Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Eleventh Session of Course 14 On Group Action, Part One

Both one and two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity differentiate kinematically during both the iteration of group instanton, and, during the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow.  When superstrings are not differentiating in the psedo-based tachyonic manner that these go through during the said generally unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow, these iterate at a scalar degree that is at the most the Planck-Length and/or the Planck-Radius -- when such superstrings are undergoing Noether Flow.  Also, when any said given arbitrary superstring is not differentiating in a tachyonic manner, the directly associated zero-norm- states and the directly associated positive-norm-states -- that interact with the mentioned superstrings in a Gliossi manner -- act as forms of the corresponding respective point commutators and ghost-formation- operators.  The said zero-norm-states act through projections in so as to guide the motion of the mentioned superstrings, while, the said positive-norm-states act through projections, in so as to operate in such a manner that allows the directly related ghost anomalies to be able to form.  The said zero-norm-projections  work to connect to the given arbitrary superstrings that are being discussed here, in so as to form a template of a tracing of a pseudo-copying of the trajectory of the projection of any superstrings that are to behave in the manner that I have just here mentioned.  This general basis of a format of such a template works to indicate a physically extrapolatory-based mapping as to the behavior of the corresponding superstrings, prior to the activity of the said physical mapping that I have here discussed.  The directly associated positive-norm-states --along with their projections -- that I have just mentioned here, work to fill in the spacing where the corresponding superstrings had just been at, and, this genus of cohomology is the activity of the formation of the said ghost anomalies.  As the said superstrings differentiate kinematically during the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow, the said positive-norm-states work to coallece at the spots that, here, directly associate with the relative Poincaires of the general locus to where the first-ordered point particles -- that work to comprise the corresponding superstrings -- had been at, during the directly prior iteration of group instanton.  As the said superstrings come back to their respective substringular neighborhoods, of which is where these had iterated at during the directly prior duration of group instanton -- again, this is only for superstrings that are here undergoing Noether Flow -- the ghost anomalies that had copied a map-based-trace as to both where the directly associated superstrings had been, and, how these had effected their general locus over the course of the said directly prior iteration of group instanton, are steadied into a viable physical memory of the directly prior trajectory of the corresponding superstrings projection.  As the superstrings that I am discussing here reiterate over what is now here the ensuing duration of group instanton, the mini-string topology of the superstrings is in the process of recycling its holonomic substrate in so as to allow for a balance of norm and ground states.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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