Monday, September 30, 2013

Session 12 Of Course 14 About Group Action, Part One

The integrated trajectory that is mapped-out of the projection as to where a superstring had recently been is known of as a world-sheet.  The mapped-out trajectory of a substringular encoder -- as to where any given substingular encoder had recently been, is another example of a world-sheet.  The theoretical "world-sheets" that are comprised of substringular mapped-out projections that work to trace one or more superstrings during the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow do not function or exist as such -- since the forward-holomorphic-norm-states and the reverse-holomorphic-norm-states that tend to respectively form ghosts and dissimilate ghosts (ghost anomalies) move at an analogous rate as is the motion of superstrings, over the said generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow.  During the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Fow, the residue of mini-string segments go into the activity of the recycling of substringular states from norm-to-ground and from ground-to-norm -- in so that there may be a balance between the tendency of smooth-curved trajectory with the tendency of jointal-based-curved trajectory over a sequential series of instantons.  As such residue is released -- via a homotopical cascading of the retying of those related mini-string segments that alter, in so as to allow for the eluded to indistinguishably different conditions that allow for a balance of norm and ground states -- the directoral basis of such a format of the recycling of the multiplicit topological genus of various substringular states bears a general tendancy of approaching what I terms of as the Royal Arc, of which happens in a relatively holomorphic manner.  The integrated iterations of superstrings during a sequential series of group instantons works to form ghost anomalies in the direction of their trajectory -- as such a trajectory is redelineated either progressively in a Noether-based flow or perturbatively in a tachyonic-based flow.  As like before, the mapped-out traces of the projection of such trajectoral delineations and redilineations works to form a physical memory of the path that any given arbitrary superstring had traversed through -- either through a discrete Lagrangian and/or through a spin-orbital sequence of integratible motions.  I will continue with the suspense later!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Tad Bit Of An In-Depth Discussion

A field that is tachyonic is a perturbative field that becomes divergent from an initial state of a relative tense of conformal invariance -- or, from an initial condition of Noether Flow -- into a flow that involves a combined Real and Njenhuis given arbitrary format of tensors that work to inter-bind the eluded to phenomenon that here becomes tachyonic. This process ends-up resettling the said phenomenon at a relatively distant locus, in a manner that involves a format of a re-convergence back into Noether Flow, once such a phenomenon settles, for the said phenomenon that had here become tachyonic previously. Either way, any tachyonic field will end-up forming a Wick Action eigenstate in so as to produce an ensuing Gaussian Transformation. So, any tachyonic field will involve a Cambell-Hausnedorf-Projection eigenstate that will pull upon a Hausendorf-Projection known of as a Wick Action eigenstate --  in a manner that acts as a correlary to the genus of activity that pulls a Wick Action eigenstate into a Landau-Gisner-Action eigenstate -- due to the indirect influence of the directly associated light-cone-gauge eigenstates upon the local Rarita Structure, as a given arbitrary phenomenon is acting in a tachyonic manner. The said Landau-Gisner-Action eigenstate then acts upon a Campbell-norm-state that works to physically leverage a Klein Bottle eigenstate via a holonomic substrate known of as a Higgs Boson eigenstate, in so as to pull the just mentioned Klein Bottle eigenstate into the general locus in which certain given arbitrary superstrings that need to undergo a Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric may be able to do so.  The Kaeler-Metric is the duration in which superstrings are differentiated upon in such a manner to where these corresponding superstrings may be able to undergo a Gaussian Transformation.  The format of the manner as to how the Klein Bottle eigenstates are put together is called the Schotky Construction.  When the Ward-Caucy-based plane of superstrings that are to enter a Klein Bottle eigenstate falls into the said Klein Bottle in a hermitian manner (in a flush manner), then, the directly related Gaussian Transformation is not a gauge-transformation.  So, when the Ward-Caucy-basd plane of superstrings that are to enter a Klein Bottle eigenstate bears Chern-Simmons singularities upon entry to the respective Schotky Construction (when the eluded to entry is not flush), then, the directly related Gaussian Transformtion is a gauge-transformation.  Another way of looking it is, when a Klein Bottle eigenstate is relatively stationary or static during a sub-metric of a directly related Kaeler-Metric, then, the directly related Gaussian Transformation is not a gauge-transformation.  Yet, when a Klein Bottle eigenstate wobbles at all beyond its basic static core vibration, then, the directly related Gaussian Transformation is a gauge-transformation.  The need for gauge-transformations when E.M. scatters is one given arbitrary case of such an activity. (Although light that scatters moves slower than in a vacuum, on the whole.) The activity of gauge-transformations not only allows for those Gaussian Transformations that involves that re-assortment that is necessary for E.M. to be propagated without disruption, yet, such activity also, ironically enough, works to allow for for the creation of entropy. Entropy is needed for the neccesary changes in physical states. To Be Continued! Sam Roach.

Tachyonic Field Basis

When any given abitrary superstring temporarily leaves the condition of Noether Flow, it becomes tachyonic for one or more iterations of group instanton. The projections of mini-string segments that directly correspond to the said relatively temporary departure from Noether Flow may be considered of as eigenstates of what could be termed of as a tachyonic field. A substringular field that is of Noether Flow consists of projections of mini-string segments that work to imbue the format of abelian and/or non-abelain wave-tug/wave-pull that the pulse of corresponding superstrings bear permittivity towards. What I am terming of as mini-string segments are chord-like projections of the genus of phenomena that work to interconnect superstrings and point commutators together. The analogous chord-like projections that work to inter-bind phenomena that is tachyonic would then be the general format of the field-basis of tachyons. Yes, such a non-Noether-based field would be perturbative to the general format of the kinetic differentiation of superstrings, since superstrings move relative to light -- as is according to Noether Flow. Yet, the corresponding divergence that is due to such a perturbation is inevitably caught-up into a set of group inhibitors that work to bring the given arbitrary tachyonic-based superstrings of any general scenario to re-converge back into a tense of relative conformal invariance that brings these strings back into Noether Flow. To Be Continued. Sam Roach.

Part Three of the 11th Session of Course 14 About Group Action

Ghost anomalies are inevitably annhilated by negative-norm-states, via a Yakawa-based Gliossi interaction of the said negative-norm-states upon the said positive-norm-states -- the latter of which are formerly arranged in so as to form map-based traces that act as  physical memories of the prior motion of the directly associated superstrings, in this given arbitrary type of case.  Such ghost anomalies, that are here being broken down, are known of as Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts.  The given action of the said negative-norm-states, upon the just mentioned genus of anomalous phenomenology, works to elliminate the lack of room that would otherwise work to impede the motion of superstrings. The motion of both gravitons and gravitinos works to form what are known of as Neilson-Kollosh ghosts.  The motion of reverse-norm-states in the relatively Njenhuis fields of gravitons and gravitinos works to scatter the said norm and ground-based states in such a manner in so that these just mentioned states inevitably resurface back into the Real Reimmanian Plane -- in which superstrings of discrete energy permitivity kinematically differentiate in.  Such motion of both format-bases of reverse-holomorphic norm-states, that work to perpetually keep the overall volume of ghost anomalies in check, works to prevent the eventual formation of black-holes.

Part Two of the Eleventh Session of Course 14 On Group Action

As the topological phenomena that makes-up superstrings -- strands of mini-string -- redistributes in a manner that tends to be indistinguishably different, in so that ground-states and norm-states may be able to recycle back-and-forth into each other over time, the Real-based residue (topological residue that is mainly redistributed during group instanton) works to exchange with the corresponding Imagianary residue, and vice versa, (topological residue that is mainly redistributed during the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow touches and interacts with the Real-based residue) over the course of a sequential series of instantons in the process of maintaining homotopy.  The directly associated given arbitrary superstrings are then triggered by the corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates to go into Ultimon Flow -- via, in part, by the springing activity of the just mentioned light-cone-gauge eigenstates.  This springing activity is, in part, due to the motion of superstrings during the multiplicit Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue that happens during BRST. (Please read my other writings about the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue.)  As the said superstrings undergo the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow, the process of the formation of ghost anomalies -- due to the Gliossi-based interaction of the said superstrings with positive-norm-states, continues to happen as I had mentioned before.  The ghost anomalies that are here formed eventually interact with negative-norm-states in so as to work to dissimilate -- in a manner that still bears homotopy -- the mentioned ghost anomalies into both dilatons and dilatinos, and, consequently, into gravitons and gravitinos.  The consequential gravitons and gravitinos that are formed by the interaction of dilatons and dilatinos with the physically-based operands that are in the path of the Lagrangian of the motion of the said dilatons and dilatinos, are formed as such off of what is here the given arbitary Real Reimmanian Plane that is eluded to in this case scenario. Each primal locus of superstrings bears a different relative covariant region that acts as off of the relative Real Reimmanian Plane. The said gravitons form the transversal basis of gravitational force, while, the said gravitinos form the spin-orbital basis of gravitational force.  Such a force happens via the multiplicit scalar amplitude of the Ricci Scalar via the physical substrate known of as the Rarita Structure.  I will continue with part three of this session later!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Eleventh Session of Course 14 On Group Action, Part One

Both one and two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity differentiate kinematically during both the iteration of group instanton, and, during the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow.  When superstrings are not differentiating in the psedo-based tachyonic manner that these go through during the said generally unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow, these iterate at a scalar degree that is at the most the Planck-Length and/or the Planck-Radius -- when such superstrings are undergoing Noether Flow.  Also, when any said given arbitrary superstring is not differentiating in a tachyonic manner, the directly associated zero-norm- states and the directly associated positive-norm-states -- that interact with the mentioned superstrings in a Gliossi manner -- act as forms of the corresponding respective point commutators and ghost-formation- operators.  The said zero-norm-states act through projections in so as to guide the motion of the mentioned superstrings, while, the said positive-norm-states act through projections, in so as to operate in such a manner that allows the directly related ghost anomalies to be able to form.  The said zero-norm-projections  work to connect to the given arbitrary superstrings that are being discussed here, in so as to form a template of a tracing of a pseudo-copying of the trajectory of the projection of any superstrings that are to behave in the manner that I have just here mentioned.  This general basis of a format of such a template works to indicate a physically extrapolatory-based mapping as to the behavior of the corresponding superstrings, prior to the activity of the said physical mapping that I have here discussed.  The directly associated positive-norm-states --along with their projections -- that I have just mentioned here, work to fill in the spacing where the corresponding superstrings had just been at, and, this genus of cohomology is the activity of the formation of the said ghost anomalies.  As the said superstrings differentiate kinematically during the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow, the said positive-norm-states work to coallece at the spots that, here, directly associate with the relative Poincaires of the general locus to where the first-ordered point particles -- that work to comprise the corresponding superstrings -- had been at, during the directly prior iteration of group instanton.  As the said superstrings come back to their respective substringular neighborhoods, of which is where these had iterated at during the directly prior duration of group instanton -- again, this is only for superstrings that are here undergoing Noether Flow -- the ghost anomalies that had copied a map-based-trace as to both where the directly associated superstrings had been, and, how these had effected their general locus over the course of the said directly prior iteration of group instanton, are steadied into a viable physical memory of the directly prior trajectory of the corresponding superstrings projection.  As the superstrings that I am discussing here reiterate over what is now here the ensuing duration of group instanton, the mini-string topology of the superstrings is in the process of recycling its holonomic substrate in so as to allow for a balance of norm and ground states.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Session 10 of Course 14

Photons go away from the locus of those electrons that form these -- once that the corresponding electrons drop an energy level in so as to form the said photons.  When photons form, these are brought to into the direct vicinity of other photons in such a manner is so that these work to coallece into one one or more beams of light -- depending on whether one is here considering one or more groups of photons that respectively quantize into one or more beams of the eluded to electromagnetic energy.  One of the main properties that causes photons to coallece is the condition of the whole-spin of the individual photons that work to quantize -- in a discrete manner -- into beams of electromagnetic energy, primordially, light.  The angular momentum, spin-orbital momentum, and, the specific parity of any set of respective photons -- relative to one another -- works to bring certain relatively local photons together with each other in so as to allow these said photons to coallece into a beam.  The just mentioned coalleceing, or, the eluded to quantization that I have just described, works to make each photon that comrpises any corelative beam that such phenomena come together to form, to act as both an individual photon, &, also as the whole beam of the corresponding electromagnetic energy, at the same time.  The said quantization of light brings light together into beams of light -- while, in other arbitrary cases, this said general condition of quantization, often, in many cases, works to bring certain beams of light into a larger scope of electromagnetic energy that would here work to form a wider "arena" of the relatively proximal electrodynamics that exists in a given arbitrary general region of kinematic-based space-time-fabric.  Photons travel in a straight line in a vacumm. -- In so far as space-time may be considered as relatively "straight" in a limited distance in which such a detectable extrapolation may be determined.  I put it that way, on account of the condition that space-time-fabric actually tends to curve over a much larger extrapolation-based distance.  The electric fields of beams of photons do not fluctuate in a straight line.  The just mentioned fluctuation of the said electric field of a beam of light is the wavelength of that said beam of light.  White light fluctuates to less of a degree in its electric field than infrared electromagnetic energy.  A strong laser fluctuates to less of a degree in its electric field than the said white light.  Photons that have complementary spin, angular momentum, spin-orbital momentum, and directoral parity, will tend to coallece with each other to form a specific form of electromagnetic energy.  When photons with a different spin, angular momentum, spin-orbital momentum, and/or directoral parity, are directed toward each other, theses will scatter until these reach a basis of complementary flow -- once the directly corresponding photons scatter into a genus of a relatively common spin, angular momentum, spin-orbital momentum, and directoral parity -- in so as to quantize as an overall beam.  Sam.

Where One Is From

The basis of substringular-based spaces is the existence of orbifolds. Orbifolds relate to the concept of M-Theory. Orbifolds are physical spaces that are comprised of one or more superstrings that operate to perform a specific function. Certain orbifolds that are adjacent -- in certain given arbitrary cases -- are from different universes, while, certain orbifolds that are adjacent - in certain other arbitrary cases -- are from the same universe. The wobble of the directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate that correlates to one superstring -- relative to such a wobble of another Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate that corresponds to another superstring, works to define whether such a case of two superstrings involves physical spaces that are either from two different universes, or, if the two eluded to physical spaces are from the same universe. The wobble of two different superstrings during a dual-based conimetrical center of a Polyakov Action eigenstate works to define which layer of reality both superstrings are in -- relative to one another. Please read my writings about both orbifolds, parallel universes, Gaussian formats, and layers of reality on my blog Sam Roach.

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Last Part Of the Ninth Session Of Course 14

The vibrating energy of nucleons is a form of plain kinetic energy, and, this just mentioned energy is therefore comprised of one-dimensional superstrings, or, in other words, these are comprised of open strings.  As an object that contains atoms increases in kinetic energy, the object differentiates kinematically with more one-dimensional open strings, likewise.  This is because kinetic energy is comprised of open one-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  Mass in electrons is comprised of two-dimensional closed superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  Such a given arbitrary mass here -- in the case of electrons -- bears a negative charge.  Mass in protons is comprised of closed two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity as well.  Yet, the difference between the genus of the  mass of an electron and the genus of the mass of a proton is related to the spinning tensors of their respective orbifold that work to form both formats of mass as having an opposite genus of spin-orbital parity.  Electrons have a fractional spin, whereas, protons have a whole spin.  This is because electrons are fermions and protons are bosons.  The phenomena of a proton is comprised of more vibrating hoops and less vibrating strands than the phenomena of electrons, on account of the condition that protons bear more mass and less plain kinetic energy than electrons.  This is part of what works to cause protons to act as bosons, while, electrons act as fermions.  Neutrons are phenomena that are comprised of one quark and two leptons, giving this a neutral charge.  (Neutrons bear no physical charge.)  Electrons are considered negatively charged because their energy per charge works to repel more per mass than that of their protonic counterparts. -- This is due to the condition that electrons bear a high transversal energy as compared to that of protons.  (The given arbitrary electrons of one given arbitrary atom cycle around a relatively speaking motionless nucleus that vibrates in a locally covariant static manner.)  Protons are considered to be positively charged because these attract electrons. -- Proton(s) have a wave-pull/wave-tug that acts upon the delineatory basis of the respective electron(s) of any given arbitrary atom.  Energy per charge is voltage.  Electric voltage works to repel, because the energy per charge that may be considered here works from the interior of the directly corresponding magnetic field of a given said eigenstate of such electric voltage toward the relative outward bearings of the respective Ward-Caucy bounds of the topological substrate where such a field of voltage exists -- this being at a locally static extrapolation of such a field.  This corresponds to the condition that electrons are at the exterior of any given arbitrary neutral atom, in relative positioning, when compared to the corelative nucleons, which are interior to the just mentioned electrons.  So, when we come into contact with any mass -- what we tend to detect is electrodynamic phenomena.  This is why electrons are considered to be the basis of point-mass.
I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Some Good Thinking

Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here!  I hope that I am keeping up with your attention span!
So, the metrics of the substringular phenomena based on the past and future occurances that happen among such tiny particles and gauge-actions effect the metrics of the rest of the substringular arena that exists along the kinematically Fourier differentiation of phenomena that interacts from within and from outside the Ultimon.  The main exception to the condition of metrics that do not have as much of a probability of effecting the surrounding metrics in a necessarily spontaneous way is when eigenstates of space that proceed within a series of space matrices are re-distributed to a sequence that functions as part of a different universe.  (Parallel universes that are different do not necessarily have a directly corresponding spontaneous interaction with other universes during covariantly determined group intanton.)  All of the parallel universes and time-potentials and sets of parallel universes are the fabric of the Ultimon.  For an allegorical example, the earth appears flat, yet the earth is not flat.  The direct fabric of the Ultimon appears completely topological and smooth, yet during certain metrics and submetrics that exist over the stretch of space and time, this is not always so.  This means that after each duration of the Bases of Light, the flow of phenomena of the Continuum adjusts by one or more discrepancy interiorly on either side of its construction.  This discrepancy is due to the fact that there is no such thing as a completely one or two dimensional phenomenon.  The conditions that define certain phenomena as one or two dimensional are the Ward Conditions that define the spacial parameters that are used to scope the conformal dimensionality that is used to determine the inter-relationship of dimensionality itself.  So, based on certain physical definitions that are used to extrapolate what determines something to be one, two, 32 dimensional has to do with discrete physical Ward Conditions.  Remember, everything has length, thickness, and width.  Accordingly, a tori-sector-range has phenomena on either side that curve relative to the prime given exterioralized phenomena by the radius of a discrete number of second-ordered point particles.  A second-ordered point particle is the "skinnyest" type of phenomena that exists in free space.  Third-Ordered point particles only exist where second-ordered point particles are at. 
I will continue with the suspense later.  Sincerely, Sam.                   

Why Continuing The Hadron Colliding Experiment is Wrong

My reasons for the acknowledgement of the dangers that I have mentioned above, are fourfold:
1)  The leverage of the Fischer-Suskind-Mechanism upon the Higgs Action, as a scalar, is the reciprocal of the fraction of a Coulomb, that forms discrete charge.  (1/6.25*10^18)=1.6*10^(-19).
2)  E(6)XE(6) strings that are adjacent, spin asymmetrically, as a safeguard to homotopy -- and thus should not be collided together.
3)  E(8)XE(8) strings that are adjacent, spin asymmetrically, as a safeguard to homotopy -- and thus should not be collided together.
& 4)  Gluons should not be collided together, because the gauge-metrical activity of gluons, is the source of the Wick Action -- and undoing the Wick Action, could "domino" fissures in space-time-fabric, that could be detrimental to homotopy, and thus, these could be detrimental to life.
Once you have rigorously considered the knowledge that I have presented to various people, please do all that you can, with your standing in the global community, to help end the Hadron Colliding Experiment.
Sincerely, Sam Roach.
“Tay, Ew; Ah-Co-Mah!”Protect the World; Eliminate Evil!

A Little as to the Dual Particle/Wave Qualities of Light

Light consists of quantized photons. Photons are closed strings of discrete energy permittivity that have a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology that has partially Chern-Simmons singularities in-between the individual superstrings that work to comprise a beam of E.M.. Light never has Yau-Exact singularities at the Poincaire level of the said photons. The said partially Chern-Simmons singularities are partially hermitian as well. -- The directly related photons are spurious, yet, these only change in the same number of derivatives as the number of spatial dimensions that these exist in over time. The motion of photons over time forms waves. The memory as to the prior delineations of photons exists in the form of certain given arbitrary examples of Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghost anomalies. Please read my blog at for further detail.

More on Leveraging E.M.

So, if one were to take a beam of E.M., and, utilized its magnetic and electric field conditions in such a manner in so that it simulates a leveraged reverse-fractal of a completely LFC mass-based field -- with added electrodynamic propensities -- then, one may have a physical entity that is able to leverage its motion such as a hightened fractal and elastic modulus of a mass that would theoretically have 3*10^8 times as many superstrings of mass than what would tend to exist from within the actual beam that is eluded to here.  That is all for here and now!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

In General About The Leverage Of Light

Electromagnetic energy has no mass, yet, it is comprised of bosons known of as photons.  Part of the reason as to why light has no mass is that it involves a set of one or more superstrings that have an electric field that intrinsically harmonically oscillates -- with a magnetic field that curls around its electric field as according to the right-hand-rule -- in such a manner that the mentioned E.M. obeys Noether Flow, in such a way in so that it moves as a unitary group through a discrete Lagrangian through a long enough of a path to where it moves far enough to interact with infrared energy.  (And infrared energy is an example of electromagnetic energy.)  Also, E.M. has a non-abelian light-cone-gauge (Yang-Mills) -- and, such bosonic superstrings that come in the form of photons have partially-Chern-Simmons singularities in-between such just mentioned superstrings that form a beam of E.M., of which is quantized.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Little As To The Relation of As To When Added Strings

When a relatively more non-abelian force acts upon a phenomenon that is undergoing a Lorentz-Four-Contraction, the increase in two-dimensional superstrings to acomodate the increased mass that is here directly related is relatively lower, whereas, when a relatively more abelian force acts upon a phenomenon that is undergoing the same respective Lorentz-Four-Contraction as before, then, the increase in two-dimensional superstrings to acomodate the eluded to increase in mass -- that is here directly related to the activity that happens to the given arbitrary phenomenon of this case -- is relatively higher.  This is why added spatial dimensions works to generally decrease the effect of gravity when one has a non-abelian geometry acting upon a said phenomenon, whereas, when added dimensions involves an abelian geometry that a given arbitrary phenomenon is being operated upon, the effect of gravity tends to be greater.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincererly, Sam.

Part Two of Session 9 of Course 14

When a superstring gains mass due to a Lorentz-Four-Contraction, it does not gain as many bosonic superstrings as one would think, when based on the directly related increase in mass.  As a superstring is contracted in length, due to any given arbitrary Lorentz-Four-Contraction, the inverse-based leverage that is directly due to the said contraction is part of what works to increase the mass of the respective given arbitrary phenomenon that is accellerated to a given respective faster velocity.  This often may mean a certain amount of added two-dimensional superstrings that here work to fascillitate the corelative increase in mass, yet, the inverse-based leverage that I have mentioned here is often what mainly works to cause the said respective increase of mass.  Think of it this way:  If something is comprised of many superstrings that bear two of the same spatial measures when in terms of scalar amplitude, yet, the directly related length of the given arbitrary superstrings will here be contracted to the same extent as corresponds to the directly related LFC, then, the wave-tug/wave-pull of the two non-contracted spatial dimensions -- that would here be related -- will bear a leverage upon the corelative contracted spatial dimension.  Yet, this leverage will often require at least some added two-dimensional superstrings in the said phenomenon that is contracted -- in order to fascillitate at least some form of covariant basis of the said inverse-based leverage. Yet, as the nucleus increases to one given arbitrary degree of LFC, the electrons of the same atom that is being contracted as such will eminently increase -- in terms of those two-dimensional superstrings that work to comprise it -- to the same proportional euclidean-based amount.  (Not to be confused with the same Hodge-based amount.)  This is with one given arbitrary atom.  The mechanics of different directly associated atoms that are of the same general phenomenon, that are given the same degree of Lorentz-Four-Contraction, but, are at different loci -- that work to form something at a more macroscopic level -- will not necessarily increase in mass via the exact same genus of mechanism.  I will continue with part three tomorrow.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Session 9 to Course 14 about Group Action, Part One

Protons are bosons.  Neutrons are bosons.  Protons and neutrons are nucleons.  Nucleons are subatomic particles that exist in the center of atoms.  Bosons are sub-atomic particles with a whole spin. Bosons are comprised, in part, of closed strings.  Closed strings are bosonic superstrings.  Bosonic superstrings are generally two-dimensional superstrings.  Two-Dimensional superstrings are basically hoop shaped, in general.  In the history of the universe, there are many times as many closed superstrings than open superstrings.  A superstring is considered open when it is not a closed-loop-based topology of interconnected first-ordered point particles.  There are subatomic particles that come together to form electrons.  And, there are subatomic particles that come together to form nucleons.  Once an electron is formed, all of the strings that work to put together the plain kinetic energy of this said general format of particle are open one-dimensional superstringsof discrete energy permittivity.  Likewise, once an electron is formed, all of the strings that work to put together the mass of this said general format of particle are closed two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  In the Gliossi-based field of any superstrings -- in-between any given arbitrary superstring and its directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace -- there are gauge-bosons that work to "pluck" the individual second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates so that Schwinger-Indices may form.  Gauge-Bosons are closed strings that act as heterotic superstrings.  Heterotic superstrings are closed superstrings that do not act as two-dimensional strings of discrete energy permittivity.  Once a nucleon is formed, all of the strings that make up the mass of the said nucleon are closed two-dimensional strings of discrete energy permittivity.  Likewise, the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that work to comprise the plain kinetic energy of nucleons are open one-dimensional superstrings.  Nucleons vibrate, yet, these are relatively pretty steady-state in general -- when in terms of their transversel energy, unless these are acted upon by an outside force.  Nucleons tend to have a relatively small amount of kinetic energy that is not in static equilibrium when this is compared to the kinetic energy that works to form electrons -- as may be extrapolated by the condition that, in an atom, the nucleus is a vibrating steady-state phenomenon in general, while, the electrons that surround the nucleus are constantly moving in both a transversel, radial, and in a spin-orbital manner as these cycle around the mentioned nucleus.  Yet, as a particle that is comprised of atoms accellerates, not only do the electrons gain mass,yet, the nucleons gain mass due to the directly associated Lorentz-Four-Contraction in a proportional manner.  This increase in the mass of the said nucleus increases the number of two-dimensionl strings that the said nucleus has -- when in terms of its mass.  I will continue with part two later!  Sam.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Session Eight Of Course 14

Electrons and neutrinos are examples of fermions.  Fermions have a fractional spin.  Strings that comprise fermions contain some open strings.  Open strings are one-dimensional strings.  One-Dimensional superstrings are vibrating strands.  So, electrons and neutrinos are made in part of strand-like one-dimensional strings.  Plain kinetic energy is composed of one-dimensional superstrings.  So, the superstrings that work to comprise plain kinetic energy are strand-like open strings.  Electrons are considered to be the sub-atomic particles that work to form  point-based mass.  This is even though neutrinos display a small amount of mass.  Electrons work to display the link between mass, plain kinetic energy, and electromagnetic energy.  Electrons that are at a theoretical rest have (are composed of) 511,000 Planck phenomena.  This is although an actual electron is never completely at rest in the real world.  As electrons move, these said phenomena have more mass than these have at their rest mass, and, these then also have added Planck phenomena at this point due to their added kinetic energy -- due to the condition that motion eludes to energy, and, added energy is a condition that requires more Planck phenomena that are to be involved here.  The faster that a given arbitrary electron spins and/or travels radially and/or transversally, the more Planck phenomena that the said electron has, due to their extra mass (due to the activity of the directly corresponding Lorentz-Four-Contractions), and, the more Planck phenomena that these said electrons have, due to their extra kinetic energy (which is apparent due to their increase in motion per time).  The mass of an electron is centered at the neighborhood of the locus of the said electron itself, whereas, the plain kinetic energy of an electron is focused in the neighborhoods that surround the mentioned neighborhood of the locus of the said electron itself.  This is part of why the Heisenburg Principle works as it does.  The rate of an electron that is spinning around a nucleus -- that is in static equilibrium -- is pretty constant, except for the pulse of the rotation of the said electron around the said nucleus -- due to the spin-orbital and the radial momentum bearing a fractional-based spin that works in the directive of a harmonic-based oscillation.  When an electron undergoes a charge, the accelleration, the transversal, the radial, and the spin-orbital momentum of that electron alters temporarily in an anharmonic manner, and, this forms a transient alteration or perturbation in the electric field of this given case.  In the real world, an electric charge will perturbate a group of electrons, which here causes these to differentiate anharmonically -- initially -- in terms of transversal, radial, spin-orbital, and in terms of the overall angular momentum that is involved here.  This happens in a codifferentiable-based manner that bears both a different basis of chirality, and in a manner that here involves a different local directoral-basis.  Once the new electric charge is maintained, the differential kinematic-genus of the affected electrons will here become harmonic, and, the perturbative factor that is now involved will no longer engage in any immediate added covariant Njenhuity.  The superstrings of the plain kinetic energy of the said electron that are Gliossi to the Poincaires of their immediate field are open vibrating strands of discrete energy permittivity, while, the superstrings of the mass of the said electron that are Gliossi to the Poincaires of their immediate field are closed vibrating hoops of discrete energy permittivity.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Part Three of the Test Solutions to Course 14

6)  When the abelian nature of a given arbitrary light-cone-gauge eigenstate is maintained over a successive series of iterations of group instanton, such a condition is known of as gauge-invariance.  So, this condition exists if a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology remains as a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology, or, if a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology remains as a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology.

7)  When the abelian nature of a given arbitrary light-cone-gauge topology changes from either an abelian format to a non-abelian format, or, from a non-abelian format to an abelian format, then, this is called gauge-transformation.

8)  When the interconnectivity of a locus of topological substrate is maintained in terms of the relative general cohomological binding cites, then, this is known of as topological invariance.

9)  When the interconnectivity of an altered locus of topological substrate is altered in terms of the relative general cohomological binding cites, then, this is known of as topological transformation.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Gravity Happens

 Gravity works to form the general curvature of space-time-fabric. This is why a "straight" path that is distributed over a Lagrangian is not actually straight as we would generally tend to think of it. The natural curvature of space-time-fabric works to form the need for what I term of in string theory as "partitions." These physical discrepencies of space in both one and two-dimensional superstrings work to form what I term of as a "conformal dimension." A theoretical straight line in the substringular is called a Wilson Line. The activity of the Rarita Structure -- via the mechanism of the Ricci Scalar -- is what works to form the foundation of gravity. Gravity thence works even down to the substringular level, in so as to form part of the basis of the condition of the vibrational tendencies of one and two dimensional superstrings. This is because the conformal dimensionality of superstrings -- that is effected by Lorentz-Four-Contractions -- works to form the basis of the format of the oscillatory conditions of superstrings via their correpsonding Ward-Caucy boundary conditions over time. To Be Continued! Sam Roach.

Inverse To Photon Formation

When a photon is converted back into a discrete unit of plain kinetic energy, the inverse of the Fujikawa Coupling happens via the inverse of the Green Function.  This is a given arbitrary example of a bosonic superstring converting back into a fermionic superstring.  So, this is a given arbitrary example of a closed string converting back into an open string.  In this case, the genus of norm-state projection that initializes the said format of transformation is a zero-norm-state projection that exists at the relatively forward-holomorphic directoral basis, and, the genus of norm-state projection that works at actually opening the initial closed superstring exists at the relatively reverse-holomorphic directoral basis.  So, here, the impedance of the inverse of such a format of Yakawa Coupling (here, this is an eigenmetric of the inverse of the Fujikawa Coupling) happens in the relatively holomorphic direction, while, the said coupling that is being discussed in this given sentence has permittivity that happens in the relative reverse-holomorphic direction.  This is the corralary of the Fujikawa Coupling.  This works to cause an initally vibrating hoop of discrete energy permittivity to be converted into a vibrating strand of discrete energy permittivity.  I will  continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Part Two of the Test Solutions To the First Test of Cours 14

4)  A nontrivial isomorphism is a physical symmetry that, when the timeless extrapolated respective mapping of such a symmetry is folded along a central coniaxial, the bimorphological contour that is thus formed between the eluded to sets of mapped-out based regions is not identical -- in terms of the respective Poincaire basis of codeterminable region that may be determined via such a theoretical folding.  The symmetry here is not an identical physical pattern in terms of the distribution of the region that exists on either side of the eluded to central coniaxial, whether this is here due to either an alterior permutation, or, if this is due to any other physical aberration from an identical pattern on either side of the given arbitrary central coniaxial.

5)  A cyclic permutation is an aberration from a general morphological contour of physical space that thence perturbates from initially existing at a given general arbitrary locus -- to not existing there, to then going back to existing there, over a successive series of iterations of group instanton.  This would here be at the said given arbitrary locus of a given arbitrary orbifold or orbifold eigenset -- that may here be either of a genus of a relatively static-basis and/or of a genus of a relatively kinematic-basis.  This is because a single orbifold eigenset may have certain cyclic permutations that are virtually indistinguishably different at one locus that is from within the said respective eigenset, while, also having certain cyclic permutations that may be easily extrapolated as altering constantly in a detectibly viable manner at a different general locus of such a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset.  Such a genus of permutation may exist along any given arbitrary topological contour in which such a basis of condition is applicable.

Scattering of Light

When an atom is "run into" by a photon, the said photon scatters. As the said photon scatters, an electron of the said atom gains more kinetic energy than it can handle, causing the just mentioned electron to drop an energy level, in order to be more stable. As the said electron loses its excess energy, the said spare energy is released in the form of a photon. As the said electron falls back, a zero-norm projection is what operates in so as to re-delineate the mentioned electron. An inverse-based zero-norm projection at the relatively reverse-holomorphic side of the initially stated zero-norm projection works to apply an impact that converts from a abelian wave-pull to a non-abelian wave-pull in so as to close the eluded to fermionic string of plain kinetic energy into a particular form of bosonic superstring known of, in general, as a photon. The impedance of the eluded to Fujikawa Coupling that happens via the Green Function happens in the reverse-holomorphic direction of the photon-based formation, while, the permittivity of the eluded to Fujikawa Coupling that happens via the Green Function happens in the forward-holomorphic direction of the same photon-based formation. The initially stated zero-norm-state projection works to push the electron from its initial shell that the said electron is leaving, while, the second format of zero-norm-state projection is what applies a pulling gauge operation that closes the initial open string into the eluded to electromagnetic bosonic string -- that is here a photon. A zero-norm-state projection is a series of interacting first-ordered point particles that do not "bunch-up" at any specific pointal-based locus. Such a format of pointal-based projection is what one may term of as the most fundamental genus of point commutators. Such an activity of photon formation works to create a strong influence of a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology in the said formed photons. This is because the resulting non-abelian activity that acts upon the forming photon as it is undergoing the Fujikawa Coupling works to indirectly form a more definitive template upon the altered open string that here closes -- that causes the corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstate of the forming photon to be sinusoidal in the field that exists in-between the directly related superstring and its corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace. This is due to the wave-ebbing that happens to the forming photon as zero-norm-state projections interact upon the eluded to holonomic substrate on either side of the activity of the said Fujikawa Coupling. The dual wave-ebbing, along with the extra spatial dimensional propagation that a forming photon is undergoing, not only works to imbue a definitive non-abelian light-cone-gauge upon the forming closed string, yet, the latter mentioned condition works to form those Chern-Simmons singularities that work to cause E.M. to be E.M. Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Part One of the Test Solutions to the First Test of Course 14

1)  A veilbien is a given arbitrary scalar degree or manner in which a Lorentz-Four-Contraction is applied toward a respective given arbitrary physical phenomenon -- of which alters in its physical condition when this is considered relative to its velocity or motion when relative to both the velocity or motion, &, the existence of electromagnetic energy (namely, light).

2)  A tetrad is a given arbitrary degree or manner in which a Lorentz-Four-Contraction is decreased or decremented toward a respective given arbitrary physical phenomenon -- of which alters in its physical condition when relative to its velocity or motion relative to both the velocity or motion, &, the existence electromagnetic energy (namely, light).

3)  A trivial isomorphism is a physical symmetry, of which here involves two or more respective individual mapped-out sets of physical patterns, that, when such an eluded to mapping is folded in a timeless manner -- forms a physical basis of a dual, or, potentially multplicit, traced reflection -- in terms of the directly related physical patterns that are here folded at a central coniaxial.  Such a folding at the said given arbitrary central coniaxial may be extrapolated in-between one or more directly related local eigensets of superstrings (physical spaces that are here comprised of two or more superstrings, each, of which operate to perform a specific function) of such an eluded to physical pattern-based format, when in conjunction with the given arbitrary substringular counterparts that are here directly involved with their corresponding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  Such counterparts of the so stated superstrings of discrete energy permittivity of which exist in the directly related eigensets, or orbifolds, that work to form this given arbitrary example of trivial isomorphism.  This would here happen in such a manner that will then form a reciprocal contour that is bimorphologically even, and, without any alterior permutations that would otherwise form an unwanted superfluity.  This format of such a condition of Ward-Caucy bounds is then one of which works to allow for  the condition of such a given arbitrary eluded to mentioned folding, in so as to form a potential extrapolatory multiple of the same format of local region-based tracing.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Little Bit More As To Certain Interactions Involving Added Spatial Dimensions

When there are added spatial dimensions to the Ward-Caucy bounds of a physical phenomenon that bears an overall Yang-Mills or non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology, then, the wave-tug/wave-pull that the directly corresponding Rarita Structure eigenstates will operate with, via the scalar amplitude of the directly corresponding Ricci Scalar eigenstates, will here, have a gravitational index that has a higher elastic modulus over the course of the duration in which the said given arbitrary physical phenomenon is going through the so stated added spatial dimensions.  Yet, when there are added spatial dimensions to the Ward-Caucy bounds of a physical phenomenon that bears an overall Kaluza-Klein or abelian light-cone-gauge topology, then, the  wave-tug/wave-pull that the directly corresponding Rarita Structure eigenstates will operate with, via the  scalar amplitude of the directly corresponding Ricci Scalar eigenstates, will have a gravitational index that, instead,will  have a lower elastic modulus over the course of the duration in which the said given arbitrary physical phenomenon is going through the so stated added spatial dimensions.  This is, in a nutshell, why a phenomenon that is Yang-Mills is more free to move -- with less of a burden in regards to graviational impedance -- when traveling in added spatial dimensions, than a physical phenomenon that is Kaluza-Klein.
I hope that this relatively small bit of knowledge may be adequately helpfull.  To Be Continued.  Sam Roach.

The Test Questions To the First Test of Course 14, Session 7

1)  What is a veilbien?

2)  What is a tetrad?

3)  What is a trivial isomorphism?

4)  What is a nontrivial isomorphism?

5)  What is a cyclic permutation?

6)  What is gauge-invariance?

7)  What is gauge-transformation?

8)  What is topological invariance?

9)  What is topological transformation?

10)  How do points flow through the Ultimon during Ultimon Flow?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Part Two of the Sixth Session of Course 14

If a substringular encoder encodes for a superstring that is bound to a Planck-related phenomenon via a given arbitrary light-cone-gauge eigenstate, then, the given substringular encoder will have a direct effect upon both the given superstring, its corresponding Planck-related phenomenon, and its given arbitrary light-cone-gauge eigenstate.  If a set of superstrings directly influences another set of superstrings, then, their Planck-related phenomena and their directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstates will also tend to directly influence each other -- more than Planck-phenomena and light-cone gauge eigenstates that correspond to superstrings that are not directly influenced by the initial set of superstrings that I had eluded to at the beginning of this sentence.  This means that those directly preceding phenomena that I had mentioned as being of a direct influence upon each other in the substringular, in this given arbitrary situation, have a relatively high connectivity among each other -- in terms of both the Hodge index of mini-string strands that work to form such inter-connectivity, as well as the manner of such a said multiplicit inter-connectivity.  The said connectivity among superstringular phenomena is called topology.  The fact that topology is always maintained for unfrayed substringular phenomena -- except for at the space-hole -- is called topological invariance.  The general substringular operation that multiplicitly works to allow for topological invariance involves Cassimer invariance.  Cassimer invariance operates due to the quadra functions of:
1) The condition that gravity works in an Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter manner -- in so that matter wins out over antimatter.  (This is because phenomena tends to be "apprehended" in order to be brought together as a homotopic multiplicit fabric.)
2)  Gaussian Transformations work to recycle the conditions of the everchanging multi-local activities of the change of norm-based conditions.
3)  Substringular states recycle indistinguishably from norm-to-ground-to-norm over time.
4)  The space-hole allows for that "quantum twitching" that allows for frayed substringular phenomena to be separated, to an extent, from unfrayed substringular phenomena.
The conditions of topological invariance is called homotopy.  Changes in homotopy due to the space-hole are called topological transformation.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Part One of the Sixth Session of Course 14

Superstrings network out into interconnectivity.  Besides at the space-hole, all superstrings, Planck-phenomena, virtual Planck-phenomena, visage Planck-phenomena, virtual visage Planck-phenomena, counterstrings, stringular encoders, stringular encoder counterparts, and the heterotic superstrings, all connect to each other in one fashion or another.  The more connectivity that a superstring has with another superstring, the more potential effect that the two given strings have upon one another.  Likewise, the more connectivity that a given set of superstrings has with another given set of superstrings, the more potential effect that the two given sets of superstrings have upon each other.  The more connectivity that a superstring's counterpart  has with another substringular counterpart, the more that both the directly corresponding superstring and its directly corresponding Planck-like phenomenon will have more of a potential effect upon each other during the eluded to metric in which such an inter-relation is occurring.  This eludes to the condition that if either a given arbitrary superstring, and/or its corresponding counterpart, and/or its corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace, bears a relatively strong connectivity with another given arbitrary superstring, and/or its corresponding counterpart, and/or its corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace, then, the stronger is the tendency of a relatively strong potential effect that the just mentioned phenomena will bear toward each other.
I will continue with the suspense soon!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.