Thursday, April 30, 2015
Different General Formats of Ghost-Based Scattering
When any given arbitrary cohomological setting is scattered from its initial Reimman-based configuration, into a relatively annharmonic dissaray -- this so-stated condition of dissaray, of which would here be due to the activity of a Rayleigh scattering of the here just eluded-to ghost-based configuration, in which this happens to where this said general genus of a scattering of ghost anomalies -- of which annharmonically work to scatter a set physical memories of both the existence and the activity of the projection of the trajectory of either a superstring, an orbifold, and/or an orbifold eigenset into a residue of norm-based projections, this will happen to where these will here then be moved into an ensuing stage of the recycling of ghost-based indices. The previously mentioned helicit-based torque that is applied to the motion of any given respective arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- of which is caused by the re-positioning of the correlative gauge-bosons, in the manner of a directly corresponding re-delineation of the differential angling of the so-stated gauge bosons (E(6) X E(6) stings), will here tend to be a major factor in the reason as to the why and the how as to the bringing-in of relatively reverse-holomorphic norm-state-projections upon a relatively forward-holomorphic Reimman-based configuration -- to where a respective given arbitrary cohomological setting is then scattered by a Rayleigh-based scattering, which, in effect, will here then work to form a dissaray of the initial ghost-based scattering that I have been reffering to in this post. If the re-distribution of the angling re-delineation of the differential geometry of the correlative respective gauge-bosons that would directly apply to this case, are pulled into the here just eluded-to perturbative-based re-delineation of the said E(6) X E(6) strings, as such said gauge-bosons are altered in the differential geometry of as to the genus of their Gliossi-based wave-tug/wave-pull that these imbue upon their respective given arbitrary second-ordered light-cone-gauge eignstates -- that these "pluck" during a state of a consecutively sequential series of group-related instantons, over time, in a relatively acutely-based Ward-Caucy-involved manner, then, the scattering of the said cohomology will then here tend to be of a relatively conical-based kinematic differentially geometric manner, yet, if the re-distribution of the angling re-delineation of the differential geometry of the correlative respective gauge-bosons that wold directly apply to this case, are pulled into the here just eluded-to perturbative-based re-delineation of the said E(6) X E(6) strings, as such said gauge-bosons are altered in the differential geometry of as to the genus of their Gliossi-based wave-tug/wave-pull that these imbue upon their respective given arbitrary second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that these "pluck" during a state of a consecutively sequential series of group-related instantons, over time, in a relatively obtusely-based Ward-Caucy-involved manner, then, the scattering of the said cohomology will then here tend to be of a relatively toroidal-based kinematic differential geometric manner.
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1:46 PM

Wednesday, April 29, 2015
What I Meant By Helicit Motion
What I meant by a helicit-based torque that is applied to any respective given arbitrary orbifold, is related to the differential angling of the correlative E(6) X E(6) strings of those superstrings that work to form the said orbifold or orbifold eigenset, being altered or perturbative in the tense of their Hamiltonian-based topological sway, over a sequential series of instantons -- in which the so-stated E(6) X E(6) strings will have then changed in their differential topological-based angling, in the course of their directly corresponding Gliossi-based Yakawa pull upon the directly corresponding second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, over time. As such an alteration or perturbation of either the spin-orbital and/or the radial-based Hamiltonian pretext of the covariant change of angling, is applied to the said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates of those superstrings that work to form the correlative orbifold or orbifold eigenset happens to happen, such a kinematic eigenbase of activity will work to produce the "suction" that I had just mentioned in my last post that I had written. Such a "suction" will then work to bear a "domino effect" that will result in a genus of related norm-state-projective motion, that will then work to bring in relatively reverse-holomorphic norm-states into the arena of the initial eigenbase of the mappable tracing of the initial overall cohomological index, of those ghost anomalies that were here initially formed by the motion of the so-eluded-to orbifold or orbifold eigenset -- that is here comprised of a set of one or more superstrings that operate in so as to perform a set specific function, that is to completed by the said orbifold or orbifold eigenset of this respective given arbitrary case. Such a genus of a relative alteration of the holomorphic/reverse-holomorphic topological-based swaying of the related Fock-based Hamiltonian operation will then tend to bear a condition of taking the Reimman-based scattering -- that had formed the said respective given arbitrary cohomology, and displacing such a set of ghost-based indices into an annharmonic re-delineation of indices by the so-eluded-to resultant Rayleigh scattering that I had mentioned in the last post. To Be Continued! I will continue with the suspense later! Sam Roach.
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1:08 PM

The Fifth Part of Session 14 of Course 18 -- the Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation
An abelian-based helicit motoin -- that is applied upon a respective given arbitrary orbifold, in a kinematic-based differential manner of a correlative genus of a Hamiltonian-based torque, over time, tends to work to scatter the ghost anomalies that are formed by the mappable tracing of the physical projection of the trajectory of the directly corresponding orbifold, that may be here considered in any applicable given arbitrary case that is related to such a genus of torque -- to where the resultant of such a general format of activity will, as well, work to pull in on the so-stated scattered ghost anomalies, in such a manner in so that the initial Reimman-based distribution of the directly related first-ordered point particles that had initially worked to form the composition of the initially eluded-to cohomological-based pattern, will then be annharmonically scattered in a Rayleigh-based genus of re-delineation, in so that the torque that is then applied to the ghost anomalies that have here just been redistributed will work to have an imbued suction that is then applied to the mini-stringular segmentation, that would here work to form both the field-density in the substringular and the twining that works to form the holonomic substrate of the said first-ordered point particles, that come together to form the discrete indices of superstrings of discrete energy permititivity -- to where such a resultant wave-tug/wave-pull that is then applied to the eigenbase of such a so-eluded-to cohomology will work to alter both the spin-orbital indices the radial indices, and the transversal indices that have to do with both the Real Reimmanian and the Njenhuis kinematic-based activity of the directly related orbifold and/or orbifold eigenset of this directly related case, as the activity of such a "suction" will work to form a conformally divergent pattern or gens of substringular arrangement -- of which, after such an eluded-to Rayleigh scattering has been completed, will result in an ensuing more conformally invariant tense of substringular activity -- at the set general locus where the so-stated initial perturbation of the scattering of ghosts had just happened in such a case, to where there will then be a tense of at least a temporarily static geometric location in space -- over the here so-eluded-to ensuing sequential series of instantons, that would then be directly related to such an equal and opposite reaction to the initial so-eluded-to entropy that is involved with the perturbation of the mappable tracing of the physical memory of both the existence and the activity of those superstrings that had worked to form the directly applicable orbifold and/or orbifold eigenset that worked to form a unique operation that was to perform one specific function.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
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12:35 PM
Real Reimmanian,

Monday, April 27, 2015
Part four of the 14th Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation
A partially hermitian superstring of discrete energy permivittivity, that is both topologically smooth in the traversing of its Lagrangian, and, is as well, hermitian in its metrical-based pulsation on the relatively Real Reimmanian Plane, yet, works to bear a tense of perturbation off of the said relatively Real Reimmanian Plane -- that works to form either Lagrangian and/or metrical-based Chern-Simmons singularities, may be thought of as being of a partially Yau-Exact nature. This is because such a superstring would here be of a Yau-Exact nature, when this is taken on the relatively Real Reimmanian Plane, yet, this self-same superstring would not be of a Yau-Exact nature when this is taken off of the relatively Real Reimmanian Plane. So, in this case, such a superstring of discrete energy permittivity would bear a Njenhuis eigenbase that would here bear singularities that would not work to describe a Yau-Exact nature, yet, this so-stated respective superstring would bear singularities that would in fact be of a Yau-Exact nature, when such a string is not operating on a Njenhuis-based plane -- of this relative given arbitrary case. The ghost anomalies of the world-sheets of a partially Yau-Exact oriented orbifold will tend to scatter in an assymetric manner, in a minimum of four spatial dimensions plus time -- when this extrapolation of such a correlative orbifold is taken on the respective relative Real Reimmanian Plane. This is because the basic Majorana-Weyl configuration of the correlative given arbitrary orbifold, that is here of a partially Yau-Exact nature -- is majorized by the spatial differentiation of that so-stated orbifold, in a helicit motion that is relatively abelian to the whole eigenbase of the respective given arbitrary Ward-Caucy boundary conditions of the so-stated orbifold of such a case. This is in reference, in this case, to those superstrings of that may partake in comprising the composition of an electron -- that would here be wobbling from on the relatively Real Reimmanian Plane as discrete units of mass, to then being off of the here so-stated relatively Real Reimmanian Plane -- as a set of superstrings that would, instead, partake of as comprising a tense of discrete units of kinetic energy, when such a viable extrapolation is taken in a Njenhuis manner.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
12:30 PM
Real Reimmanian,

Part three of the 14th Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation
Chan-Patton rules basically act in so as to most directly refer to the conditions of the nature of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that are involved in a Gliossi manner, to both the existence and the activity of electrons. Chan-Patton rules may refer to the conditions of both those two-dimensional superstrings that work to form the discrete mass of electrons, and, as well as to those one-dimensional superstrings that work to form the discrete kinetic energy of electrons. In either case, the singularities that are extended from the activity of those superstrings that work to obey the so-stated Chan-Patton rules, would then here tend to bear a lack of Lagrangian-based Chern-Simmons singularities -- as such correlative superstrings of discrete energy permittivity are in motion, as going around the nucleus of any respective given arbitrary atom, over a sequential series of instantons, or, over any set period of time in which the directly corresponding superstrings that work to comprise the related electrons -- that would here appertain to the existence of the conditions of Chan-Patton rules -- are then here working to comprise the so-eluded-to electrons of any given arbitrary respective case scenario. So, to one extent or another, those superstrings that work to obey the conditionality of Chan-Patton rules, tend to exist in a manner that may be described of as bearing a hermitian-based nature. Superstrings that work to comprise the orbifold eigenset of an electron, that do not work to obey the conditions of Chan-Patton rules -- are said to not bear a state of a hermitian-based Lagrangian set of singularities, that are then extended from both the existence and the activity of the here directly involved electrons that such superstrings work to comprise. This would then work to cause the Lagrangian-based conditions of electrons that do not work to obey Chan-Patton rules to be of a Chern-Simmons-based nature. Superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to bear a tense of a topological-based smoothness -- in the tense of their Lagrangian-based flow over time, yet, also bear a condition of having an annharmonic fluctuation per a state of a depictible sequential series of a flow of ensuing instantons over time, may be viewed of as bearing a condition of being of a partially hermitian-based nature. Such a condition of bearing a partially hermitian flow over time, may involve either a tense of an ellongated and/or an attenuated set of pulsations, in the process of the activity of such directly corresponding superstrings to then be working to bear a spurious tense of an annharmonic nature, in their radial and/or their spin-orbital eigenbase of oscillatory-based functioning, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
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11:31 AM

Saturday, April 25, 2015
Part Two of the 14th Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar And Kaeler Differentiation
Light, or, electromagnetic energy, works to obey the Noether Theorem -- over the course of the activity of its kinematic-based differentiation, over time. Light obeys the Noether Theorem -- in terms of both its spin-orbital motion, its radial motion, and, also in terms of its transversel motion -- as such energy that crosses its electrical-based field and its magnetic-based field via the right-hand-rule is propagated as such energy from one respective given arbitrary spot to another, over time. Tachyonic flow does not obey a Noether-based flow over time. Superstrings of one respective given arbitrary set of universes exist -- over the course of the activity that is involved in their correlative Fourier Transformations -- in anywhere from one to 32 spatial dimensions plus time, over any given arbitrary increment of a sequential series of group-related instantons, in which such strings of discrete energy permittivity are kinematically differentiating through their respective Hamiltonian operands -- as the correlative respective time-frame in which such said superstrings exist, as discrete energy permittivity is portrayed in any correlative case scenario. Chan-Patton rules work to elude-to the condition of a tendency toward a state of a hermitian-based flow of the set respective singularities, that are extended from the activity of those mass-based superstrings of an electron, in which such singularities tend to exist in a Yau-Exact manner, in the process of such mass-bearing superstrings acting in membranous conifolds that may be thought of as Calabi-Yau Manifolds. Any superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that are of a Yau-Exact nature will be hermitian -- to where any of such a so-eluded to genus of superstrings will tend to be topologically smooth in as many derivatives as the number of spatial dimensions that such a so-eluded-to superstrings is moving in -- over the course of its correlative Fourier-based Transformation.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
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1:18 PM
Fourier Transformation,

Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Part One of Session 14 Of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation
The superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are of a Noether-based flow -- of which exist as holonomic substrate in the physical Ward-Caucy bounds of their respective orbifold eigensets -- tend to kinematically differentiate at least a little bit, over the course of the activity of each iteration of group-related instanton - when this is taken, in terms of either their respective re-distributions of their spin-orbital positioning, and/or their respective redistributions of their radial positioning, and/or their respective redistributions of their transversel positioning, as these so-stated superstrings are being redistributed through their respective Hamiltonian-based operands, over time. Over the duration of the gauge-metrical activity of any two consecutive iterations of group-related instantons, a superstring will either travel the Planck-Length from one spot to the next in so as to perform one transversel-based motion, and/or a superstring may travel one Planck-Radii from one spot to the next in so as to perform one radial-based motion, and/or a superstring may travel one Planck-Radii from one spot to the next in so as to perform one spin-orbital-based motion -- over one discrete increment of the said just eluded-to gauge-metrical duration, of the so-stated time interval of one discrete iteration of group-related instanton to the next discrete iteration of group-related instanton. This genus of activity will then tend to happen as such for all of the superstrings of a Noether-based flow, that had worked to comprise the so-stated orbifold eigenset, of which I had mentioned at the beginning of this post. The theorem of the Ward-Caucy-based translation of those superstrings that work to comprise any respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- as moving in such a just eluded-to Noether-based flow, over a sequential series of iterations of group instanton -- may be viewed of as the Noether Theorem. Any given arbitrary superstring that is not of a tachyonic-based nature, will tend to move as is according to the Noether Flow. At the Poincaire level of the Ward-Caucy-based conditions of any respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, this so-eluded-to condition of the kinematic differential activity of those superstrings -- that may be here taken at the antiderivative-based vantage-point of those superstrings that work to comprise any so-stated orbifold eigenset -- will happen, to where each individual superstring that works to comprise such an orbifold eigenset that is not of a tachyonic-based nature, that works here to operate in so as to perform the one unique function of any said give arbitrary orbifold eigenset, works to obey the conditionality of the so-stated Noether Theorem, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
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12:37 PM
Noether Theorem,

Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Part Six of the 13th Session of Course 18 -- the Ricci Sclar and Kaeler Differentiation
The general condition that I had just mentioned in my last post -- as appertaining to the attribute, that a tense of supergravity tends to bear a gauge-symmetry that is, at least, partially Njenhuis to any given arbitrary proximal tense of spin-orbital/radial Hamiltonian-based operational-based holonomic substrate, that is not of a tense of supergravitational-based genus -- of which works to appertain to what may be called the Levi-Cevita condition. Furthermore, the euler-based propagation of any respective given arbitrary Clifford-based manifold may be described by what may be thought of as the Levita-Cevita equation. Orbifolds that are kinematically differentiable in a Dirac-based manner, tend to bear a relatively abelian-based interconnectivity, yet, orbifolds that are kinematically differentiable in a hermitian-based manner instead, tend to bear a relatively nonabelian-based interconnectivity. Often, when there is a high scalar magnitude of supergravity, this just stated attribute often works to form a perturbation in the abelian-based characteristics of any directly corresponding orbifold or orbifold eigenset, that this said supergravity is directly affiliated with. To Be Continued! I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
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12:33 PM

Part Five of the 13th Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation
The tendency that I had just mentioned -- as to the correlative manner of the Gaussian-based tenses of the different integrable membranous folds, that work to form one or more orbifold eigensets, that work to form one covariant viable tense of Hamiltonian operation, as one tense of a unique fractal of directly corresponding magnetism -- is a basis of correspondence that may be thought of as the Bianchi Identity. Quite simply, any respective given arbitrary eigenstate of magnetic holonomic substrate that is of integrable as one quantum-based whole -- that is viable as comprising one magnetic tense of an eigenstate of spin-orbital/radial Hamiltonian-based operation, in one layer of reality, that is Real Reimmanian, in regards to each of the comprising eigenmembers when this is taken relative to each other -- will bear a tense of a Gaussian-based correlation, that works to define each of the said antiderivative-based eigenstates, as a relatively Real-based state -- to each of the other said eigenstates that would here come together to form the so-eluded-to tense of a fractal of a magnetic field. On the other-hand, supergravity has a general genus of gauge-symmetry, that also travels through the Ultimon. The said gauge-symmetry of any given arbitrary tense of supergravity, bears a priming that tends to be Njenhuis, at least in part, to the gauge-symmetry of the proximal orbifold eigensets that are, instead, not of a supergravity-based nature. Likewise, the gauge-symmetry of the orbifold eigensets that are proximal to any given arbitrary tense of supergravity, that is, though, not directly of a supergravity-based nature, will tend to bear a priming that will tend to bear at least some degree or manner of Njenhuity to the relatively proximal so-stated tense of the said supergravity.
To Be Continued! I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
To Be Continued! I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:43 AM
Bianchi Identity,

Part Four of the 13th Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation
Cohomologies that are not overtly torqued, work to involve Hamiltonian operators -- these said Hamiltonian operators of which function as a fractal of a tense of magnetism -- that will here correlate to the earlier stated BPS Theorem. This is, in part, due to the condition that a tense of a fractal of magnetism, that is represented by the cross between both the spin-orbital and the radial-based drive of the motion of a substringular tense of phenomnology, that is not overtly torqued to any viable manner of perturbative scalar magnitude -- will always tend to involve a kinematic tense of a Fourier Transformation of substringular members, that will here involve a flow of motion that will here be Gliossi at the Poincaire level to the relative Real Reimmanian Plane -- that would be involved here in such a case. This will tend to be the case -- whether the Lagrangian and/or the metrical singularities that are then formed by the directly corresponding orbifold eigensets -- of which work to form the correlative cohomological-based stratum, of any respective given arbitrary case in point, are of a hermitian and/or a Chern-Simmons nature. So, an overt torque upon the holonomic substrate of the topological groundwork of a cohomological-based setting -- that is altering in its Lagrangian and/or metrical Ward-Caucy-based kinematic-based indices, over a sequential series of iterations of group-related instantons, will tend to work to form at least some sort of a tense of Njenhuis tensors -- these Njenhuis tensors thus formed, of which will work to form at least some degree or manner of a Doubolt cohomological-based setting, over at least a transient period of time. Any fractal of a magnetic field -- this of which may be represented by the spin-orbital and other radial-based Hamiltonian operators, that kinematically differentiate in a covariant-based manner, as the correlative orbifold eigensets form an integrable mappable tracing, that works to form a twining of ghost-based indices -- that is not overtly torqued to any perturbative degree of manner, will form membranous folds of phenomenology, that work to form a covariance of the corresponding Gaussian of gauge-symmetry per eigenfold -- that is here multiplicitly of the same primed orthogonal nature, retrospectively, while yet, any Njenhuis correspondence of the correlative eigenfolds of such a membranous nature will work to form the same genus of Imaginary supplemental index -- that works to interconnect these, per such related corresponding eigenfolds.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
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11:08 AM

Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Part Three of the 13th Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation
When there is either a hermitian expansion of a cohomological setting, or, a hermitian compactification of a cohomological setting, the Lagrangian and/or the metrical singularities that are thus formed, tend to work to allow the respective scalar magnitude of the resultant given arbitrary mappable tracing, to increase in its Hodge-based index -- in a manner that tends to be of a euclidean-based manner. This is in lue of the condition that a purely hermitian orbifold egienset -- that would here be of a Yau-Exact nature -- will work to bear a manner of a pulsation of the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset, of which has here worked to form the so-eluded-to cohomological setting, to be of a manner that is then not of a spurious manner. This general genus of conditionality works to consider that an orbifold eigenset that is purely hermitian or Yau-Exact in the formation of both its Lagrangian and metrical singularities -- that directly corresponds to the intrinsic motion of the so-stated orbifold eigenset -- will tend to bear a pulsation that will neither accelerate nor deccelerate in its gauge-metrical-based flow, over the time in which such a substringular tense of extrapolation is then here considered to then be of the said Yau-Exact genus of metrical-based flow. The correlative gauge interconnections that may be considered to interact in a covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable manner between two or more respective orbifold eigensets will here be of a superconformal-based nature -- when this is considered under a manner in which such an eluded-to covariance is convergent upon a set locus, in which the scalar magnitude of the entropy that is proximal to the so-stated orbifold eigensets is decreased, in so as to form a manner of a decrease in either a Lagrangian-based tense of perturbation or a decrease in a metrical-based tense of perturbation, over a sequential series of iterations of group-related instanton. If, instead, the entropy of the set locus in which such a set of covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable orbifold eigensets is then increased -- in so that the scalar magnitude of either the Lagrangian and/or the metrical-based perturbations, that would thence be inherent to an extrapolation of the condition of such a so-stated set locus, is increased as well, then, instead, the expansion and/or the compactification of the cohomological-based setting that may be extrapolated to the Ward-Caucy boundaries of the respective scenario of this substringular case, will bear a divergence that is of a euler-based differentiation that may be considered either as a Clifford expansion, for an increasing scalar magnitude of a cohomological setting, or, of a Clifford-based compactification, for a decreasing scalar magnitude of a cohomological setting. A euclidean manner of either the expansion or the compactification of a cohomological setting that is convergent to a superconformal-based setting, will tend to bear a more hermitian-based Lagrangian and/or a more hermitian-based metrical basis of Hodge-based delineations -- of the correlative singularities that are thence formed, while, a Clifford or euler manner of either the expansion or the compactification of a cohomological setting -- that is divergent from a superconformal-based setting, will tend to bear a more Chern-Simmons-based Lagrangian and/or a more Chern-Simmons-based metrical basis of Hodge-based delineations of the correlative singularities that are thence formed.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel Roach.
Posted by
1:10 PM
Clifford Expansion,

Monday, April 13, 2015
Part Two of the 13th Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar And Kaeler Differentiation
An even harmonic flow of the kinematic-based differentiation of a fractaled tense of the general physical conditions of any given arbitrary respective magnetic field, that is taken at the Poincaire level of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, when this general format will here take into consideration the activity of the delineatory-based indices of the correlative Hamiltonians, that are here based upon the continual re-distributions that happen at the substringular level -- via any correlative Fourier Transformation -- , per the successive series of the correlative iterations of group-related instanton, this general genus of conditions tends to produce a hermitian-based flow of gauge-metrical-based indices -- to where such a resultant metrical-based flow will tend to not work to form Chern-Simmons singularities, that would here be related to the pulsation of the directly related superstrings of the said discrete energy permittivity. This would then here work to form metrical singularities that are here not of a spurious nature -- again, at the Poincaire level of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that would here be moving in an even harmonic flow, when in terms of the kinematic-based differentiation that such strings devolve upon, as such phenomenology is moving without any spontaneous perturbations in the so-eluded-to pulsation of such superstrings, over time. Often, since a tense of gauge-metrical flow that is of an even harmonic-based flow will tend to not be perturbative over time, there will here, as well, be less of a tendency of the formation of even some of the otherwise Chern-Simmons singularities that could possibly be formed in a Lagrangian-based tense -- in many other alterior-based kinematic-based flows of a fractal of a magnetic-based field, -- IF the flow were to here be, instead, of an anharmonic-based flow, of which, would here tend to bear more of an odd functioned-based tendency towards the conditions of a Yau-Exact nature, which would then here work to negate the ability of the directly related substringular phenomenology to possibly bear any tendency of acting in a Yau-Exact nature. The more of a tense of a perturbative-based condition, that may possibly be imbued upon a group of one or more superstrings, that operate in so as to perform a unique function, the less likely that such a set of corroberative superstrings will be able to lack Chern-Simmons singularities -- thence, causing such a so-eluded-to orbifold or orbifold eigenset to not be able to be of of Yau-Exact nature, over time. This general format of a tendency may be observed by the Fourier-based differential activity of the kinematic flow of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- by charting-out the different Hamiltonian-based nature of an evenly harmonic-based flow of superstrings, that are here not perturbative, -- to the resultant charting-out of the different Hamiltonian-based nature of what would here be instead of an annharmonic-based flow of superstrings, that are instead of a perturbative nature. This would here be over the kinematic flow of both the re-delineatory-based metrical format, and, the Lagrangian-based flow of the here given arbitrary respective considered superstrings of any specific case that is to be considered here.
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2:26 PM
Fourier Transformation,

Part One of the 13th Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation
Orbifolds kinematically differetiate with each other in an orbifold eigenset -- the manner of such an interaction, of which, tends to happen in such a manner in so that the cohomological stratum that is formed by the physical memory of the activity of such eluded-to sets of one or more orbifolds, that come together in so as to operate to form one specific function, happens in a Real Reimmanian tense of a viable mappable tracing -- over a sequential series of iterations of respective group-related instantons. This general tense of format is what tends to be the case, unless the physically-based mappable tracing that may be correlative to such a case, is to, instead, happen in a Njenhuis-based manner -- over time. Any Rham-associated genus of a cohomological stratum, is to happen over a Lagrangian-based path that is of a Real Reimmanian-based nature -- when such a depiction of such a cohomological-based stratum is to be mapped-out, over a given arbitrary respective Fourier Transformation. Also, as well, any given arbitrary respective tense of a Rham-based cohomological stratum will tend to not bear any Chern-Simmons singularities (neither of a Lagragian-based nature, nor, of a metrical-based nature, over time) -- as the mappable tracing of such a general tense of a correlative cohomological stratum, is formed by the projection of the trajectory of the kinematic motion of the activity of phenomenology, that is of a substringular nature. The condition of orbifolds or orbifold eigensets -- that exist in such a manner, in so that these so-stated sets of superstrings, that operate in so as to perform one specific group function -- to where such a group-based operation is to here happen over a relative Real-Remmanian-based plane (thisis even if such a correlative cohomological-based stratum that is thus formed is, instead, or a Doubolt-based nature, rather than of a Rham-based nature), may be described, in part, by a tendency that may be postulative as what is known of as the BPS Theorem.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:52 AM
BPS Theorem,

Friday, April 3, 2015
Part Seven of the 12th Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation
When cohomologies bend in a hermitian manner that is also of a symmetric nature, then, this is more analogous of a bosonic eigenbase of a topological-based sway -- when this is taken in terms of the directly pertinent vantage-point of the topology of such a sway, as may be taken from the Poincaire level of the correlative orbifold-based phenomenology, that is directly appertaining to the gauge-metrics of such a sway, over time. The topological sway of any respective given arbitrary orbifolds -- as taken at the Poincaire level of the so-eluded-to superstrings that work to compise the so-stated orbifolds that may be here directly pertinent -- happens, when the wave-tug/wave-pull of the correlative spin-orbital indices that work to comprise the overall Hamiltonian-based operation of the affiliated orbifold are brought into a condition of a substringular Yakawa-based torsioning, over the directly associated successive series of iterations of group-related instanton in which such an orbifold is operational as a substringular-based holonomic substrate. In so long as there is a viable Yakawa-based wave-tug/wave-pull upon any respective given arbitrary orbifold that is unfrayed, such a said orbifold will always be undergoing at least some sort of torsioning -- in so long as the components of such an orbifold are spontaneously contributing to the operational-based functioning of the so-stated orbifold, in any respective time-frame in which such an eluded-to Hamiltonian operator is functional in the substringular. The chief scalar magnitude of such a torsioning of such an orbifold of Hamiltonian operation is Gliossi to any respective given arbitrary set of superstrings of one specific substringular function -- at the successive series of the very end of each iteration of the correlative metrical activities of BRST. The reason for this just mentioned conditionality of as to when the maximum scalar magnitude of torsioning, that is applied to any respective given arbitrary orbifold, is that the iterative effect of each ending of the successive series of BRST are the antiderivation eigenmetric that is directly correlative to when the directly affiliated light-cone-gauge eigenstates work to apply its maximum pressure upon those superstrings that operate in so as to work to comprise the affiliated orbifolds that I have been discussing here. This maximum pressure that is applied in this case here, is due in part to the action of the Imaginary exchange of Real Reimmanian residue that is released -- over the course of the ending segments of each iteration of BRST. Such an Imaginary Exchange that I have mentioned here, is due to the fact that the first-ordered point particles that work to comprise superstrings of discrete energy permittivity may only untwine in a back-and-forth ebbing of mini-stringular segmentation, in one set of universes, in a 32 spatial dimensional supplemental manner.
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11:25 AM

Thursday, April 2, 2015
Part Six of the 12th Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation
When cohomologies bend in a hermitian-based manner that is of an assymmetric nature, this is an example of a topoloigical sway that is most exemplified by the nature of fermions. For instance, let us take into consideration electrons. Electrons are examples of fermions. Fermions are subatomic particles that bear a fractional spin. Even though electrons are comprised of both bosonic strings and fermionic strings -- the mass of an electron is composed of bosonic superstrings of discrete energy permittivity (vibrating hoops of discrete energy), and, the kinetic energy of electrons (that has not yet converted into electromagnetic energy) that works to comprise part of electrons, is composed of fermionic superstrings of discrete energy permittivity(vibrating strands of discrete energy. Electrons that are adjacent spin assymetrically -- when such covariant-based electrons are situated next to each other. Electrons are basically considered to be a pointal-based mass, and thus, the singularities that work to form the immediate Ward-Caucy boundaries of electrons, are of a Yau-Exact nature. Phenomenology that is of a Yau-Exact nature bear hermitian singularities. As electrons move, the superstrings that work to compose the holonomic substrate of the said electrons, work to form a physical memory of both the existence and the activity of the so-stated electrons -- in the form of a cohomological setting. Cohomologies are the integration of ghost-based indices. Ghost-Based Indices are the mapped-out physical stratum of world-sheets. World-Sheets are the projection of the trajectory of superstrings. As phenomenology moves over time, the topological stratum that works to form the correlative superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, bends -- as the inter-relation of the multiplicit covariant modes of the substringular are brought into the multivarious Yakawa Couplings, that both exist and occur over a sequential series of the iterations of group-related intantons. Yakawa Couplings are the touch, rub, and the curl of any one or more respective given arbitrary substringular phenomenon upon other substringular phenomena. A Gliossi-based Coupling is a Yakawa-based Coupling that is topologically of a direct physical contact. Since electrons bear a much higher charge density than protons (since electrons have the same charge as electrons, yet, with a much smaller volume than that of a proton), and, electrons are of the same like charge, electrons normally do not directly collide, and thus, electrons are a composition of a genus of orbifold eigenset that tends to not form a Gliossi-based contact upon other electrons. (The topology of electrons -- as these are directly the part of any given arbitrary electrons -- do not tend to strike the topology of other electrons, as these alterior mentioned phenomenology are, as well, directly the part of these respective latter mentioned given arbitrary electrons.) So, when electrons spin assymetrically towards other electrons, as these always tend to do, these tend to work to form a Yakawa-based Coupling that thence cause a cohomological genus of a hermitian-based bending -- as the ghost-based indices that work to comprise the so-eluded-to cohomologies are of a covariant-based mode, that may be either trivially or non-trivially isomorphic -- in an assymetric manner.
I will continue with the last part of this session later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the last part of this session later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
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1:17 PM
Yakawa Coupling

Part Five of Session 12 of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation
A Calabi-Yau Action is that activity of a Calabi-Yau Manifold -- in which the existence of the presnece of the said Calabi-Yau Manifold works to express the membrane-based characteristics of the so-eluded-to manifold. Again, a Calabi-Yau Manifold is the locus of any given arbitrary mass-based orbifold, in which the Gliossi-Sherk-Olive cohomological pattern of one specific membrane will here work to form the mappable tracing of the behavior of the projection of the trajectory, of those superstrings that operate in so as to perform the specific function -- of that set of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that will have here come together in so as to form the so-stated orbifold of any related respective given arbitrary orbifold that is mass-based. The space of a Calabi-Yau Action may be termed of as a conifold point. This so-mentioned "point" that I have here just mentioned is the holonomic substrate of the physical phenomenology of a Calabi-Yau-Manifold, that behaves in so as to be the directoral center of the activity -- that the directly related respective given arbitrary Calabi-Yau Manifold is based at. This is the case, as such a manifold works to act as the here mentioned membrane-based phenomenology of a mass-based mappable tracing, that I have here described. Cohomologies vary in both the scalar magnitude and the manner of their correlative spatial differentiation -- as such a multiplicit integration of the multivarious ghost-based indices, that come together in so as to work to form any respective given arbitrary mass-based membrane-based mappable tracing -- which is of the transient history of the what, where, when, and why, as to both the existence and the motion of superstrings of discrete energy permittiivty, of which has the bearing of its physical memory, over time. Such a physical indication of both the existence and the activity of superstirngs of discrete energy permittivity, is mapped-out, as the directly corresponding superstrings are kinematically interwoven amongst each other -- over the immediately previous sequential series of group-related instantons. Such an eluded-to cohomological pattern comes together in so as to show the Ward-Caucy conditions of the directly correlative superstrings -- that act in so as to form the directly corresponding orbifold of any respective given arbitrary manifold of spatial operation, that may act as the Hamiltonian Operator of the composition of a correlative Calabi-Yau-Manifold, over time. Such a Manifold -- in the process of working to bear a conifold-based point -- works to act through a tightly-knit Lagrangian, over the transient period of time in which the said Calabi-Yau-Manifold is superconformally invariant, at a level that is Poincaire to the immediate mappable tracing of the so-eluded-to orbifold, that acts as the so-stated directly correlative Hamiltonian Operator of any directly pertinent scenario. Such a scenario is one in which the correlative orbifold of such a case, works to form the eigenbase of the directly affiliated membrane-based cohomological setting. Such a general format of activity works to form the eigenbase of the modulus of such a Calabi-Yau-Manifold.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:44 AM
conifold point,
Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts,

Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Part Four of Session 12 of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and the Kaeler Metric
In light of the last post that I put into the computer, when a non-tachyoinic-oriented orbifold is to bear a nature of a spin-orbital-based metrical index, the motion of the said orbifold is to only move in such a so-eluded-to spin-orbital-based manner, by the scalar amplitude that works to correspond to the distance of one Planck-Radii. This is from whatever its initial locus of iteration is to be at, over the course of going from an initial iteration of group-related instanton -- to its immediately succeeding locus of iteration is to be at, over the course of its here given arbitrary second iteration of group-related instanton. Such an eluded-to re-delineation is to happen through the Hamiltonian-based operand, in which the so-eluded-to set of superstrings that operate in so as to perform one specific function are to be re-positioned -- to where the so-stated re-distribution will here work to move in the Lagrangian of the said orbifold, as would here be in direct consideration of the wave-tug/wave-pull that the so-eluded-to directoral permittivity of the so-stated superstrings, that work to comrpise the said orbifold, are to pulled into. This is to happen in the general direction of what would here work to appertain to the course of optimum rest or least resistance. Likewise, if any cohomology that is not tachyonic, that is to be re-delineated in a transversal-based manner -- over the course of two given arbitrary respective succeeding iterations of group-related instantons, will be pulled in such a manner -- in so that the scalar amplitude, that would here directly appertain to the distance in which such a set of ghost-based indices is to be re-delineated, will be re-distributed by a magnitude of one Planck-Length. This would here work to elude to the condition that the Hamiltonian operand, in which such a set of ghost-based indices will here be re-distributed by, over the course of the two so-stated succeeding iterations of group-related instantons, to where this will bear a wave-tug/wave-pull -- that will be brought through its correlative Lagrangian by a distance of the said scalar amount of a Planck-Length. This will happen in the general direction of the directoral topological sway, that is in the manner of optimum rest or least resistance. Also, as with an orbifold, any cohomology that is not tachyonic -- that is to be re-delineated in either a radial-based manner and/or in a spin-orbital-based manner, over the course of two given arbitrary succeeding respective iterations of group-related instantons, will be pulled in such a manner -- in so that the scalar amplitude that would here directly appertain to the distance in which such a set of ghost-based indices is to be re-delineated, will be re-distributed by a magnitude of one Planck-Radii, respectively, per each of such potential genre of delineation. Again, this would here work to elude to the condition that the Hamiltonian operand, in which such a set of ghost-based indices will here be re-distributed by, over the course of the two so-stated succeeding iterations of group-relataed instantons, will bear a wave-tug/wave-pull that will be brought through its correlative Lagrangian, by a distance of the said scalar amount of a respective Planck-Radii, either radially and/or in a spin-orbital-based manner -- in the general direction of the directoral topological sway, that is in the manner of optimum rest or least resistance.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
12:52 PM

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