Monday, June 30, 2014

Part Two of Session One of Course 17, The Ricci Scalar

Electrodynamic energy is the general category of energy that inter-relates the interactions of both electromagnetic energy and the activity of electrons, with their respective environments.  The innate force of electrodynamic energy is also known of as the electromotive force.  As I had mentioned before in Course 22 as to "The Grand Unified Field Theory," (Ironically enough, in the first course that I had covered as to "The Grand Unified Field Theory"), I had here discussed the idea that the electromotive force is known of as that general category of force that is stronger than gravity, yet, such a force as the electromotive force is simultaneoulsy weaker than what is known of as the "strong force."  The strong force is that force that works to inter-bind quarks and/or leptons into their respective multiplicit sub-atomic particles, such as that force (involving gluons, and their activity) that works in the formation of protons, neutrons, and electrons, as given arbitrary examples as to what the strong force does.  As I have eluded-to before, matter is akin to energy that is in static-equilibrium.  The main difference, being here, is that the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- that work to form plain kinetic energy -- are open strands, or, in other words, fermionic superstrings that are thence one-dimensional.  Yet, supesrtrings that work to directly comprise of any given arbitrary mass, are closed-loops, or, in other words, are bosonic superstrings -- that are thence two-dimensional.  So, when superstrings that work to comprise of any given arbitrary tense of plain kinetic energy -- are brought into a means of static-equilibrium -- to where such a covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable state of superstrings are kept within a relatively closely-knit region that may be described of as a tense of superconformal invariance, that works to cause the correlative superstrings of discrete energy permittivity to become of a tense of mass, then, the initially so-eluded-to open strands will close in so as to perturbate from being of a one-dimensional fermionic superstring-based nature, into closed-loops that will here be of a two-dimensional bosonic superstring-based nature.  In both cases, the nature of such open and closed loop phenomenology that I am here discussing is of discrete energy permttivity.  As such a one-dimensional superstring closes in so as to form a two-dimensional superstring -- the light-cone-gauge changes from being of a basis of five doubled-up core-field-density related segments that are each comprised of what would here be 120 compactified mini-string segments that are thence subtended from the correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate to its directly corresponding one-dimensional superstring -- as is when going in the relative forward-holomorphic direction, to a core-field-density of ten relatively thick strands of mini-string segments that are each comprised of 60 compactified mini-string segments that are subtended from the correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate to its directlty corresponding bosonic superstring -- as is when going in the relative forward-holomorphic direction.  Such a perturbation in the light-cone-gauge is accomplished via a matter of a to-and fro ebbing of substringular retying, that is done under a conditionality of homotopy, in the process of the Cassimer Invariance.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Part One of the First Session of Course 17 -- The Ricci Scalar

Here are some questions to think about --  that I will gradually answer, to an extent, in the ensuing course about the Ricci Scalar.  What is mass?  What is gravity?  What is topology?  What are singularities of topology?  What is, then, the Ricci Scalar, and, how is the so-stated Ricci Scalar utilized -- in so as to work to operate its function of being the basis of the activity of gravitational force?  This is the type of yearning for knowledge that I shall work to install -- in so as to get myself to cover the appropriate details in this course that we are about to read.  This is a course about the Ricci Scalar.   We will here study both the general attributes of such a magnitude-based mechanism, as well as the operational function of eigenstates of such a genus of scalar magnitude-based mechanism.  To begin with, phenomena-based objects that have at least some sort of mass involved with the translation of their holonomic substrate over time, are phenomena that are of the basis of being of the physical nature of matter -- as being not, instead, of a direct basis of either plain kinetic energy or electromagnetic energy.  Everything that has a basis in electromagnetic involvement, though, is a form of energy.  For instance, all mass, plain kinetic energy, and electromagnetic energy are involved with both the existence and interactivity of electrodynamic-based energy.   As an example, all mass is involved with heat at one time or another, since this works to allow for both molecular and atomic vibrations -- that are essential for the sustained and continued existence of such mass-based physical phenomena.  Heat is infrared energy.  Infrared energy is a form of electromagnetic energy.  Plain kinetic energy -- as it travels through a spontaneous Lagrangian, will end up interacting with and/or interacting to become a phenomena with an eigenbasis of electromagnetic energy.  So, everything that is plain kinetic energy is a form of energy, everything that is matter is a form of energy, and, everything that is electromagnetic energy is a form of energy.   These three so-stated forms of energy are thus interchangeable, to one extent or another.  Since heat is the key to the allowance of spontaneous molecular interactions, as well as heat being needed for the continued thrust of plain kinetic energy -- not to mention the needs for the other forms of electromagnetic energy -- all motion is kinematically interdependent upon both the existence and the motion of the said electromagnetic energy, or, mainly, all motion is relative to light.  The dynamics of electromagnetic energy works to effect both the length, mass, and time orientations, when one considers the correlative-based measurable perceptions.  Mass is possible, due to the condition that phenomena are able to stay in proximity.  Holonomic substrate of substringular field at the Poincaire level of superstringular-based phenomenology is called topology.  Gliossi interactions of topological formats work to allow for the essential Yakawa Couplings.  Unused residue that happens when such Yakawa Couplings happen, work to indirectly effect the Rarita Structure in so as to  effect gravity -- so that things will stay together!  To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam.

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Last Part of the Addendum Before Course 17

As I was saying in the previous post, over the course of the ensuing iterations of group instanton, that are affiliated with the sequential-based series of the recycling of norm-conditions -- via the indistinguishably different recycling of mini-string segments, that are here replaced in the so-stated indistinguishably different manner in so that there may be both an optimum fractal module and an optimum elastic modulae to be applied to the homotopic-based topological conditions of the field-density-based eigenstates that work to constitute the basis of both the inter-binding and the exterial-biding that works to comprise substringular phenomena, -- the specific indices that work to integrate in so as to form the general topology of substringular phenomena are inter-changed, in order to maintain the general condition of Cassimer Invariance.  This is part of the process that also works to inter-change the Gliossi-based conditions of smooth-curvedness with the Gliossi-based conditions of jointal-based delineation, in so that the multiplicit structural strength of the mini-string segments that work to form the basis of topology may be of an optimum quality, per regional locus, per gauge-metric, over time.  Meanwhile, with the specific case of both the previously mentioned given arbitrary one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity and the previously mentioned given arbitrary directly associated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, the relatively linear core-field-density that was stated as being in-between the so-eluded-to discrete unit of energy permittivity and the its directly corresponding counterpart will, once that the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-range has begun, "evaporate" its homotopic function, until the field delineation, that the next locally derived iteration of group instanton singularizes at, at the relative field delineation that the originally mentioned "leg" of the space-hole of this given arbitrary case is -- in one manner or another -- encoded for, by the physical determination of the coefficients that work to translate such a respective genus of an eigenstate of the "space-hole," in such a manner in so that the so-eluded-to one-dimensional superstring, and, all of the other superstrings of discrete energy pemittivity of the same respective layer of reality, may keep being able to re-singularize as globally distinguishable superstrings -- that kinematically differentiate via the sequential series of their iterations and reiterations of group instanton, in such a manner in so that the said instantons, as taken individually, are like "snapshots" that are the so-eluded-to phenomena as taken in a lowered flux translation, when this is compared to the perturbative motion of what happens during the so-eluded-to directly previous field-impulse-mode -- the latter of which is the kinematic format of activity that happens 1Ihbar just before group instanton.  When such a general format of activity is going in a state of superconformal invariance, the directly related given locant neighborhood in the substringular works to form correlative eigenstates of the space-hole -- at their respective generally unnoticed gauge-metrics, that operate in so as to "vibrate" their path potential in a tightly knit region per so-eluded-to imaginary-based homotopic exchange.  This is most succinctly the case for unfrayed substringular phenomena.  To Be Continued.  Next.  Course 17.  Sam.

The Fifth Part Of the Addendum Before Course 17

Could I explain what I just wrote -- in the earlier parts of this addendum -- in terms of a one-dimensional superstring, when in correlation with its directly associated Fock Space, and, the correlative associated space-hole eigenstate sthat is directly viable right before an eigenmetric of the instanton-quaternionci-field-impulse-range?  Yes.  A conformal set of physical points approximate a relatively linear holonomic substrate over the course of the metric that here involves the Bases Of Light that I have mentioned in previous posts.  (This is during part of the duration that happens over the course of the generally unnoticed portion of  Ultimon Flow.)  The waves that are subtended in-between the so-eluded-to superstring and its correlative counterpart work to bear a ground-based eigenbasis that works to form norm-state quantifiers that are positioned in an equidistant manner at the center-state path operand, that is localized in-between yet among the given superstring and its counterpart.  As soon as all of the strings of the directly associated layer of reality (tori-sector-range) that are coded for as indical bases of the transition kernel of the given tori, theses are differentiably caused to bear an equilibrium of wave residue -- the so-eluded-to homotopic residue will here act as a static physical presence over the sub-metric of this scenario -- the norm-state quantifiers will then act here as indices of wave generation (the so-stated quantifiers will work to add wave-pull/wave-tug upon those mini-string segments that act most directly as core-field-density, that is correlative to the activity of pulling superstrings of discrete energy permittivity and Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates of discrete energy impedance into their ensuing delineation-based distributions), in so that the said wave-generation surplus will then go on into its ensuing steps of norm-state recycling (more specifically, the recycling of the holonomic topology of mini-string-based segmental partials, that works to bear multiplicit indistinguishable differences in the process of the multiplicit activity of Cassimer Invariance).   This activity of norm-state recycling in the substringular works in such a manner -- that will here involve an exponentially determined momenta, through the eluded-to multiplicit general modus of path operand that is thence formed -- to where the thence determined correlative homotopic conditions of homotopy are then effected respectively, in a relatively local manner, by the general Dirac operation that is here due to the then lowered flux, of which is conditioned by both the kinematic-based and the static-based differentiability of physical points (of the first-order), that happens when the resultant wave-based delineation of core-field-density that is Gliossi to the correlative superstrings -- at the Poincaire level -- is pulled back into the general locus of the so-stated one-dimensional superstring.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Part Five will be continued soon!  Sincerely, Sam.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Fourth Part of the Addendum that is Before Course 17

As soon as the quantifiers that I had been introducing you to over the course of the last part of this addendum, work to form the flux of their quantifying mode, the locant of field generation multiplicitly works to pulse out of the directly prior condition of being in a direct association -- until a new sequence of superstrings that are of discrete energy permittivity, that are here of a covariant nature -- when in retrospect to the other superstrings that the so-eluded-to superstrings of a given arbitrary layer of reality are codifferentiable with -- over the set group metric, act in so as to devolve upon the bases of that tori-sector-range-based transformation matrix -- that of which may be derived here in this given arbitrary case scenario.  This is in terms of the relatively local flux impedance that may be extrapolated, in this case.  This is the general format of activity that happens in so as to pull the directly associated superstrings, when in codetermination with their their correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, into the so-eluded-to respective distribution-based delineations -- that works to allow for the ensuing placements of discrete energy permittivity eigenstates, with their correlative discrete energy impedacnce eigenstates -- in so as to allow for the here eluded-to flow of kinematic-based group instantons, so that the so-stated integration-based delineations may work to form that sequential series of iterations, that works to form the basis of the existence of energy.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Some Knowledge As To What Some Singularities May Form

Chern-Simmons based singularities work to help cause some important perturbations -- in the general set of substringular formats that are used in so as to allow for the continued perpetuation and existence of the flow of energy in the substringular.  For instance, some of the quantum of the formation of metrical-based Chern-Simmons based singularities that are locally brought together, via the directly corresponding activity of local Rarita Structure eigenstates, work to help perturbate both local first and second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- in such a manner that works to effect the relatively local interaction of magnetic forces with gravitational forces, in so that the local scalar amplitude of the Ricci Scalar may be able to kinematically accelerate in a discrete manner over a correlative period of time (over the directly corresponding successive series of local group instantons).  Yet, on the other hand, some of the quantum of the formation of Lagrangian-based singularities that are locally brought together, via the directly corresponding activity of the local Rarita Structure eigenstates, work to help form certain given arbitrary perturbations that act in so as to help form antiholomorphic Kaeler Conditons -- these of which happen in so as to form respective Wick Aciton eigenstates, these of which work multiplicity in so as to activate the correlative individual Gaussian Transformations in the substringular (in so as to form those changes in the local norm-conditions in the substringular that are needed so that superstrings may perpetually and spontaneously be energy, period).  To Be Contnued.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam.

Some More As To Substringular Fields

If a one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity is to move in a directoral-based manner that goes in the direction of its length -- either in the relative norm-to-holomorphic direction, or, in the relative norm-to-reverse-holomorphic direction -- then, the directly corresponding core-field-density of the correlative two-dimensional field that is thus formed, as may be extrapolated via the mappable tracing of the correlative ghost-based indices, will work to form a field that will bear a relatively conical-based topological swipe, over time.  This is true, whether the said one-dimensional superstring does or does not work to bear a definitive Real Reimmanian vibrational-based topological sway, in a radial manner, during the metric in which such a so-stated superstring of discrete energy permittivity is in the process of kinematically being displaced and re-delineated over the so-eluded-to Lagrangian -- in which the so-eluded-to phenomenology is being translated from one general spot to the next, in the so-stated either relative norm-to-holomorphic or relative reverse-norm-to-holomorphic directoral pattern, that I have here mentioned.  If the so-mentioned conical-based field, that is here a two-dimensional core-field-density that is formed by the said one-dimensional superstrings, bears no Njenhuis tensors in its Lagrangian-based topological sway, then, the so-stated conical field will be of a Minkowski nature -- that will here bear relatively few aberrations of cyclic permutations.  Yet, if the so-mentioned conical-based field is instead of such a nature that it bears one or more Njenhuis tensors in its Lagrangian-based topological sway, then, the so-stated conical field will be of more of a Hilbert nature.  A Minkowski field is of a flat space, and, a Hilbert field is of a volumed space.  So, if the just-eluded-to core field density of a Minkowski-based field, that is generated by the motion of a one-dimensional superstring over time, happens in a unitary Lagrangian that bears no Njenhuis tensors, then, the resultant cohomological-based ghost anomaly-related format of the correlative mappable tracing will be of a Rham nature -- if the vibrational aspects of the directly corresponding kinematic motion that is here eluded-to are harmonic in oscillation.  Yet, instead, if the so-eluded-to one-dimensional superstring either bears Lagrangian-based Njenhuis tensors, and/or if the so-eluded-to one-dimensional superstring bears metrical spikes in its vibrational oscillation -- over a given arbitrary metric in which it is moving over a successive series of instantons, then, the directly corresponding resultant cohomology will instead be of a Doubolt nature.  I will continue with the suspense later!
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

As to the field of certain fermionic superstrings

A one-dimensional superstring bears a two-dimensional field -- in terms of its core-field-density.  This so-stated core-field-density works to form a hoop-like field that the said one-dimensional superstring is inscribed in.  Let us say that the condition of such an inscription is parametrically flush, at the Poincaire level.  So, when the kinematic-based activity, that works to form the Lagrangian of a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is delineated over time -- by the traceable mapping of the so-eluded-to two-dimensional core-field-density -- via the accompanying motion of the so-stated one-dimensional superstring that is moving in a directoral tense, of which is in the relative direction of one of its two Gliossi-based spatial parameters that are not of its general relative length, then, the integration of the eigenstates of the said one-dimensional string's core-field-density related Hodge-based integrands will work to form a cylindrical-based world-sheet that may be of a Rham-based nature.  This is if the so-eluded-to motion of the said one-dimensional superstring is moving via a harmonic eigenbasis of vibration that is on the relative Real Reimmanian Plane, that is also moving through a unitary Lagrangian.  Since this is partially because the so-eluded-to Lagrangian is unitary here, the correlative integration of the Hodge-based integrands of the corresponding core-field-density eigenstates will here bear a parametric-based tense of a hermitian flow of motion.  This means that such a case scenario does not involve any Lagrangian-based Chern-Simmons singularities.  And, since the so-eluded-to vibrational context of this cohomological-based integration of world-sheets is of a harmonic nature, the metrical flow of the pulsation of the so-stated integration is of a Hodge-based core-field-density, in terms of the vibrational behavior of the correlative eigenstates that are of the so-stated core-field-density that works to comprise the immediate field that is extended from the directly corresponding one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittiviity, at the Poincaire level, to where this will also be of a hermitian nature. (There will here be no metrical-based  spurs of Chern-Simmons singularity appertaining to the conditions that I have described of as to what such a one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity is doing in this case scenario.)  Yet, the morphological context of the core-field-density that directly corresponds to a one-dimensional superstring, when the directoral eigenbasis of its flow and vibration are different, will be both of a different shape in mappable tracing, and, of a different genus of extrapolatable singularities.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Part Three of the Addendum Before Course 17

Superstrings of discrete energy permittivity do not start to go into a relatively discombobulated tense of covariant conditionality -- in terms of that directly corresponding multiplicit kinematic disposition that those first-ordered point particles, that work to comprise the so-eluded-to superstrings, bear, during the generally unnoticed duration-based portion of Ultimon Flow -- until the corresponding respective multiplicit Regge Action eigenstate is completed, in the interim that happens in-between BRST and the so-stated generally unnoticed duration -- that metrically exists in-between two given individual arbitrary instantons.  Within the the Ihbar so-eluded-to moment that happens after the so-stated multiplicit Regge Action eigenstate, all of the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity --  that work to comprise the given arbitrary layer of reality, or, tori-sector-range, will take aim to coalesce into a band of holonomic substrate-based phenomenology (that is either a relatively thick hoop-like band, or, a relatively thick strand-like band), that is put into a condition of what may be termed of as a "transition kernel."  This is the general Njenhuis-based gauge-metric, in which each partial association/dissociation integrand -- or, the quantific integration of all of the so-eluded-to superstrings, that work to form a group strand of phenomenology that still works to keep the directly associated differential characteristic differences that exist amongst each of the correlative superstrings that work to comprise the said tori-sector-range-phenomenology -- are put into the appropriate setting, in which there is a given arbitrary over-riding group attractor index quantifier, so-to-speak, that is kinematic upon the said tori-sector-range, in order to form a flux in the given needed group eigen-based transformation matrix.  As it is almost intuitive, the reverse-fractal basis of the correlative induction that is here formed will then be worked upon the so-eluded-to group strand of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here in transition -- in so as to work to form an antiderivative of a "conglomerate" group-pointal-flux.  Since this is a lot, I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued, with the next cut to the chase!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Part Two of the Addendum Before Course 17

The counterpart of any given arbitrary two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity exists as a vibrating hoop -- that operates in so as to function at a covariant relative positioning, that is localized just to the relative forward-holomorphic side of its directly corresponding superstring.  Now, the directly corresponding space-hole-based eigenstate that works to correspond to the activity and the existence of any given arbitrary two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- that is correlative to the existence of both the so-stated superstring and its local physical counterpart -- exists at a general locus, over the course of the general sub-metric-based-activity that happens at the generally unnoticed duration right before the corresponding instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse mode, as a circular field that is equidistant between the so-stated superstring and its physical counterpart -- in so as to operate right in the middle of that coniaxion-based field that may be extrapolated from such a mappable tracing that would here exist as such, to where the so-stated space-hole-based eigenstate will then here act as a generator of the ebbed norm-state quantifier -- that forms over the proscribed duration, as an equal and opposite reaction to the ground-states which are delineated by the directly corresponding transition kernel.  Such a "transition kernel" of the directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity will -- over the course of the eluded-to-duration that exist in between the main course of the generally unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow and the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode -- operate in so as to momentarily lock, in such a manner, that works towards forming the activity of the ensuing said insanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-range (that range that is operated over the course of the directly corresponding mode that has here been inferred.).  Such an activity of "locking" will then here function as a path operand for the directly corresponding quantifiers -- at the relative conicenter as to where the ensuing permittivity of the correlative superstring is to be modified in so as to bear its specific functionability -- so that the "break" (meaning the activity of the redelineation of the correlative superstrings that happens over the so-eluded-to mode after the "space-hole", and not a structural fraying)  in the "huddle" of the so-eluded-to duration of the so-stated "space-hole" will be able to work at being able to delineate the integral context of the sum of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity as a tori-sector-range, that will here operate as the sum of one layer of reality of all of the substringular phenomena of one set of parallel universes -- that will here be brought into their respective distributions right after the so-stated instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode happens.  This way, the said partially derived phenomena that are of the so-eluded-to layer of reality will, over the eluded-to mode, be able to emit the residue that needs to be emitted in so that the essential substringular recycling of norm-based conditions with ground-state conditions will then be able to happen -- so that both the fractal modulus and the elastic modulus of the unfrayed sum of the correlative topological-based stratum may be modified enough so that homotopy may be optimal. With one-dimensional superstrings, a similar format of activity will happen, except that the field that would here appertain to the space-hole-based eigenstates will be of a significantly more linear-based pretext.   I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

To End A Little Bit Of Confusion

When there is a Lorentz-Four-Contraction that is applied upon a given arbitrary two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity, there is one general strand that works to form the topology of the so-eluded-to holonomic substrate (the said superstring) -- with one partition from within the mappable tracing of its Ward-Neumman bounds.  When the Lorentz-Four-Contraction that is applied upon the same given two-dimensional superstrings is two, there are two general strands, of which are basically of just a curved nature, that work to form the  topology of the so-eluded-to holonomic substrate -- with two partitions from within the mappable tracing of its Ward-Neumman bounds.  The more that the given arbitrary two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy pemittivity is  Lorentz-Four-Contracted, the more general strands that work to form the topology of the so-eluded-to holonomic substrate, and, as well, the less of a curved nature that would then work to make-up the topological phenomenology of the so-eluded to holonomic substrate.  So, if the so-stated two-dimensional superstring bears a Lorentz-Four-Contraction of 3*10^8, the 3*10^8 general strands that work to make-up the topology of the holonomic substrate -- being the given arbitrary two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity --  will then here be of a linear nature that approximates a closed-loop phenomenology,  except that the general strands will here be curved, as is the natural space-time-curvature that would naturally be applied to the Ward-Caucy bounds -- as to where the locus of the said superstring is at over any  proscribed given arbitrary covariant group metric.  To Be Continued!  'Till Tommorow!  Sam Roach.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

An Addendum Before Starting Course 17, Part One

Did you ever wonder what happens to a "leg" of any given arbitrary eigenstate of the space-hole -- while the intrinsic physical points from a Real Reimmanian-Fock-String-Orientation is in a state of transition?  Let us first consider a certain given arbitrary two-dimesional superstring of discrete energy permittivity.  Directly to its forward-holomorphic side is a Fock-Space counterpart that ebbs the residue of certain initialized norm-state quantifies -- that works to form as a direct result of the delineation of the directly correlative ground-space.  The so-stated two-dimensional superstring is an approximation of a vibrating circular topological field that acts as a vibrating hoop of discrete energy.  The same goes with the correlative Fock-Space -- except, the said Fock-Space basically acts as an equal and opposite reaction to the directly associated ground space, that works to act in the opposite direction to the said ground-space.  This is not to be confused with the correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, that is, instead, directly to the reverse-holomorphic side of the so-stated given arbitrary superstring.  The Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate just mentioned acts as a discrete unit of energy impedance.  Also, a Fadeev-Popov-Trace is shaped, instead, as a topological holonomic substrate that consists of a Chi-shaped structure that is integrated, in a Laplacian manner, with a central figrure-eight structure, when one is Gliossi to the topological entity of the said Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate at the Poincaire level. The counterpart of any given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate is the operational indices of the correlative light-cone-gauge. The said two-dimensional string's intrinsic physical first-ordered point particles, that operate in so as to comprise the so-stated superstring, are compactified at half the maximum capacity -- in terms of what the maximum compactifiation of mini-string segmentation is possible in the region of the general topological field that is Gliossi to the locus of any given arbitrary first-ordered point particle of any given arbitrary superstring -- as taken at the relative Poincaire level.  The individual first-ordered point particles that work to comprise any given arbitrary superstring -- during the duration of any given arbitrary of group metric of BRST, only emit one mini-string segment that is level from the said specific superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- besides the mini-string segments that extend from the superstring towards both itself, the superstrings counterpart, and towards the superstring's correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate.  Yet, the holonomic substrate of the physical structure of any given arbitrary directly corresponding counterpart of a Real Reimmanian substringular entity will bear an offshoot of very many mini-string segments at the Gliossi topological extrapolation that would here be at the Poincaire level.  This is, although the compactification of the first-ordered point particles that work to comprise the individual "mers" of the so-stated superstring's counterpart are also at half the maximum compactification, than what is termed of as mini-string has the capacity of having -- when given the Ward-Neumman bounds of the Laplacian-based fractal and elastic modulae that is possible for the entity of the holonomic substrate of the composition of the described mini-string segmentation.  Again, mini-string is that general genus of entity that operates in so as to  function as the topological phenomena that both comes together in so as to form first-ordered point particles, and, it also is that holonomoic substrate that links both first-ordered point particles, superstrings, and other miscilaneous substringular phenomena -- so that topology is able to exist at all.
I will continue with the second part of this addendum later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

As to Covariant Light-Cone-Gauge Quantization

Let us say that one had a large quantity of superstrings in a set specific general relative locus, that either had an abelian light-cone-gauge topology (Kaluza-Klein) or a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology (Yang-Milles).  Let us say say that the just-eluded-to basis of general region in which either respective set of superstrings -- that would here exist in orbifolds -- existed in a  homogeneous substringular neighborhood, in terms of the format or genus of the abelian-based geometry that the first-ordered correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates of each of the two respective given arbitrary sets of superstrings worked to bear.  Now, imagine the interaction of the core-field-densities of each of the so-stated and so-eluded to respective first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates and second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that work to comprise both respective given arbitrary case scenarios -- working to form a correlative eigenbasis of kinematic differential association over time, that has both an interdependent and an independent inter-play of field-indices that inter-relates the said light-cone-gauge eigenstates, as both a basis of holonomic substrate and as a basis of local field-generation. Such an integrable eigenbasis of field-interplay may then be described of as a covariant light-cone-gauge quantization -- since each light-cone-gauge eigenstate of each respective individual scenario acts as both itself and as the whole group at the same time.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam.

Part Three as to Substringular Fields, a Special Case

So, describe the successive reiterations of a one-dimensional superstring -- as it approximates a neighborhood in the substringular.  A collection of field-oriented physical point particles come together in a differential association, due to a resultant wave-tug of attractor groups and repulsive semi-group-based tensors.  As the directly associated first-ordered point particles work to maximize their repulsion-based potential -- in terms of minimal field variation allowances -- the so-stated first-ordered point particles are "momentarily" slowed, with respect to their path trajectoral tenses, and, are configured, in terms of sets of linear-based phenomena, that either approximate an orbital-based field or a group line.  ( This line, being delineated as is according to the general curvature of space-time-fabric, and not a Wilson-based linearity here.)  Once the given first-ordered point particles propagate their center-state indices -- as part of the activity of the basis of light's general function -- the so-stated points then work to physically dissociate, causing these points to go along with their respective substringular-based composites in so as to go around the Ultimon, during the generally unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow.  In the general case of conformal invariance, these said points will not then reiterate in the exact same relative localization at the ensuing iterations of group instanton, yet, will shift back-and-forth or side-to-side -- relative to their orientation with the other phenomena of the Continuum.  This is as the so-eluded-to partial components of the just-eluded-to superstrings of discrete energy permittivity are indistinguishably replenished, over the course of the recycling of norm-based states --  in the process of Cassimer Invariance.  This process works to form indistinguishably different component parts of superstrings, in despite of any case of the kinematic differentiation of space and time -- whether the directly associated superstrings are perturbative, conformally invariant, or superconformally invariant.  When one considers the Lorentz-Four-Contraction-based topological sways of the directly correlative superstrings -- in both the radial-based and the transversally-based tensorisms, the given partial integration of each respective "inverse-Laplaced" majorized plane sector will work to condone the reiteration of the eluded-to resultant wave-pointal-tug that would here exist at each particular relative locus that the correlative superstrings of discrete energy permittivity bear, for each kinematic eigenbasis of differential successive series of group instanton that the given so-stated point particles are associated with -- at the relative neighborhood of the "conjoining spots" that the locant of pointal-based variation of parameters works to radiate the eluded-to linear-based approximations of each respective one-dimensional superstring.  This happens, so that the only viably measurable location of the so-stated detectible superstring will then here bear a circular-based core-field-density -- that may often bear the potential of conical-shaped physical abberations.  This is the case for any core-field-density of a one-dimensional superstring that is superconformally invariant at a set established extrapolatable locus -- even if the said one-dimensional superstring bears little to no swivel-based abberations.  Any non-perturbative core-field-density of a one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy pemittivity that is conformally invariant is likely to not bear any extrapolatable swivel-shaped-based abberations, anyhow.  This resulant orbital-based kinematic motion of two one-dimensional superstrings, whose Gliossi-based fields that are Poincaire to the topology of the said superstrings, are orphogonal to the cross-section of such an implied Hamiltonian-based general field-density -- when one maps-out this so-stated cross-section in the relative forward-holomorphic direction.  This works to form a relatively local field that is comprised of the orbital kinematic differential activity of two superstrings that are moving as I have here described -- that works to directly associate with three toroidal-based fields that act as the core-field-density of three respective two-dimensional superstrings, whose Gliossi-based field that is Poincaire to the topology of the said superstrings in a flush Laplacian-based setting.  This is in so that this may form an orbital field, that, again, may form an overall Hamiltonian-based orbifold-based field that is either elliptical, parabollic, and/or a cyclically permutative field that alters from an elliptical-based field to a parabollic-based field over time.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Part Two as to a Special Case

Yet, when you consider both the directly corresponding ghost anomaly-based attractor and the directly corresponding ghost anomaly-based inhibitor indices that may work to generate a dual-parity-potential covariance, the aptitude of the directly associated Fock Space counterpart will here converge at infinity, and, therefore, would seem to theoretically be able to build-up an infinite rectitude of Majoran-Weyl-Invariance.  This is if one were to initially only consider the eluded-to general locus in which the five previously mentioned superstrings were kinematiclly differentiating in, over the correlative group metric that I have been describing here -- over a relatively transient period of time.  So, the series of the sequential iterations of the directly affiliated instantons, that the described static-based superstrings have here been affiiliated with, would here be convergent in both the correlative Real Reimmanian and Fock Space wave-pointal delineations.  As the so-stated waves work to interact with their convergent delineations, the substringular interactions that would here be a tense of superconformal invariance -- that works to be permutatively kinematic in a tightly-bound Ward-Neumman locus -- acts as one unit, or, as a Hamiltonian-based operator, that physically functions as an orbifold.  Thus, after many iterations and reiterations of the so-eluded-to cycling of the said group of superstrings, that are here supeconformally covariant as a funtionable spatial entity -- over time, the resultant homotopy, that is Gliossi to the specific cite of the just mentioned orbifold, would then be termed of here as a "conglomerate" string.  Here.  Imagine this.  The three mentioned two-dimensional superstrings would here locally reverberate in a relatively tight locus, in so as to form an eigenbasis of core-field-density.  This just mentioned core-field-density will here operate as a function of the eluded-to toroidal-based structures -- that each bear an anuulus -- to where these three just-eluded-to tori, of which are relatively static, will be active within the Ward-Neumman bounds of the orbiting of the two eluded-to eigenstates of the core-field-density of the two correlative one-dimensional superstrings of this case scenario.  All five of the given arbitrary mentioned superstrings are here of the same given arbitrary orbifold.  The two so-stated one-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permttivity are here functionable as two Hamiltonian operators, that oscillate around the Ward-Neumman bounds of the three so-stated eigenstates of the eluded-to toroidal-based flow -- in a superconformal-based manner.  The two just-eluded-to eigenstates of the core-field-density of the so-stated one-dimensional superstrings work to form two oscillating cylindrical-based cohomologies, that are cyclical in permutation -- as an orbit-based mode that switches back-and-forth, over the span of time in which the so-eluded-to given arbitrary Majorana-Weyl-Invariance of this case scenario is not perturbated by an exterial-based source.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Some Knowledge As To Substringular Fields, A Special Case, Part One

Would you like an explanation of the phenomena of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that act like a cross between one and two dimensional superstrings -- when in the globally distinguishable?  Well, here is an explanation.:  In order to begin explaining, I must write about certain occurrences in the substringular -- and then relate this to the globally distinguishable.  Picture a case bearing one of the simplest homotopic covariant-based modes:  Five inter-relating substrings are to here be considered in this case.  Three of these so-stated substrings are of a two-dimensional tense, while, two of these so-stated substrings are of a one-dimensional tense.  Let us now imagine the so-stated two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that are here being discussed, as closed strings that act as vibrating hoops that act in the transition kernel of the iteration of those first-ordered point particles that physically differentiate in nodal-lines that work to approximate a circular phenomenon, and, also imagine the so-stated one-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that are being discussed here as open strings that act as vibrating strands that act in the transition kernel of the iteration of those first-ordered point particles that physically differentiate in nodal-lines that work to approximate a linear phenomenon.  The just eluded-to core-field-density of the said closed looped superstrings will form as an extraplolation that may be mapped-out as a toroidal-based phenomenon, while, the just eluded-to core-field-density of the said open strand-based superstrings will work to approximate a cylinderical-based phenomenon.  Let us now imagine that the two eluded-to open strings will, over time, work to make a best field-oriented fit in-between the so-stated two-dimensional superstrings.  The partial of these one dimensional superstrings would bear a fairly flush line of point particles that basically work to approach a line of first-ordered point particles that are acted upon by the natural curvature of space-and-time at the Poincaire level -- with the exception of any potential swivel-shaped bearing -- at a relatively minimum distance apart per first-ordered point particle that works to comprise the so-stated superstrings of discrete energy permittiivity.  These superstrings, too, approximate a neighborhood, after each reiteration that these are brought into BRST during each successive group-related instanton -- approximating a circular-based field -- in terms of the Majorana-Weyl invariant partial of one-dimensional superstings that orbit a given arbitrary conicentral-point, and, in terms of the Gliossi-based core-field-density of the said two-dimensional superstrings that work as the other general partial -- that works to comprise the eluded-to overall field.  Now, since all five of the given arbitrary superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- that here work to bear a high degree of conformal invariance, are comprised by the pointal sequences that these superstrings work to determine, this is then here of a convergent eigenbasis.  The pointal sequences of these superstring here will then work to form a covariance, over time, that is also of a convergent eigenbasis.  Now, the series reiteration of the wave-pointal propagation has a relatively limited Real Reimmanian aptitude -- which I will elaborate upon later with this suspense!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Part Two of the Test Solutions to the Last Test of Course 16

1)  The Chan-Patton rules of superstrings are principles that work to govern the condition of a mass having a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology as always traveling at under the speed of light.  If a mass is translated into a tachyonic flow -- via the conversion of its light-cone-gauge from a Kaluza-Klein topology to a Yang-Mills topology temporarily ---, then, it can likewise temporarily display the general effect of the so-stated Chan-Patton rules during the said course of a tachyonic propulsion.  After the just-eluded-to tachyonic-flow, the mass that was translated is brought back into a condition of Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology, at which point the said mass goes back into obeying Chan-Patton rules.

2)  World-Sheets that appertain to the mappable tracing of tachyonic-based superstrings are an abberation from Chan-Patton rules.  Otherwise, the mappable tracing of Noether-based superstrings is the holonomic substrate of the extrapolation of world-sheets that obey Chan-Patton rules.

3) As superstrings are made unorientable by the formation of a heteromorphic field that exists for a given arbitrary so-stated superstring and its directly corresponding counterpart -- during a directly correlative duration of BRST, the said superstring is then pulled into a tachyonic-based flow, on account of the just-eluded-to perturbation -- during the ensuing eluded-to group metric.

4)  A Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology is of a non-abelian nature, while, a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology is of an abelian nature.  A non-abelian topology bears relatively less of a direct wave-push/wave-pull at its topological edge than an abelian topology does.  A relatively less abelian format of a light-cone-gauge topological eigenstate is more capable of propagating in the manner of electromagnetic energy, since this allows for a harmonic wave modulus at light-speed that would be sinusoidal and not flush, which thereby does not here cause any threat of aiming to bear an infinite fractal modulae.

5)  The Kaeler-Metric is the group metric in which a superstring is brought into the kinematic activity, to where it is capable of re-attaining the discrete fractals of energy permittivity, to where energy may spontaneously exist aned persist-- as the directly appertaining eluded-to given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate -- that is correlative to the so-stated superstring -- is brought into the kinematic activity to where it is capable of re-attaining the discrete fractals of energy impedance to where energy may spontaneously exist and persist.  When a superstring bears a cohomology that reverses in terms of directoral holomorphicity, this works to initiate the activity of a Kaeler-Metric.

6)  A Calabi-Metric is a Kaeler-Metric that directly involves the scattering of electromagnetic energy.  When discrete entropic photons are formed, this is an indication of a Calabi-Metric.

7)  When light scattering happens in Earth's atmosphere, then this scattering of electromagnetic energy here involves a Calabi-Metric that is essential for the formation of the existence of heat in our planet's biosphere.

8)  The Noether Current is the general flow of substringular motion that is not over light speed.  All non-tachyonic superstrings move the Planck-Length and/or the Planck-Radius per increment of group instanton.  Yet, electromagnetic energy, which, is when a group of one or more superstrings -- here, photons -- travel as a group through a discrete and unitized Lagrangian through enough of a scalar amplitude -- as a group propagation -- until it interacts with infrared-based photons.  This happens in so that the so-eluded-to photons -- if in a vacuum -- will propagate here one Planck Length per directly appertaining group iteration of instanton.

9)  Depending upon the degree of the conformal invariance of any given arbitrary tense of Noether-Flow, the less conformally invariant the so-stated tense is, the faster that the just-eluded-to superstring moves, relative to their environment.  The faster that the so-stated superstrings move, the closer that these superstrings are to "light-speed."  The closer that  a Noether-based flow appertaining to a mass is to light-speed, the greater that the Lorentz-Four-Contraction is.  The greater the Lorentz-Four-Contraction is upon any given arbitrary superstring of mass, the smaller that its relative length and time are, and, the greater is its relative mass is.  Overcoming Noether Flow, in so as to allow for a mass to be translated to light-speed or greater -- without bearing all of the mass in the universe -- may be done by the conversion of the directly associated light-cone-gauge topology from a Kaluza-Klein topology to a Yang-Mills topology -- during what would here be a temporary translation.

10  A Noether Current is constant for any given arbitrary phenomena that bear both a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology and Yau-Exact singularities.  By converting the relative light-cone-gauge of the just-eluded-to mass into a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology temporarily, one may overcome the so-stated Noether Flow into a brief condition of tachyonic propulsion.

I will continue with the start of Course 17 Soon!  Sam.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Part Two of the Test Questions to the Last Test of Course 16

1B)  Describe Chan-Patton rules that appertain to superstrings.

2B)  Describe Chan-Patton rules that appertain to world-sheets.

3B)  Describe perturbation that appertains to the formation of tachyons.

4B)  What is the difference between a Yang-Mills topology and a Kaluza-Klein topology?

5B)  What is a Kaeler Metric?  Give an example.

6B)  What is a Calabi Metric?  Give an example.

7B)  Give a good example of a medium in which a Calabi Metric may happen.

8B)  Describe the Noether current thoroughly.

9B)  Explain the relationship that exists between the Noether current and the presence of Lorentz-Four-Contractions.

10B) Clearly explain how the light-cone-gauge effects the Noether current

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Solutions to Last Test of Course 16, Part One

1)  A Doubolt cohomology is a set of one or more interconnected ghost anomalies that either directly involve Chern-Simmons  singularites and/or directly involve a Njenhuis topological sway that corresponds to a veering of the directly associated  superstrings -- that worked to form the correlative ghost-based indices that are off of the related relative Real Reimmanian Plane.

2)  A Rham cohomology is a set of one or more interconnected ghost anomalies that directly involve hermitian-based singularities that also involve a Real Reimmanian-based topological sway -- that corresponds directly to superstrings that worked to form the correlative ghost-based indices, from the related relative Real Reimmanian Plane.

3) Ghost anomalies are annhilated by the annharmonic scattering of ghost-based indices by the kinematic motion of reverse-holomorphic norm-states and/or reverse-holomorphic norm-stated-projections -- that strike the correlative static-based forward-holomorphic norm-states and/or forward-holomorphic norm-state-projections that had previously been harmonically scatterered into the initially eluded-to ghost anomalies, by their interaction with the kinematic motion of superstring-like phenomena.

4)  Donaldson-Ulenbach-Yau conditions are the physical principles that refer to that cohomological-based phenomemena that reverse -- in terms of their holomorphic directoral topological sway -- in so as to form an antiholomorphic Kaeler Condition, that works to initiate a directly corresponding Wick Action eigenstate, in so as to start the activity of a Gaussian Transformation.

5)  The Bette Action is the kinematic inter-relation of superstrings, with their directly associated substringular counterparts, during BRST -- in so that there may be either a homeomorphic or a heteromorphic core-field-density, that is then formed in-between the so-stated superstring and its said counterpart -- during the said duration of BRST.

6)  The Poloyakov Action is the activity of superstrings and their counterparts, in the process of spreading outward in the directly associated distance, that would then exist in-between the directly associated first-ordered point particles, that work to comprise the phenomenology of the Gliossi-based Ward-Neumman topological stratum of the corresponding superstrings -- as well as in the process of spreading in the directly associated distance, that would then exist in-between the directly associated first-ordered point particles that work to comprise the phenomenology of the Gliossi-based Ward-Neumman topological stratum of the corresponding substringular counterparts -- that are stretched to the scalar amplitude that is to the inverse of the directly affiliated Lorentz-Four-Contraction that is then being applied to a superstring and its counterpart, at the Poincaire level, over the course of a correlative duration of BRST.

7)  A Regge Slope is the trajectory of a superstring, that is delineated right before a superstring leaves the general locus where it had iterated at during a discrete increment of instanton.

8)  A superstring is oriented if the said superstring works to form a homeomorphic core-field-density that would exist here in-between the so-stated superstring and its directly affiliated iteration of BRST.

9)  A superstring is unoriented if the said superstring works to form a heteromorphic core-field-density that would exist here in-between the so-stated superstring and its directly associated substringular counterpart, during a directly affiliated iteration of BRST.

10)  A Klein Bottle eigenstate is the kinematic display of a phenomenon that is built with a Schotky Construction.  A Schotky Construction is a substringular design that involves three pairs of orientafolds   One of these so-stated pairs of orientafolds is the Planck-Length in the construction of the thickness of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate, one of these so-stated pairs of orientafolds is twice the Planck-Length in the construction of the width of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate, and one of these so-stated pairs of orientafolds is four times the Planck-Length in the construction of the length in the said Klein Bottle eigenstate.  The Schotky Construction is open at the relative norm-to-holomorphic end of the directly associated Klein Bottle eigenstate.  The two sides of each of the so-eluded to pairs of orientafolds are flush, as according to a Wilson linearity.  The interior of a Schotky Construction contains first-ordered point particles that are spaced-out sixteen times as much as these would be in a fully contracted superstring -- when going into the width of the directly affiliated Klein Bottle eigenstate.  The Schotky Construction contains first-ordered point particles that are spaced-out eight times as much as these would be in a fully contracted superstring -- when going the thickness of the affiliated Klein Bottle eigenstate.  And, the Schotky Construction contains first-ordered point particles that are spaced-out thirty-two times as much as these would be in a fully contracted superstring -- when tracing the distribution of the so-stated first-ordered point particles going along the length of the directly affiliated Klein Bottle eigenstate.

11)  The mobiaty of a superstring is the general effect of space-time-curvature upon a superstring.  This makes a relatively "straight" superstring behave as not actually straight - in terms of a Wilson linearity.  Such a space-time-curvature works to form a condition of Minkowski topological sway that works to complete its second-side/second-edge over a much more vast Laplacian-based Lagrangian -- in a manner that is ordered via the kinematic activity of Njenhuis-based tensors.  This activity works to make overall space-time-fabric of a Hilbert-based nature.

12)  The mobiaty of a world-sheet is the general space-time-curvature that interacts upon the topological phenomenology of the trajectory of a superstring.  Such a curvature is not of a Wilson linearity.  This general space-time-curvature works -- over a vast multiplicit-based Lagrangian -- in so as to complete the Minkowski-based second-side/second-edge of such an integrable-based delineation via the kinematic-based interaction of directly affiliated Njenhuis tensors over time.

13)  Ward conditions are either Neumman, Derichlet, or Caucy conditions that generally involve four of more spatial dimension, or, often instead, involve only zero to two directly involved spatial dimensions.  Yet, in a sense, everything at the Poincaire level is going to involve an up-an-down, a side-to-side, and, front-to-back format of mobility (not to be confused with "mobiaty.").