Cohomologies that are not overtly torqued, work to involve Hamiltonian operators -- these said Hamiltonian operators of which function as a fractal of a tense of magnetism -- that will here correlate to the earlier stated BPS Theorem. This is, in part, due to the condition that a tense of a fractal of magnetism, that is represented by the cross between both the spin-orbital and the radial-based drive of the motion of a substringular tense of phenomnology, that is not overtly torqued to any viable manner of perturbative scalar magnitude -- will always tend to involve a kinematic tense of a Fourier Transformation of substringular members, that will here involve a flow of motion that will here be Gliossi at the Poincaire level to the relative Real Reimmanian Plane -- that would be involved here in such a case. This will tend to be the case -- whether the Lagrangian and/or the metrical singularities that are then formed by the directly corresponding orbifold eigensets -- of which work to form the correlative cohomological-based stratum, of any respective given arbitrary case in point, are of a hermitian and/or a Chern-Simmons nature. So, an overt torque upon the holonomic substrate of the topological groundwork of a cohomological-based setting -- that is altering in its Lagrangian and/or metrical Ward-Caucy-based kinematic-based indices, over a sequential series of iterations of group-related instantons, will tend to work to form at least some sort of a tense of Njenhuis tensors -- these Njenhuis tensors thus formed, of which will work to form at least some degree or manner of a Doubolt cohomological-based setting, over at least a transient period of time. Any fractal of a magnetic field -- this of which may be represented by the spin-orbital and other radial-based Hamiltonian operators, that kinematically differentiate in a covariant-based manner, as the correlative orbifold eigensets form an integrable mappable tracing, that works to form a twining of ghost-based indices -- that is not overtly torqued to any perturbative degree of manner, will form membranous folds of phenomenology, that work to form a covariance of the corresponding Gaussian of gauge-symmetry per eigenfold -- that is here multiplicitly of the same primed orthogonal nature, retrospectively, while yet, any Njenhuis correspondence of the correlative eigenfolds of such a membranous nature will work to form the same genus of Imaginary supplemental index -- that works to interconnect these, per such related corresponding eigenfolds.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
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