Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Part One of Session 14 Of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

The superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are of a Noether-based flow -- of which exist as holonomic substrate in the physical Ward-Caucy bounds of their respective orbifold eigensets -- tend to kinematically differentiate at least a little bit, over the course of the activity of each iteration of group-related instanton - when this is taken, in terms of either their  respective re-distributions of their spin-orbital positioning, and/or their respective redistributions of their radial positioning, and/or their respective redistributions of their transversel positioning, as these so-stated superstrings are being redistributed through their respective Hamiltonian-based operands, over time.  Over the duration of the gauge-metrical activity of any two consecutive iterations of group-related instantons, a superstring will either travel the Planck-Length from one spot to the next in so as to perform one transversel-based motion, and/or a superstring may travel one Planck-Radii from one spot to the next in so as to perform one radial-based motion, and/or a superstring may travel one Planck-Radii from one spot to the next in so as to perform one spin-orbital-based motion -- over one discrete increment of the said just eluded-to gauge-metrical duration, of the so-stated time interval of one discrete iteration of group-related instanton to the next discrete iteration of group-related instanton. This genus of activity will then tend to happen as such for all of the superstrings of a Noether-based flow, that had worked to comprise the so-stated orbifold eigenset, of which I had mentioned at the beginning of this post.  The theorem of the Ward-Caucy-based translation of those superstrings that work to comprise any respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- as moving in such a just eluded-to Noether-based flow, over a sequential series of iterations of group instanton -- may be viewed of as the Noether Theorem.  Any given arbitrary superstring that is not of a tachyonic-based nature, will tend to move as is according to the Noether Flow.  At the Poincaire level of the Ward-Caucy-based conditions of any respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, this so-eluded-to condition of the kinematic differential activity of those superstrings -- that may be here taken at the antiderivative-based vantage-point of those superstrings that work to comprise any so-stated orbifold eigenset -- will happen, to where each individual superstring that works to comprise such an orbifold eigenset that  is not of a tachyonic-based nature, that works here to operate in so as to perform the one unique function of  any said give arbitrary orbifold eigenset, works to obey the conditionality of the so-stated Noether Theorem, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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