Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Part Three Of Session Ten Of Course Six (6)

Let us say that one detected a superstring via the best means of extrapolation that one may consider.  By this detection, one would be able to directly visually perceive via an extrapolatory picture the general Gliossi field of the described superstring on acount of the ability of some sort of instrument.  10^(-51) of a theoretical second later, that superstring would not be there -- particularly since the smallest unit of discrete real time is 10^(-43) of a second, and 10(-51) of a second is less of a duration than 10(-43) of a second.  The radial Planck distance is the smallest unit of distance that an hbar of discrete energy may directly differentiate in within the Laplacian circumstances of an individual instanton.  The Radial Planck  distance is (3*10(-35) meter)/2pi in circumference when fully uncontracted, and the transversal Planck length is (3*10^(-35) of a meter when fully uncontracted.  When a superstring is terrestrially "standing still", it is fully uncontraced during BRST.  When a superstring is terrestrially moving at close to the speed of light, it may be contraced in each dimension (either in one or in two dimensions) by a factor of 3*10^(8).  Phenomena that move in consecutive sequences at a directoralized accelleration at light speed or faster may occur either unilaterally in one direction or in a constant speed in changing directions will always at that point bear a light-cone-gauge topology that is Yang-Mills and not Kaluza-Klein, and will therefore at that point not be a phenomenon of mass -- even though all superstrings have a mass index in spite of the fact that not all phenomena bear mass.  Superstrings that are thus fully contracted will be mildly disconbobulated in terms of organization although the corresponding fields that connect the associated superstrings with their counterparts will bear a homeomorphic field in terms of considering the Laplacian mapping of the described fields that exist across (for 1-d strings) or around (for 2-d strings) the topological field mapping that exists in-between a superstring and its counterpart during BRST.  So, superstrings that travel at light speed or faster over a sequential series of instantons do not bear an even Grassman Constant -- and are thus oriented during the ensuing Regge Action if the associated superstrings are not to be tachyonic.  When a superstring moves the distance of a Planck Radial transposition during a sequential series of instantons, and the described superstring as a unit is still at the same general spot that it was in in the first place, the superstring as a unit is still kinematically differentiating over the course of each instanton.  All phenomena always moves in one way or another in some manner in either one or more Planck Radial distances or in one or more Planck Transversal distances per instanton.  Each of such redistributions occurs on account of the Overall Encodement that transpires in-between instantons, to where it would appear via extrapolation that the described superstring has propagated in terms of its consecutive redelineations.  The sequential series of such motions works to define the relative covariance of a phenomenon, what velocity  the described phenomenon has, and whether the described phenomenon is Noether or Tachyonic.  Yet the reason for our three dimesional perception is that size outside of a worm-hole or outside of something of the like may only be perceived down to a globally distinguishable superstring.  The other dimensions are wrapped up with the substringular phenomena at very close distances.  Now do you see what I was preparing you for?!  I will continue next time with the test questions for the second test of this course.                                                                                                                                   
I hope that you have a phenomenal day!  Sincerley, Sam.    

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