Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Part One Of Session Ten Of Course Six

Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here to provide you with another session on the sixth course that I had written the gist of back in 2002.  This course is about the toroidal nature of superstrings.
How does the flow of the point particles of all of the tori-sector-ranges, taken as a whole, fit together?
Some of the tori-sector-ranges within the Ultimon, at any given instant in-between individual durations of instanton, are flowing faster than others, and some of the tori-sector-ranges within the Ultimon are traveling slower than others at any given instant in-between individual durations of instantons.  There are many tori-sector-ranges within the Ultimon that are going through their transversal and radial propagations within their eigen operands, or, in other words, these ranges are flowing at such a rate so exactly similar that you may as well say that their flow is at the exact same rate with no significant differences here.  What allows the differences in the flow rates of these tori-sector-ranges relative to one another while still allowing for a smoothly running Ultimon and thereby a smoothly running Continuum?  Forward time momentum ironically moves relatively counterclockwise or, in other words holomoriphically, through the Ultimon.  Substringular encoders for forward moving time exist in a different "hoop" than that of substringular encoders of backward moving time.  Clocks move relatively clockwise.  Let's say that that a particular tori-sector-range flowed slower than average.  Several tori-sector-ranges "behind" it were moving faster than what here would be deemed as an average rate.  The tori-sector-ranges would gradually slow down to the rate of the slower tori-sector-range that was relatively holomoriphically positioned ahead of the said range for forward moving time ore positioned relatively antiholomoriphically ahead of the mentioned range for backward moving time.  Tori-Sector-Range flow rate a is almost instantaneous in-between the durations of instanton eigenmetrics, and instantons are the smallest units of discrete time that we may normally detect, since instantons are discrete units of organized duration.  Ultimon cycle is in about 10^(-43)I seconds, so, tori-sector-range flow does not differ in duration over the course of our Continuum by any significant degree spontaneously -- although instanton has slowed mildly since the "Big-Bang."  So, the differences in the rates of any tori-sector-ranges when taken in a covariant Laplacian manner in-between two specific eigenstates of instanton are always within a googleth of an imaginary second of Sub-Fourier Translation in terms of the group velocity of the individual of such ranges correlative to one another.  This means that that all of the action of the Continuum is defined in the substringular in what we may conceive of as the integration of both all of organized and unorganized time.  What I just stated here is the summation of all of the instantons plus the summation of all of the Ultimon flows that occur in-between the described instantons -- So, physical time equals the summation of all Real and Imaginary Time.  Imaginary Time is the summation of all of the gauge-metrics that occur in such a relatively disorganized manner in that we as people are not generally able to percieve of the eigenstates and the sub-eigenstates that transpire during such an unnoticed set of durations.  We as people are only able to detect time -- for all practical purposes -- when the superstrings that make up discrete units of energy permittivity are organized according to the Ward Laplacian conditions that are affiliated within their conformal dimensions.  One-dimensional superstrings have a basis of a conformal dimension of one while two-dimensional superstrings have a basis of a conformal dimension of two.  The condition of the organization of conformal dimension is based on the Laplacian mapping out of the associated hermicity that each superstring bears both individuallyand multiplictly during instanton while also simultaneously groupwise in terms of the iteration and the reiteration of all of the unfrayed superstrings that exist after instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode on account of the fact that all unfrayed superstrings go through instanton simultaneously on account of the sub-metric that happens instantaneously in terms of a multiplicity terrestrial manner of determining the gauging of the metrics of the substringular.  I will continue with the suspense later!  I appologize that it is impossible  to describe everything about string theory in a few words without indicating all of the exceptions while still providing a vividly clear meaning as to what I mean.  I thank you for your reading time!
Have a phenomenal day!  Sincerely, Sam.            

Monday, December 27, 2010

Part Two Of Session Nine Of Course 6 (6)

Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here to provide for you the second part of the ninth session of Course Nine!  I hope that my method of conveying information and knowledge makes it relatively easy for at least some people to see the gist as to what I am trying to teach!
As an example of the recycling of a ground-state gauge-condition converting into a norm-state gauge-condition, which will also give you the gist as to how norm-state gauge conditions recycle into ground-state gauge-conditions, I will provide an example that will help the reader to grasp a little bit better what I just recently tried to convey.:  For instance, if a norm-state were to be illuminated at one instant when there were 10^(43) general eigenstrings in a corresponding substringular encoder that is related to one tori-sector-range, then it would take one second for the described norm-state's holonomic topological fabric itself to recycle from the condition of being a norm-state to being a ground-state back to being a norm-state.  Yet, extrapolation methods would not be able to directly detect such changes in the associated norm-state field on account of indistinguishable differences.  Or, for instance, if a norm-state were to be illuminated at one instant when there were 10^(40) general eigenstrings in a corresponding substringular encoder that is related to one tori-sector-range, then it would take one millisecond for the described norm-state's holonomic topological fabric itself to recycle from the condition of being a norm-state to being a ground state back to being a norm-state.  Respectively, if a ground-state were to be illuminated at one instant when under the two prior individually taken conditions, the first proscribed ground-state would recycle its holonomic topological fabric itself from ground to norm to ground in one second, while the second proscribed ground-state would recycle its holonomic topological fabric itself from ground to norm to ground in on millisecond.  When a norm-state or a ground-state redelineates from one tori-sector-range to another, it will take two whole seconds for its holonomic topological substance itself to recycle fully if both of the related substringular encoders contained 10^43 eigenstrings in a corresponding substringular encoder, two milliseconds for its holonomic topological substance itself to fully recycle if both of the related substringular encoders contained 10^40 eigenstrings, and 1.001 seconds for its holonomic topological subsance itself to fully recycle if one of the related substringular encoders contained 10^40 eigenstrings while the other related encoder contained 10^43 eigenstrings.  This holds true only under the conditions of one discrete unit of time being exactly 10^(-43) seconds.  As described before, we only generally notice activity that happens from within the Main-World-Tubes.  The Royal Arc, the Main Heterotic String Fabric, and the hoops that contain the substringular encoders are -- for all practical purposes -- undetectable by us under normal conditions.  What I mean by a full recycling of the holonomic topological substance of a norm-state means that the mini-string or substringular field of such a superstring taken as specific covariant entities that are mapped out in terms of their redistribution and redelineation -- although indistinguishably replaced to allow for a minimization of excess entropy -- takes anywhere from one millisecond to two seconds for the whole process of being converted from its here original norm-state-based phenomenon to a ground-state-based phenomenon then back into a norm-state-based pheonemenon.  This is only under the conditions that only two layers of reality are shared by the indistinguishable replacement of mini-string for a ground or a norm state over the course of about two terrestrial seconds -- if you get my drift. Yet this does not necessarily mean that the recycled norm-state here described is relocalized back into the identicle Fourier Translation of where its original covariant-based field was located.  The same is true for the full recycling of ground-states, except that the mini-string of ground-states recycles into norm-states that reconvert back into ground-states.

The reason as to why there must be a Royal Arc is that the number of second-ordered point particles that exist in the Main Heterotic String Fabric -- which is where superstrings are pulled into association with all three sets of parallel universes in-between the course of each instanton, and is also the general region where norm-states convert most directly into ground-states, while also acting as the basis of the jointal translation of phenomena -- must be counterbalanced by the same number of second-ordered point particles that exist within a relatively smooth-curved Ward Neumman Bounds that acts to most directly recycle ground-states into norm-states.  Once norm and ground states convert into ground and norm states, these states -- in terms of their holonomic topological substance -- convert back into norm and ground states that are correspondingly localized, under the conditions of indistinguishable covariant codifferentiating differences, at whichever locus such eigenstates of gauge-action are encoded to be at according to the combined conditions of the Laplacian and Fourier Translation of the substringular encoders, the Laplacian and Fourier Translation of the said holonomic topological phenomena in terms of the substringular association that exists in the integrable summed partial differentiation of superstrings with their corresponding "mini-bases" during the Bases of Light, the multiplicitly applied covariance of imaginary supercharge in terms of all of the effective Real Reimmanian  and Njenhuis directoralizations that such eigenstates of charge bear permittivity within and/or amongst each other, and, the Laplacian and the Fourier Translations that are associated with the status of orientation of the given superstring -- orientable superstrings obey Noether Flow, while unorientable superstrings are tachyonic.  I would think that I've described enough today!  Study hard -- Test Two of this course will be two sessions from now!  God Bless You, and you have a phenomenal day and a merry new year!  Sincerely, Sam.  

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Part One Of Session Nine Of Course Six

Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here!  I am here today to begin to write about what I have in store for you for the ninth session of Course Nine!
How does electromagnetic energy -- particularly visible light -- become a part of this majorized Royal Arc of half-hoops that work to propagate the input of all of the information of the physical portion of space and time to the various positions of the Continuum where it needs to go?  Remember the strings that take up the residue of a torus?  Some of this residue, when fully collected by the central stringular encodements  of forward moving time that work to indirectly yet significantly encode for the redistributions that occur over the successive series of many instantons, goes "up" and "around" the countered general world-sheets relative to both pairing pairs, while the remainder of this residue goes a little "up" and then "straight" across to the pairing string of the pairing general world-sheets.  This action happens because upward motion includes screw momentum that goes from an arbitrary "pi" to a corresponding relative "pi/2" and subsequently to a corresponding "0pi," while a residue of this is a remainder that just tags along by means of the "x-axis.'" The slight motion "up" of the latter is due to any other minor fractor of frictions that will always be there during the traspiring of such gauge-metrics.  This friction is between arcing residue And residue that won't arc.  The arcing residue is residue of ground sates that need to temporarily become norm states, while the residue that just goes across is residue of norm-states that needs to temporarily become ground states.  This residue does not become completely taken care of in one swipe.  The number of swipes  of instanton that it takes for full recycling of a ground state to a norm state or a norm state to a ground state is equal to the number of general strings in the associated encoder of the corresponding tori-sector-range multiplied by 10^(-43) seconds.  It may appear that a ground state becomes norm or a norm state becomes ground immediately because there are basically countless indistinguishably different particles  This means that there are many particles that are different when considered in a literal tense, yet have the same make-up and behave the same way to where you can pretty much say that these are the same particles.  If the composition of a local tori-sector-range were to change, then it takes the number of swipes of instatnon equal to what would have occurred theoretically when involving the initial substringular encoder plus the number of swipes of instanton that would occur theoretically when involving the newly operative stringular encoder in order for the substringular field of specific ground and norm states recycle into each other while that recycling back into their original type of subspace (ground or norm, respectively).  Again, the parity, spin-orbital momentum, and the transversal momentum of such described superstrings would appear from the outside to have not changed unless a perturbative force altered the conditions of the said superstrings, if such strings are in conformal invariance due to indistinguishable differences.  Likewise, the specific covariant codifferentiating locus as to where such associated ground-state-based mini-string and norm-state-based mini-string may vary, as it inevitably does, so that the recycling of Ward Conditions may propagate so as to allow change that invariably here indirectly causes the Gaussian Transformations that act as the Jacoban eigenbases that allow for superstrings to interact in such a manner that these get permittivity "fed" back into them so that these may be the basis of energy so that energy and existence may exist at all.  I will continue the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.        

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Summary Of The Eighth Session Of Course Six

Hi there again world, this is Samuel Roach here!  How are you doing?!  I am here today to discuss more as to what I meant when I typed out the seventh session of Course Six.
For each Basis of Light, there are five thousand bases of stringular encoders and five thousand bases of stringular encoder counterparts.  During instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode, these bases of stringular encoders along with their counterparts mold the holonomic substance of their Laplacian Ward Caucy conditions into one "central" substringular encoder that is directly associated with one substringular encoder.
This just described central encoder and its counterstring are directly interconnected in a Gliossi manner to mini-string strands that are directly interconnected via a multiplicitly variable Laplacian Lagrangian to all of the first-ordered point particles and their counterparts that comprise all of the superstrings that are directly associated with all of the Planck phenomenon related phenomena tha are direcly affilliated with all of the discrete units of energy that comprise the layer of reality that the described encoder and its corresponding counterpart are encoded to "grasp" to.  The "grasping" of the mini-string that is subtended from the encoder-based substrings to their corresponding first-ordered point particles that comprise the superstrings and counterstrings that act as the multiplicit basis of discrete physical energy occurs via a Gliossi interconnection.
Regular substringular encoders are directly interconnected via a multiplicitly variable Lagrangian to the regular superstrings of their layer of realtiy, while substringular encoder counterparts are directly interconnected via a multiplicitly variable Lagrangian to the substringular counterparts of their layer of reality.  Phenomena that is not illuminated from one layer of reality to a substrate of the same or of a different layer of reality on account of a perturbation in the angular deflection of the light from one source to another -- which is what causes the Ward Polarization that makes various phenomena from one point appear as dark matter relative to an initial source of extrapolation -- is produced in the ratio relative to what we deem of as "light" matter on account of the following metrical interaction:  The Kaeler Metric is that interaction which happens to every superstring over a relatively small number of instantons when the just described superstring needs to obtain the permittivity that it needs in order to remain as a discrete unit of energy that is operateable through space.  The most common cause of the Kaeler Metric is caused by the scattering of electromagnetic energy.  During each instanton that involves the Kaeler Metric, the superstrings that enter the associated Klein Bottle eigenstate are shook back-and-forth eight times directly prior to the Regge Action that directly procedes this gauge-metric during such a eigenmetric of this Gaussian Transformation which arbitrarily here is specifically a gauge-transformation.  Eight back-and-forth motions envolves sixteen "sways."  Directly at the sixteenth of such sways, the associated superstrings that undergo such a motion to increase in metric-gauge by one discrete unit per eigenstate of Kaeler Metric, the described superstrings are propagated from the associated Klein Bottle so as to go immediately into Regge Action.  During the Kaeler Metric, what is normally the duration of the Regge Action is decreased in duration by a factor of two so that the given activity in the described Klein Bottle eigenstate may transpire with the same duration as the said Regge Action so that their is no lag in instanton.  Ward Polarization is associated with the electrostatic hiding of masses and energies on account of often increased frequency in the Kaeler Metric in certain regions of the space-time-fabric.  So, the proportion as to the duration of superstrings being hid in the multiplicit Klein Bottle eigenstataes to the duration of their appearance outside of the Klein Bottle is the same proportion as the proportion of dark matter versus light matter.  That is why there is fifteen times as much dark matter as light matter.  Have a phenomenal day!  Sincerely, Sam.                                                     

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

More About Orientable Superstrings

Hey there world, this is Samuel Roach here!  I am here to mention today a little more about orientable superstrings than I have discussed before.           

Superstrings may be determined as orientable or non-orientable via their behavior during the Bette Action and/or during the Regge Action that happens in the vicinity of the instanton that an individual superstring is differentiating in from within a brief sequence of metrics that occur within one discrete unit of what we view of as discern able time.  Whether a superstring is considered orientable or whether a superstring is considered non-orientable is based upon whether the Grassman Constant is even during the Bette Action and/or during the Regge Action.  An even Grassman Constant is the condition in which the multiplicit eigenstates of the substringular field that exists in-between a given superstring and its counterpart bear a relatively flush hermicity or not.  The multiplicit field eigenstates of the field that exists in-between a superstring and its counterpart may be relatively flush in a hermitian manner whether the Laplacian-based sum field is torsioned or not, yet also, the multiplicit field eigenstates of the field that exists in-between a superstring and its counterpart may be relatively non-homeomorphic and/or non-hermitian whether the Laplacian-based sum field is torsioned or not.  What helps to determine whether the summed field eigenstates of the field that exists in-between a superstring and its counterpart is homeomorphic and hermitian is based on if the given Laplacian integration of the field of an associated superstring bears a sequence in which the individual field eigenstates of the described field are all sequentially Ward parallel in terms of the Minkowski pointal connections that work to associate each of the multiplicitly Laplacian-based sequential eigenstates -- each of such eigenstates of which are comprised of one strand of mini-string that is attached at both ends via a small yet taut tying that exists metrically around the duration of instanton in the locus that exists in-between a superstring and its corresponding counterstring.  So, as an example, an orientable one-dimensional superstring may have a field in-between its own entity and its corresponding counterstring that is angled as a unit in one of a variety of ways, yet, as long as the given superstring is truly orientable, then, during either the Bette Action and/or during the Regge Action, the associated integrable summed field will form a plane of horizontal relatively flat lines that are straight according to the same manner of conformal dimension of the corresponding superstring that is here being described.  As another example, an orientable two-dimensional superstring may have a field that exists in-between itself and its corresponding counterstring  that is angled as a unit in one of a variety of ways, yet, as long as the given superstring is truly orientabe, then, during either the Bette Action and/or during the Regge Action, the associated integrable summed field will form a curved plane of horizontal relatively flat lines that are each sequentially parallel to each other  according to the same manner of conformal dimension of the corresponding superstring that is here being described.  Such a homeomorphic and hermitian field that exists in between a superstring and its counterstring during the Bette Action and/or during the Regge Action inevitably allows for the latter association of the given superstring with its corresponding Basis of Light right before the ensuing instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode to be of such that will allow the described superstring to differentiate according to Noether Flow.  Yet, if the field in-between a superstring and its corresponding counterstring is not homeomorphic and hermitian as according to the Laplacian Ward conditions of that same superstring's conformal dimensionality, then, the latter association of the given superstring with its corresponding Basis of Light right before the ensuing instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode will be of a nature that causes the described superstring to be tachyonic instead of obeying Noether Flow.              

  I believe that this is enough for now.  You have a marvelous day!  Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Summary Of The Seventh Session Of Course Six

Light during instanton is composed of Planck phenomenon related phenomena that are attached to certain types of closed, bosonic superstrings via the light-cone-gauge.
Light's Basis right before instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode is comprised of the multiplicitly gathered Planck phenomenon related phenomena of all of the unfrayed layers of reality that bear wave-tug upon their corresponding superstrings in such a manner so that the interelation between the then bunched-up Fadeev-Popov-Ghost-like phenomena and their corresponding superstrings in terms of both the shear Laplacian Ward Conditions as well as in terms of the Sub-Fourier Ward Conditions during the period of the Bases of Light, which I call the "space-hole", works to predetermine the multiplicit relationships as to which of such Traces directly associates with which of such superstrings during the soon ensuing instanton.
The Arc corresponding with positive flowing time that interconnects the corresponding two world-tubes that supply the operand in which the kinematic basis of space-time-fabric codifferentiation that is founded upon for one set of universes, as well as the corallary-based Arc corresponding with negative flowing time that interconnects the corresponding two world-tubes that supply the operand in which the kinematic basis of space-time fabric codifferentiation that is founded upon the same set of universes exists in the same general manner for all three sets of parallel universes.  This Arc that I am describing exists to allow for the region in which ground-states may gradually -- with indistinguishable differences -- recycle into norm-states so that that part of the recycling of differential geometries may occur.
The region where the Main Heterotic String Fabric exists provides the traces of mini-string that act as the counterparts of each individual Basis of Light during the sub-metric in which what I term as the "space-hole" happens.  This counterpart to each Basis of Light that exists holonomically and spontaneously during the described sub-metric consists of mini-string that is untied from norm-states that allows for the recycling of norm-states into ground-states.  Just as such mini-string is redelineated as is here described, an equal amount of mini-string is brought back to the locus where the norm-states that are being recycled are at in such a manner so as to not have the appearance of any holonomic perturbation in the condition of the said norm-states under normal conditions (again, here, we are talking about indistinguishable differences).  Likewise, the first-ordered point particles  which are being recycled that comprise their corresponding strings recycle their fields via the redelineation of mini-string in such a way that any feasible detection would have the appearance of the maintainance of the condition of the said first-ordered point particles (again, here, we are talking about indistinguishable differences).  The indistinguishable differences as described here are due to the back-and-forth ebbing of substringular field or mini-string that causes the recycling of ground-states into norm-states to be ballanced by the recycling of norm-states into ground-states.  The recycling of jointal to smooth-curved and smooth-curved to jointal relativistic Ward Neumman Conditions only is consistent with unfrayed space-time-fabric.  Such recycling, since balanced evenly in a euclidean manner, does not show variance via the detection or extrapolation of any superstring or norm-state.  The described recycling is operative because mini-string needs to be shared continuously throughout the surrounding topological surface in order to allow for the vibration of substringular fields to maintain the ability of both the harmonics and the anharmonics that are necessary in order to allow for the flow of Schwinger Indices that are necessary for the activation and operation of the Rarita Structure.  The activity that happens to the Rarita Structure is necessaray in order for the Ricci-Scalar to bear a relation between gravitational superstrings with those superstrings that "dance" to allow for that kinetic energy, electromagnetic energy, and mass so that phenomena may interelate and not fly appart.  That way, reality bears at least some sort of order.  The Schwinger Indices also -- through their consistent harmonic and anharmonic vibrations, operate to pull the mini-string that needs to be recycled into their respective mediums via a fractor of "convection" that allows for that flow of non-frayed mini-stringular phenomena that allows for an inter-relatable flowing topological surface that bears enough hermicity so that homotopy may have the chance to be maintained.  I hope that this is helpfull.
I hope that you have a phenomenal day!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.                                               

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Summary Of The Third Part Of Session Five Of Course Six

Hi there world, this is Samuel Roach here.  I am here today to summarize the third part of the fifth session of Course Six.
Physicality is comprised of 96 spacial dimensions plus time.  Each set of parallel universes is comprised of 32 spacial dimensions plus time.  Even though one may have conformal dimensions of various phenomena which may arbitrarily be comprised of anywhere from 0 to 32 spacial dimensions plus time in any given universe, the foundation of dimensionality is a three dimensional base -- to where, when one observes any phenomena up close enough, everything has a relative "up, down, and side-to-side" as well as the opposite "side" to each of these fundamental holomoriphic positionings in any arbitrary case.  Conformal dimensionality corresponds to what makes up the dimensionality of a phenomena so as to invariably define what comprises the basis of what we would normally describe as one-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional...32-dimensional in terms of how we in the globally distinguishable are able to determine and value these dimensions in one set of parallel universes.
So, the holonomic entity of a one-dimensional superstring works to define the general basis as to what has one dimension when one considers one Laplacian framework at instanton; the holonomic entity of a two-dimensional superstring works to define the general basis as to what has two dimensions when one considers one Laplacian framework at instanton, etc... .  So, based on conformal dimensions that work to define the basis of dimensionality as a whole, there are phenomena in each set of parallel universes (sundry numbers of these) that, depending on the Laplacian and/or the Fourier conditions of these various phenomena, may exist in anywhere from 0 (for a point particle given a Laplacian condition) to 32 dimensions plus time.
I hope that this "sheds light" on what I had posted the other day.  Sincerely, Sam.    

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Summary Of Part Two Of Session Five Of Course Six

Hi there people, this is Samuel Roach here!  I hope that you are doing fantastic!  I am here now to ellaborate as to some of what I meant when I typed out the second part of the fith session of Course Six.
Think of this metaphor that is based on a reverse fractored tense relative to what I mean by parallel universes verses layers of reality.  Let us say that each life consistency that bears a soul was allagorical to a universe.  The various frameworks of their state of thought (the sets of general thoughts that each soul consistency imbued into their thinking) would be analogous to different layers of reality.  So, when a person "changes" their mind, each discrete set of such changes would here be analogous to a different layer of reality.  Correspondingly, many people may experience basically the same reality at the same time -- which is analogous to the concept that every universe shares certain "layers" of reality.  Often, the thoughts of many individuals and or the thoughts of an individual living creature may have the same thought pattern.  This is analogous to the condition that each type of universe is mirrored 9.1 million times, and there is 150,000 net layers of reality that each universe shares in total.

When multiple adjacent second-ordered point particles that are adjacet belong to the same layer of reality, then the sub-mini-string interconnections between these second-ordered point particles is going to tend to be tend to be based on a Semi-Laplacian-Based abelian differential geometry.  What I mean by an abelian differential geometry is that the interconnections between the said second-ordered point particles here bears a direct wave-tug that pushes and/or pulls the phenomena that it is covariantly interacting with through a unitary-based directoralized Lagrangian over the course of two consecutive instantons.
When multiple adjacent second-ordered point particles that are adjacent belong to a different layer of reality, then the sub-mini-string interconnecgtions between these second-ordered point particles is going to tend to be based on a Semi-Laplacian-Based non-abelian differential geometry.  What I mean by a non-abelian differential geometry is that the interconnections between the said second-ordered point particles here bears an indirect wave-tug that pushes and/or pulls the phenomena that it is covariantly interacting with through a multiplicitly-based directoralized Lagrangian over the course of two consecutive instantons.  The condition of the torsion that is applied to sub-mini-string, which is one level below discrete substringular field, works to define the condition as to whether such chord-like material is relatively jointal in nature (which is more relevant to abelian conditions), or as to whether such chord-like material is relatively smooth-curved in nature (which is more relevant to non-abelian conditios).
The other manner in which one may reffer to a "chord-like" phenomena in the substringular is that Planck phenoman related phenomena that are adjacent and of the same universe, since these bear more of an unborne tangency relative to one another, tend to bear more of an abelian interconnection with the other associated Planck phenomena related phenomena that I am here describing in this paragraph.
Such mini-string interconnection here that tends to be relatively abelian bears a direct wave-tug, even though the Lagrangian that is pulled through here does not necessarily bear a unitary directoralization in terms of the Lagrangian that the said phenomena pushes through.  Likewise, Planck-Like phenomena that are of different universes bear mini-string interconnection that tends to not bear as much direct wave-tug upon each other, and the said norm-conditions here do not have as much of an unborne tangency.
I will continue the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam.    

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I Would Like To Know What You Want To Learn

Hey there world!  This is Samuel Roach here.  I am writing a post today that aims at finding out what you -- the reader -- wants to learn from my blog that I perhaps am not being clear enough at describing.

Would you like to know more about norm-states?
Would you like to know more about superstrings?
Would you like to know more about counterstrings?
Would you like to know more about gauge-bosons, heterotic strings of different natures, gauge-metrics, metric-gauges, what I describe as the Bases or Basis of Light, what I describe as the Main Heterotic String Fabric, what I mean by some of my analogies, the Higgs Action, the Klein Bottle, etc... .

So, what you may do in the near future is to think about what you would like me to explain better by asking me good questions, and afterwards, type these questions down to me so that I may be able to adequately answer the questions that you may ask.

If you have any disagreements with some of the general ideas that I describe in my posts, please feel free to try to form a dialogue with me.  You see, although I can see basically what I am writing about, once in a great while I might make a little mistake here or there.  Communication among many people who are seeking to see a common accurate view always involves at least a certain amount of dialogue.  Dialogue, to me, means -- I can make mistakes, you can make mistakes, I do many things without conceptual errors, and yet, you too do many things without conceptual errors.  Perhaps, if we put our heads together metaphorically, we will be able to synergetically do a lot more with more accuracy than what we would only be able to do on our own.
Yet, my concept of string theory on the whole as a general picture I know is right because I can see what I am "talking" about.  So, if one were to disagree with me on something that I know is true, I will try to see the other person's point, yet, I would feel obligated to explain to the described other reader why certain things have to be the way that they are.  Sometimes, I'm guessing that, although the concept is basically there pretty good (perfection is a falacy), I may describe certain things with the wrong term or with incorrect spelling (the latter I am certain is more often the case).  So don't be afraid of helping me to word my ideas in a manner that is more appropriate if and when this is the given situation.

I am here to help others.  That is my main goal in this blog.  That is my main goal in life. If we all pitched in more that we pitched out, this world would be a much better place.  That is why I only want comments and questions that show a yearning to improve the knowledge of string theory in one significant and important way or another.
To the people who want to advance the knowledge of mankind, I am very gratefull.  
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Summary Of Part One Of Session Five Of Course Six

Well hello again world, this is Sam Roach here!  I am here today to explain a little bit more what I meant by "chords" in the first part of the fifth session of Course Six.
Every first-ordered point particle is interconnected with other first-ordered point particles via mini-string.  Mini-String is the phenomena based substance of substringular fields.  Mini-String is comprised of second-ordered point particles that exist in bi-holomoriphic succession in such a way so as to form curved and straight lines of interconnection that interconnect the first-ordered point particles that form the substance of norm-states, relatively loose point commutators, superstrings, and the counterparts of norm-states and the counterparts of superstrings (not to mention heterotic strings, the Klein Bottle eigenstates, and the Higgs Action eigenstates.  Second-Ordered point particles are comprised of third-orderd point particles.  Third-Ordered point particles only exist in the loci where second-orderd point particles exist in.  Second-Ordered point particles that are adjacent to one another are interconnected with each other via what I term as sub-mini-string.  Sub-Mini-String is thread-like and not pointal in nature.  Sub-Mini-String most directly interconnects third-ordered point particles that are interbound in the loci of second-ordered point particles.  The sub-mini-string that interconnects point particles is more direct in wave-tug (tending here to imply a condition of conformal straightness or flushness), or, in other words, the sub-mini-string that interconnects point particles is more abelian in-between second-ordered point particles that are adjacent when the said successive point particles are of the same layer of reality.  A layer of reality is a set of substringular phenomena of one whole space-time-framework of the same or of different universes that have the same ratio of Ying and the same ratio of Yang.  Susbstringular phenomena that are of different layers of reality, when the said phenomena are relating to second-ordered point particles that are adjacent, do not tend to have as abelian of a wave interconnection as adjacent substringular phenomena that are adjacent that are of the same layer of reality.  Here, what I mean by an abelian interconnection is a direct wave-tug that pushes or pulls in a uni-direcoralized Lagrangian.  At the pointal level, such a wave-tug tends to be conformally straight or flush relative to the immediate surroundings of the associated point particles.                                          

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Summary Of The Second Part Of The Fourth Session Of Course Six

Well hello once again, this is Sam Roach here!  I am here today to further summarize the fourth session of Course Six.
Phenomena of one set of parallel universes may exist in anywhere from one to 32 dimensions, depending on the conformal dimensionality of a given phenomena, the locus of where it is differentiating, and the Lagrangian that it is differentiating in, both in terms of the Laplacian and/or the Fourier Transformations that a said phenomena is being redelineated and/or redistributed through operationally via the operand of space.  Yet, when one gets right down to it, even though superstrings are either two-dimensional or one-dimensional -- depending on whether the said superstrings are bosonic or fermionic -- and point particles are considered as zero dimensional phenomena, the foundation of the existence of operational kinematic substance is based on the existence of three dimensions that interact on a fractored level when it comes to the very small phenomena that I described that has a conformal dimension of two, one, or zero, respectively.

So, a superstring that has a conformal dimension of one has a field that bears at least two spacial dimensions, and a superstring that has a conformal dimension of two has a field that bears at least three spacial dimensions. The condition of one-dimensional strings having a field that bears two spacial dimensions is based on the most fundamental Laplacian-based delineation of a one-dimensional superstring.
The condition of two-dimensional strings having a field that bears three dimensions is based on the most fundamental Laplacian-based delineation of two-dimensional superstrings.
A supersting moves through space over a Fourier Transformation that bears kinematic operation that is relative to the Fourier Transformations that appertains to the kinematic operation of the other superstrings that exist in physical space-time-fabric.  The mapping of the transference of a superstring from its basis of field dimensionality into one or more dimensions that incorporate the kinematic operation of the said superstring over the course of instantons via a Fourier Transformation describes a multidimensional setting that is propagated through the operand of space into other dimensions that may be described by one or more axial directoralizations.  Such a framework of dimensionality that is propagated through via the basis of one or more axials that allows for the kinematic operation of a superstring over the course of a relatively limited Fourier Transformation is what I mean in my writings as a Lagrangian.  As you will learn in later courses, the norm conditions of corresponding Planck phenomenon related phenomena relative to one another is one of the main reasons why superstrings of one universe tend to operate kinematically through time in that universe as a general tendency unless such norm conditions are altered.  You will learn more about what I mean by such norm conditions later in courses nine and ten -- and I wish to sell courses nine and ten before then.
I hope that I am building tremendous suspense for my readers, and I will continue the suspense later!
You have a phenomenal day!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.                

Friday, December 3, 2010

An Important Correction To An Implied Error

When phenomena travels through a worm-hole, the phenomena that enters the worm-hole converts its light-cone-gauge topology from a Kaluza-Klein topology to a Yang-Mills topology so that the described phenomena that goes through the worm-hole may go at the speed of light or a little bit faster without having all of the mass in the universe, although a vast majority of the large "speed" of a worm-hole is via the bending of space-time-fabric.                 
So, even though, in a sense, in a worm-hole, Lorentz-Four-Contractions are based on (2^.5) the speed of light, since phenomena that goes through a worm-hole while in the said worm-hole has a light-cone-gauge topology that is Yang-Mills, the described phenomena that is being transported does not have a mass during the said transport, all though every superstring bears a mass index.  If all of the black-holes were destroyed, this activity may possibly alter what Lorentz-Four-Contractions are based upon outside of worm-holes.
You see, if black-holes were to be destroyed in such a manner so that the condition of the vacuum of homogeneous and operationally hermitian point particles at the center of each galaxy were to allow for the continued orbital kinematics of the stars of each respective galaxy, then the said activity would allow for the continued existence of astronomic circulation without  so much of a risk to the associated planets, while allowing space-time-fabric not to contract at the point of the maximum of the universes expansion.
My lips are sealed from this point.    

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Summary Of Part One Of Session Four Of Course Six

A Fourier Transformation is a description of changes that happen over the duration of the successive series of more than one instanton.  A Laplacian Transformation is a description of changes that happen in space that either do not involve any duration Or a Laplacian Transformation may, in other cases, be a description of changes that happen in space in a duration that is within the metrical duration of one instanton.
Since the future may be changed easier than the past, space-time substance tends to be more granular than fabrical.
When a superstring is usually directly affiliated with one layer of reality in one specific universe, than its home tori-sector-range and its home universe tend to be constant -- with no spontaneous changes in the prior named conditions.  The just described condition is considering what is distinguishable to extrapolation and detection, since the mini-string or substringular field substance of individual point particles is interchanged in the process of the recycling of the said holonomic phenomena -- in terms of the specific delineation of the amount, multiplicitly dimensionally curvedness, abelian geometry, permittivity, impedance, Yau Exact and/or Chern Simmons singularity conditions, light-cone gauge conditions, Schwinger wave-tug and wave-pull conditions, condition of holomoriphicity and directoralization, all of the Fock Space components of space and time, and in terms of the specific delineation of the counterpart-related point particles that have partitions that bear opposite Laplacian holomoriphicity relative to the partitions that exist among the point particles that comprise the kinematic operation of space-time superstrings, to where, during each instanton, every apparently indistinguishably different first-ordered point particle and every apparently indistinguishably different superstring is at least partially renewed in such a manner so as to not make a noticeable difference on account of the substringular recycling that involves the intechange of mini-string or substringular field.  Yet, still, the indistinguishable condition of first-ordered point particles and superstrings, that, from all practical appearance are the same over the course of a successive series of instantons, happens during conformal invariance.  The more that a first-ordered point particle and/or a superstring tends to remain in one layer of reality, the more that the said first-ordered point particle and/or the superstring tends to remain in its home tori-sector-range.  So, even if a point or string may vary in the universe that it exists in during the course of a tense of Fourier Transformation, in so long as the universes that the said phenomena differentiate through over the set duration that is here being described, exist in universes that have the exact same pecentage of relative Ying and Yang, then such described substringular phenomena are continuing in the same "layer" of reality.  The condition of substringular phenomena remaining over a prolonged duration in one layer of reality unless a perturbative force bears a direct Gliossi "infringement" upon the said substringular phenomena, is a condition of Fourier Transformation that is conformally invariant when compared to phenomena that are unstable in terms of which layer of reality that such related phenomena exist in -- particularly when the described instability happens spontaneously or without a significantly perturbative force acting directly upon the latest described points or strings that here do not have a stable home tori-sector-range.
I hope that I have been helpfull!  I will continue the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Summary Of The Second Part Of The Third Session Of Course Six

The structure of physical space-time-fabric as a unit as a toroidal disc is basically infinitely larger than us, yet alone than the superstrings and gauge-actions that comprise the substringular realm.
The toroidal nature of the Ultimon exists as it is because the field thus formed involves a differential geometry that guards the phenomena that is innate to the world-tubes from exiting the realm where the associated superstrings kinematically differentiate in per instanton from falling out of the physical portion of space and time.  Take the nature of hoops that form a ring-like structure, such as the world-tubes that form the kinematic operand of Fourier differentiable space-time-fabric. Interconnect these hoops to a center that is to provide a vacuum of potential energy that indirectly forms the Basis of the kinematic operations that allow the substringular to move throughout every gauge-metric and instanton on account of the Laplacian-based interconnection between the said vacuum and the described world-tubes.  Consider the parallelogram-like structure of the Main Heterotic-String-Fabric that interconnects the three sets of hoops so that there may be an association of the commutations of each set of universes with the others.  Such a structure works to explain why there is a thin relatively concave-up nature --curving toward a said observer -- from outside of physical space and time relative to the center of the described toroidal disc.  Now, think of the condition that time moves both forwards and backwards at the same time.  This is involved with the interial hoops of each set of the described ring-like structures (the sets of two hoops that are within those hoops that are most exterial to the structure of the Ultimon).  Such a reverse directoralization that happens in-between each instanton involved with the flow of backwards moving time is relatively antiholomoriphic or clockwise directoralized toward a theoretical exterial observer (The Grand Architect of the Universe) versus the relatively holomorphic or counterclockwise directoralized flow in-between each instanton of substringular phenomena that exists in the course of forward moving time (again, relative to the Grand Architect of the Universe).        
This would explain the opposite Laplacian concavity -- curving toward a said observer that is observing physical space and time in the opposite direction --  on the other side of the toroidal disc, that, to the perspective of one facing in the opposite direction as before, would also bear a relatively concave up while flowing inward shape that curves to the correspondingly small annulus at its center.  So, such a structure allows for the Laplacian-based geometrical Ward conditions that thence allow for the Fourier Transformations that allow for the kinematic differentiation that happens over the course of successive instantons.  This should help you to understand part two of session 3 of course 6 better.  Sincerely, Sam Roach.