Friday, March 28, 2014

Lorentz-Four-Contractions And Orbifolds

Let us here consider a given arbitrary orbifold -- a given arbitrary set of superstrings that operate in so as to perform a specific function.  The orbifold will here be Lorentz-Four-Contracted to a scalar amplitude of 2, in this given arbitrary example.  Each of the superstrings that would here work to comprise the so-stated orbifold will then be de-compactified to the degree of being completely not Lorentz-Four-Contracted by a factor of 1.5*10^8, in this specifid given arbitrary example.  Each of the superstrings that would then here work to comprise the said orbifold -- over the course of the eluded to de-compactification -- will be "stretched-out" during the directly corresponding Polyakov Action eigenstate, that is here directly affiliated with that iteration of group instanton that is directly associated with the so-stated Lorentz-Four-Contraction that happens to the scalar factor of two, by a factor of 1.5*10^8.  As the so eluded to Polyakov Action eigenstate is operating in so as to perform its function in this case, each superstring that works to comprise the said orbifold will be de-compactified in so as to maintain both its general Lagrangian-based proportionality, and, its directly affiliated core-field proportionality, as it had right before the so stated activity of the so eluded to Polyakov Action eigenstate that is correlative in this case.  So, depending upon the spatial arrangement of those superstrings that are delineated as these are -- from within the said given arbitrary orbifold upon the onset of the directly associated iteration of group instanton, the perturbation of the shape of the orbifold that is due to the so eluded to Lorentz-Four-Contraction will vary.  This will also vary, depending upon whether the superstrings involved here are one-dimensional or two-dimensional.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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