Monday, May 8, 2017

Smoothly Curved Hermitian Cohomologies

Let us initially consider an orbifold eigenset, that is evenly accelerating in a back-and-forth manner, via the effects of a proximal localized gravitational field -- that is to here be initially relatively high in its scalar amplitude of Yukawa-based influence.  Let us say, in this respective given arbitrary case, that the so-eluded-to gravitational-based influence -- is to work to go from working to tug the said orbifold eigenset from one assympototic topological sway that is to here be initially directed towards one Laplacian-based relatively vertical axion, while at some point in duration, to then go in so as to drop relatively down and around, to where the said eigenstate is to later work to bear a wave-tug that is to then to act in so as to help to cause the so-stated orbifold eigenset to then be directed in an assymptotic manner -- towards what is to here be another Laplacian-based relatively vertical axion, to where this second just mentioned axion is to be relatively parallel to the first mentioned axion.  As well, after roughly both the same scalar amplitude and the same scalar magnitude of assymptotic aproach, the said orbifold eigenset is to again, gradually slow down in so as to then drop through and down the directly so-eluded-to isomorphic cohomological mappable-tracing -- in so as to then work to reach the prior said assymptotic curvature, that was stated earlier.  Let us say that such a gravitational-curved flow, is to be repeated -- a significant number of times.  Let us say that this so-eluded-to flow, is not to be stopped without a significant external means.  This would then be an example of an orbifold eigenset Fourier-based transform, that will basically not change spontaneously.  This is an example of something that will often tend to be called a "semi-infinite-well."  Such a general genus of a "semi-infinite-well," will here, tend to bear an even acceleration -- in its metrical-based cohomological mode of iteration.  Such a mode of iteration, will tend to only change in as many derivatives as the number of spatial dimensions that it is moving through, over time. This will work to make the so-eluded-to cohomology, of a hermitian-based nature.  Such a Rham-based cohomology -- will tend to not act as having any proximal local Ward-Caucy-related Chern-Simons singularities, as it is behaving as I have just described.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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