Thursday, October 23, 2014

Part Five of the First Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and the Kaeler Metric

There is a mechanism that works to allow for superstrings of discrete energy permittivity to reattain the needed fractals of discrete energy permittivity, that these need, in order to function as discrete units of energy permittivity.  The same general mechanism also works to allow for the directly correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates of discrete energy impedance, to reattain the needed fractals of discrete energy impedance that these need, in order to function as discrete units of energy impedance.  The activity of such a general mechanism works to help allow for those discrete physical units of energy to not end-up tiring, over time. This same mechanism also works to keep the multiplicit holonomic substrate -- that is utilized in so as to act as a multiplicit Hamiltonian operator, that interacts with the directly corresponding discrete units of quantum energy -- that need to be "re-energized", in so as to maintain the condition of such physical phenomena as being discrete units of quantum energy --  in a condition of being able to maintain its needed positioning, over each specific iteration of group instanton, in so as to work to help keep the just mentioned substringular Hamiltonian operators to not scatter immediately after any directly corresponding given arbitrary iteration of BRST.  This general mechanism that I have just here briefly introduced, is known of as the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism.  The pivotal multiplicit Hamiltonian operator, that works in so as to act as the key holonomic substrate that discrete units of energy interact with, in a Gliossi-based manner, in so as to do the so-stated general activity of reattaining the here needed fractals of both the respective discrete energy permittivity and discrete energy impedance -- that need to continue acting as such, in so as to allow for the continued existence of energy, and thus, in order to continue the very existence of space-time-fabric.
I will continue with the next part of this session later! To Be Continued!!! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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