Thursday, October 2, 2014

Part Two of the 14th Session of Course 17 About the Ricci Scalar

Plain kinetic energy -- in contradistinction to electromagnetic energy -- does not bear a harmonic balance of flow -- between the directly eluded-to fluctuation that would otherwise between its electric and its magnetic fields.  Plain kinetic energy works to move in the direction of entropy, or chaos.  Scattered energy always involves at least some amount of, and at least some genus of, entropy or chaos.  Plain kinetic energy is made up or comprised of a cohomological basis of world-sheets, that are not only of a Chern-Simmons-based flow, yet, also of which tend to bear at least a certain degree of perturbation that is here of a Njenhuis-based format -- of which works to bear at least some amount of a Doubolt-based cohomological index, that is off of the given arbitrary relative Real Reimmanian Plane.  Not only are those respective given arbitrary cohomologies -- that are formed by the mappable tracing of those world-sheets, that work to describe the activities of plain kinetic energy that are of a Doubolt nature -- on account of the here existent Njenhuis eigenbase of kinetic flow, yet, the activities of plain kinetic energy also work to form a certain significant degree of Chern-Simmons singularities, that are either of a Lagrangian-based genus and/or are of a metrical-based genus.  This tendency of plain kinetic energy -- working to bear an eigenbase of basically a Chern-Simmons format of delineated singularities -- is all the more eminently non-hermitian-based, when the here directly associated kinematic flow of such directly associated so-eluded-to cohomological mappable extrapolation is scattered into an entropic genus of topological delineation.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!!! Sam.

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