Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Part Two of the Twelvth Session of Course Six

Well hello again world, this is Samuel Roach here!  I hope that life is o.k. for you today!

Interconnecting the conicenter of the troughs of each of the dual ends, at both the the general locus of forward moving time and at the general locus of backward moving time, of each of the six eigenbases of the Royal Arc structure --  as integrated into the majorized structure of the Royal Arc for each associated layer of reality -- is an endpoint of what forms as a Chi Shape that forms as a Trace that exists in the Main Heterotic String Fabric topological region.  This Trace Basis functions in such a manner so as to take norm residue into the holonomic entity of the mentioned Trace eigenstates in such a way so that the said norm-state residue may recycle into ground-state residue that recycles back into norm-state field topological metric-gauge-like phenomena at the opposite corner from where the initial norm-state residue -- that consists of mini-string that needs to be re delineated -- is reincorporated back into norm-states.  The sub-metric in which the previous activity happens is during the sub-metric in which the Bases of Light exists as an integration of what is then soon to be the very many Planck phenomenon related phenomena of one layer of reality.  This exists in the same type of way for each Basis of Light.  If it were not for the Chi-Shaped phenomena that I just described, and if it were not also for the Main Heterotic String Fabric, the semicircles that comprise the eigenbases of the Royal Arc as a cross-section like phenomena that occurs right before instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse would consist of circles instead of semicircular phenomena -- and the Continuum would then need to exist as three plain hoops interacting with the twelve Main world-tubes in such a manner that superstringular commutation and superstringular recycling would then be impossible.  Superstringular commutation is essential for the group instanton interaction to bear any terrestrial simultaneous unitarity, which is essential for phenomena to interact in any organized way.  Superstringular recycling is essential for mini-string or substringular fields to interchange indices in such a manner so that the basis of jointal differential geometry to interchange into the basis of smooth-curved differential geometry and then back again into jointal related phenomena, and also so that the basis of smooth-curved differential geometry may interchange into the basis of jointal differential geometry and then back again into smooth-curved related phenomena.  Such interchanges are essential so that ground-states and norm-states may bear an optimum fractal and elastic modulae.  As stated before, all point particles flush through the Continuum in a manner of which we would term of as intantaneously.  In this way, all of the information that is regulated recycle-wise via the described majorized "semihoops", and is  communicated potentially  in a way that is more observably via the twelve Main world-tubes in a consant fashion in such a way that there is a constant relationship among all kinematically physical phenomena.  The Royal Arc acts as a regulatorial operator due to the fact that its volume allows for the condition of the degree as to how much more Fock Space there is then ground-state-based space.  The regulatory operation that I described is also due to the condition that the Royal Arc acts as a membrane that forms a vacuum comprised of Fock Space that kinematically differentiates in such a way so as to settle the gravitational indices of the phenomena that exists in the world-tubes in such a way that fascillitates the process of Ultimon Flow.  In courses nine and ten, I will explain more as to what wave-tug phenomenology springs phenomena from instanton into the main operational conditionality of Ultimon Flow.                                                                            
I will continue with the last part of this session later!  Until then, keep a positive attitude, and things should look up for you.  Bless You and you have a phenomenal day!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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