Monday, March 14, 2016

Convergence Upon Hermicity

Let us initially consider a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, as it is undergoing the Polyakov Action during an individual iteration of BRST.  Let us next say that the said respective given arbitrary string, is in a condition of a terrestrial-based rest -- to where it is fully decompactified, or, in other words, the so-stated respective superstring works to bear no affective scalar magnitude of a correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction to be interactive upon the topological stratum of its holonomic substrate, during the said iteration of BRST, during an individual iteration of instanton.  Due to the so-stated condition of complete decompactificaction -- the relative scalar amplitude of that general genus of a Clifford Expansion that is to be directly associated with what is here to be a "maxed-out" tense of an eigenstate of the Polyakov Action, will bear a heightened tense of an euler expansion of the so-eluded-to influx of mini-stringular segmentation, that is to here be fed into the directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that is of the wave-based characteristic of the discrete quantum of energy impedance that is here most directly correlative to the so-stated superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is being discussed in this particular case.  The Fourier-based activity that is most directly associated with the perturbation of the Lorentz-Four-Contractions that are effectual upon the topological stratum of the holonomic substrate of a discrete quantum of energy, will tend to propagate into a condition of a Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons set of singularities -- over the course of a correlative sequential series of instantons, when the interdependent interactions of discrete quanta of energy -- that are to here be considered as acting upon each other, is to take its natural course, over time.  The euler of the natural log of any respective given arbitrary specific variable will be the variable itself.  So, let us think of what may here act as Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities -- that may be formed by a "spike" in the cohomological mappable tracing of a superstring, that has just acted in so as to alter in one more derivatives than the number of spatial dimensions than its is to be moving through -- at a respective Laplacian-based instant under consideration.  Such a singularity may be of either a relatively infinitesimal value, Or, such a singularity may be of a relatively infinite value -- given the specifics of the given arbitrary substringular situation.  The negative of the limit of the natural log of a value that is here to be approaching zero from a positive attribute to a negative attribute, is the negative of negative infinity, or, in other words, this would be infinity.  The euler of zero is one.  So, the substringular tendency of the hyperbolic Clifford Expansion, that is of the general field of the multiplicit light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- that is of a scalar amplitude that is correlative to both the degree and the manner of the given arbitrary decompactification that is here to happen over the course of any individually taken eigenstate of the correlative Polyakov Action -- works to act upon whatever the predominant proximally local homotopic residue happens to be acting as, in the general substringular region, in so as to work to help in causing the correlative Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities -- that are to here act upon the general topological locus, to be kept within the Ward-Caucy-based limits of the condition of what may here be termed of as Cassimer Invariance.
Again, Cassimer Invariance is the perpetual tendency of substringular phenomena to interchange eigenstates in so as to maintain homotopy, per instanton.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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