Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Part Two of Session One of Course 18

Topological entities are held together by other topological entities -- as well as by the here specificaly mentioned Ricci Scalar eigenstates -- as may be extrapolated by the activity of the directly affiliated Rarita Structure eigenstates.  This happens in the process of forming an abridgement that here exists between superstrings of discrete energy permittivity and their correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, the latter of which works to form discrete energy impedance -- with those gravitational-based particles such as gravitons and gravitinos, of which act in such a manner in so as to form that general affiliation that works to cause the genus of both scalar delineation and scalar distribution, that acts in so as to be the conditional format as to what the Ricci Scalar is.  Those multiplicit general activities of the respective Ricci Scalar eigenstates, work to form both the multivarious and the multiplicit gravitational-based modulii -- that works to form that basically countless multi-based set of spatial integrands, that work to allow for the existence of both the covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable set of inter-relations that need to exist in order for any discrete unit of phenomenon -- namely mass -- to be together-like enough, in so that everything will here then not fly totally apart from one another.  Such a general eigenbase of group covariant potential works to guide the multiplicit conditions of integrable group associations, in such a manner in so as to help to determine the distribution-based particular positionings of the world-tubes of the Ultimon -- when such a guided general eigenbase of group-based affiliation works to operate upon every superstring, to one extent or another, per iteration of group instanton, to some extent or another, throughout both the generally noticed and the generally unnoticed metrical durations that are affiliated with of the activity of Ultimon Flow.

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