Monday, September 14, 2009

GUFT, Session 12

The electromotive force is primarily the force of electricity and light. Electromagnetic energy, including light, is the main type of phenomena of force of the force of electricity and light. Light not only exerts force as the source of Calabi-Yau, Calabi-Wilson-Gordan, and Calabi-Calabi interactions, yet light and all other electromagnetic energy exerts force by being the source of all Lorentz-Four-Contractions. Here is how.: All physical phenomena per iteration exerts metric-gauge and Hamiltonian action in the current of related phenomena in all non-tachyonic/tachyonic scattering instances that do no include the instances of ultimon flow. This iterative flow that superstrings, their counterparts, and all Planck phenomenon related  phenomena undergo during the general gist of things per core of BRST is known of as Noether Flow. Noether flow is the spacial differentiation of one Planck length or one Planck radius of a superstring, its counerpart, and/or a Planck phenomenon related phenomena per iteration during the core of BRST. So, in a sense, all non-tachyonic superstrings taken individually, differentiate in one form or another, at the speed of light. Yet these superstrings, as a group unit, differentiate in a relatively close area per metric time on usual occasion. The orbifolds that hold superstrings into a first-ordered manifold also usually differentiate at a faster rate than their orbifold eigenset, yet these orbifolds differentiate in a non-linear fashion as the strings do to an extent. The orbifold eigensets may diffeentiate in general under non-entropic conditions in a linear and exact Gaussian manner with Real Reimmanian scattering as well as the Imaginary constituents of its scattering because the stringular constituents here are ordered by the Landau functioning of the given Jacobian eigenbasis. Since linear and exact differentiation of a Gaussian eigenbasis that forms Minkowski conditions that are norm and Real to the present Hilbert space, and are hermitian in any Hilbert-Ward-Caucy condition are first-order in a mass that defines itself as possibly being a mass when it is of an orbifold eigenset, then the Lorentz-Four-Contraction here applies to physical phenomena that is made of one or more orbifold eignesets, whether it is of mass or plain energy. Plain energy does not obey the mass component of Lorentz-Four-Contractions, since this does not have mass. Yet, a plain energy may not normally per iteration go faster than light, and plain energy obeys the space dilation and the time/speed dilation of the Lorentz-Four-Contractions. Anything that is mass contains one or more orbifold eigensets. Energy that is linear and exact contains one or more orbifold eigensets. Tachyonic propulsion worm-holes, and ultimon flow are the only exceptions to the Lorentz-Four-Contractions. The scattering of light produces a Landau-Gisner action that alters the Gaussian Jacobian eigenbasis of the given orbifold eigensets, and temporarily makes the associated superstrings tachyonic by the perturbated Wick actions that accompany the redifferentiation of norm conditions of the associated orbifolds. This alters temporarily the Yang-Mills structure of the light to be Kaluza-Klein until the scattering resettles to a beginning of requantization of the given light. The light then becomes Yang-Mills again, and fully quantizes, if possible, to the light of its surroundings.

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