Monday, December 20, 2010

A Summary Of The Seventh Session Of Course Six

Light during instanton is composed of Planck phenomenon related phenomena that are attached to certain types of closed, bosonic superstrings via the light-cone-gauge.
Light's Basis right before instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode is comprised of the multiplicitly gathered Planck phenomenon related phenomena of all of the unfrayed layers of reality that bear wave-tug upon their corresponding superstrings in such a manner so that the interelation between the then bunched-up Fadeev-Popov-Ghost-like phenomena and their corresponding superstrings in terms of both the shear Laplacian Ward Conditions as well as in terms of the Sub-Fourier Ward Conditions during the period of the Bases of Light, which I call the "space-hole", works to predetermine the multiplicit relationships as to which of such Traces directly associates with which of such superstrings during the soon ensuing instanton.
The Arc corresponding with positive flowing time that interconnects the corresponding two world-tubes that supply the operand in which the kinematic basis of space-time-fabric codifferentiation that is founded upon for one set of universes, as well as the corallary-based Arc corresponding with negative flowing time that interconnects the corresponding two world-tubes that supply the operand in which the kinematic basis of space-time fabric codifferentiation that is founded upon the same set of universes exists in the same general manner for all three sets of parallel universes.  This Arc that I am describing exists to allow for the region in which ground-states may gradually -- with indistinguishable differences -- recycle into norm-states so that that part of the recycling of differential geometries may occur.
The region where the Main Heterotic String Fabric exists provides the traces of mini-string that act as the counterparts of each individual Basis of Light during the sub-metric in which what I term as the "space-hole" happens.  This counterpart to each Basis of Light that exists holonomically and spontaneously during the described sub-metric consists of mini-string that is untied from norm-states that allows for the recycling of norm-states into ground-states.  Just as such mini-string is redelineated as is here described, an equal amount of mini-string is brought back to the locus where the norm-states that are being recycled are at in such a manner so as to not have the appearance of any holonomic perturbation in the condition of the said norm-states under normal conditions (again, here, we are talking about indistinguishable differences).  Likewise, the first-ordered point particles  which are being recycled that comprise their corresponding strings recycle their fields via the redelineation of mini-string in such a way that any feasible detection would have the appearance of the maintainance of the condition of the said first-ordered point particles (again, here, we are talking about indistinguishable differences).  The indistinguishable differences as described here are due to the back-and-forth ebbing of substringular field or mini-string that causes the recycling of ground-states into norm-states to be ballanced by the recycling of norm-states into ground-states.  The recycling of jointal to smooth-curved and smooth-curved to jointal relativistic Ward Neumman Conditions only is consistent with unfrayed space-time-fabric.  Such recycling, since balanced evenly in a euclidean manner, does not show variance via the detection or extrapolation of any superstring or norm-state.  The described recycling is operative because mini-string needs to be shared continuously throughout the surrounding topological surface in order to allow for the vibration of substringular fields to maintain the ability of both the harmonics and the anharmonics that are necessary in order to allow for the flow of Schwinger Indices that are necessary for the activation and operation of the Rarita Structure.  The activity that happens to the Rarita Structure is necessaray in order for the Ricci-Scalar to bear a relation between gravitational superstrings with those superstrings that "dance" to allow for that kinetic energy, electromagnetic energy, and mass so that phenomena may interelate and not fly appart.  That way, reality bears at least some sort of order.  The Schwinger Indices also -- through their consistent harmonic and anharmonic vibrations, operate to pull the mini-string that needs to be recycled into their respective mediums via a fractor of "convection" that allows for that flow of non-frayed mini-stringular phenomena that allows for an inter-relatable flowing topological surface that bears enough hermicity so that homotopy may have the chance to be maintained.  I hope that this is helpfull.
I hope that you have a phenomenal day!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.                                               

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