Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Summary Of The Second Part Of The Third Session Of Course Six

The structure of physical space-time-fabric as a unit as a toroidal disc is basically infinitely larger than us, yet alone than the superstrings and gauge-actions that comprise the substringular realm.
The toroidal nature of the Ultimon exists as it is because the field thus formed involves a differential geometry that guards the phenomena that is innate to the world-tubes from exiting the realm where the associated superstrings kinematically differentiate in per instanton from falling out of the physical portion of space and time.  Take the nature of hoops that form a ring-like structure, such as the world-tubes that form the kinematic operand of Fourier differentiable space-time-fabric. Interconnect these hoops to a center that is to provide a vacuum of potential energy that indirectly forms the Basis of the kinematic operations that allow the substringular to move throughout every gauge-metric and instanton on account of the Laplacian-based interconnection between the said vacuum and the described world-tubes.  Consider the parallelogram-like structure of the Main Heterotic-String-Fabric that interconnects the three sets of hoops so that there may be an association of the commutations of each set of universes with the others.  Such a structure works to explain why there is a thin relatively concave-up nature --curving toward a said observer -- from outside of physical space and time relative to the center of the described toroidal disc.  Now, think of the condition that time moves both forwards and backwards at the same time.  This is involved with the interial hoops of each set of the described ring-like structures (the sets of two hoops that are within those hoops that are most exterial to the structure of the Ultimon).  Such a reverse directoralization that happens in-between each instanton involved with the flow of backwards moving time is relatively antiholomoriphic or clockwise directoralized toward a theoretical exterial observer (The Grand Architect of the Universe) versus the relatively holomorphic or counterclockwise directoralized flow in-between each instanton of substringular phenomena that exists in the course of forward moving time (again, relative to the Grand Architect of the Universe).        
This would explain the opposite Laplacian concavity -- curving toward a said observer that is observing physical space and time in the opposite direction --  on the other side of the toroidal disc, that, to the perspective of one facing in the opposite direction as before, would also bear a relatively concave up while flowing inward shape that curves to the correspondingly small annulus at its center.  So, such a structure allows for the Laplacian-based geometrical Ward conditions that thence allow for the Fourier Transformations that allow for the kinematic differentiation that happens over the course of successive instantons.  This should help you to understand part two of session 3 of course 6 better.  Sincerely, Sam Roach.                       

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