger indirect wave-tug-related angular drive in their directly corresponding holomorphic direction. This helps at working to describe as to why phenomenologies that are of abelian geometries, tend to form cohomology entities around the topological region of closed-looped superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- whereas, phenomenologies that are of non abelian geometries, tend to form around the topological stratum of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, -- that are of either of an open-looped or of an open-stand-related nature.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
3:48 PM
angular drive,
symplectic homology,

Friday, October 12, 2018
Maximum Rates Of Both Homology-Based Degeneration And Homology-Based Generation
When the Ward-Cauchy-related angle -- by which a superstring that is here to work to exhibit a Legendre homology, by consistently being in the process of working to strike those physical norm-state-projections that it is to come into contact with, in a Gliosis-based manner -- is to be subtended at just over 0 degrees, then, the rate of homology-based degeneration will be maxed-out as the correlative homology-based generation will be minimized. Furthermore, -- when the Ward-Cauchy-related angle -- by which a superstring that is here to work to exhibit a Legendre homology, by consistently being in the process of working to strike those physical norm-state-projections that it is to come into contact with, in a Gliosis-based manner -- is to be subtended at just under 90 degrees, then, the rate of homology-based generation will be maxed-out as the correlative homology-based degeneration will be minimized.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:52 PM

Some More As To Isotropically Stable Homology
When one is here to be dealing with a an isotropically stable Legendre homology, then -- if a directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to consistently to be striking the norm-state-projections that it is to be coming into a Gliosis-related contact with, at a Ward-Cauchy-related acute angle that is here to be under 30 degrees of subtention, it will tend to be in the process of degenerating more homology-related eigenindices than it is here to be generating. Yet, if one is here to be dealing with an isotropically stable Legendre homology, in which the directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity is to consistently to be striking the norm-state-projections that it is to be coming into a Gliosis-related contact with, at a Ward-Cauchy-related acute angle that is here to be exactly 30 degrees of subtention, it will tend to be in the process of generating the same scalar magnitude of homology-related eigenindices as it is here to be degenerating. Furthermore -- when one is here to be dealing with an isotropically stable Legendre homology, that is here to be directly corresponding to a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to consistently to be striking the norm-state-projections that it is to be coming into a Gliosis-related contact with, at a Ward-Cauchy-related acute angle of subtention that is to be from between 30 degrees and 90 degrees, it will then tend to be generating more homology-related eigenindices than it is here to be degenerating. This is, in part, because -- since the Lagrangian as to the motion of discrete energy, through the path of the point commutator-related field in which the so-eluded-to physical norm-state-projections are to exist, is to be kinematically moving as a cross-product-related Hamiltonian operator, the sine of the angle by which such a so-eluded-to superstring is to strike those norm-state-projections in which it is to come into contact with, works, in part, to help in determining the generative conditions of its consequent correlative homology.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:01 PM
discrete energy,

Isotropically Stable Versus Isotropically Unstable Homology
Over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric -- an isotropically stable open-looped superstring of discrete energy permittivity, may either: generate more homology-related eigenindices than it is to degenerate, or it may generate less homology-related eigenindices than it is to degenerate, or, it may sometimes generate as much homology-related eigenindices than it is to degenerate. Yet, -- over the same general genus of an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric -- an isotropically unstable open-looped superstring of discrete energy permittivity may only be able to either generate more homology-related eigenindices than it is to degenerate, or it may, instead, generate less homology-related eigenindices than it is to degenerate, -- to where an isotropically unstable superstring of discrete energy permittivity will never generate the same scalar magnitude of homology-related eigenindices as it is here to degenerate, over a definitive amount of viable time, -- otherwise, one would here to be dealing with an isotropically stable Legendre homology instead.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
10:46 AM
discrete energy,
Hamiltonian eigenmetric,
isotropically stable,

Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Some More Cool Stuff As To Gravity Waves
The following is like an epiphany. What I term of as Rarita Structure eigenstates, are generally a certain framework of mini-stringular segmentation -- that work here more specifically in so as to help in the inter-relationhip of bringing a kinematic interdependence between the holononmic substrate of quanta of discrete energy And the holonomic substrate of both gravitons and gravitinos. Schwinger Indices are norm-state-projections that act as vibrational oscillations -- that are pushed from the general multiplicit locus of the light-cone-gauge, into the multi varied loci as to where the countless Rarita Structure eigenstates are differentiating at, in a Fourier-based manner, over time. Schwinger-Indices are another manner of basically stating the existence of gravity waves. Both Rarita Structure eigenstates and Schwinger-Indices tend to be different functional groups -- of what tend to be two different genre of zero-norm-state-projection-based Hamiltonian operators, that are of the metrical-gauge-based kind. The main difference, is, that the Rarita Structure tends to act as more of a norm-state-projection-based operand, that acts as well as a template for the activity of gravity-based motion to move upon, while, the Schwinger-Indices act as the Fourier-based oscillation-based genre of that motion by which the interdependence of gravity-based operation may be helped into being brought into existence and spontaneity. The oscillations of the disturbances in space, that are what may be called of here as Schwinger-Indices, act upon the Rarita Structure -- in so as to help to bring in this so-eluded-to interdependence. Maybe this physics model could be improved, yet, this is my current perception. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Monday, October 8, 2018
As To The Flow Of The Second-Order Eigenstates Here
During the Polyakov Action, the correlative second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates are to undergo a general genus of a Clifford Expansion, that works here to bear mini-stringular segmentation that is to consequently be put into the process of being "fed-into" the core-field-density of the directly corresponding first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- in so as to work to help at allowing for those homotopic interconnections, that are here to exist between the directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate and its correlative superstring of discrete energy permittivity, over a correlative fractal of time. For discrete energy quanta that are of a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology -- this will tend to generally mean, that, besides that bending of the directly corresponding second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that is due to the earlier mentioned general genus of such a Clifford Expansion, as well as taking into consideration the condition, that besides the "plucking" of second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates by their correlative gauge-bosons, -- the second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are directly related to such an abelian topology, will tend to bear a relatively intrinsic supplemental wave-tug, during such an iteration of BRST. Furthermore -- for discrete energy quanta that are of a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology -- this will tend to generally mean, that, besides that bending of the directly corresponding second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that is due to the earlier mentioned general genus of such a Clifford Expansion, as well as taking into consideration the condition, that besides the "plucking" of second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates by their correlative gauge-bosons, -- the second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are directly related to such a non abelian topology, will tend to bear a relatively intrinsic sinusoidal wave-tug, during the course of any case of such an example of an iteration of BRST.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:26 PM
Clifford Expansion,
discrete energy quanta,
non abelian,
Polyakov Action,

Exceptions -- Light-Cone-Gauge Topology
Generally -- if the amending groupings that work to form the homology of a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, are here to be of the nature of being abelian groupings -- then, the directly corresponding discrete quantum of energy is then said to have an abelian light-cone-gauge topology. (Kaluza-Klein). Such correlative discrete quanta of energy, tend to bear a relatively supplemental oriented set of second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates. Furthermore -- it is generally the case, that, if the amending groupings that work to form the homology of a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, are here to be of the nature of being non abelian groupings -- then, the directly corresponding discrete quantum of energy is then said to have a non abelian light-cone-gauge topology. (Yang-Mills). Such correlative discrete quanta of energy, tend to bear a relatively sinusoidal oriented set of second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates.
There are two exceptions that I can think of "from the top of my head" -- non-scattered electromagnetic energy and tachyons. Electromagnetic energy has a homology-related structure, that is comprised of by abelian groupings (it is of a cohomological nature, as it is of a symplectic geometry.) Yet, since non-scattered discrete quanta of electromagnetic energy have second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are here to have of a relatively sinusoidal nature, -- non-scattered electromagnetic energy is of a Yang-Mills nature. (Non-Scatteted electromagnetic energy works to bear a non abelian light-cone-gauge topology.)
Whereas, -- tachyons work to bear second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are relatively supplemenatal. Yet, since its homology-related structure is comprised of by non abelian groupings -- tachyons are of a Yang-Mills nature. (Tachyons work to bear a non abelian light-cone-gauge topology.)
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach
There are two exceptions that I can think of "from the top of my head" -- non-scattered electromagnetic energy and tachyons. Electromagnetic energy has a homology-related structure, that is comprised of by abelian groupings (it is of a cohomological nature, as it is of a symplectic geometry.) Yet, since non-scattered discrete quanta of electromagnetic energy have second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are here to have of a relatively sinusoidal nature, -- non-scattered electromagnetic energy is of a Yang-Mills nature. (Non-Scatteted electromagnetic energy works to bear a non abelian light-cone-gauge topology.)
Whereas, -- tachyons work to bear second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates that are relatively supplemenatal. Yet, since its homology-related structure is comprised of by non abelian groupings -- tachyons are of a Yang-Mills nature. (Tachyons work to bear a non abelian light-cone-gauge topology.)
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach
Posted by
10:57 AM
light-cone-gauge eigenstates,

A Little As To Abelian Verus Non Abelian Groups
When one is dealing with a phenomenology that works to display a symplectic geometry -- such a so-eluded-to homology, that is thence formed by the interaction of the said string's topology with its immediately proximal norm-state-projections, is then to be directly corresponding to a closed-looped superstring of discrete energy permittivity, -- of which is here to be a cohomology, of which is here to have a grouping of abelian eigenindices, that work to form the structure of its homology-related framework, as this is proximal local to its external topological surface at the Poincare level. Yet -- when one is dealing, instead, with a phenomenology that works to display a "Khovanov" geometry -- such a so-eluded-to homology, that is thence formed by the interaction of the said string's topology with its immediately proximal norm-state-projections, is then to be directly corresponding to either an open-looped superstring or an open-looped strand of discrete energy permittivity, -- of which is here to be a Legendre homology, of which is here to have a grouping of non abelian eigenindices, that work to form the structure of its homology-related framework, as this is proximal to its external topological surface at the Poincare level. Furthermore, as I have inferred to before -- an abelian group works to form a direct wave-tug-related interaction with the respective phenomenology that it is to come into contact with, -- whereas, a non abelian group works to form an indirect wave-tug-related interaction with the respective phenomenology that it is to come into contact with. Consequently, the process of the indistinguishably different recycling of non abelian groupings -- that work to form the homology-related shell of Legendre-related geometric phenomena -- are here to be recycled relatively more swiftly, whereas the process of the indistinguishably different recycling of abelian groupings -- that work to form the cohomology-related shell of symplectic-related geometric phenomena -- are here to be recycled relatively less swiftly. Abelian groupings are brought into the Ward-Neumman bounds of the relatively proximal local region of a closed-looped genus of substringular phenomenology -- because, when a bosonic string is to interact with those norm-state-projections that it is to come into contact with, -- such a consequent interaction tends to be of a relatively orthogonal nature, -- whereas, non abelian groupings are brought into the Ward-Neumman bounds of the relatively proximal local region of either an open-looped or an open-strand genus of substringular phenomenology -- because, when a fermionic string is to interact with those norm-state-projections that it is to come into contact with, -- such a consequent interaction tends to be of a relatively oblique nature.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
10:21 AM
non abelian,

Sunday, October 7, 2018
Yukawa Versus Gliosis To Kahler-Metric
Any given arbitrary superstring that is not frayed, is always going to be Yukawa to the Kahler-Metric, yet, only when such a so-eluded-to superstring is in the process of working to attain those fractals of discrete energy that these need -- in order to both persist and exist as discrete energy -- will such superstrings actually be Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric. The metric of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is its dimensional-related pulsation. Any superstring that is not being frayed, will always work to bear a dimensional-related pulsation over time. Yet, such an eminent tendency of a superstring to work to bear any of such a tense of a dimensional-related pulsation -- works to bear a general condition, to where, since any given arbitrary respective superstring is not literally 100 percent efficient in the "real world," discrete energy must recurrently, over time, go through a "renovation-like" process of such a prior inferred re-attaing, of those fractals of discrete energy -- to where discrete energy is to thence to be put into such a condition-related "position," to then to be able to reattain the ability to work to bear one manner or another, of a dimensional-related pulsation over time. This process of such a said "renovation-like" activity, is when discrete energy -- after a set of iterations of the ending segments of the contingent correlative group-related instantons, in which such discrete quanta of energy are to interact directly in a Gliosis-based manner, with a respective tense of an eigenstate of the holonomic substrate of the Klein Bottle, is to happen, in order to both modulate the morphology-related qualities of the said discrete quanta of energy, and also in so as to modulate the wave-tug-related qualities of the same said discrete quanta of energy -- so that the said stringular-like phenomenology that is here to thence to be made Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric, is to both reattain its efficiency and its "stamina," over time. Furthermore, such a said process -- works to make it easier for abelian groups to latch-on, in an indistinguishably changing manner, to the externalized shell of the multiplicit topological proximal region, -- in so as to work to help at making the functioning of cohomological attainment to be able to be possible, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
11:29 AM
Klein Bottle,

Some Stuff As To What An Abelian Association Is
An Abelian association, is one -- in which a given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-related eigenstate is to have a direct wave-tug-like interaction with that phenomenology -- in which it is to be coming into contact with. So, -- an abelian geometry, is that general differential geometry -- that is here to relate to such a substringular situation, in which any respective given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-related eigenstate, is to have a direct wave-tug-like interaction, with some other substringular stuff. Often -- this refers to phenomena -- that tend to be extrapolated, as to here be in the process of adhering to the general cohomology-related shell, that is here to be proximal to the topology of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, -- particularly if such a so-eluded-to discrete quantum of energy permittivity, that is to work to bear such a set of composite eigenindices, is of a closed-looped nature. This is because -- whenever something is, as for all otherwise apparent observation that may be deduced -- to be "stuck" to the surface of another phenomenon, -- such a potentially interdependent binding, is one general genus of such a situation, to where one is here to have one entity, that is to work to bear a direct wave-tug-like interaction with another entity that it is to be touching, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
9:26 AM
discrete energy,

Saturday, October 6, 2018
Indistinguishably Different Cohomological Indices
Although the cohomological eigenindices, that are here to apparentenly be "stuck" to any one given arbitrary GSO on-shell-related Ward-Cauchy-based kinematic structure, may "appear" to be stationed permanently there, in so as to being here in a tense of a general genus of an abelian group -- these specific indices are here to be constantly replaced and amended, in an indistinguishably different manner over time. These cohomological indices may here apparently be spontaneously "stuck" to the external shell of the proximal locus -- that is of the topological stratum of the here directly pertinent superstrings, yet, these specific indices, that are here to appear as being kept as being Gliosis to the topological surface of the so-eluded-to discrete energy at the Poincare level, -- are, in reality, to constantly be in a flux, in which cohomolgical eigenindices are constantly leaving and being brought into the proximal locus of the topological stratum of such said superstrings, -- in so as to work to allow for the "appearance" of there to here be Ward-Cauchy-related phenomenology, that seems from an observer to be "stuck" to this earlier mentioned proximal local region -- that is of these said superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.
This is part of as to why I have equated cohomological eigenindices to ghost anomalies -- since the specific eigenindices that work to form a cohomological structure, are constantly being brought in and taken away, -- in a manner that is here to appear as being "indistinguishably different." Ghost anomalies refer here, in part, in my string theory model, to the relatively transient nature of the vast array of specific homological and cohomological eigenindices.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
This is part of as to why I have equated cohomological eigenindices to ghost anomalies -- since the specific eigenindices that work to form a cohomological structure, are constantly being brought in and taken away, -- in a manner that is here to appear as being "indistinguishably different." Ghost anomalies refer here, in part, in my string theory model, to the relatively transient nature of the vast array of specific homological and cohomological eigenindices.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Friday, October 5, 2018
As To The "Shimmying" Of Discrete Energy
At each iteration of group-related instant, superstrings are delineated at their correlative proximal loci. Due to what I term of as being substringular momentum -- a number of things transpire, in order for such a multiplicit delineation of discrete energy to "handle" this condition of a so-eluded-to inertia. Part of what happens -- in so as to work to counter such said substrinuglar inertia -- is the topological sway that happens to discrete energy, that I call, "The Imaginary Exchange Of Real Residue." This exchange, -- involves a to-and-fro general genus of "shimmying" or wobbling, that any given discrete quantum of energy is to undergo, -- over the course of any one given arbitrary iteration of BRST.
Also -- as a discrete quantum of mass-bearing energy is to increase in its relative speed, its Lorentz-Four-Contraction goes up as its correlative Polyakov Action eigenstate is to be decreased. The just inferred process of the Polyakov Action -- works to help to some degree or another -- in so as to assist in helping for discrete quanta of energy to be both aerodynamic, and, to help such quanta of energy to better endure the process of what I term of as "substringular inertia." Such said "inertia" and such said "momentum" are a fractal of what would actually be considered to be viable inertia and momentum.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Also -- as a discrete quantum of mass-bearing energy is to increase in its relative speed, its Lorentz-Four-Contraction goes up as its correlative Polyakov Action eigenstate is to be decreased. The just inferred process of the Polyakov Action -- works to help to some degree or another -- in so as to assist in helping for discrete quanta of energy to be both aerodynamic, and, to help such quanta of energy to better endure the process of what I term of as "substringular inertia." Such said "inertia" and such said "momentum" are a fractal of what would actually be considered to be viable inertia and momentum.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Thrust Of Holonomic Substrate Of Klien Bottle
Let us initially consider the holonomic substrate, that is of a given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate, as I have described of as thence being, in the substringular -- as it is here to be Gliosis to a set of discrete quanta of energy, that is to be eminently Yukawa to the Kahler-Metric in a Gliosis-related manner. As I have said before -- as discrete energy is in the process of moving through the general tense of a Lagrangian, over the course of such a general genus of activity, in so as to go through the process of Riveting into the norm-to-holomorphic region of such a just mentioned eigenstate of the Klein Bottle (since it is basically impossible for discrete energy to actually "enter" a Klein Bottle eigenstate) -- it is to shake back-and-forth 8 times (a total of 16 general thrusts), in so as to work to help for the so-eluded-to incoming discrete energy, to be able to reattain those fractals of discrete energy that these need -- in order for such said phenomena to both persist and exist as discrete energy. As you may recall, it is what such an eigenstate of the holonomic substrate of the Klein Bottle is to map-out, that is the Klein Bottle, and not this said holonomic substrate -- in and of itself. This said holonomic substrate, is then to form a ghost-based set of cohomological indices, that come together in so as to appear as then to be in the shape of an actual Klein Bottle. Remember: -- An object in motion tends to "want" to be kept in motion (inertia). Each general thrust of the holonomic substrate of the Klein Bottle, is here to theoretically "lurch-out," in the process, by 1/16th of a Planck Length -- while in the process. Yet, due to the general condition of inertia, each actual increment of such an inferred "lurching," is to be directly related to a transversal scalar motion that is to actually tend to cover a distance, that is to be more equivalent to ~.06262929701 of a Planck Length -- it takes an extra .00012929701 or so of a Planck Length's equivalent transversal distance of Ward-Cauchy-related flow, for the said eigenstate of the holonomic substrate of the Klein Bottle to stop for just an "instance," once it is pushed-out by .0625 of a Planck Length. Immediately following, this is then to happen as such, for all 16 of such so-eluded-to back-and-forth thrusts. (This involves a total of both 8 "back" and a total of 8 "forth" of such motions.)
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
11:22 AM
scalar motion,

Thursday, October 4, 2018
The Five Alephs Of Infinity -- From The Smallest To The Biggest
Here are what I understand to be the five Alephs of Infinity, from the smallest to the biggest.
These are thence the five general categories of "relative infinity," as I am able to presently perceive, from the smallest general category to the largest general category.
1) Infinity.
2) ((3.977746573*10^10)*Infinity)^8.
3) ((3.977746573*10^10))^Infinity^8.
4) (Infinity^8^Infinity^8).
5) (e^Infinity^8^Infinity^8).
Here is part of my derivation, as to the immediately prior:
The hyperbolic tangent of 45 degrees is Infinity. Both the sine of 45 degrees and the cosine of 45 degrees is equal to (1/(2^.5)).
sine(45 degrees)*cosine(45 degrees) = (1/2^.5)*(1/2^.5) = 1/2. (1/2)^5 = 1/32.
Let's say that (180 degrees/PI)/32 = x degrees.
Let's next say that (The hyperbolic tangent of (x degrees)) = y.
Let's say that y^8 = z.
Then, (33*z)^8 = ~ 3.977746573*10^10.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
These are thence the five general categories of "relative infinity," as I am able to presently perceive, from the smallest general category to the largest general category.
1) Infinity.
2) ((3.977746573*10^10)*Infinity)^8.
3) ((3.977746573*10^10))^Infinity^8.
4) (Infinity^8^Infinity^8).
5) (e^Infinity^8^Infinity^8).
Here is part of my derivation, as to the immediately prior:
The hyperbolic tangent of 45 degrees is Infinity. Both the sine of 45 degrees and the cosine of 45 degrees is equal to (1/(2^.5)).
sine(45 degrees)*cosine(45 degrees) = (1/2^.5)*(1/2^.5) = 1/2. (1/2)^5 = 1/32.
Let's say that (180 degrees/PI)/32 = x degrees.
Let's next say that (The hyperbolic tangent of (x degrees)) = y.
Let's say that y^8 = z.
Then, (33*z)^8 = ~ 3.977746573*10^10.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:09 PM
hyperbolic tangent,

Wednesday, October 3, 2018
A Common Ground Between Two Different Meanings
Here is a common ground between two different meanings, as to what may be thought of as working to help at defining what may be termed of as being "Complex Manifolds.":
Let us initially consider a Complex Manifold -- that is as such, because it is a substringular manifold, that is not initially Gaussian to what may here be termed of as being a Real Reimmanian Manifold of substringular eigenidices. This will then work to mean, that the two different respective Ward-Cauchy-related conglomerate spaces, are here to not be viable -- the one to the other. These two different compared manifolds are here of such a case, to where if these are being made Yukawa to the right given arbitrary Li-Gaussian-related Hamiltonian operator, -- that these may then later ensue to become Gaussian relative to each other in a Real Reimmanian-related manner, -- and thereby act in so as to then become of the nature of being Ward-Cauchy-related conglomerate spaces, that are here to then be viable -- the one to the other. The two different distinct said spaces may only be able to interact, in so as to be in such a condition to be able to potentially touch each other, if a Li-Operator is implemented upon the proximal region in which these are working to bear a potentially viable interdependent interaction. This first said case, -- is if one is to be working with two different spaces, -- that are not intrinsically of the same universal setting. Manifolds that are of different universal settings, may often alter, in so as to be of the same universal setting -- if these are to be enacted upon by a phenomenon that works here as a Li-Gaussian-related Hamiltonian Operator.
Next, -- let us consider a Complex Manifold -- that is as such, because it is a substringular manifold that is to be Gaussian to another manifold in a manner, that Is actually of a Real Reimmanian nature. It will then elude to a situation, in which -- that given arbitrary Yukawa coupling that is here to be implemented upon the respective proximal region, in which both of the so-eluded-to substringular manifolds are to be interacting with each other -- will not need to be of a Li-Gaussian-related Hamiltonian nature, -- it (the activity of the eluded-to Hamiltonian operator) will only need to bear a Yukawa Coupling to relate the two different inferred spaces, in a Gaussian manner that is of a Real Reimmanian nature. These two different distinct said spaces may actually bear the possibility of being able to able to interact, in so as to be in such a condition to be able to potentially touch each other -- without the need for a Li-Operator to be implemented upon the proximal region in which these are working to bear a potentially viable interdependent interaction. This latter case -- is if one is to have two different manifolds, that are either "invisible" in one manner or another, and/or are of a different Layer Of Reality -- but are here to be consistently of the same universal setting.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Let us initially consider a Complex Manifold -- that is as such, because it is a substringular manifold, that is not initially Gaussian to what may here be termed of as being a Real Reimmanian Manifold of substringular eigenidices. This will then work to mean, that the two different respective Ward-Cauchy-related conglomerate spaces, are here to not be viable -- the one to the other. These two different compared manifolds are here of such a case, to where if these are being made Yukawa to the right given arbitrary Li-Gaussian-related Hamiltonian operator, -- that these may then later ensue to become Gaussian relative to each other in a Real Reimmanian-related manner, -- and thereby act in so as to then become of the nature of being Ward-Cauchy-related conglomerate spaces, that are here to then be viable -- the one to the other. The two different distinct said spaces may only be able to interact, in so as to be in such a condition to be able to potentially touch each other, if a Li-Operator is implemented upon the proximal region in which these are working to bear a potentially viable interdependent interaction. This first said case, -- is if one is to be working with two different spaces, -- that are not intrinsically of the same universal setting. Manifolds that are of different universal settings, may often alter, in so as to be of the same universal setting -- if these are to be enacted upon by a phenomenon that works here as a Li-Gaussian-related Hamiltonian Operator.
Next, -- let us consider a Complex Manifold -- that is as such, because it is a substringular manifold that is to be Gaussian to another manifold in a manner, that Is actually of a Real Reimmanian nature. It will then elude to a situation, in which -- that given arbitrary Yukawa coupling that is here to be implemented upon the respective proximal region, in which both of the so-eluded-to substringular manifolds are to be interacting with each other -- will not need to be of a Li-Gaussian-related Hamiltonian nature, -- it (the activity of the eluded-to Hamiltonian operator) will only need to bear a Yukawa Coupling to relate the two different inferred spaces, in a Gaussian manner that is of a Real Reimmanian nature. These two different distinct said spaces may actually bear the possibility of being able to able to interact, in so as to be in such a condition to be able to potentially touch each other -- without the need for a Li-Operator to be implemented upon the proximal region in which these are working to bear a potentially viable interdependent interaction. This latter case -- is if one is to have two different manifolds, that are either "invisible" in one manner or another, and/or are of a different Layer Of Reality -- but are here to be consistently of the same universal setting.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
11:22 AM
complex manifold,
proximal region,
Real Reimmanian,

Monday, October 1, 2018
Exception -- Complex Manifolds
Exception -- Complex Manifolds -- Still Gaussian -- If Relatively "Invisible" And/Or of a different layer of reality -- The One To The Other. (This is not to be confused with if of a different parallel universe -- which is a different concept. Two different manifolds that are of a different universe will always bear a tense of being complex manifolds -- the one to the other). This just mentioned exception, is only if such different relatively complex manifolds may be made Yukawa to one another -- in such a manner in so as to potentially become of a Gliosis nature, -- the one to the other.
Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
A Little About Partially Complex Manifolds
Let us now consider two different orbifold eigenets -- that work to bear some spatial dimensions in common, yet to where these are to as well to bear some spatial dimensions that are not in common as well. Let us next say, that these two different said orbifold eigensets, are to bear a certain Gaussian relationship -- when this is taken among those spatial dimensions that these work here to bear such a so-eluded-to Yukawa relationship, that brings these into an extent of being in common with one another. Yet, let us as well say, that those spatial dimensions that these do not have in common, are here to not be of a Real Reimmanian nature to one another -- to where these two so-eluded-to sets of coherent spaces are not to be fully of a Gaussian-related nature to one another. This would then work to mean, -- that some of the attributes of one of the so-eluded-to manifolds of coherent spaces, are of a Real-based Gaussian nature to the other so-eluded-to manifold of coherent spaces, while some of the respective attributes of one of the so-eluded-to manifolds of coherent spaces are not of a Real-based Gaussian nature to the other so-eluded-to manifold of coherent spaces. One may then say, that the two different said manifolds of coherent spaces, -- that are here to act as two different orbifold eigensets -- may be described of as being partially complex manifolds, the one to the other.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:56 PM
complex spaces,
orbifold eigensets,
Real Reimmanian,
spatial dimensions,

Complex Manifolds Becoming Gaussian
Let us initially consider two different orbifold eigensets, -- that are here to act as complex manifolds, relative to one another. Next, let us consider that there is to ensue -- the Fourier-related action of a Li-based Hamiltonian operator upon the contingent field, that is Yukawa to the covariant homotopic field, that is proximal local to both of the so-eluded-to orbifold eigensets that are of such a said respective case. Let us now say, that the kinematic activity of the earlier mentioned Li-based Hamiltonian operator of this given arbitrary substringular situation -- is to alter both the covariant, the codifferentiable, and the codeterminable angling of the two Ward-Cauchy-based manifolds, that are here to have been initially Nijenhuis, -- the one to the other, -- in such a manner, to where the two different said orbifold eigensets are now to be of the same universal setting, when this is here to be taken in respect with one another. At this metrically-related point in time -- both of the said orbifold eigensets may now be said to share the same general Gaussian tense of being Real Reimman spaces, the one to the other. This will then work to help at making the two different said orbifold eigensets, to no longer be of a complex nature, when this is taken as a Reimman-based relationship of the one so-eluded-to manifold of coherent spaces to the other so-eluded-to manifold of coherent spaces.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:28 PM
kinematic activity,
Li-based Hamiltonian operator,
orbifold eigensets,
proximal local,
Real Reimman,
univeral setting,

Diffeomorphism And Interactions
When a Wess-Zumino interaction is to happen to a substringular manifold, in a Yukawa-related manner -- via a directly corresponding Reimman scattering, over time, -- it will tend to become of a relatively more diffeomorphic nature. However, when a Cevita interaction is to happen to a substringular manifold, in a Yukawa-related manner -- via a directly corresponding Rayleigh scattering, over time, -- it will, instead, tend to become of a relatively less diffeomorphic nature.
Posted by
11:43 AM
substringular manifold,

Why Gauge-Bosons Don't Have Mass
Gauge-Bosons don't really have mass -- because, these closed-looped superstrings are bosons -- whose Fourier-related activity, acts, in so as to bear a multiplicit Yukawa-coupling that is as being a fractal of discrete energy permittivity, that is equally pointal-based and wave-based over the same closed metric, to where its kinematic motion during instanton (in the process of acting, in so as to work to pluck their directly corresponding second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates like a harp), to work to help at fascillitating the general flow of discrete energy impedance, while these are in the process of working to form those Schwinger-Indices that flow along the Rarita Structure, as vibrational eigenindices -- to where the holonomic substrate of the genre of such thus formed vibrations, however, works to fascillitate the interdependence of the covariance of the multivarious masses that exist in the substringular. Furthermore -- the activity of gauge-bosons works to form a fractal of a constituent-related set of mass-bearing eigenstates, -- that act to help at influencing, in part, how orbifold eigensets are to vary in their mass, -- as their motion is to change in relationship to both the existence and the motion of electromagnetic energy. So, the flow of the said "plucking" of second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates by gauge-bosons -- works to help at influencing the delineation of homotopic residue, via the multiplicit arrray of the countless variety of those correlative Schwinger-Indices that are thence formed -- to where such said gauge-bosons, are then to work to help at allowing for the general process of Relativity to occur. It is Metaphorically like mitochondria in animal and human cells -- these are a fractal of our lives, that act, in so as to help at working to make our condition of being alive possible. In short, -- gauge-bosons exisst in so as to act, kind of like, if you will, like a holonomic substrate that is as both a "De-Broglie mass" and a "De-Broglie wave" at the same time. Furthermore, -- such said gauge-bosons are both particles and an oscillation-based tendency at the same "time."
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Norm-State-Projections And Schwinger-Indices
Those Schwinger-Indices, that are formed by the plucking of second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates by their directly corresponding gauge-bosons -- flow along the Rarita Structure. As such said Schwinger-Indices flow along the Rarita Structure, part of their correlative activity -- is to work to vibrate the multiplicit holonomic substrate of norm-state-projections. As such said Schwinger-Indices work to vibrate the multivarious holonomic substrate of norm-state-projections, -- this general genus of a Fourier-related activity, works to help at influencing the multiplicit genus of force that is to be exhibited at different substringular loci, as this is here to be taken all along the overall said Rarita Structure. This, then, works to help at influencing as to whether a specific Ward-Cauchy-related locus -- is to be working to exhibit either the strong force, the electrostatic force, the gravitational force, and/or the weak force.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
10:46 AM
genus of force,
holonomic substrate,
light-cone-gauge eigenstates,
strong force,
substringular loci,

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