Monday, September 9, 2013

Part One of the Test Solutions to the First Test of Course 14

1)  A veilbien is a given arbitrary scalar degree or manner in which a Lorentz-Four-Contraction is applied toward a respective given arbitrary physical phenomenon -- of which alters in its physical condition when this is considered relative to its velocity or motion when relative to both the velocity or motion, &, the existence of electromagnetic energy (namely, light).

2)  A tetrad is a given arbitrary degree or manner in which a Lorentz-Four-Contraction is decreased or decremented toward a respective given arbitrary physical phenomenon -- of which alters in its physical condition when relative to its velocity or motion relative to both the velocity or motion, &, the existence electromagnetic energy (namely, light).

3)  A trivial isomorphism is a physical symmetry, of which here involves two or more respective individual mapped-out sets of physical patterns, that, when such an eluded to mapping is folded in a timeless manner -- forms a physical basis of a dual, or, potentially multplicit, traced reflection -- in terms of the directly related physical patterns that are here folded at a central coniaxial.  Such a folding at the said given arbitrary central coniaxial may be extrapolated in-between one or more directly related local eigensets of superstrings (physical spaces that are here comprised of two or more superstrings, each, of which operate to perform a specific function) of such an eluded to physical pattern-based format, when in conjunction with the given arbitrary substringular counterparts that are here directly involved with their corresponding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  Such counterparts of the so stated superstrings of discrete energy permittivity of which exist in the directly related eigensets, or orbifolds, that work to form this given arbitrary example of trivial isomorphism.  This would here happen in such a manner that will then form a reciprocal contour that is bimorphologically even, and, without any alterior permutations that would otherwise form an unwanted superfluity.  This format of such a condition of Ward-Caucy bounds is then one of which works to allow for  the condition of such a given arbitrary eluded to mentioned folding, in so as to form a potential extrapolatory multiple of the same format of local region-based tracing.

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