Tuesday, September 15, 2009

GUFT, Session 14

What makes the gravitational force stronger than the weak force? The weak force is the spontaneous force of neucleons to degenerate so that the atoms of the given neucleons will break down into simpler atoms that do not have as many protons and so that these given atoms will not have as many electrons. An atom of an element has as many protons as electrons in so long as this atom is not ionic. Ionic atoms are unstable. Atoms that are not ionic are stable unless these are spontaneously radioactive. Spontaneously radioactive atoms are of short-lived elements. Short-lived elements decay spontaneously because of the weak force. The weak force is a mini-string pull that exists because of the weak gluon combination that binds the given neucleons and the Van der Waals like metric-gauge of the electrons that associate at the outer valence levels of the spontaneously radioactive atoms of the elements given. This mini-string pull is intrinsic to a gluonic force that is tied in a non-superconformal way in that the De-Sitter and Anti-De-Sitter forces of the gluons work to unfurl the given gluonic force due to singularized mini-string tug that is not hermitian and non-perturbative because the interior mini-strings are relatively isolated in terms of spacial metric-gauge-tug neighborhood. This pulls the gluons apart and thereby produces less protons in the nucleus of the given atom. The Van der Waals like energy of the given electrons at the outer valence shells holds these weakly by loose mini-string-tug. The surrounding forces thus remove these outer electrons from the given Real Reimmanian plane. So, the weak force is due to the surrounding forces scattering the isolated mini-strings of overbuilt protons and overbuilt electrons shells. The protons of an atom work together by electromotive force. The build up of excessive protons produces a strong electromotive force in the nucleus that damages gluon fractal modulae in terms of impedance and permittivity because the hermitian and non-perturbative nature of the gluons begins to implode. That produces the prior conditions. Gravity, however, has multiple strands of mini-string that interrelate sets of supplemental norm thru Ricci Scalar eigenstates that push or pull upon all forces via the gravitational formation of the interdimensional Lagrangian of space-time cushion. The ordered and linear fashion of Ricci Scalar eigenstates that intertwine in a multi-faceted intwining that is generally not isolated causes the gravitational force to be stronger than the weak force.
The severred protons, two of these at a time, are then shot out of the atom along with two loosely held electrons to restructure as an alpha particle or helium atom that radiates outward. Sometimes, other electrons on the outside of the atom shoot out as Beta radiation. Sometimes, space energy of an atom shoots out as light or gamma radiation. Occasionally, neutrons then form as protons because of a change in parity and chirality that I described above yet as a reverse process. Changes in gluonic force and changes in electromotive impedance and permittivity may alter the spin-orbital delineation and orbifold handedness in terms of the directoralization of the orbifold Gaussian norm conditions of protons and neutrons to bring about these changes.

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