Monday, March 17, 2014

The Second Part of the Ninth Session of Course 16

If a given arbitrary superstring, or, if a given arbitrary set of superstrings, goes through tachyonic propulsion, the directly corresponding Gaussian conditions of the so-stated superstrings or set of superstrings is temporarily altered.  This said temporary alteration works to form a perturbation in the norm-conditions that would here be directly corresponding to the kinematic differential geometry of the so-stated superstrings, or, set of superstrings, that is here relevant to this specific general case scenario.  The just mentioned format of perturbation will then happen between the just eluded to superstring or set of superstrings and the directly correlative orbifold eigenset that the given substringular members that I had initially implied as existing in this case are involved with, in a Gliossi manner at the Poincaire level. The relative instance that such a genus of perturbation is happening in may be termed of as a spurious moment of group-associated metrical activity. All substringular perturbations may be thought of as bearing a condition of a spurious-based tensoric basis, in one manner or another -- when relative to the immediate surroundings of any given arbitrary kinematic-based differentiating orbifold or orbifold eigenset that is Gliossi to the spatial environment that any given arbitrary superstring or set of superstrings is acting upon.  As such a given arbitrary superstring or set of superstrings works to reach any given arbitrary destination that is Real Reimmanian when relative to the Poincaire level of the directly corresponding orbifold or orbifold eigenset, that bears a specific functional operation -- in terms of what the given arbitrary Hamiltonian operation is here prone to act as in this given arbitrary eluded to case, the Gaussian conditions that would here directly correspond to the affiliated given arbitrary change in local norm-based conditions of the so-eluded to superstring or set of superstrings will tend to conform to what may be described of as the most at rest kinematic differential-based geometric case scenario.  What this entails is that, if the orbifold or orbifold eigenset that has here altered in its Ward-Caucy conditions in so as to conform to what was here an eluded to Gaussian Transformation that was needed in order for their to be a fluency in the spatial re-delineation of the given arbitrary spatial Hamiltonian operand, that is Gliossi to the local metrical activity of the directly associated superstring or superstrings, then, the genus of the kinetic differential geometry of the said orbifold or orbifold eigenstate will be brought into a metrical condition that works to involve less stress upon the topological framework of the affiliated group of substringular phenomena.  This general format of activity tends to bring any given arbitrary condition of tachyonic propulsion back into a tense of Noether Flow, after what would here be a relatively transient duration.  This is due to the condition that tachyonic flow tends to bear more of a stress-based modulus upon any given arbitrary set of one or more superstrings that is at the Poincaire level to the so-eluded to tachyonic-based activity. The prior stated tense of tachyonic propulsion works to involve more of an annharmonic vibration of the directly affiliated group of superstrings, which would then form at least some sort of perturbation in the basis of the directly affiliated amplitude of the wave-tug of the here respective light-cone-gauge eigenstates.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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