Monday, May 22, 2017

The Last Part Of Session 4 Of Course 20

Heat may be conveyed via convection, by annharmonic motion, which transfers heat energy through a produced differential in heat energy -- as may be measured by a temperature difference.  This may be observed by examples, such as both the strike of a match, the motion of different regions of water that work to individually bear different temperatures that touch each other, and thus, transfer a differential of heat energy, the temperature differentials of different gases that touch each other, the annharmonic motion of chemical energy that may also work to transfer heat energy, as well as other general genre of heat transfer.  The latter mentioned specific respective case, as to the transfer of heat energy, happens in part, -- because the annharmonics that exist between certain interactive chemicals, works to produce fire, which is chemical heat -- and fire is in part comprised of electromagnetic energy that exists here in particular in the form of heat or infrared energy, in such a manner by which the chemicals that are burning as fire in such a general case, are to exist here in the form of the various respective given arbitrary forms of the plasma of such a scenario.  Since heat is electromagnetic energy, that is here to be next to most commonly thought of as electromagnetic energy after white light, heat is to then exist almost everywhere where there is the presence of matter in our universe.  All electromagnetic energy works to scatter at some time, as I will continue to make even clearer soon in this course.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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