Friday, March 7, 2014

Part Two of the Eighth Session of Course 16

I will now discuss two of the formats of metric-based duration that are common in the substringular.  These two general geni of metric-based duration are Real Reimmanian-based metrics that are very important metrics that happen over their respective sequential series of iterations of group instanton.  The two individual formats of the respective group metrics that I am about to discuss are the Kaeler Metric and the Calabi Metric.  Every Calabi Metric is an example of a Kaeler Metric, yet, not every Calabi Metric is an example of a Kaeler Metric.  A Kaeler Metric is a group metric that involves the motion of the Klein Bottle -- as it is moving through a relatively unitary-based Lagrangian-based Real Reimmanian Plane, in which the main activity of the here directly corresponding Gaussian Metric is occurring.  During this so-stated Kaeler Metric, the composition of the eluded to Schotky Construction is moving along a Mikowski surface -- in which the so eluded to Klein Bottle eigenstate is in such a position to where the directly correlative superstrings that here need to gain a set quantum fractal of discrete energy permittivity are shook in the said Klein Bottle eigenstate, in such a manner in so that such superstrings of discrete energy permittivity may then remain as such.  Simultaneously -- through a central conipoint -- the directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates that are directly attached to the so-eluded to superstrings of discrete energy are shook as well, in so that the so-stated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates may re-attain their set quantum of fractal of discrete energy impedance, so that the said Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates may remain as discrete units of energy impedance.  This so mentioned Kaeler Metric happens over a metrical duration of 191 iterations of group instanton (of the 384 of its directly corresponding Gaussian Metric (not 382, because of the needed spatial re-adjustment)), as I will describe more in course 24 -- which is about conformal and superconformal invariance.  Each time that a dual unit of discrete energy permittivity that is inextricably bound to discrete energy impedance is shook back-and-forth eight times in the directly corresponding Klein Bottle eigenstate per iteration of group instanton, the directly corresponding discrete energy re-attains one of the 191 quantum units of fractal of discrete energy permittivity and one of the 191 quantum units of fractal of discrete energy impedance that are needed, in the process of re-attaining the need of both superstrings to gradually re-attain the 191 discrete fractal units of both the respective energy permittivity and the respective energy impedance that are needed in order for both superstrings to respectively bear full energy permittivity, and, in order for their directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates to bear full energy impedance.  After the 191 iterations of group instanton that are involved in one eigenstate of any given arbitrary activity of Kaeler Metric that is Gliossi to the "reactivation" of both superstrings and their directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, then, the so-stated superstrings will then bear full energy permittivity, and, the so-stated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates will then bear full energy impedance.  The so-stated shaking activity of the Klein Bottle happens, per each segment of an eigenstate of Kaeler Metirc, at the end of each respective iteration of group instanton, after an individual metric of BRST while yet near the starting duration of the ensuing generally unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow.  So, if a superstring and its directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate is to undergo a Kaeler Metric, right after the correlative iteration of BRST -- while yet right before the correlative Regge Action eigenstate, the said superstring and its directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate are pulled into their correlative Klein Bottle eigenstate and shook back-and-forth eight times (16 overall eluded to topological-based sways) in the eluded to composition of Schotky Construction, in order to bring the eluded to substringular phenomena that are to re-attain set quantum fractal of discrete energy into such a condition.  So, after the eluded to 191 iterations of group instanton that are of any given arbitrary Kaeler Metric eigenstate, the directly correpsonding superstring and its correlatvie Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate are re-conditioned to be of full capability as discrete energy.  A Calabi Metric is a Kaeler Metric that is appertaining to superstrings that are photons that were just scattered by any given arbitrary phenomena that these have just struck.   So, Calabi Metrics are Kaeler Metrics that directly involve the production of entropy.  I will get more into what Calabi Metrics are in course 20.  I will continue with the suspense later!
Samuel David Roach.

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