Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Cyclical Heat Transference

Let us initially consider a set of orbifold eigensets, that are working together, in so as to form a molecule.  Such a so-stated molecule is to here be vibrating from within an initial reference frame -- in a tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance.  The annharmonic mode of the vibrational oscillation of the said molecule, is here to scatter the photons that are to here to be formed by the so-eluded-to shaking of the holonomic substrate of the said molecule, -- in so as to help at forming infrared photons, in the form of heat.  Let us next say, that there are here to be many adjacent molecules as such, -- that are to work to form a relatively high scalar amplitude of heat-based photons.  The heat that is here to be formed by the overall condition of these just mentioned molecules, will then tend to work to influence the extent of the overall vibrational oscillation of the individually taken tightly-knit Fourier Transform, of each correlative individually taken molecule that I have just eluded-to, -- in so as to help at working to increase that tendency of those oscillations of these molecules, that are to thence form additional heat energy -- in the form of a cycle of a relative perpetuation of the formation and the reformation of proximal localized infrared photons.  Such a relative perpetuation of annharmonic vibrational oscillations, will then work to form an interdependent tendency, as to what is here to be a cyclical flow of heat energy, -- since those so-stated molecules that act as interdependent nodes of Hodge-based indical stratum, are to then be fairly mutually brought into the occurrence of that general genus of vibrational oscillation, that is in that form of a cyclical differential transference of the so-eluded-to genus of electromagnetic energy, that is here to be scattered and re-scattered by those processes of the Rayleigh-based re-delineations of the topological eigenindices of the re-distributed topological stratum of the holonomic substrate of those orbifold eigensets that work to help form the here stated molecules, that are proximal local to the Poincare level of the so-eluded-to Ward-Caucy-based region of this case.  Such a general tense of a Rayleigh scattering, in the form of the perpetuation of heat energy, in the form of infrared photons, -- works to act as a classical example of a general set of Calabi-Yau interactions.  When these correlative substringular manifolds are to be most Yukawa to the Kahler-Metric, then, both the so-eluded-to mass-bearing superstrings and the correlative photons that act in so as to scatter upon them, work to perform a general genus of a Gaussian Transformation, which is known of as a gauge-transformation.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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