Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Scattering of Light

When an atom is "run into" by a photon, the said photon scatters. As the said photon scatters, an electron of the said atom gains more kinetic energy than it can handle, causing the just mentioned electron to drop an energy level, in order to be more stable. As the said electron loses its excess energy, the said spare energy is released in the form of a photon. As the said electron falls back, a zero-norm projection is what operates in so as to re-delineate the mentioned electron. An inverse-based zero-norm projection at the relatively reverse-holomorphic side of the initially stated zero-norm projection works to apply an impact that converts from a abelian wave-pull to a non-abelian wave-pull in so as to close the eluded to fermionic string of plain kinetic energy into a particular form of bosonic superstring known of, in general, as a photon. The impedance of the eluded to Fujikawa Coupling that happens via the Green Function happens in the reverse-holomorphic direction of the photon-based formation, while, the permittivity of the eluded to Fujikawa Coupling that happens via the Green Function happens in the forward-holomorphic direction of the same photon-based formation. The initially stated zero-norm-state projection works to push the electron from its initial shell that the said electron is leaving, while, the second format of zero-norm-state projection is what applies a pulling gauge operation that closes the initial open string into the eluded to electromagnetic bosonic string -- that is here a photon. A zero-norm-state projection is a series of interacting first-ordered point particles that do not "bunch-up" at any specific pointal-based locus. Such a format of pointal-based projection is what one may term of as the most fundamental genus of point commutators. Such an activity of photon formation works to create a strong influence of a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology in the said formed photons. This is because the resulting non-abelian activity that acts upon the forming photon as it is undergoing the Fujikawa Coupling works to indirectly form a more definitive template upon the altered open string that here closes -- that causes the corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstate of the forming photon to be sinusoidal in the field that exists in-between the directly related superstring and its corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace. This is due to the wave-ebbing that happens to the forming photon as zero-norm-state projections interact upon the eluded to holonomic substrate on either side of the activity of the said Fujikawa Coupling. The dual wave-ebbing, along with the extra spatial dimensional propagation that a forming photon is undergoing, not only works to imbue a definitive non-abelian light-cone-gauge upon the forming closed string, yet, the latter mentioned condition works to form those Chern-Simmons singularities that work to cause E.M. to be E.M. Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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