Friday, March 28, 2014

An Aside About The Lorentz-Four Contraction Behavior of Superstrings

As any given arbitrary superstring that bears a given arbitrary degree of both a partitional-based and a swivel-based genus of perturbation during the course of any specific given arbitrary conditionality of a Lorentz-Four-Contraction -- that is worked upon the just eluded to format of superstring -- is undergoing both its Polyakov Action eigenstate and its Bette Action eigenstate simultaneously through a central conipoint over the course of a specific directly associated iteration of group instanton that directly relates to this, the directly associated de-compactification that acts as the inverse operation of what is to be deemed of as what here is to directly correspond to the directly affiliated Lorentz-Four-Contraction, that is then here happening to the so-stated directly corresponding superstring, will be formated as a Clifford Expansion that is applied to the said superstring -- between the first-ordered point particles that work to form the so-stated superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- in such a manner in so that the eluded to de-compactification that is to the inverse scalar amplitude to the said Lorentz-Four-Contraction, that acts in so as to apply the so-stated "contraction", will "stretch" the correlative superstring in such a manner in so that the whole general shape of the given superstring will be maintained in both its Lagrangian-based mappable proportionality, and, in so that the format of the mappable tracing of the "partitions" that work to comprise the here given arbitrary superstring will have a maintained proportionality -- when in terms of the general format of the shape that the said superstring would have, even if it were not de-compactifiied.  This is in terms of the given arbitrary dimensionality of what the eluded to superstring were to bear.  So, if the given arbitrary superstring was one-dimensional, then, as it is de-compactified in so as to bear its eluded to Lorentz-Four-Contraction, both its swivel-shape-based basis and both its general dimensional format and its core-based field dimensionality, including its directly based field genus, will be maintained in proportionality during its directly corresponding Polyakov-Action eigenstate.  So, as a given arbitrary two-dimensional superstring that is undergoing the same general format of de-compactification will be directed,  this will happen in so as to maintain both its Lagrangian-based proportionality and its core-field-based proportionaity, over the course of its directly associated Polyakov-Action eigenstate.  So, what we view of as a "contraction" is actually an extrapolation of what is here a de-compactification that is generally at a minimum for photons in a vacuum.  So, when there is a relative minimum Lorentz-Four-Contraction, the eluded to de-compactification is at more of a maximum.  To Be Continued. Sam Roach.

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