Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What I Meant By Helicit Motion

What I meant by a helicit-based torque that is applied to any respective given arbitrary orbifold, is related to the differential angling of the correlative  E(6) X E(6) strings of those superstrings that work to form the said orbifold or orbifold eigenset, being altered or perturbative in the tense of their Hamiltonian-based topological sway, over a sequential series of instantons -- in which the so-stated E(6) X E(6) strings will have then changed in their differential topological-based angling, in the course of their directly corresponding Gliossi-based Yakawa pull upon the directly corresponding second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, over time.  As such an alteration or perturbation of either the spin-orbital and/or the radial-based Hamiltonian pretext of the covariant change of angling, is applied to the said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates of those superstrings that work to form the correlative orbifold or orbifold eigenset happens to happen, such a kinematic eigenbase of activity will work to produce the "suction" that I had just mentioned in my last post that I had written.  Such a "suction" will then work to bear a "domino effect" that will result in a genus of related norm-state-projective motion, that will then work to bring in relatively reverse-holomorphic norm-states into the arena of the initial eigenbase of the mappable tracing of the initial overall  cohomological index, of those ghost anomalies that were here initially formed by the motion of the so-eluded-to orbifold or orbifold eigenset -- that is here comprised of a set of one or more superstrings that operate in so as to perform a set specific function, that is to completed by the said orbifold or orbifold eigenset of this respective given arbitrary case.  Such a genus of a relative alteration of the holomorphic/reverse-holomorphic topological-based swaying of the related Fock-based Hamiltonian operation will then tend to bear a condition of taking the Reimman-based scattering -- that had formed the said respective given arbitrary cohomology, and displacing such a set of ghost-based indices into an annharmonic re-delineation of indices by the so-eluded-to resultant Rayleigh scattering that I had mentioned in the last post.  To Be Continued! I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam Roach.

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