Monday, May 6, 2013

Part One Of The Solutions To The Last Test Of Course 12

1)  A one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity normally vibrates anharmonically as an individual whole partial eigenstate of its general topological construction, when in corelation to each of the respective mentioned partials & also when in terms of the pulse of the spin-orbital oscillation of the said one-dimensional superstring during BRST.  The said one-dimensional string vibrates harmonically by the inverse of such a "token" as it is traversing through that portion of Ultimon Flow that is outside of group instanton.

2)  A one-dimensional superstring has a slight tendancy towards becoming tachyonic if it has a slight build-up of swivel-like-shaped contours as part of its homotopic-based construction and/or if the said one-dimensional superstring here acquires a slight build-up of arc-like-shaped contours as part of its homotopic-based construction.

3)   A one-dimensional superstring has a strong chance of becoming tachyonic if it not only bears the added conditions of having a large build-up of both swivel-shaped topological contours and arc-shaped topological contours along its homotopically-based construction, yet, also, if its directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstate is compactified.  A compactified light-cone-gauge eigenstate is a condition in which the relatively forward-holomorphic-based Lagrangian that is in the direction of the general directoral-based path of its ensuing kinematic-based trajectory is abridged in a Laplacian-based manner from its usual scalar amplitude of holonomic projection over the course of BRST.

4)  A two-dimensional superstring may become slightly tachyonic if part of its hoop-like vibratorial-based topological construction bears a significant swivel-like-shaped and/or an arc-like shaped contorsioin -- in terms of the permutations that would here exist along the homotopical-based topology of the said superstring, in such a manner that the said permutations that would here exist would work to differ from those of a regular Noether-based bosonic superstring, when in terms of a comparitive steady-state vibrating hoop of discrete energy permittivity that may be dually mapped in a covariant manner during the BRST portion of the same respecitve duration of group instanton.

5)  A two-dimensional superstring may become very tachyonic if it not only bears significant swivel-like-shaped and/or arc-like-shaped homotopically-based contorsions along the topological-based construction of its general contour, yet, also, if the said bosonic superstring also has a compactified light-cone-gauge.  A  compactified light-cone-gauge is a condition in which the relatively forward-holomorphic-based Lagrangian that is in the path of its ensuing directoral-related trajectory is here abridged in a Laplacian-based manner from its usual scalar amplitude of holonomic projection during BRST.
I will continue with the rest of the test solutions later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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